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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In case you missed it: Combat logs are coming, but only for yourself


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ok ill just make you wait 20 mins while i photoshop it, or simply refuse to group with you and move on looking for another group, either way its a win to me


You have no clue what a combat log is do you? You can't Photoshop it. It is literally a second by second log of your combat. To even attempt to edit it is THOUSANDS of lines just for one person. All damage to you and done by you is logged..

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I think the intention on biowares part is good, but utimately pointless.


Expect things like a guild trial where you go out with one guild officer to kill some random npc with x hp.


Guild officers combat log shows he did 75% of the damage to the npc. So the trial must have done 25%.

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Anyway don't dream. We'll have a "public" combat log system one way or another (i.e. when the addons will be there). It is virtually impossible to do top level PvE without it, and most of the big guilds will ask for it anyway. Moreover, it'd render applicants testing useless since they could lie about their data if it was personal. After all nothing's better than a full combat log to see what, why and who failed at doing something.
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Win !:D Yet so true. However I really don't think it will be only a personal combat log. After all, a combat log includes deaths, fails, etc. which would be quite useless if you could only see your data.


Yep. To not support a way too monitor your Raid(I do not care about pug functionality if the group is sucking I can just leave) Performance is to support Leeching. Why should good players HAVE to carry bad players? I will always believe that those againstt have never been in a End Game Raid Guild or were exposed for being not performing a Role like Interrupting or Dispelling via Parsers.

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Which is perfect. It gives the people wanting optimization the tools they need, and at the same time makes them keep their e-peen and e-pinion to themselves.


But who are we kidding here? They are just going to keep whining; simply make berating another players performance a ban worthy offense and be done with it.

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In all likelihood any dps meter that you install is going to link up with other people's dps meters, assuming they're from the same source.


So unless you download a meter that doesn't, or lets you disable sharing, other people WILL see your numbers...



Edited by MrBigley
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I am fine with players having private access to their own performance. Allowing that data to be known to yourself can be really useful but, monitoring and assessing other players' performances starts to head down a slippery slope to situations most people against combat logs would rather avoid. Edited by Matte_Black
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If they keep going this anti compete policy to coddle the bads they will lose all the serious gamers and end up with a community as horrible as RIFTs.


Hardcore is guild/channel only for the most part anyway, with or without meters. If someone ragequits over not being able to see dps of every player in the field community is likely to be better without him.


How hard is it to spot bad gear if you can inspect everyone, or bad player in 4 man group? And what does it mean to have some stat higher if said player keeps breaking cc/doing silly things/dying all over? Its just drama and epeen slapping, tools are never perfect anyway.

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maybe a few patches down the road theyll have a fully operational combat log. no open combat log sounds like a good way for terrible players to hide how terrible they are.


Really - it takes me 10 seconds to scan a person's gear to see if they meet the minimum to do HM flashpoints. If they do, let's give it a try, if they don't I offer to help them run dailies to get the mods and tokens to do it.


Wait, what am I saying? I mostly do these runs with my guild - and we help each other to get geared up for content.


If that is not your case, and you are guildless w/o friends that you know and work well with, then good luck being an elitist jackwagon who has to PUG - it's going to work out really well I bet.


That being said - have fun out there!

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lol look at all the people who claim they wanted it to know THEIR personal DPS. Now raging on people to UPLOAD IT. I will tell you their a computer error or not go. Good luck with getting 22 plus people to review an entire combat separately. Admit defeat. Their so many way's..


I could edit the combat log easily. I did 100k damage. I know how to do that with Notepad it's so EASY.

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You want to join my heroic pug.. I'll force you to upload a combat log from within the last week to a website validating your claims of being able to defeat content.


I need a reason to start programming web pages again.


prepare to be a very lonely Mother Pugger. :rolleyes:

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lol look at all the people who claim they wanted it to know THEIR personal DPS. Now raging on people to UPLOAD IT. I will tell you their a computer error or not go. Good luck with getting 22 plus people to review an entire combat separately. Admit defeat. Their so many way's..


I could edit the combat log easily. I did 100k damage. I know how to do that with Notepad it's so EASY.


Part is personal performance and part is group performance. Logs are typically used to determine what is happening IN THE GROUP.


That said, it's kinda moot until BW adds challenging content.

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A shame. A real combat log would allow me to quickly identify bad dps'ers so I don't have to group with them. It's fair enough that some people are either bad or not interested in doing good dps - but I very much would like the choice not to group with them. As it is now - I just avoid grouping with anyone but my wife. I had enough of playing with bads in wow - I simply won't stomach it in another MMO.


And no I don't want to raid - so don't tell me to join a heroic raiding guild if I want to avoid bads.


If you need a DPS meter to gauge if someone is bad or not then, well, youre bad.

Edited by Achromatis
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Really - it takes me 10 seconds to scan a person's gear to see if they meet the minimum to do HM flashpoints. If they do, let's give it a try, if they don't I offer to help them run dailies to get the mods and tokens to do it.


Wait, what am I saying? I mostly do these runs with my guild - and we help each other to get geared up for content.


If that is not your case, and you are guildless w/o friends that you know and work well with, then good luck being an elitist jackwagon who has to PUG - it's going to work out really well I bet.


That being said - have fun out there!


thats great that you help each other. but geared players not pulling their weight isnt limited to pugs. guilds usually have a few terribles scattered in there somewhere. and maybe if you could tell they were terrible, you could help them not be terrible.


but if youd rather just play the guessing game and wipe to content, by all means, keep your head in the sand.

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Part is personal performance and part is group performance. Logs are typically used to determine what is happening IN THE GROUP.


That said, it's kinda moot until BW adds challenging content.


Their will be no GROUP LOGS. Their will only be PERSONAL if at all. That being said. Their is no way you can force me to upload it. Even if you could. I know how to edit a doucment. I hit the boss for 22k damage with a simple "edit doc" and write in numbers.


Now you know YOUR personal DPS and it's not affecting my fun. So YAY for fun.

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I am fine with players having private access to their own performance. Allowing that data to be known to yourself can be really useful but, monitoring and assessing other players' performances starts to head down a slippery slope to situations most people against combat logs would rather avoid.


So when class X has the only fuctional interupt but he's constantly DPSing instead of doing said interrupt and lying to the Raid Group saying that he has been doing the interrupt we shouldn't have any concrete proof? What if this is happening in a 5-man and we've been there for an hour now because he's secretly not been doing something specific to his role? He just wasted everyone's time and now we have to start the grouping process over again.



Wait there's more what if he has been, but there's a unknown bug? Wouldn't that bug get exposed a lot faster now?


I support a real parser because I have nothing to hide.

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Their will be no GROUP LOGS. Their will only be PERSONAL if at all. That being said. Their is no way you can force me to upload it. Even if you could. I know how to edit a doucment. I hit the boss for 22k damage with a simple "edit doc" and write in numbers.


Now you know YOUR personal DPS and it's not affecting my fun. So YAY for fun.


but if youre terrible and affecting everyone elses fun how is that fair?

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Their will be no GROUP LOGS. Their will only be PERSONAL if at all. That being said. Their is no way you can force me to upload it. Even if you could. I know how to edit a doucment. I hit the boss for 22k damage with a simple "edit doc" and write in numbers.


Now you know YOUR personal DPS and it's not affecting my fun. So YAY for fun.


You are correct I can't force you to do anything.. But I also am not forced to play with you either. That is the nice thing about the first M in MMO.. There are lots of other people who will upload and will fill that slot. As far as a combat log goes... Honestly I don't think you have a clue.

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If you need a DPS meter to gauge if someone is bad or not then, well, youre bad.


^this, if you go by numbers alone then you are as bad as that guy facerolling... really he could have terrible dps due to off heals, cc etc


meanwhile the guy with top dps could be wiping the group due to his aoe spam that is breaking cc etc


I personally like meters, but anyone that uses them as a sole gauge of another player needs to give their head a shake.

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Not going to read the whole thing...


But they did make it quite clear they didn't have a problem with giving people the tools to make sure everyone pulling their weight in Op's and such.


So it's possible that the first version of the damage meeter might be personal and only you get to see it. But that doesn't mean it's because Bioware doesn't want others to see it. They said quite clearly they plan on putting these kinds of tools in at some point.

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but if youre terrible and affecting everyone elses fun how is that fair?


How is it fair that your affecting MY fun by forcing an app that groups MY PERSONAL INFO into your hands. You forcing this APP on my hands. This game started without recount or add on's and it will live on that way. Now YOU know your DPS. And I KNOW mine.


You just can't scream at people in raid for low numbers. I don't get it, you got YOUR PERSONAL DPS. Now you want MY INFORMATION. Once you pay my sub you can.

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^this, if you go by numbers alone then you are as bad as that guy facerolling... really he could have terrible dps due to off heals, cc etc


meanwhile the guy with top dps could be wiping the group due to his aoe spam that is breaking cc etc


I personally like meters, but anyone that uses them as a sole gauge of another player needs to give their head a shake.


In today's 'endgame' environment the main 'mechanic' is the enrage timer. You already have raid groups not even bothering with tanks due to the fact that DPS is king.


If anything it seems that endgame design is going to drive the "I must Deeps at all cost" mentality. Meters will have nothing to do with that.

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