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Class quests are overtuned.


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I don't know how easy it is to solo as other specs. Maybe tanks have it easier. But as a Combat Jedi these quests are kicking my butt.


I barely made it through my first chapter. I had to use stims and med packs to barely defeat Darth Angral or whatever his name was. Now I'm level 33 and I'm stuck on Guided by the Force. The harrowers hit like bricks and destroy my companion before they bend me over and have their way with me.


I have no doubt that if I'd been doing all the heroic quests that I'd be at the appropriate level and gear to solo this quest. But because I've skipped the heroics there is just no way in heck that I can complete this quest and I'm essentially stuck in the game.

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Look, I pray that you don't see me as one of those hypocritical "elitists" when I say this, but to me this seems mostly a gear/rotational issue. I myself defeated the Harrowers without dying, and died on Angral once because I missed an interrupt. Not boasting, just proving that what I'm about to say has some legitimacy.


1. Make sure your lightsabers are moddable and they have up-to-date prototype/custom hilts (blue border). I cannot tell you how much of a difference this makes - it could mean hundreds of damage points.


2. Make sure your gear is updated. Around that level, (Lvl 32 for me) my average gear rating was 76.


3. Make sure you're taking only one of them on at once. Thats one of the main reasons I beat them. You should attack the guy in the back, then the guy in the front-left, and then the final one.


4. Make sure you're companion is geared properly and you're sending he/she in before you.


5. Most of all, make sure you have a good rotation. My regular rotation is: Force Leap, Force Sweep, Strike, Overload Sabers, Zealous Strike, Cauterize, Master Strike, Force Stasis, Pacify. Rinse and repeat. I have the Watchmen spec.


I do feel the class is slightly underpowered in comparison to other classes, but that doesn't mean the bosses are therefore invincible. Harder yes, but not invincible.


Hope this helps, and best of luck to you!

Edited by Ninja_Jedl
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Make sure your gear is updated. Around that level, (Lvl 32 for me) my average gear rating was 76.


It was explained that I've skipped my heroic quests. As far as I'm aware, heroic quests are optional. Progressing in the game should not be dependent upon gear received from heroics.


My first toon was a healing speced consular that I got to 39. I did all the heroics on that character and had no problem completing any of the class stories.


I've read the sticky about my spec. I know the rotation. The quests are over-tuned.

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It was explained that I've skipped my heroic quests. As far as I'm aware, heroic quests are optional. Progressing in the game should not be dependent upon gear received from heroics.


My first toon was a healing speced consular that I got to 39. I did all the heroics on that character and had no problem completing any of the class stories.


I've read the sticky about my spec. I know the rotation. The quests are over-tuned.


You don't need Heroic quests. Just do extra sidequests for commendations and mod your orange gear with the award commendations so its up to specs. Plus with the sidequests done it may help you gain an extra level above the mob if you are having difficulties.

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I just completed this quest with the help of another sentinel who was also stuck on it. This quest CANNOT be solo'd in quest greens which means the difficulty is fundamentally flawed for a class story arch.

Okay I also got help from Darth Angral but managed the Harrowers after gaining a level or two from the Tattooine bonus series and also upgrading some of my companions equipment. That said since then I have got Doc and I find I can handle elites much easier then before. I believe it is a problem with the companions we get in some respect I think if we had got Doc earlier around level 20 or so we wouldn't have as much problem with the end of Act 1 and the beginning of act 2.

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It is about tatics, First, you need pull agro first, once your health drops to about 30% drop aggro with camoflauge, then pacify the target to reduce his hit rating efectivly reducing the amount of damage he is dealing to your companion. once your companion is almost dead place him in stasis to put out a few extra points of damage, the moment before your companion dies pop a med pack and defensive cool and any offensive cool down remaining and you should be able to finish him off. as previusoly stated top of the line gear will help, but a sentinels survivability rate is horrific. The sith are extreamly powerful as they should be, their not merc's , there sith. Like you I have not completed any heroics and most of my gear is top rated with mods and accomidations. I agree it is a challenge but that is what makes it fun, atleast for me. Edited by Inlightened
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I'm lvl 38 now, and a lot of the quests I have come across since lvl 27-28 have felt overtuned, not just the class quests. Not in a "this is impossible" way, but in a "this feels way too difficult to just be random mobs and a silver on the way to the actual hard guy".


Mob damage, and health to a lesser degree, seemed to scale too fast compared to the gear you tend to get on the way. Watchman self healing and overuse of rebuke cover up some of the flaws, but not well enough. You can never interrupt enough on the casters, and the melee just pound you into the dirt. The Sith Harrowers were pretty much the pinnacle of this trend so far, as they deal an almost comical amount of damage compared to their level, even if you kite them during their buff. I was in pretty good gear, and 4 levels over them, used rebuke and stasis, and they still got me to sub 10% health on all 3 of them. That's with zen burn heals going as well. Someone who is at level in normal blue/green gear with maybe 2-3 oranges would have to wait for saber ward, and possibly even guarded by the force to be back up for all 3 of them, just to have a chance. That's pretty ridiculous.


There's no reason every other fight should feel like a life or death struggle. Sometimes it's cooler to leap in and force sweep and kill 6 lesser mobs instantly, proving that you are, indeed, a hero among men, something I think they may have missed the mark on.

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The class quests ARE overtuned, but I like it that way.


I did Valis and Angral on my first try, actually I never died in a class story mission yet. Valis and Angral were easymode. How you ask?

Have up to date gear, be 2-3 levels above content and interrupt.

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