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Is there any reason to play as Republic?


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Yep - evil is on the rise in the world...and many people I've noticed are without morals..decency and generally aren't very nice. When they get into a game they pick evil characters...makes sense.


A large majority of players on my server went Imp and blew past all of the story content to 50 just so they could dominate in PVP. There's hardly ANY Imp players on my server below 50 that PVP and many have Battlemaster titles and are geared up already.


These same people probably also love the show Dexter - about a serial killer who only kills bad people and hides it from everyone - people think he's this great guy. But he kills bad people so it's cool huh? Sick.


I personally can't play an evil character....just don't have that "evil" streak inside of me.


That is an utter load of crap, statistically violence in the world has gone down. That's ignoring the fact that evil is a very relative term, morals and decency is also a relative term. Old people might think I am an indecent person with no morals because I wear my hair long, big whoop dee doo to the rest of the population.

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I can't see the balance issue coming from some deep psychological issue, I think it just comes down to what is the more attractive race and Imperial deliver on many fronts.


That is why Bioware should do something for the Republic side, before it becomes too late.

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I can't see the balance issue coming from some deep psychological issue, I think it just comes down to what is the more attractive race and Imperial deliver on many fronts.


The imbalance comes from the natural human desire to be mean and hurtful towards people and things when they dont face any repercussions for their actions.


You can electrocute people in cut scenes.


Same people watch movies like Hostel and Human Centipede.


Everyone wants to be evil these days.

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That is an utter load of crap, statistically violence in the world has gone down. That's ignoring the fact that evil is a very relative term, morals and decency is also a relative term. Old people might think I am an indecent person with no morals because I wear my hair long, big whoop dee doo to the rest of the population.


Even if your hair is short, finding it attractive to electocute women and children on a video game isnt a quality id rock on my sleve out in the world.

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Why play Republic? I have three words for you:


Target rich environment.


True, but nevertheless as it stands now incentives will have to be provided for the republic, or some race that is exclusive for that faction and is cool in the process.


Otherwise imbalance will just grow to the point of it being a game breaker.

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When the huge bands of Imperial players are roaming Illum looking for blood next week, it sure would be nice if the 4 republic players would go there and let us kill them so the thousands of us can get our weekly done.


And then you cry Troopers/Jedi are OP cus they beat us!

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When the huge bands of Imperial players are roaming Illum looking for blood next week, it sure would be nice if the 4 republic players would go there and let us kill them so the thousands of us can get our weekly done.


They will show up, but unless your legion let's them finish their weekly after a few hours of slaughter even these 4 will see that it's pointless and stop to show up, when that happens everyone will have a problem.

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Have to agree with you. My main is an Imp (EVERYONE I know wanted to play Empire). And while there have been good and iconic moments. Over all the story is very weak compared to the Republic (I sneak over to a Republic toon every now and then for fun). Ultimately when you're empire. You're choices are: Dark: 'be a sociopath', Dark: 'be a D-bag for no good reason', Or Light: 'Act like a rational human being.' And if you've done any group content you know you best be farming those DS points because people get mad when you alter the FP by taking the logical choices (I still do what I want I just accept the disapproval).


So for the most part if you're a DS Imp your character is more a less an immature, unbalanced, violent, moron (I want to be clear I'm not saying the player is all of those things, but the toon certainly is).

While I dont agree with you, that made me laugh because it is pretty much true.

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Let me see... Unless you are one of the leaches leaching off of your siblings or parents account then yeah. Why? because you paid for the entire game and pay the entire fee, not just half of it. Well that my reason for playing everything, I see it pointless to play half of the game only when there is more to it and with the price it cost.
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Good thread.

That is exactly how it is at the moment and something needs to be done about it


Bioware has to make some incentives for the republic in order for it's numbers to be increased.


One cool alien race Republic is the way to go as a start of fixing the imbalance problem.


Hell, give Yoda's race for Republic force users to choose and just watch how the tide turns :cool:

(Note, this is a joke, i know it will never happen unfortunately)

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haha yea seriously, that dude has NO idea what he's saying.



As for the OP: yea, if my main was Republic I would probably have quit long ago. Awful storylines (fact), less work on design (fact), worse planets (fact), worse quest layouts (fact), terrible faction imbalance (fact), terrible mirror gameplay issues (fact), etc.


Playing as Republic pretty much sucks, and that's coming from someone who wanted to roll one when the game was first announced.


If this wasn't so long i'd make it my sig

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60%/40% cant really be called "dominating"


I don't know where the hell you pulled that number from but I know it's wrong ....by alot.


On the 2 servers I play on, both are more like 80/20 in favor of Imperials.


The Republic zones are DEAD. Imperial zones are full of life and action.


Lack of faction cap has already destroyed MUCH incentive to play the game for rebels due to the fact it is dam near impossible to find a group for ANYTHING without waiting hours.

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on my server we crushed imps so badly on sunday in pvp that we were forced to play huttball for a while.


it's a smaller, newer, server but it feels nice to know everyone. eventually i am sure we will be switched to another server if the problem isn't fixed (hopefully with another new server).

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I don't know where the hell you pulled that number from but I know it's wrong ....by alot.


On the 2 servers I play on, both are more like 80/20 in favor of Imperials.


The Republic zones are DEAD. Imperial zones are full of life and action.


Lack of faction cap has already destroyed MUCH incentive to play the game for rebels due to the fact it is dam near impossible to find a group for ANYTHING without waiting hours.



Faction caps should also be implemented on servers with highest imbalance, it's pointless to play when the other faction lacks in numbers to the point where it looks ridiculous.

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