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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sad to see some people quiting already....


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Just be honest.. if this game was F2P most ppl past 50 would not log in, they feel like they have to play right now... wasting money.


I loved the storyline from 1-50 it was a Blast !!! really


Now that I have many toons, seen 3/4 storyline and grinded some Champ gear I dont see why I should play this game.. its a pain to log in every day just to complete my dailys.. that give me nothing but stupid bags.. oh and the BM gear... are you kidding me ??? its like 2 % better than Champ, I mean ***.


nice try Bioware but you failed. Dont tell me this game is new and go back to wow kid...

the fact is: 2 others MMOs come out really soon and Bioware just missed the boat..

Too late.

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sounds to me like there are too many whiners, you had fun PvPing pre-50 because you couldn't get owned by people with gear. I'll admit, sure getting owned by someone with full pvp gear sucks (I am not geared yet, and I get owned in 50 WZ

s, but guess what, if you put YOUR time in to get that same gear, then you can be the one who's owning in the 50 bracket.


Instead you'd rather whine that you have to work a little bit to get the gear instead of having it handed to you. On top of that, you put your negative thoughts into others heads who can't think for themselves-- so they too want their gear for free and QQ because they lost to a geared player.


The fact is, it is a two month old game. Things obviously need some changes, and they will come. Everyone wants something better than WoW, but if you played wow from release, you know what that game was like then too.... Remember lvl 60 for like two years with nothing better to do than Molten Core? Maybe Black Wing Lair? There was no arena, just WSG, AV, AB? I think too many of you whiners expect too much out of a brand new game.

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sounds to me like there are too many whiners, you had fun PvPing pre-50 because you couldn't get owned by people with gear. I'll admit, sure getting owned by someone with full pvp gear sucks (I am not geared yet, and I get owned in 50 WZ

s, but guess what, if you put YOUR time in to get that same gear, then you can be the one who's owning in the 50 bracket.


Instead you'd rather whine that you have to work a little bit to get the gear instead of having it handed to you. On top of that, you put your negative thoughts into others heads who can't think for themselves-- so they too want their gear for free and QQ because they lost to a geared player.


The fact is, it is a two month old game. Things obviously need some changes, and they will come. Everyone wants something better than WoW, but if you played wow from release, you know what that game was like then too.... Remember lvl 60 for like two years with nothing better to do than Molten Core? Maybe Black Wing Lair? There was no arena, just WSG, AV, AB? I think too many of you whiners expect too much out of a brand new game.



Have all champ gear and couple of pieces of BM gear.


Been slapping kids around since 150 expertise rating and expect to get 9-10 medals per match even after the PSFW is gone.


Top every damage chart bar once or twice a day when the Reps have a Sage who rips up the damage charts with between 550-600K DMG per match.


I'm bored as hell.



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sounds to me like there are too many whiners, you had fun PvPing pre-50 because you couldn't get owned by people with gear. I'll admit, sure getting owned by someone with full pvp gear sucks (I am not geared yet, and I get owned in 50 WZ

s, but guess what, if you put YOUR time in to get that same gear, then you can be the one who's owning in the 50 bracket.


Instead you'd rather whine that you have to work a little bit to get the gear instead of having it handed to you. On top of that, you put your negative thoughts into others heads who can't think for themselves-- so they too want their gear for free and QQ because they lost to a geared player.


The fact is, it is a two month old game. Things obviously need some changes, and they will come. Everyone wants something better than WoW, but if you played wow from release, you know what that game was like then too.... Remember lvl 60 for like two years with nothing better to do than Molten Core? Maybe Black Wing Lair? There was no arena, just WSG, AV, AB? I think too many of you whiners expect too much out of a brand new game.


It's almost like playing your char well does not matter - just grinding the gear to beat newbies - great PvP concept, putting barrier in place for new people.


People go to work to work - when they get home and play a game they want to relax and have fun


What ? Not going to even guess what these bots unable to think for themselves are doing in a MMO - maybe someone went to their homes and installed the game for them and gave them a flow chart on how to log in and resolve problems that may arise ( is your PC plugged in ?)


A game thats hardly been out for any period of time should not feel so old and jaded already


Few people complained though because the game was fun, people were enjoying it - wheras 2 months into SWTOR lot's of people barely login in at all ,those that do often only fdo so to complete dailies.

Edited by Aedgyth
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It's almost like playing your char well does not matter - just grinding the gear to beat newbies - great PvP concept, putting barrier in place for new people.


People go to work to work - when they get home and play a game they want to relax and have fun


What ? Not going to even guess what these bots unable to think for themselves are doing in a MMO - maybe someone went to their homes and installed the game for them and gave them a flow chart on how to log in and resolve problems that may arise ( is your PC plugged in ?)


A game thats hardly been out for any period of time should not feel so old and jaded already


Few people complained though because the game was fun, people were enjoying it - wheras 2 months into SWTOR lot's of people barely login in at all ,those that do often only fdo so to complete dailies.



I think your post almost gave me a seizure. TECHNO! TECHNO! TECHNO! :p

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Is there any particular reason you are referencing WoW of all mmos so much with your complaining?


where did i complain? i said this game offers more actual "end-game" content than the current popular MMO title, that happens to be what, 7 or 8 years old? something else I should use as a benchmark?

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I like Star Wars TOR. Great immersive environment. Awesome graphics. Just wish the little annoying things in game that don't work would be addressed quicker.


The overall impression I have of the game service so far is "If you build it, they will come" mentality. I did come, played, and like the real game of baseball, it became hit the ball, run the four bases and do it again... and again... and again.


I tried not to use WoW as a benchmark for play. I used EQ from when it first came out as my benchmark. In many ways this game exceeded those expectations, in many others it failed. I wanted to see what it would be like to level a toon without running any instances and flashpoints, just to see what the quest were like, and I came away disappointed. Looking at the way the leveling is setup, you are forced to utilize all the quest (including flashpoints and heroics) in the area in order to level. Rather than trying to run a flashpoint I tried PvP, something new. PvP right now is horrible. The numerous people that you see racing at impossile speeds around the battleground screams of exploits. Which, is common for ANY mmo.


Just to use an analogy, SWTOR is an awesome king sized bed with a really thick soft mattress, that unfortunately has bed bugs. It's the little things that are making me not want to sleep there.


Thank you

Edited by Necomantia
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I got a 50 imp an we rerolled rep got a 50 rep and atm 42 shadow i'm just getting to 50 then making a new char because 50 pvp blows *** WZs blow *** a.

A few of my guild has quit but i'll keep messing about till something else comes out but bit sad because i kind of like this game but the pvp is just so fail an the classes are a joke imblanced

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I got a 50 imp an we rerolled rep got a 50 rep and atm 42 shadow i'm just getting to 50 then making a new char because 50 pvp blows *** WZs blow *** a.

A few of my guild has quit but i'll keep messing about till something else comes out but bit sad because i kind of like this game but the pvp is just so fail an the classes are a joke imblanced


PVP has been and always will be imbalanced. Even non mmo games have this problem.

Aka fps shooters mostly.

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The only people i see complaing/talking about quitting are here on the forums.

I play on three different very active very healthy servers.


gg trolls gg


These very active and very healthy servers, would that happen to be rep and imp as well.

I've heard something about the ravager for imps. When Im rdy to play the imp stories ill probably go there, but I'd like to hear which you would mean by if its rep.

I'm assuming is at least heavy or very heavy, because im on a standard server, but there's probably more imps here, so I'm guessing for the reps its more of a light server.

Very light even. Got a nice guild going as well, but if it wasnt for that doing anything group related at all would impossible. And doing pugged pvp all the time isnt ideal either.

Edited by Spero-Mcgee
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The only people i see complaing/talking about quitting are here on the forums.

I play on three different very active very healthy servers.


gg trolls gg


i think its been said in this thread by someone else... but here is how quitting works.


i quit planetside, i made ZERO posts to the forums about quitting. i did not warn anyone that it was coming. i just moved on.


i quit everquest, and everquest 2, i made ZERO posts to the forums about quitting. i did not warn anyone that it was coming. i just moved on.


i quit swg, i made ZERO posts to the forums about quitting. i did not warn anyone that it was coming. i just moved on.


more recently, i quit world of warcraft, i made ZERO posts to the forums about quitting. i did not warn anyone that it was coming. i just moved on.


now throughout my game time in every single one of those games, i read post after post after post from people threatening to quit because they wanted change, or because they were bored. the funny thing is, the people that posted it, kept posting it for months...never actually leaving, just threatening to leave over and over again.


this early in a games life, i respond to threads like this, because some of the claims are valid concerns, and warrant discussion...but quitters never actually quit. they just want to be the center of attention.

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i think its been said in this thread by someone else... but here is how quitting works.


i quit planetside, i made ZERO posts to the forums about quitting. i did not warn anyone that it was coming. i just moved on.


i quit everquest, and everquest 2, i made ZERO posts to the forums about quitting. i did not warn anyone that it was coming. i just moved on.


i quit swg, i made ZERO posts to the forums about quitting. i did not warn anyone that it was coming. i just moved on.


more recently, i quit world of warcraft, i made ZERO posts to the forums about quitting. i did not warn anyone that it was coming. i just moved on.


now throughout my game time in every single one of those games, i read post after post after post from people threatening to quit because they wanted change, or because they were bored. the funny thing is, the people that posted it, kept posting it for months...never actually leaving, just threatening to leave over and over again.


this early in a games life, i respond to threads like this, because some of the claims are valid concerns, and warrant discussion...but quitters never actually quit. they just want to be the center of attention.


Yeah funny that you should mention that. I tried to reply to threads once during one of my many times of wow breaks and it said I couldnt post.

I wonder if it's the same here. Basicly what that tells you, is that anyone that was commenting on the forums whether good or bad was subbed to the game.

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