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The "how are my stats at lvl X" thread


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Lv 50


Str 147

Pres 265

Aim 90

Cunning 84

Endurance 1883

Willpower 1164

Expertise 638 - I am missing a few pieces of BM


Melee Damage 627-811

Bonus 260

Accuracy 97.77

Crit Chance 15

Crit Mult 50


Health 21.3k (22k+ with the commando buff)

Reduction 38.77

Defense 28.92

Shield 30.76

Absorb 31.75



Bonus Damage 490

Healing 181

Accuracy 107.77

Crit Chance 15

Crit Mult 50

Regen 10.4


PvP 12%


Buffs I had were Force Valor and a Rakata Fortitude

Edited by kckkryptonite
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That said, you can get a really big boost at level 40 from the PvP gear (which does not cost much and a kinetic shadow can easily PvP from the mid 30s).


Have over 600 WZ tokens already, surprise surprise since I am not PvPing all of the time. Is the level 40 really that much a step up from my updated modded oranges and purples? Hmm.

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Stats for me atm lvl 50 2/31/8 spec


Strength - 109

Presence - 267

Aim - 52

Cunning - 56

Endurance - 1303

Willpower - 1367

Expertise - 137 (Only have champ boots, offhand, implant, and a centurion belt)


Damage (Pri) 698-868

Bonus Damage - 357

Accuracy - 96.93%

Critical Chance - 30.06%

Critical Multiplier - 78.16%


Health - 15,531

Armor Rating - 2257

Damage Reduction - 20%

Defense Chance - 10%

Shield Chance/Absorption - Both 0%


I'm only valor rank 32 after I opened 16 champ bags with no gear I got a little pissed and stopped grinding for pvp gear :)


Thats with a Rakata Willpower stim also :p

Edited by TaKe_NoTeZ
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Have over 600 WZ tokens already, surprise surprise since I am not PvPing all of the time. Is the level 40 really that much a step up from my updated modded oranges and purples? Hmm.


It is not for your pants and chests (or any other orange you already have) but it gives you orange gear for your head, hand and boots. That and level 40 blue gear for the rest (and I mean every slot).


As for level 50, valor rank is worthless. You either have access to batllemaster gear or not but a valor 30 can have better gear than a valor 50.

I'll post the stats of my kinetic PvP spec later today but I'll have a lot of champion bags to open before ^^ (right now my gear is not as well balanced as I want it to either ... still grinding).

Edited by Sogar
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So here are my stats ... and I'm not so undergeared now ^^ :


Level 50:

Kinetic 27/12/2


Strength - 105

Presence - 227

Aim - 52

Cunning - 52

Endurance - 1339

Willpower - 1096

Exp - 418


Damage - 567-730

Bonus Damage - 241.6

Accuracy – 99.48%

Chance crit - 21.96%

Crit mult – 66.08%


Health - 15890

Armour rating - 6324

Damage deduct – 36.93%

Defense – 18.31%

Shield - 20%

Shield abs – 37.40%


So these are my stats unbuffed (well just the consular buff) with combat technique on.

I have 7 pieces of champ pieces and 2 centurion pieces. I miss the chest, the lightsaber, the bracers and both of the relics.

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Currently at 32 on my tank spec Jedi shadow.


Don't have all my starts currently, so I'll update this next time I log in.



Health : 7800



Just got off Tatooine, so my mods are a bit behind level-wise >.<

Edited by Garodan
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It is not for your pants and chests (or any other orange you already have) but it gives you orange gear for your head, hand and boots. That and level 40 blue gear for the rest (and I mean every slot).


Thanks, probably not worth it for me then, since I'm already orange on hands and feet, and purple on head and wrap, with mostly oranges or blues filling in the rest (a few greens remain for the implants, and I still have a open relic slot).

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Level 50

spec Infaltration 2/31/8


Str 121

pres 244

aim 69

cunning 70

endur 1541

willPow 1548

expertise 46

dmg 708-875

bonus dmg 374.5

accuracy 100.27

crit chance 31.21

crit multipler 72.73

HP 17910

armor 2474

dmg reduc 20.64


in tank gear

Str 121

pres 244

aim 69

cunning 70

endur 1932

willPow 1112

expertise 183

dmg 597-778

bonus dmg 234

accuracy 98.73

crit chance 13.78

crit multipler 50

HP 21820

armor 6052

dmg reduc 37.91

shield chance 27.41

shield absorb 39.21


these stats are unbuffed with the exception of my rakata stim.

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Level 37 Kinetic



Presence - 180

Endurance - 825

Willpower - 551



Damage - 309-396

Force bonus damage - 236



Health - 9751

Armor - 3527

DR - 30.08%

Defense - 20.26%

Shield Chance - 20.76%

Shield Absorption - 24%

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I always like these kinda threads :)


The gear we're equipping clearly makes a big difference to our stats. It would almost be interesting to run a character through equipping only the rewards that weren't moddable and see if the game was that much harder... interesting though I can't imagine I'll ever do it. Most of my gear is orange but I can't say I've been very consistent with my choices for mods, armour etc.


Level 41, Kinetic Shadow


Strength - 89

Presence - 194

Aim - 44

Cunning - 44

Endurance - 894

Willpower - 717

Exp - 0


Damage - 375-483

Bonus Damage - 160.8

Accuracy – 90.89%

Chance crit - 16.73%

Crit mult – 58.94%


Health - 10719

Armour Rating - 4446

Damage Reduction – 34.07%

Defense – 20.42%

Shield - 24.34%

Shield abs – 28.07%

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After reading the Shadow Handbook and looking around. I understand that willpower is the primary stat for shadows. I also understand crit is important, but I have also read that power and surge are important. I was at first not sure which way to proceed.


I am level 35 with mostly moddable gear except bracers and waist. I have been modding willpower and crit whenever possible. I notice something when I was changing mods out was that my critical multiplier would never rise above 50% no matter what. My Crit chance is currently 22%. So I had to make a new decision as I am Cyber Tech and crit a purple earpiece that would be -10 crit but had the augment. So I added a surge augment to raise my multiplier to 54.15%. My confusion is should I just keep focusing on crit until I get to 50 and not worry about Surge at all and where does Power play into all of this?


My current stats @ level 35


Strength 82

Aim 40

Cunning 40

Endurance 616

Willpower 612


Damage (Pri) 282-352

Accuracy 90%

Critical Chance 22.00%

Critical Multiplier 54.15%


Total health pool 7530

Damage Reduction 14.54%



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Gear is huge. I swapped ear pieces last night to buff a bunch of other stats with a drop of a few willpower, and that dropped my overall will by 400! I was really wondering *** was going on. Gave me huge presence, and the mod didn't even show that as an option. Wonder if I got a bugged item?


Level 44, Kinetic Shadow


Strength - 90

Presence - 203

Aim - 45

Cunning - 45

Endurance - 857

Willpower - 718

Exp - 0


Damage - 385-493

Bonus Damage - 171.4

Accuracy – 91.52%

Chance crit - 15.99%

Crit mult – 52.46%


Health - 10580

Armour Rating - 4642

Damage Reduction – 34.59%

Defense – 19.48%

Shield - 24.26%

Shield abs – 28.15%

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If when you equip/unequip the item it changes other stats than the ones specified on the item, then it must be bugged. Better report it.



Shadow Tank lvl 41 Stats (31/0/1) :


Strenght = 91;

Presence = 200;

Aim = 50;

Cunning = 44;

Endurance = 1036;

Willpower = 724;

Expertise = 0.


Melee :

Damage = 362-461;

Bonus damage = 165.1;

Accuracy = 92.30%;

Critical chance = 12.29%;

Critical multiplier = 50%.


Force :

Bonus damage = 281.5;

Bonus healing = 101.0;

Accuracy = 102.30%;

Critical chance = 11.39%;

Critical multiplier = 50%;

Force regeneration = 10.4;

Activation speed = 0.00%.


Defense :

Health = 12142;

Armor rating = 4843;

Damage reduction = 35.99%;

Defence chance = 22.20%;

Shield chance = 23.56%;

Shield absorption = 29.06%.

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Yall are focusing to much on sub lvl 50 stats.


The game changes at 50 and your gear will too has well has damage and all.


Right now Fully raid buffed I have 6700armor and 23k+ HP and my base damage is 600 to 800


But the difference is I am sitting with Rakata/Columi full armor and Rakata Main hand. I have Rakata Implants and after tonight should have my Rakata earpiece too.


So Like I said checking stats and things and doing all of this below 50 is kind of a waste has your toon though PvP gear and Raid gear will change a great deal with lvl 50 and the opening of Hardmodes and PvP bags and all of that.

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Its not a waste when you are below 50.


Yes it is. Cause with in a few days of 50 your stats will and can change greatly.


Below 50 the only thing that really matters is can you level quickly and that means most quest gear will do for that maybe a few pieces off the AH but nothing to over the top has you will replace gear quickly while leveling.


I use to flow though gear so fast while leveling it hardly made since some times to spend money on upgrades. Heck I even made the mistake of buying Armor mods for my orange gear at lvl 50 and putting them in when i should have just saved the 60 some odd daily coms that I spent and put them toward implants or ear piece.

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Not everybody speeds through leveling. I started this thread to track stat progression towards 50, and it has been useful in that end, for me at least. I'm new to MMOs, and all of the things that need to be tracked, fiddled with, altered, and just plain considered to optimize stats for one's preferred play style makes for a bit of a steep learning curve (over FPSs, which come down to twitch reflexes and connection latency). Good for you for flying through gear and levels though, I guess.


For post 50s, there are other stats that should be added to this tracking to make it in any way meaningful. I've already suggested tracking valor levels, but also what gear is being used.

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Not everybody speeds through leveling. I started this thread to track stat progression towards 50, and it has been useful in that end, for me at least. I'm new to MMOs, and all of the things that need to be tracked, fiddled with, altered, and just plain considered to optimize stats for one's preferred play style makes for a bit of a steep learning curve (over FPSs, which come down to twitch reflexes and connection latency). Good for you for flying through gear and levels though, I guess.


For post 50s, there are other stats that should be added to this tracking to make it in any way meaningful. I've already suggested tracking valor levels, but also what gear is being used.


You will find at 50 there are 4 sets of gear choices. It all depends on what your role is and what you want to do and spec has to what choice you go.


I use Survival gear has I am Kinetic(Tank) speced all the time. Although with the amount of extra gear that is dropping and or I am getting assigned I might be building a Stalker set too soon I have 2nd Columi Chest and Head tokens in my cargo hold right now just trying to see if they do a dual spec thing or not.


I would not say I flew though levels. I did all the quests and things and went though the progress to get to 50. There was a ton more 50s than me when I made it. Never the less I found that with 4 to 5 hours of play you could gain a level easy from 40 to 50 and more lower.


The point of it is that the game changes at 50 and what you are attempting is pretty well a waste of time and effort has below 50 your gear and things change all the time.

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