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Nasty and (potentially) "Game-Breaking" PVP bugs/exploits.


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A large portion of my XP leveling to 50 was from WZs.

As many Alderaan games as I've played, I think I would've seen them.


Apparently not. I'm Republic and while trying to take control of a side turret I always expect to see Imp players using the direct speeder to the node, and they always do. It's a pain, but that's how Alderaan is played.


It doesn't matter if you haven't seen it or you haven't noticed others on your side using it, because the fact is everyone in here has already said these speeders exist on both sides. End of story.


Now, the rest of the "bugs/exploits" I don't know about. Except the 8man premade, that's just queuing 2 4mans at the same time.

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When your side controls a side turret a speeder spawns on the corresponding side of your dropship. Take that speeder and it's a far more direct route to that turret.


This is in place to help defenders hold turrets. It's not a bug, it's not an exploit, and it works for BOTH sides.




8-man premades are reasonably easy to do as well...Just coordinate in voice chat when to hit "queue" and both groups have a reasonable chance to get in together.


We do this ALL the time when we have more than 4 running at the same time. 5, 6, 7, 8...it's not 100% but a lot of the time it works well.


This is ESPECIALLY true if you're republic side because we're outnumbered so filling the rep sides is easier than the imp sides who are jostling with more players to get that spot.

Edited by thanealpha
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Not sure, but would this be considered an exploit?


Was running against a rather coordinated team in hutt ball a moment ago when, as the match started to get closer, one player in the guild would remain in spawn when an individual was about to score. They'd run to the ledge of the spawn area, pull the ball carrier to them, and let the would-be scoring player become instantly killed by the map's spawn camping protection system.


When they die like that, the ball is reset to the center of the map as well. They were able to successfully prevent all future goal attempts this way.


Can't be intended...right?


I think there was a post about a ticket that was responded about this issue. It's okay to do this, apparently.

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I have to agree on Alderaan. Trying to take the point i kill the same person 3-4 times in the span of 2 minutes. When i take the speeder bike to the side areas as an empire player it travels oddly slow because i think it has far less distance to travel then the center. When i see republic fly in, their speeder bikes are going the same speed as the ones going toward center.


That said, and ill repeat this... when i kill the same person 4 times (when fighting multiple enemies) within such a short span its actually a detriment to kill people and in point capture maps that is a HUGE HUGE issue. Yes, in themed matches the actual killing should take a back seat to the mechanics of the map but at the same time, killing defenders shouldnt be a detriment to the goals of the map.

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This Alderaan crap is the most broken one out of those in my opinion can confirm.


If a team dedicates to it and capture both side nodes its an instant win. Put 4 people at each cap, suicide to delay enemy cap, respawn, repeat. By the time you killed 3, 2 already respawned next to the cap.


Its completly uncappable that way. Completly stupid and needs fixing. Whether its a bug or not, the Speeder time needs serious rework. You can go immortal while slicing through wave after wave of people that dont stand a chance vs you, still you wont cap lol.


Negative. I've successfully cap'd side turrets with 4 or more people there. It's doable. Just need teamwork. Keep trying.

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Okay, then it must just be coincidence that neither I nor any other empire player in any Alderaan Warzone I've played in have ever seen it.


And...More often than not, the pubs tend to zerg mid hard so we'll go after side turrets. That's how we win most games.


Lol it's there... Look harder...

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The Alderaan thing is neither bug nor exploit, when you control a side turret an additional speeder spawns that takes you straight down there. This goes for reps and imps, so working as intended.


This, although Alderaan does have a bug where if you catch someone flying to the side turrents and hit them before the dismount they instantly die. Its hilarious:eek:

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Okay, then it must just be coincidence that neither I nor any other empire player in any Alderaan Warzone I've played in have ever seen it.


And...More often than not, the pubs tend to zerg mid hard so we'll go after side turrets. That's how we win most games.


it must be, because everyone else BUT you has known about it since very early beta...


Dude its cool if you just say you were mistaken, we'll let it slide, but you just KEEP insisting the speeder isn't there......and the entire SW:TOR community is telling you otherwise.

Edited by irishdrunk
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- Characters can jump up onto the Huttball's Spawn point (center of the map) and become immune to any attacks or CC while being able to freely attack/heal/cast/etc.


When a player jump on the ball stand in huttball, while s/he is indeed untarget-able s/he still suffer any AoE ability, so any AoE knockback and AoE damage ability can still hit anyone on top of ball stand.


- When on the lower level (bottom floor, where speed boost buffs spawn) and approaching the wall, players can repeatedly jump into the corner below the fence and glitch themselves up into the goal line area.


This is a common animation lag, what really happen is said player "charge" up to an invisible ally. Juggernaut/Guardian get a friendly target charge at lv50.


- Saw one particular guild (no others yet) that seems to have found a way to reliably queue with a full 8 person preformed group.


It is possible to queue into the same warzone game if both team queue at the exact same time.


Republic players (Haven't seen it happen to Empire yet) will often begin getting dropped off directly at the West Side Gun Battery if they die there. They return directly to the node after a VERY short speeder ride.

Their respawn time after death will take only a few seconds and this causes a near endless stream of them with full HP to that particular node, much more quickly than normal.

This makes the node nearly impossible to capture or defend if you're Empire.


Whenever Republic/Imperial is in control of a side node in Alderaan, a new speeder will show up in the spawn area(on the ship), it is the most close to the wall to each side of the side node.


If a team control all 3 node in Alderaan, there will be 4 speeder in the spawn area.


It is working as intent and has been in place since Beta(back when warzone is 12vs12)

Edited by Felene
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