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Penalty for Rage Quitters in Warzone


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You just aren't getting it. Where in that list is capturing a turret? Where is diffusing a bomb? Where is scoring with the Huttball? Maybe I am just missing it. The fact is that good players could care less if you healed someone for 2.5K. That isn't going to make me want to group with you. If you ran the huttball and used your skills to score 6 goal, Ill add you to my friends list.


Let's just agree to disagree. I value different things from you in a match.


You don't know what I value or don't so please do not pretend you do.


I am probably one of the top 5 PvPers Sith side on my server. I know how to obtain / defend objectives. I know who to heal and when to heal.


I don't need some kid on the forums trying to tell me l2play or anything close to a synonym for it. Thank you.

Edited by jHats
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There is no reason to add a penalty, just seperate premades into their own queue so they can match their skills against other premades.


Don't punish pugs because they want a chance to win a game




I don't rage quit WZ's, I just quit.


When we have a complete PuG of solo queued players, typically with no healers, and end up being pitted against 2 groups of pre-mades. There is no point in even wasting my time in matches like that.

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You don't know what I value or don't so please do not pretend you do.


I am probably one of the top 5 PvPers Sith side on my server. I know how to obtain / defend objectives. I know who to heal and when to heal.


I don't need some kid on the forums trying to tell me l2play or anything close to a synonym for it. Thank you.

Top PvPer and yet you're trying to pitch that there is a correlation between how good of a PvPer is and how many medals they get? LOL. By "top PvPer," do you mean the first to farm to Battlemaster? Because I've seen Battlemasters run the wrong way in Huttball...


While it is true in most games, you'd have to be AFK to only get 1-2 medals, there is absolutely no correlation between medals and how good you are at actually playing the warzone and not deathmatching in a warzone. Especially if you're playing Huttball. I've won Huttball 6-0 in under 4 minutes without doing a single point of damage or healing. I must be bad.

Edited by mornaur
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If I join a game where we're losing badly, and it's 8vs4, ofc I'm going to leave. There's often no way to turn it around, and you need wins for the Daily/Weekly. Why stick around to get creamed.


Also, who wins in Alderaan is pretty much determined in the first minute.

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I've yet to PvP in this game but used to in previous MMOs.


As far as people quitting WZs, I typically stick out matches that I am in from the beginning. The most annoying thing I would encounter was not so much the quitters but the damn AFK freeloaders.


It seems there is no system to boot the AFKers but I think they should also look into that.


The quitters may have different reasons to leave (RL emergency, DC, came in at the end, etc) but the AFK freeloaders do this deliberately and that needs to be punished.


From what I've read on this thread is it seems that you do not have a choice to which WZ you will get thrown into and that should be changed. I for one disliked WSG in WoW and hardly ever played in it because some of the matches would go on literally for hours when you had two teams that know how to play and defend the flag holder well.


Even though I am not typically a quitter, if there was a WZ I absolutely hated, I would most likely quit when I get thrown into it regardless of a penalty or not. As a couple of others said, allowing players to que for the WZ they want would undoubtedly stop a good amount of people quitting.


Frankly, I'm surprised that you cannot pick that WZ you want to play in. BW should seriously consider changing this and doing it soon because it sounds this is one factor affecting PvP in a negative way.

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And to the point of the thread, there needs to be a penalty for leaving a WZ. Doesn't matter what the reason is, if you didn't intend to commit to a game, you shouldn't have queued. Nowhere does it say "Queue for a winning warzone." I'm not saying you should be prohibited from leaving a WZ. Feel free to do so if you really can't stand it, but there needs to be a penalty for doing so.


Also, they need to implement something for AFKers as well. At the moment, the most we can do against AFKers is kite an enemy to them, hope the enemy kills them, and hope that they remain AFK at the spawn location.

Edited by mornaur
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I quit because some idiotic designer made a deserter debuff that kicks me out directly after joining the warzone.


Loading screen for warzone - up to 1 Minute

Debuff starting after 20 seconds of my loading screen

10-12 seconds left to get out of the starting zone - impossible if match was already started.


new feature:


random loading screens that get me kicked out of warzones I was able to join properly.

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I play Republic and have definitely had my share of WZ matches with six of us trying not to be completely rolled by pre-made groups of over-geared 50s (before the 50 only bracket) and failing miserably, just as I've also seen my share of 6-0 Huttball matches (with our side providing the 0), but I don't know how crazy I am about the idea of penalizing players who quit.


Instead, why not just give the remaining players on the losing side an additional reward? Let's say every play who left might have gotten 10k XP, 1k valor, etc. Perhaps those who stick around until the end get to split up that amount plus a little extra for being horribly outnumbered/outgunned.

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I am playing on Republic side and it's hard enough to win against the empire. It cripples us even more when these ragers leave within the first 1-2 mins if our side has a poor start. I would like to see some sort of penalty implemented to punish these raging nerds. What do you guys think?


My suggestion would be if they drop within the first 4-5 mins of a warzone, they would have a penalty. The penalty should either be a credit loss or a lockout of warzone for a certain amount of time.


Warhammer online's method for this was a patch that put a debuff on you, for the next 30 min you can not que at all. And it stays after death obviously.

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If I enter Alderaan and our group immediately loses all three points right away. I'm not wasting my time for another 10 minutes fighting a losing battle. I pay BW so I should choose how I spend my time.


and you are the type that obviously blames your team for this and quits.

ever think if you played better with your team that wouldnt happen?


and yes you should have to wait at least half an hour for nerd rage QQ leaving.

i pay BW as well and would like to not have to deal with kids nerd raging and leaving within a minute or two of a WZ. noobs that nerd rage force people like me into a game that has already started to try to salvage a win. (which actually happens once all of the bad qq leavers leave)

they should at least let us opt to kick known noob leavers from the game before it starts giving us the chance to get people who dont.

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Bob Goldstein: Have you or someone you know been handicapped by a Jeddy? If so, call me, Bob Goldstein at Naboo-5-Sue-Jedi. I'll get you the money you deserve, fast!


Wampa: Our "dinner" cut my arm off... so I called Bob Goldstein. Now I'm riding in style!


Ponda Baba: Bob Goldstein got me 5,000 credits!


Bob Goldstein: I have over ten years experience and I'm ready to work for you.


"At last we will have our revenge" -Darth Maul


Bob Goldstein: You call now.


Sorry... couldn't resist.

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lol, suspension and banning for quitting a warzone "like every other mmo?" Name one mmo that bans instanced pvp quitters please.


I'll name two that I played, EQ2 and Rift....


And it is BS, if you quit out you should have some sort of timer, 5 minutes would even be reasonable. The system makes it so you can just keep quiting and farm wins, it's flawed. Anyone who PvP's regularly generally knows how there team is giong to do in the first 3 minutes.


Leaving an already weak team shorthanded is really not a good system for anyone involved.

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AFK and quitting should be punished like every other PvP out there... suspension and banning.



First few times you AFK/Quit a Warzone, you are temporarily prevented from entering a new one. Let's say starting for 15 minutes and getting progressively worse (30 min, 1 hour, 2 hours, etc). And if you try to join a new Warzone shortly after quiting, you are forced back into the one you quit.


Then, if the problem is persistent (player gets lots of reports, consistently AFKing/quitting), then eventually the player would be banned from PvP altogether.


Being banned is quite harsh, even if you're leaving and afking.

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You really fail don't you. Please do not assume. I pug 110% of the time. I do not premade whatsoever. This is coming from a pug's perspective. Its beyond lame to participate in 14-15 full matches and not get the daily done because you backfill into warzones with quitters or you have people quit on you 2 seconds into the game.


Grats, changes nothing.


Premades rolling over pugs is the issue, seperate them into their own queue and we will have a ton less leavers so we can deal with the actual issue which is afking through wz's

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It seems that the three 'solutions' to prevent quitting are penalties, the ability to select the WZ you want to play in, and keeping premades from plaing against PuGs.



I think if all three plus the AFKer solution would greatly improve the PvP experience for those who enjoy it and would be a good start.



That being said, it sucks to start off a match losing but there is no bigger satisfaction than coming back from way behind to pull out the victory which used to happen quite often in the BGs I used to play but our side (Horde) typically would win 9 out of 10 BGs we played. Usually we would only lose when our side was a PuG and theirs was a premade.



It may seem hopeless and it may look like the other side may be rolling you but like I said, there is no greater satisfaction than coming back and pulling out a victory from way behind.

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Top PvPer and yet you're trying to pitch that there is a correlation between how good of a PvPer is and how many medals they get? LOL. By "top PvPer," do you mean the first to farm to Battlemaster? Because I've seen Battlemasters run the wrong way in Huttball...


While it is true in most games, you'd have to be AFK to only get 1-2 medals, there is absolutely no correlation between medals and how good you are at actually playing the warzone and not deathmatching in a warzone. Especially if you're playing Huttball. I've won Huttball 6-0 in under 4 minutes without doing a single point of damage or healing. I must be bad.


I whole heartedly agree. He throws around throw-away claims like "Im one of the top 5 players." If he claims to be so good, let him post a video and let us be the judge. the problem with the world is that everyone thinks they are the best thing since sliced bread. The graveyards are full of people that thought the world couldn't live without them. I am confident to say that his huttball team can live without him too when he's running around the middle of the field trying desperately to rack up 300K for his precious medal.

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and you are the type that obviously blames your team for this and quits.

ever think if you played better with your team that wouldnt happen?


and yes you should have to wait at least half an hour for nerd rage QQ leaving.

i pay BW as well and would like to not have to deal with kids nerd raging and leaving within a minute or two of a WZ. noobs that nerd rage force people like me into a game that has already started to try to salvage a win. (which actually happens once all of the bad qq leavers leave)

they should at least let us opt to kick known noob leavers from the game before it starts giving us the chance to get people who dont.


You're an idiot, if I'm matched up against a premade it doesnt really matter what they do, I'll lose the vast majority unless most of them are mildly retarded.


I have zero interest in being rolled over by people who press 1-5 at random, I learn nothing from the experience and have no chance of winning so I'll leave most of the time.


You get the win

The leaver gets nothing


That is the reward/punishment system in this game, adding more penalties without fixing the actual issue of premades agains pugs will just frustrate people and fix nothing.



Be glad you still get a win.

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You don't know what I value or don't so please do not pretend you do.


I am probably one of the top 5 PvPers Sith side on my server. I know how to obtain / defend objectives. I know who to heal and when to heal.


I don't need some kid on the forums trying to tell me l2play or anything close to a synonym for it. Thank you.


Sad logic from an undoubtedly bad player. Learn to play and people won't have to leave your team.

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I'll name two that I played, EQ2 and Rift....


And it is BS, if you quit out you should have some sort of timer, 5 minutes would even be reasonable. The system makes it so you can just keep quiting and farm wins, it's flawed. Anyone who PvP's regularly generally knows how there team is giong to do in the first 3 minutes.


Leaving an already weak team shorthanded is really not a good system for anyone involved.


In eq2 they matched premades vs. premades in bg's and in SF skill could overcome numbers unlike swtor.



Seperate queues or keep the current system as is.

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i was against "ragequitting" warzones originally but i got tired of losing consecutive games and I only have a limited amount of time to play. if I'm on a suck team, as a marauder, I just quit out. if you can't beat em join em Edited by HBninjaX
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