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What exactly is it that is making me lose interest?


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The OP hit the nail on the head.


I wanted this game to be awesome too but I'll be unsubbing once my free month is up in a few days.


I didn't want a linear single player story.


I wanted to role play a unique character and give him my own back story through the adventures I chose to go on.


Instead I'm forced down certain paths, from one planet to another in a dull prescribed manner, the same as everyone else.


And yes, the loading screen after loading screen = fail.

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I dont normaly reply to these kind of posts,but this time Im going to..


everyone here that is ************ becuase they get to 50 and there is nothing to do has played WOW at some point.. and for that reason is most likely why you are having problems enjoying any kind of other MMO..


Think about it.. WOW has what 4 starting out areas to lvl up in, I mean,if you get boared in one lvling area you can just go somewhere else.. or get a high lvl friend to run you through dungeons a few times until you lvl.. they have a ton of dungeons.. the PVP is good for a MMO.. but the biggest thing.. WOW HAS BEEN OUT FOR 6+ YEARS!! sheesh!! you cant exspect to walk into an MMO and it will have everything that WOW has espiacly one only been out of beta testing for less then a month.. Like rift, this game needs time to exspand, take off its training wheels so to speak..I see this game has the ability to be great.. all the planets leaves room for it to open up new area galore!


now if you played wow for 4yrs like i did,and you remember what it was like when burning crusade came out.. then you will remember that WOW didnt always have everything it does now.. and there was times where you just got boared..


Rift could have been great too,but they screwed up by mimicking WOW to much..


and thats my two cents!!

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The game lacks extreme roleplay capabilities, which is what the biggest appeal for people is. You can't effectively roleplay on this game due to the chat and the lack of inter-faction mingling. Your either empire vs empire or repub vs repub. You can't mix at all unless pvp/pve.
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The game lacks extreme roleplay capabilities, which is what the biggest appeal for people is. You can't effectively roleplay on this game due to the chat and the lack of inter-faction mingling. Your either empire vs empire or repub vs repub. You can't mix at all unless pvp/pve.



Roleplay is the biggest appeal? Are you even serious?

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As a response to the OP and everyone agreeing:


Did you guys research nothing before the game came out? There were countless gameplay videos and descriptions for almost every facet of the game prior to official release and after the NDA was lifted.


It really sounds like most of you wanted a completely different game than what you spent $60 on.

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in mmo now a day they should focus a lot more end game content. for the leveling period in new mmo usully last aroun 15 days,while end game last for year. in swtor they really missed the nail on that. sure story is fun but at 50 it all end.


the crafting in this game is plain dumb and useless, all the stuff you make from artefact recipe are BOP tus the item cannot be make or sell to anyone.


compagnion finnally are only glorified pet for as soon as you reach 10k rep with em their story is over too and serve at nothing in endgame except to be send away getting mat to craft gear that no one use cause of orange gear that you can upgrade. for **** sale u cannot even speak with em afterward so were is the romance arc i wonder for i have 4 compagnion at 10k


all the planet feel static and lifeless due to all loading screen and small instance area. the entire planet is that same and look the same no special fluff there to make exploring an option


not gonna talk about all the bug at end game


the story and decision you make really doesnt matter at all for it affect nothing in game or with your compagnion so i can ijust kill anyone with no aftertought


and the list goes on

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What exactly is it that is making me lose interest?


Burnout. That's all it is. You're burned out. You spent too much time anticipating the game and too much time prior to launch experiencing the game that after it launched, you're already burned out.


It happens.

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Please, just go for crying out loud. Why does everyone feel the need to write essays on the way they feel about the game? Just go do whatever other trivial pursuit you fill your spare time with and leave me to my choice.


People care enough to write very constructive, reasoned feedback. It isn't trolling, it isn't hateful, it isn't fanboyish, it's JUST carefully written opinion. If they didn't care they wouldn't post at length in such a manner.


Take a step back and realize it's good for the long term health of the game.

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I'm pretty sure that I could give out completely free $100 bills and the people around here would not only complain about it, they would post ridiculously over-the-top things like "This person's free money will result in diseased children, economic ruin, and the eventual fall of human civilization itself. Wall of misanthropic text to follow."
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Burnout. That's all it is. You're burned out. You spent too much time anticipating the game and too much time prior to launch experiencing the game that after it launched, you're already burned out.


It happens.


Yeah i see a lot of jaded MMO players in here. Spoiled by thousands of hours in WoW/Rift/Aion/EQ.


Just a statistic to throw in the faces of those of you who feel SWTOR isn't "big" or "interesting" or complain about the fatigue zones:


WoW including TBC, WOTLK, Cata has currently about 87 sq km of gamer accessible content.


Bioware has around 91 sq km of player accessible content... at release.


So much BS entitlement and basement pedestal riding around here it makes me sick. And no, these "constructive" essays don't help. When I decided to stop eating fast food, I didn't go to McDonald's and "constructively" explain to everyone why I wasn't going to eat there anymore. It's antagonistic, injurious behavior. If you dislike the game, speak with your money, unsub, and go do something else. I don't want to hear about how much you dislike voice acting, or companions, or not being able to "smoothly transition from planet to planet" whatever that means (someone here listed that as a gripe *rollseyes*).

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Yeah i see a lot of jaded MMO players in here. Spoiled by thousands of hours in WoW/Rift/Aion/EQ.


Just a statistic to throw in the faces of those of you who feel SWTOR isn't "big" or "interesting" or complain about the fatigue zones:


WoW including TBC, WOTLK, Cata has currently about 87 sq km of gamer accessible content.


Bioware has around 91 sq km of player accessible content... at release.


So much BS entitlement and basement pedestal riding around here it makes me sick. And no, these "constructive" essays don't help. When I decided to stop eating fast food, I didn't go to McDonald's and "constructively" explain to everyone why I wasn't going to eat there anymore. It's antagonistic, injurious behavior. If you dislike the game, speak with your money, unsub, and go do something else. I don't want to hear about how much you dislike voice acting, or companions, or not being able to "smoothly transition from planet to planet" whatever that means (someone here listed that as a gripe *rollseyes*).



Your attitude is horrible to be honest. No one forced you to read or respond to this topic. Everyone is entitled to an opinion even if it doesn't go along with yours.

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