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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Penalty System to Forgiving


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As I play my character and do my datacron hunting in lowbie zones after dinging 50 I noticed a silly trend. Simply how lax and silly it is for people to abuse the death feature. I noticed for example people on Tatooine jumping into the Sarlocc Pit because their "return to town" ability was unavailable. Doing this allowed them to teleport back to town instantly at a slap on the wrist cost to their equipment.


BIOWARE THIS IS COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE. Players who for go practices such as these are taking advantage of a system that holds nothing more than a wrist slapping for abusing such mechanics. This game should reinforce the notion of experience loss and deleveling upon PvE death at a bare minimum. If players lose experience on death it'll definitely make them think before they act. It adds the concept of depth and strategy. "Will I be able to fight this group of mobs or do I need to be patient and wait" or another line of "Should I just hoof it back to town or do I want to take a X% experience loss because I'm impatient?" It also makes PvE content strategic because in instances we'll no longer see jedi's randomly charging into mobs because what's the worst that can happen!?


Overall, this is a blatant issue that needs to be addressed. I'm tired of watching impatient WoW care bears outright abusing the death system because they're impatient or just making reckless decisions because there is no consequence for their erroneous decisions while playing the game. It'll make SWTOR a much better game and place if the game holds you up to your actions.



The gaming industry have done studies, and the only thing a "meaningful" death penalty does is drive away business. It does not make people play better, it makes them avoid playing at all because they are too afraid of failure. Lack of strong penalties actually help encourage players to test their limits and make them willing to try and figure out encounters on their own instead of waiting for a guide.


In short your whole premise has already been proven wrong by the industry, and you must know how lame your argument is since you need to resort to kindergarten name calling to emphasize the point.

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Heh, jumping in the Sarlaac pit, gonna have to try that. :)


Dying is penalty enough.

It means I didn't accomplish whatever I was trying to do.

I just want to play the game..Death penalties are just insult on top of injury.

Their demise has been one of the best things to happen in the MMORPG scene.

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yeah, that's a great solution. Instead of me and my buddy saying "think we can take that thing?" "I dunno, but let's try!", we get "ooh that thing looks scary. We best wait for bob and Mark, and maybe have John and Ben on standby just in case." It doesn't add strategy, it adds fear and unwillingness to try something new. It's why every MMO that had death penalties eventually got rid of them. (at least to my knowledge). The death=fast travel trick has been around in many games, and in reality it doesn't really mean that much. Why does it hurt your feelings that some idiot self immolated and transported to the medic? He lost some credits. You didn't lose anything.
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So, the OP's problem is that someone else jumped in a pit, which doesn't affect the OP's character in any way, doesn't change the OP's ability to play the game in any way he or she desires, and doesn't even clog up general chat with purple spam. What is the problem again?


Thanks, however, for the opportunity to say kudos to Bioware for creating a game that doesn't penalize players unneccessarily for actually playing around in said game. Common sense, if not data, says most humans would probably be annoyed by that.

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Being in an MMO challenges a player every day. The system that I'm proposing simply discourages players from making careless or reckless mistakes because they find it funny or amusing to be immature and stupid in a video game.


some people like shortcuts, if you dont then continue riding all that way from the middle of the wilderness to your quest, sometimes at the risk of a few credits it is quicker to just die

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Sorry OP, but your argument is ridiculous.


"Death-port" or "blood-port" has existed in MMOs since.... well since the beginning of MMOs.


Apparently what your problem is, is the lack of a significant death penalty. You're welcome to your opinion that there should be a hefty death penalty, but the majority of the playerbase does not share your wishes.


If you would like to have a significant death penalty, then implement one yourself. Every time you die, you can delete something from your inventory or gear slot. Or every time you die you have to go play an Alt for X minutes, etc...

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Sorry OP, but your argument is ridiculous.


"Death-port" or "blood-port" has existed in MMOs since.... well since the beginning of MMOs.


Apparently what your problem is, is the lack of a significant death penalty. You're welcome to your opinion that there should be a hefty death penalty, but the majority of the playerbase does not share your wishes.


If you would like to have a significant death penalty, then implement one yourself. Every time you die, you can delete something from your inventory or gear slot. Or every time you die you have to go play an Alt for X minutes, etc...


Kashan you rock personal responsibility in an awesome way.

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If Bioware deems the 'abuse' of dying for a shortcut as an issue, they will fix it. Your opinion on the subject, however, is completely irrelevant as it has no effect on your game play whatsoever.


Stupid thread is stupid.


P.S. I think you mean "too" in the title.

Edited by StormFX
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Is this affecting your player experience at all? NO, I don't know why people complain about these things. Killing yourself to get back to town is a good idea, just like going into a Warzone and staying in the safe area long enough to get kicked and get a free ride to the imperial fleet. The guy leaves the Warzone somebody else joins and takes his place. These are strategies that need to be used for better player experience. I don't want to get on my mount and aggro mobs on the way and get knocked back and waiting for my aggro to ware off and gets back on my mount to turn in quests, so annoying...:mad:
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Is this affecting your player experience at all? NO, I don't know why people complain about these things. Killing yourself to get back to town is a good idea, just like going into a Warzone and staying in the safe area long enough to get kicked and get a free ride to the imperial fleet. The guy leaves the Warzone somebody else joins and takes his place. These are strategies that need to be used for better player experience. I don't want to get on my mount and aggro mobs on the way and get knocked back and waiting for my aggro to ware off and gets back on my mount to turn in quests, so annoying...:mad:
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This is how my day works.


Get up in the morning and go to work.

Return from work 9 hours later and collapse on the chair.

Eat dinner and spend time with my family.

Family heads to bed.

Time for me to unwind and relax with my favourite hobby.


I don't want to have to make life threatening choices while playing video games. I shouldn't have to scrutinise every single decision I make in a video game. I play to relax and allow my mind to escape the real world just for a few hours a day. If they were to impose 'death penalties' like you suggested, I would remove myself from the game and play something more enjoyable.

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So is your font color.


People want to jump into a Sarlaac, let them. Maybe they have companion issues and want to take the easy way out to avoid all the nagging on the walk back to town.


There are bigger issues for BioWare than the games death penalty.


LMAO. This guy wins and I am not going to read anything else in this silly thread.

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Sometimes a death in necessary, and i rather not be punished severely for needing to do so. A good example is the occational "stuck in combat" even after dying bug. I cant log out, killing other things doesnt help. I can either A) Force close SWTOR or B) die.


Dying is the better optiom for me personally because it takes less time to go back to what i was doing, as opposed to logging in and taking 3-5 minutes for my computer to load loading screens.

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