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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sad to see some people quiting already....


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I usually give game companies a few months to pull their act together. Most of the time when a game gets released it's not really the game developer's decision but a decision of the parent company looking to reap rewards on their investments (In this case, EA). That said I can't see myself staying subscribed after month 2 if they don't fix some of the issues.


Ilum is a complete disaster. No one thinks it's fun either fighting your own faction for armaments or camping outside the Republic base farming up kills as each side plays literally "Red rover" and pulls kills into each side. The solutions are simple and have been implemented by their sister company Mythic for ages.


I like most of the Warzones, especially Huttball, but playing Huttball over and over and over and over and over and over...is making it get old. It's design also highlights the advantages of certain classes (specifically Sorcs) who have tools that are invaluable for the style of map. I hear a new map is coming out in the future so hopefully that will fix this, but again there's a wealth of ideas from Mythic's WAR for Scenarios and good ideas for warfronts there.


We'll see if they can deliver on some of the stuff they're talking about, but we've all seen that song and dance before throughout the last few years with games.

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Yeah we get it your a fanboy...


But here is the thing:


Its a fun, multiplayer/singelplayer story game, and at least an okay mmo...

But thanks to its story telling talent, it also targets a lot of people that won't usually like mmos, so they Level up, see the story and get bored after hitting L50


1) It's you're


2) How do you get that from me posting purely numbers?

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Yea people should totally spend time doing something that offers no rewards. That’s how you design content. Make raid bosses that drop no loot. Or rather, create difficult encounters that drop inferior loot to their easier counterparts.



You’re right. Good game design. I should totally play.


Here’s what you do at level 50 once you hit rank 60 valor.

2 daily PvP quests

2 weekly raids on normal mode, as hard mode drops inferior gear.



Just because you create end-game content doesn't mean people will play it. You have to give them incentive to do so, otherwise people will just skip over it.


Why spend hours doing something to have no reward? I can think of 100 different things to do with my time.


So you started playing video games for rewards? Wow

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I don't mind the lack of single player content. My concern is that this is a single player game. The PVP was horribly thought out and designed. The gear is pretty limited. Crafting, except for biochem and artificing, is an afterthought at best (although I like the companion system and crew skills idea, the overall crafting system and the way it fits into the game was not well thought out).


The flashpoints are okay once or twice, but really they're just like any of the heroic missions I ran and there's not much point to them. The HM FPs are a little better as are the Ops, but they've been fairly buggy and don't always trigger completion properly.


I also don't feel part of a world. I feel like I'm playing a single player game where I occasionally pick up a "buddy" or two for a heroic mission that takes 10 minutes to complete and I never see those people ever again even after adding them to my friends list and trying to keep in touch. There's just no need or reason to.


Guilds? What's the purpose? It's just a chat room. There's no functionality. No guild levels. No guild house. No guild bank. How a game launches without more guild functionality is beyond me. I know people don't like to talk about SWG, but that game survived for a long time based only on its player cities and guilds.


SWTOR is a very thin MMO. Nice veneer, but once you get into it, fatally flawed.

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I'm seeing last week sales of swtor at 11 for all titles and the highest MMO.




It's #3 on amazon and the only MMO in the top 20



if you don't like this data then fine, present your own.


Must remember that Origin and EA aren't selling outside of their launch countries, I had to buy a key from some shady Russians for example. add to that the fact that Origin sales are not usually counted and we have a healthy population. The problem imo is servers are too many and the population is spread all over making many relatively low pop servers instead of less high pop ones.

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Facts are these people in this thread want you to believe people are quitting in droves and to be honest I am not sure why but what ever. The REAL story is while I am sure people are going there are far more coming. I know several people who just started playing this game in the last couple weeks and LOVE the game as much as me.


Am I a fanboy? Yup. I love Star Wars and what Bioware has done with the game. Do I like everything they have done? Of course not. I can nick pick like anyone. I also know this game is absolutely awesome for a game just released and I have played alot of MMo's over the last 13 years.


I will say to anyone who thinks there is doom there isn't and don't belive the hype from all the people who want you to believe there is just some mass "exodus" cause there isn't. There will always be people who come and go though.


This link http://www.vgchartz.com/weekly/40930/Global/ shows just last week SWTOR has now sold over 2 Million copies and was 11th among all games sold. This is a fact, not a bunch of morons claiming "Doom and Gloom". As I said, don't believe the hype. Do your own re-search.

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Guilds? What's the purpose? It's just a chat room. There's no functionality. No guild levels. No guild house. No guild bank.


I guess I wasn't really in a guild for EQ or vanilla wow. Who knew we were just a bunch of chat room buddies killing dragons...

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I haven't quit yet, but several of my friends already have half-way through leveling. I don't know how much longer I plan on subbing.


This game is simply too much like WoW. Sorry BW, but people are burnt out on that formula, and rather than try something new, you copied it to a "t," and simply added story to it. Is it a polished game? Yes, but the magic that I felt when I first started playing WoW (which was my first MMO), is just not there because I have done this all before. It is no longer original or fun, even with a Star Wars skin on it.

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A lot of the good PvP'ers quit on my server. Not sure of the reasons, either the BM RNG system or perhaps when the changed illum. Perhaps they were getting tired of only 3 WZ's.


Either way, I feel like I am close to cancelling but dont want to bc I enjoy the pvp battles/gameplay. It will need some kind of major update for me to keep playing bc i am rapidly losing interest.

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I haven't quit yet, but several of my friends already have half-way through leveling. I don't know how much longer I plan on subbing.


This game is simply too much like WoW. Sorry BW, but people are burnt out on that formula, and rather than try something new, you copied it to a "t," and simply added story to it. Is it a polished game? Yes, but the magic that I felt when I first started playing WoW (which was my first MMO), is just not there because I have done this all before. It is no longer original or fun, even with a Star Wars skin on it.



harsh but so true....

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what bothers me is this what bieng sold as a "pvp" mmo all the best gear will be from pvp etc and 95% of the time its a rep base camp. Instancing isnt helping its just making less pvp even more. This game badly needs cross server pvp yesterday and theyre worried about the server "community" well its to late for that we didnt havee server forums for the first month and no we have 1/2 baked server forums. Hello server forums=community. I love this game and ive met these devs there nice guys but im finding it harder to log in i might even unsub and come back in 6 months and see b/c the faction imbalance is not bieng dealt with and im seeing les reps on my server anyways. I dont get how this game had such a awesome beta and miserable launch. Just very depressing to say the least...
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Ok I haven't reach 50 yet but what I do is

Alternate between my favorite games I player swtor then log to wow for my arenas and rbg

Raids then log back to swtor


Why do people have to pin everything on this game

Go outside watch a movie of you get bored take a break

The games not supposed to keep you occupied 24/7

And if you want it or expect it to well I feel sorry for you your life must be painful

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Hmm funny, my guild as dozens and dozens of 50s on during prime time -- so many that we end up playing huttball against each other for quite awhile just because its so entertaining. HM flashpoints, several raid zones, no farming on Ilum, dailies for coms, etcetera etcetera etcetera....there just isnt enough time in the day.


Pvp with good, competitive players on both sides is outstanding -- an adrenaline rush, with new situations to evaluate and react to on a rapid basis. Competitive huttball is -- beyond any doubt -- the most dynamic pvp environment I have ever seen. So much better than staic, open warfronts with regroup and capture the hill/flag/point/bomb objectives.


IMO, BW just needs to improve the matchmaking system so that pvp is competitive -- probably by prioritizing premades versus premades first, then some sort of gear equalization/comparison.


I have been in a few matches where my fellow guildmates end up playing against each other.


Win or lose, those can be the most fun. Sitting there playing while trash talking on vent to each other.


Now that is fun times ... :D

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I really think you over estimate how much PVP means to an MMOs success. Good luck moving on to next game, "beating it" getting bored and moving on to the next one that will be the big one LOL. You people make me laugh. Damn I went out of my way to power through an MMO in a month, then I act shocked there's nothing to do. Oh well the next game will keep you occupied for a month. Thanks for the $60, move along.



literally the best reply ever

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Honestly ... you have 2 kinds of MMOers.


You have the ones that play for fun, enjoy the game for the content that's there and the people they play with.


Then you have, for lack of a better term "MMO Elitists". The kind of players that jump to EVERY mmo that comes out, see the imperfections (that EVERY MMO has), *****es and moans about it, declare the game dead, unsub and move on to the next MMO where they are sure to rinse / repeat.


If you think 6 weeks is more than enough time to deliver a perfect product, then you are going to be SO disappointed with EVERY mmo you try. If you enjoy the game for what it is, then stick around because what you perceive as bad will be fixed.


I think these devs really take into consideration what we want and implement it asap. It's already been done.


So leave for WoW, the boring mass a **** that it is or GW2 which will fail like the first 1 because its, um, GW. I think you'll be back...

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Unfortunately I do think they horribly underestimated pvp and made remarkably poor decisions as to how to handle gear progression through RNG.


The game is in its infancy and has a TON going for it.


Relax and go outside. It's nice there.


What is so funny about this is that the $60 mentality seems to expect that there will be endless content from day one. No MMO works that way.


THe game will get better. Bioware spent hundreds of MILLIONS on it. Do you know what a disaster it will be if people leave in droves over lack of content?


A lot is coming. Stay tuned.

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It's not so much as the bugs as I believe people are just growing bored. I suppose there really isn't much to do. The PVP still has issues and if your Republic Illum is a joke.


Though the bugs in the game along with inbalances and such are attributing to the mass amount of people leaving. I mean hell if you play at 10-15 FPS I don't blame you.

Edited by Xruptor
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I still like it and I will play it. I leveled 2 toons to 50, a sniper and a juggernaut. Sniper for PVE, since I'm pretty much the only IA in my guild for now and I tried to do well with MM in pvp but either it's broken or I really suck at snipering, take your pick.

Juggernaut is a lot of fun in pvp, guards, taunts, damage, epic HUttball matches. Yes, I love HuttBall.I loved HuttBall on my sniper too.

My jug is not in a guild, I do pugs warzones, lose some, win some.

Ilum is... extremely boring and laggy to me. Reps sit in their base, imps at the gate, someone pulls an enemy from either side, instant death, rinse and repeat.

Sometimes you get an open fight, it's very very demanding though and it slows my computer to a crawl, so I tend to stay away from it.

For the record, I am using an intel i52500k OC at 4.3 Ghz, sapphire ATI 6970, 8 GB ram ddr3.

I stream while playing too, and on ilum it's not enough, not even if I don't stream.

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I still like it and I will play it. I leveled 2 toons to 50, a sniper and a juggernaut. Sniper for PVE, since I'm pretty much the only IA in my guild for now and I tried to do well with MM in pvp but either it's broken or I really suck at snipering, take your pick.

Juggernaut is a lot of fun in pvp, guards, taunts, damage, epic HUttball matches. Yes, I love HuttBall.I loved HuttBall on my sniper too.

My jug is not in a guild, I do pugs warzones, lose some, win some.

Ilum is... extremely boring and laggy to me. Reps sit in their base, imps at the gate, someone pulls an enemy from either side, instant death, rinse and repeat.

Sometimes you get an open fight, it's very very demanding though and it slows my computer to a crawl, so I tend to stay away from it.

For the record, I am using an intel i52500k OC at 4.3 Ghz, sapphire ATI 6970, 8 GB ram ddr3.

I stream while playing too, and on ilum it's not enough, not even if I don't stream.


To be fair the Republic tend to stay at their base because they are supremely outnumbered on (to my knowledge) pretty much every server like 5 to 1 (or 10:1).

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Honestly ... you have 2 kinds of MMOers.


You have the ones that play for fun, enjoy the game for the content that's there and the people they play with.


Then you have, for lack of a better term "MMO Elitists". The kind of players that jump to EVERY mmo that comes out, see the imperfections (that EVERY MMO has), *****es and moans about it, declare the game dead, unsub and move on to the next MMO where they are sure to rinse / repeat.


If you think 6 weeks is more than enough time to deliver a perfect product, then you are going to be SO disappointed with EVERY mmo you try. If you enjoy the game for what it is, then stick around because what you perceive as bad will be fixed.


I think these devs really take into consideration what we want and implement it asap. It's already been done.


So leave for WoW, the boring mass a **** that it is or GW2 which will fail like the first 1 because its, um, GW. I think you'll be back...



TLDR: version..


Some people enjoy the game, some people don't and move on.

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Honestly ... you have 2 kinds of MMOers.


You have the ones that play for fun, enjoy the game for the content that's there and the people they play with.


Then you have, for lack of a better term "MMO Elitists". The kind of players that jump to EVERY mmo that comes out, see the imperfections (that EVERY MMO has), *****es and moans about it, declare the game dead, unsub and move on to the next MMO where they are sure to rinse / repeat.


If you think 6 weeks is more than enough time to deliver a perfect product, then you are going to be SO disappointed with EVERY mmo you try. If you enjoy the game for what it is, then stick around because what you perceive as bad will be fixed.


I think these devs really take into consideration what we want and implement it asap. It's already been done.


So leave for WoW, the boring mass a **** that it is or GW2 which will fail like the first 1 because its, um, GW. I think you'll be back...




You forgot about the third category.


The people who are not happy because they were promised one thing in a game and delivered something else.

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I know fanboys dont want to hear the bad sides of SWTOR main problems, but it has to be said.



PvP = Range classes only

CC = way to abundand - seriously wich retard put all that cc in classes at such low levels ?

PvE = Fun 20/30 levels

Flashpoints voice over are getting on my nerves as i dont have 25 min to see the movie i watched 30 times already.

Ability delay = sad :(

Luck based gearing ? realy Bioware why based on luck ?

Massive faction imbalance....no bonus to Repubs for trying to balance it out....



I have covered around 90% of the most anoying things people are fed up with i think.

This game wont make the next year with 1 million subs left i can tell you that.

And that is not what Bioware had in mind....Lucas Arts aint happy in 2013 i can tell you that also.



This aint doomsaying or trash talking about minor anoyance's, we are talking about major flaws where people cant get around or are a everyday expirience....


I was full of love for SWTOR the 1st week and the second week but the 3trd week i started to notice i aggrovate myself to all of the above and today i just reinstalled Aion / Lineage / wow and checking out what to to untill GW2 arrives.

I have around 2 months playtime left but i already started to log off after 1 hour...



You can bash me for whatever reason you see fit, but people are leaving SWTOr or logging in less and less.

Witch is quite a bad sign in the short life span of Bioware's triple A.



WoW was one of the few mmo's that kept growing and growing and growing up to a point of 12.8 million players.

I hoped Bioware would reach half of that, but i know that aint going to happen anymore due to massive oversight on to many levels...

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