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Miraluka and their sight issues


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As a fan of the EU I’ve played most of the games and read some of the books. One thing that has always nagged on my mind is the Miraluka and Force Sight. Don’t get me wrong I do like them heck I have a few rolled on one of the RP servers. But there is a bit of an issue. Let me first share two links for anyone out there not already up to speed on the subject.






Now it is pretty clear from the EU that force sight for the most part makes up for and enhances normal vision. But it is also shown to have some draw backs. First being color blindness and we are not talking just shades of grey here. If you painted something with black and white stripes a Miraluka would just see a solid object and not the stripes.


The other thing is there semi-X-ray vision. They see solid non-force infused objects as a sort of X-ray outline giving the ability to see through stuff.


So here is my problem. How in the world do the function in a world of holocoms and computers? According to all we got on them computer screens would be unreadable to them. I can believe they are able to read printed/written documents by seeing the raised ink or indented script. But even that would get troublesome with multipage documents. How to they deal with simple request of “Turn left at the blue door” or any other color related issue?

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Now it is pretty clear from the EU that force sight for the most part makes up for and enhances normal vision. But it is also shown to have some draw backs. First being color blindness and we are not talking just shades of grey here. If you painted something with black and white stripes a Miraluka would just see a solid object and not the stripes.



This is where you're misunderstanding. Miraluka are not color blind, and do not just see things as solid objects. Their sight actually provides them even more detail that human eyes do.


Miraluka were first introduced by the Star Wars PnP role-playing game (d20 version), in which it states that Miraluka vision provides just as much information as normal vision, in addition to: and then it lists the "Force sight" bonuses.


Their sight is provided by the Force. Because the Force permeates all things, they can "see" every detail. They may not see "green" as green, but they distinguish it from what humans see as "blue".


Hope that helps you.

Edited by Kashaan
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This is where you're misunderstanding. Miraluka are not color blind, and do not just see things as solid objects. Their sight actually provides them even more detail that human eyes do.


They provided a link here: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Force_sight

The Miraluka relied on this power constantly to compensate for their physical blindness. They could not perceive colors but could distinguish organics


The easiest explanation for their using holos is to communicate... Holo communicators fortunately aren't just used for visuals and Miralukas never seemed to have any hearing difficulties. The fact that they're transmitting images may just be comfort for the other party so take assessment of a situation.


As for computers, I'm sure some rep will stop by to tell us about some new old technology that transmits what is on screen directly into the ear of some Miraluka (perhaps by an earpiece we can't see thusfar) and their keen sense allows them to type on basic boards.

Edited by KaalaZimtari
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I'm pretty sure that Miraluka can see computer screens and colors. The way I imagine it is that there is a "fog" on the edges of their field of vision.(like in KOTOR 2). They can see anything that humans and other species can see, but they have the added bonus of being able to "see" a person's force aura
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I'm pretty sure that Miraluka can see computer screens and colors. The way I imagine it is that there is a "fog" on the edges of their field of vision.(like in KOTOR 2). They can see anything that humans and other species can see, but they have the added bonus of being able to "see" a person's force aura


Not according to the comics or Kotor games, according to these a Mirakula can see objects but not colours, so a monitor would just be a different kind of surface, with no information either. They might possibly be able to see energy, so maybe could see a holocalls shape, but would struggle with details. I'm fairly sure that in Kotor Visas says she has never seen colour and doesn't quite understand the concept, but it's been a while since I played so I can't be definite.

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That would explain why Visas spent her time meditating in her room on Nihilus's ship, instead of enjoying a good book


Not quite, she could easily discern ink from paper, she just couldn't tell you what colour they are, so a very basic book and any pictures would be monochromatic.

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When I try to imagine how they look with their "Force Sight", then I imagine 2 things :


- How people would see a ghost, if ghosts exist

- the view of invisible characters in SWTOR, graphically displayed (invisible scoundrels & Shadows).


Therefore, I call it rather "ghost-sight" for me, since it's easier for me to imagine how a ghost would look like.

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Then post the correct information there. Criticising without bringing in correction suggestions isn't very polite, imho.


Scroll up.

This is where you're misunderstanding. Miraluka are not color blind, and do not just see things as solid objects. Their sight actually provides them even more detail that human eyes do.


Miraluka were first introduced by the Star Wars PnP role-playing game (d20 version), in which it states that Miraluka vision provides just as much information as normal vision, in addition to: and then it lists the "Force sight" bonuses.


Their sight is provided by the Force. Because the Force permeates all things, they can "see" every detail. They may not see "green" as green, but they distinguish it from what humans see as "blue".


Hope that helps you.

Edited by Bleeters
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This wouldn't be the first time something was presented one way at the start and then it was later changed to be something else.


In the SWTOR universe they don't see colors. In the PnP RPG game they do. Newer information cancels older information... that's how Retcons work.


Han shot first.. wait.. no he didn't.

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