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Lets face it WOW pvp > SWTOR pvp


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I never thought i would be posting that title... and i really didn't enjoy wow pvp all that much.


Give me a ^^ if you agree or a @@ if you disagree


I understand it is only a month in... but learn from other MMO mistakes and corrections and don't release a pvp system that is not fully developed.




No complaints about PvP on my server. Seems to be pretty evenly balanced on SMS.

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@@ - Disagree due to the following:

1) SWTOR has server-only PvP


Why is this better? It breeds a sense of realm pride and community. Guilds and individuals can make names for themselves like on Dark Age of Camelot and Warhammer Online. People will know the good PvPers and PvP guilds on their server, who to team up with, what guilds to ally with etc. It breeds a sense of realm pride because you become well known to both sides.


If also stops people from greifing on Warfronts because names are known. Everyone learns the names and guilds of cheaters, exploiters, griefers and trolls and can punish them.


2) SWTOR is balanced for group vs group at the level cap


This is important as it is where most PvP will eventually happen. WoW's problem is that it has to balance for 2v2, 2v2, 6v6, and Battlegrounds of multiple sizes. And it also has various brackets and supports twinking. WoW is impossible to balance.


SWTOR does away with this by only having one bracket (soon to be two but it's the same principle) and makes it so all warfronts have the same party sizes, so the game only needs to be balanced for group v group at lv50

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I never thought i would be posting that title... and i really didn't enjoy wow pvp all that much.


Give me a ^^ if you agree or a @@ if you disagree


I understand it is only a month in... but learn from other MMO mistakes and corrections and don't release a pvp system that is not fully developed.


I disagree completely, WoW pvp is NOT better.


SWTOR has some ability delay bugs and is not as smooth as wow because of that. However that is a known bug that will be resolved soon I am sure.


Smoothness of abilities is not the only determining factor, balance is a much more massive one. WoW classes are so out of balance that at least for me it automatically disqualifies it from being a good pvp game.


SWTOR classes over all are fairly well balanced when people are not stacking consumables (another problem bioware needs to fix). There are some bugs and some exploits currently, but thats expected of any newly released game and I am sure they will be fixed soon.

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I have to agree, I really dont like wow but the pvp was way better, just for the fun factor anyway, at least you could choose the battlegrounds you liked, for me that was Alterac valley, Arathi basin, battle for gilneas and my favourite Ilse of conquest, why the hell cant we have big 40 vs 40 outdoor battles with enemy npc bosses, siege vehicles & tanks etc in swtor?

Even rift has fun innovative pvp these days, the only swtor warzone i find acceptable is Alderaan, & even thats compromised by not having level brackets & getting constanly stomped on by premades when joining the queue solo.


The premade issue comes out more in TOR than WoW, because of BG sizes. WoW had 10, 15, 40. A 10-15man premade generally stomped everyone. A 4man premade in WoW had a net positive effect on a pug team, but wasn't a huge swing, because you had six to ten other idiots flopping around. And obviously in AV, AFKers werent' even noticeable becaue of level design.


In TOR, one AFKer or a pure random team versus a 4man premade(with strong comp) is generally a lopsided battle. Only in voidstar is there even a remote chance, and that's just throwing your corpse on the door.


A 4+ premade bracket(ala rated BGs), 1-35, 36-49, and 50s bracket would help alleviate some of these issues, but that's too many brackets, and would cause queue issues. And also entry level PvP gear to combat the Champion lottery system would help the fresh 50s from getting melted by Battlemasters. Don't get me wrong, they'll still die horrific deaths, but at least they would have the illusion of dignity.

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Overall endgame PvP is better in WoW. Arenas, Rated Battlegrounds and higher quantity of battlegrounds. Also the way you get gear PvP gear in WoW is better thoughtout.


Ability lag does exist in this game. Which has two primary causes: 1) High server usage during peak times, 2) improper programming that doesnt decrease processor load when lowering graphical settings.

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Until they fix ability lag, balance classes so that OP'ed classes are not all to noticible, and add a ranking system so WZ's are not a pointless farm marks till you are bored,


Then WoW pvp > SWTOR pvp.


The fluid response of warcraft is leaps and bounds above swtor at the present moment. I could even deal with blizzard cartoony graphics if SWTOR responded like that game does.


Only thing SWTOR has over wow is that wow has been out for 7 years and is just boring (to me).

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I quit WoW out of frustration with its pvp, yet it was clearly better than what swtor offers. Insane ability delay, lottery gear system, etc...


What really bothers me, because I know it won't change anytime soon, is the constant instant and unavoidable CC. Basically whenever I come across anyone in PvP, I just stand there and wait to see what cheesy instant stun/knockback/root I will have to sit through. It's like every class is a DK with 100% snare chains of ice, mage with deep freeze, and ele shaman with a broken knockback all rolled into one.

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I know a lot of people will disagree with this, I am sure. But sometimes, you just need to learn how to play your class against other specific classes. I think Blizzard did a decent job at correcting many flaws. It's hard to make every class absolutely equal. They make changes to what people want, and more ************ ensues.


I kind of like the battlegrounds in WoW though more than SWTOR warzones. I have to admit, Huttball is really cool, even though I know a lot of people are sick of it (kinda like how a lot of people got sick of WSG :p). But it's different. I really love CTF in any game though, so I hope they place that in. As I said, smoothness makes a big difference for me, when the flaws are fixed, the lag, maybe brackets for 50s, and yes! cross server pvp are possibly implemented even if it is a different thing you queue for, I will be one happy little camper.

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I enjoyed vanilla-WoW PvP but when they introduced ranking systems, cross server queues, and arenas I stopped enjoying it. WoW PvP feels more like BF3 or COD with spells than it does an MMO.


Basically I look at it this way:

Would I continue to run TOR PvP if I had no chance of getting gear from it? Yes

Would I play WoW PvP if I had no chance of getting gear from it? No, never

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I want to enjoy SWTOR pvp. but performance issues (fps) and ability lag make pvping so frustrating.


At least in WoW I felt like I was in control when fighting in battlegrounds.


In SWTOR even with a good comp its laggy as heck in pvp. Thought it was just me but I read some threads alot of people with high end rigs suffering FPS drops in warzones etc. (lol)

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@@ disagree - WoW PvP is cross server based, and therefore will never be better than TOR PvP for me.


While swtor not being cross server is a plus, the combat is just such crap that it can never be better than wow pvp. If they do something drastic to make the combat not feel slow, clunky and delayed then it could be a great game. But unfortunately that just seems to be the way combat is in this game.

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@@ - Disagree due to the following:

1) SWTOR has server-only PvP


Why is this better? It breeds a sense of realm pride and community. Guilds and individuals can make names for themselves like on Dark Age of Camelot and Warhammer Online. People will know the good PvPers and PvP guilds on their server, who to team up with, what guilds to ally with etc. It breeds a sense of realm pride because you become well known to both sides.


If also stops people from greifing on Warfronts because names are known. Everyone learns the names and guilds of cheaters, exploiters, griefers and trolls and can punish them.


2) SWTOR is balanced for group vs group at the level cap


This is important as it is where most PvP will eventually happen. WoW's problem is that it has to balance for 2v2, 2v2, 6v6, and Battlegrounds of multiple sizes. And it also has various brackets and supports twinking. WoW is impossible to balance.


SWTOR does away with this by only having one bracket (soon to be two but it's the same principle) and makes it so all warfronts have the same party sizes, so the game only needs to be balanced for group v group at lv50


Agreed and well said.

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I totally disagree. I loved WoW. Loved it... Then it wen down the toilet. I enjoy this game much more. And of course this games systems may not measure up to WoWs in every aspect... that game iisnt a month old compared to a game which has been around forever.

People are idiots.

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Ive just watched level 50's get utterly destroyed in pvp in less than 5 seconds...so much for balanced and "skillful" pvp.

Anyone else find this statement 100% contradictory? One of the ways that WoW will never even come close to this game is the fact that people could twink out their characters and dominate in lower lvl pvp. All I have to do is walk in a warzone and heal people for once to stand a good chance at winning. Imagine that, healz win.


WoW took way too long to deliver on the things that fans really wanted(sound familiar EQ?). 6 years of live to stop twink domination by adding experience? Which never actually stopped it. As a pvp'er in all games, I can already see that they've taken more things into consideration with the launch than most games do in their whole run. With that said, the real test will be to see what they do with their feedback. This is, after all, a skeleton version of the game.

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I know this game is NEW and your all FANBOYS but look at the facts guys.


At least WoW has separate level PvP brackets, Premade vs Premade battleground options, Arena and World PvP objectives.


What's SWTOR PvP like right now? level 50 premades with stacked expertise gear farming random solo queues that are 20 levels below them.


How can you NOT say WoW PvP is better than TOR's right now as it stands?

Edited by KonduitX
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I know this game is NEW and your all FANBOYS but look at the facts guys.


At least WoW has separate level PvP brackets, Premade vs Premade battleground options, Arena and World PvP objectives.


What's SWTOR PvP like right now? level 50 premades with stacked expertise gear farming random solo queues that are 20 levels below them.


How can you NOT say WoW PvP is better than TOR's right now as it stands?


Well, for one thing, premade vs premade bracket never stopped WoW premades from destroying us in the pug bracket. I lost over %90 of my games in WoW no matter what bracket I was in and no matter what faction I played. I only lose about %60-%70 of my games in SWTOR. That alone makes SWTOR pvp better than WoW pvp.

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Anyone else find this statement 100% contradictory? One of the ways that WoW will never even come close to this game is the fact that people could twink out their characters and dominate in lower lvl pvp.
Twink domination isn't a factor when you have level 50's queueing with level 10's. This whole argument is flawed bro.
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How can you NOT say WoW PvP is better than TOR's right now as it stands?


Because for me and many other people not having cross-server queues trumps everything else.

Now if TOR introduced cross-server for PvP then I'd say WoW PvP was better. The OP wasn't specific though, he just asked which we thought was better. He didn't ask for example, "which do you find more responsive?"

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Well, for one thing, premade vs premade bracket never stopped WoW premades from destroying us in the pug bracket. I lost over %90 of my games in WoW no matter what bracket I was in and no matter what faction I played. I only lose about %60-%70 of my games in SWTOR. That alone makes SWTOR pvp better than WoW pvp.
Actually you can't premade against a pug in a 15-40 man BG. If you REALLY lost 90% of your games your either just lying or just a complete fail.
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