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Comparing Tier 11 WoW gear "graphics" to a lvl 11 Inquisitor is not being honest


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Holy h3ll that Warcraft game graphics look horrible. Its like Anime and bright colors combined with things! my eyes!


Comments like this go to show that you aren't an MMO player...


"that Warcraft game"?


What kind of real MMO player doesn't have years of experience with all MMO's... including WoW. This is half the problem - we have this crowd that is relativelly inexperienced when it comes to this type of game so they are impressed by TOR when they shouldn't be. It's standard fare - but missing many of the key components that make a good MMO successful in the long term.


Kinda off topic, but a discussion I had with a friend tonight between Warzones about the "personal" damage meters may be BW's attempt at not having to "balance" this game. If nobody knows what each other is doing - OP classes and UP classes are just conjecture, something that they can dismiss as user bias. It seems that they want this game to remain "casual" throughout and have no intention of allowing those of us who want a competitive experience to have it.


Back on topic, WoW graphics are just as good as TOR's - not better, not worse, just as good... but it's smoothness and responsiveness and combat complexity is far beyond what this game in it's current incarnation is capable of. WoW's gameplay and potential skillcap far exceeds that of TOR and this makes me sad.

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If you're going to compare the graphics of WoW circa 2012 and TOR circa 2012, you can't also try to make some point by comparing the cost to make TOR circa 2012 and the cost to make WoW circa 2004. Can you even imagine how much Blizzard has spent on development over seven years making the game look as good as it does today?


You say that because TOR was released later than WoW that it should have the advantage, but this is actually very false. Game development isn't done over night. If some studio releases a new way to render models tomorrow, you can't expect Guild Wars 2 to utilize these techniques by the time it launches.


MMOs are always playing a game of catch-up, and it costs a lot of time and a lot of money (and, truly, you never actually catch up). Already-released games have a distinct advantage in this regard; they already have the "catching up" train on the tracks because it's all they have left to do. A newly-launched game has so much more on its plate it's not even funny.

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If you're going to compare the graphics of WoW circa 2012 and TOR circa 2012, you can't also try to make some point by comparing the cost to make TOR circa 2012 and the cost to make WoW circa 2004. Can you even imagine how much Blizzard has spent on development over seven years making the game look as good as it does today?


You say that because TOR was released later than WoW that it should have the advantage, but this is actually very false. Game development isn't done over night. If some studio releases a new way to render models tomorrow, you can't expect Guild Wars 2 to utilize these techniques by the time it launches.


MMOs are always playing a game of catch-up, and it costs a lot of time and a lot of money (and, truly, you never actually catch up). Already-released games have a distinct advantage in this regard; they already have the "catching up" train on the tracks because it's all they have left to do. A newly-launched game has so much more on its plate it's not even funny.


this is what everyone needs to educate themselves with, have a little patience people

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You dont want a discussion you just want to sway people into disliking swtor just like you do. You are so painfully obvious in your subtle attempts, its funny to watch you try and fail.


You don't seem to understand that disliking one aspect of a game does not mean that you want the game to fail, or that you like "the other game that must not be named" more, or that you want to go back to it.



People who decry SWTOR are often the people who like it MORE than you do, but aren't willing to settle for half-measures. If I go and buy a Ferrari I am not going to go back to a ford because it came with low quality wheels. I'm going to go and tell the *********** ferrari makers to fix their **** and put the right wheels on my car.


I don't want to go back to WoW. I like WoW, but I like SWTOR too. I just want SWTOR to fix their ****.

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TO be honest I found that most end game tier armor from world of warcraft Looked horrible after Tier 1 and 2. It was always so extremely Bulky, unrealistic un Warcraft 2-3 like that it was just effing Ugly. The gear in ToR, just has different colors but always the same model, which makes me believe that a lot of it, is still placeholder graphics.


I'm hoping to see a large difference in gear in about 6 months. Don't forget wow had placeholder graphics for a lot of armor and high level armor for nearly 2 years.

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Comments like this go to show that you aren't an MMO player...


"that Warcraft game"?


What kind of real MMO player doesn't have years of experience with all MMO's... including WoW. This is half the problem - we have this crowd that is relativelly inexperienced when it comes to this type of game so they are impressed by TOR when they shouldn't be. It's standard fare - but missing many of the key components that make a good MMO successful in the long term.



I .don't.



so please tell me I'm not an 'experienced' MMO-player because I've never played 'that Warcraft game', because I'm not at all into pink grass and flying mounts and shiny yellow armour that sparkles.


I guess that's it, I'm 'impressed' by TOR because I never played WoW, because clearly I always had this strong desire to ... uh... *blank stare*



(the fact alone that you think anyone can ever have 'experience with all MMOs' shows everything I need to know, really)






better graphics = better game

right? right??

Edited by amnie
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Hm I do notice a difference in the pic of the guy with that crap all over his head.


Will I ever get that close to ANYONE's character to notice a difference? No


Did I EVER notice a difference while playing SWTOR up to level 42 as of tonight and playing 5 toons in wow up to level 85? No


I noticed no difference nor did I care and I still dont, now that I was shown the difference for the first time TONIGHT. My money is on gameply and fun, not shiney textures and graphics.

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I have absolutely no clue what you guys are complaining about. WoW has looked the same since 2004 with only very minor changes here and there. You guys act like this issue is only a SWTOR issue. It's not. WoW has looked like garbage for a long, long time.


http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r277/UnruheEndlos/TORWOWComparison.jpg IS NOT BEING HONEST.


In absolutely no way, shape or form does my TOR toon look ANYTHING like the one in the screen shot. Are there high res issues? Sure. They've admitted as much. But there's no way ANYTHING in this game looks as bad as the pic in the above screen shot.


That's dishonest and WAY too easy to call anyone out on.


The thing is, Blizzard is already moving past WoW and into Titan. Bioware is just now trying to copy wow and by the time they get it right, Blizzard will have their new mmo out. Swtor should have come out 5 years ago.

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that's how swtor textures are, hopefully it will be better with the high textures, whenever they are implemented


the texture quality in swtor are quite low compared to current WoW

Edited by Fentz
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Hm I do notice a difference in the pic of the guy with that crap all over his head.


Will I ever get that close to ANYONE's character to notice a difference? No


Did I EVER notice a difference while playing SWTOR up to level 42 as of tonight and playing 5 toons in wow up to level 85? No


I noticed no difference nor did I care and I still dont, now that I was shown the difference for the first time TONIGHT. My money is on gameply and fun, not shiney textures and graphics.


i totally agree dude, and what people still dont recognize because they dont look into it before they post on forums like this is that the graphics patch is coming, just take a look over at the dev tracker thread people.

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The thing is, Blizzard is already moving past WoW and into Titan. Bioware is just now trying to copy wow and by the time they get it right, Blizzard will have their new mmo out. Swtor should have come out 5 years ago.


I was busy with another game 5 years ago, so no, it should not :p

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Lol. You're right. Maybe Swtor should have been released 5 years from now then. :eek::eek::eek:


nope, I got bored of the game I played 5 years ago and there's currently no MMO in the makeing I'm really interested in, so it's perfect timing (ok, in Feb I will be busy playing FFXIII-2 but there will always be offline games demanding my attention ;) )


the game did come out at the right time, even if people might disagree.

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Stop excusing this games' graphics with WoW!


WoW was released in 2004, was designed to run on even the lowest end of machines and actually did so. WoW never had high-end graphics, but always great aesthetics. Everquest 2 on the other hand, also released in 2004, ate hardware for breakfast but also delivered in terms of graphics.


SWTOR was released at the very end of 2011, was maybe designed to run well on low end machines, but clearly doesn't do so, while also not looking much impressive on high-end computers.


If you compare SWTOR to Rift, Age of Conan, Tera or the upcoming Guild Wars 2, it looks very dated. Add to that, that Bioware had the largest budget of all those games (for example three times as much as Trion for Rift had), their work can only be considered a failure in this point.

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Stop excusing this games' graphics with WoW!


WoW was released in 2004, was designed to run on even the lowest end of machines and actually did so. WoW never had high-end graphics, but always great aesthetics. Everquest 2 on the other hand, also released in 2004, ate hardware for breakfast but also delivered in terms of graphics.


SWTOR was released at the very end of 2011, was maybe designed to run well on low end machines, but clearly doesn't do so, while also not looking much impressive on high-end computers.


If you compare SWTOR to Rift, Age of Conan, Tera or the upcoming Guild Wars 2, it looks very dated. Add to that, that Bioware had the largest budget of all those games (for example three times as much as Trion for Rift had), their work can only be considered a failure in this point.


Well said.

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