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Like I said in my other post, I have played both games. These two games are world apart, and other then being Star Wars have nothing in common. I kind of had an idea of what was coming as I played KOTOR 1 and 2, and I was not wrong. I see the problem as people of SWG who ether did not play KOTOR or just thought they were going to play a game that was going to be a clone of SWG.It is all about money, if SOE did not go to nge it would be making money, and we woud not be here. As for player written stories I am paying 14.99 a month for them to add to the game, not other players.


The King is Dead, Long Live the King.

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There's no accounting for taste, I suppose.


SWG was terribly buggy, and had a lack of quest content. Even the content they did eventually add was "meh" in my estimation.


They kept trying to pander to people and destroyed their product. Being a Jedi is too hard? Make it easier. Still too hard? Now EVERYONE is a Jedi! But they're completely nerfed; thanks for putting all that effort in, hardcore players!


Then there's the fact that about half of the expansions they released caused massive cancellations. So not only was the game so bad and complained about that they had to plan massive changes throughout many expansions, but they mishandled the work so badly that people quit the game because of it.


Star Wars Galaxies had the potential to be a good game. But like with every other MMO that SoE has attempted, they screwed it up.


What confuses me is people saying that they had better SW moments in SWG that TOR.

Really? SWG gave you a better moment than slaying the Master that had hung you out to dry and becoming the enforcer of the Emperor's Will?


I find that difficult to believe.

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SWG was a special game, gave me the best memories I've ever had in a video game, and created some friendships that are now going on 8 years.


I stumbled across this website that has some stories of personal experiences and feelings of the game, and I could not stop reading until there was no more to read.





I shared many of the feelings written in the diary linked above, and unfortunately (for me) those kind of experiences and joy will never be felt in this game.



I've never been sucked into a game as much as SWG, might never happen again. Although ToR isn't a bad game, it just doesn't have the elements to keep me interested. I'm having the exact same feelings playing this game as I had playing the single player KOTOR and KOTOR2.

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I like TOR alot, I liked SWG alot. They are completly diff kinds of games and thus are very hard to compare. I have to say I liked SWG better BUT TOR is what almost a month old?! I remember how lost I was when I first started playing SWG.

Hard to compare a month old game to an 8 year old game that ultimatly failed. Dont get me wrong I played SWG for 8 years and would still be playing if the plug had not been pulled.


The open world in SWG was awesome, crafting was the most complex I have ever seen. Character diversity was awesome. Housing was great. (got out of hand in the end but still)


The TOR story line is great, voice overs are awesome. Love the companion inter action as well. TOR well get better as it goes, hopefully Lucas Arts will keep supporting TOR for years to come.


Dont ask me to pick one over the other, diff games. If I could mesh the two I would but you cant. In the end I like/liked them both.


8 year vet, Ahazi, VOA. Gotta love beasthandler!!

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Hello all!


As a 7 year SWG vet, I thought this would be a good thread to jump into the forums on. Like all of us, I'm still new to TOR and keeping in mind that it is a brand new game so Ill reserve judgement on a few things to see what the future holds and what may be added. But, so far:




-Housing / Decoration / Storage: I really miss my houses. I loved the decoration abilities in swg and being able to display my adventure trophies and rewards. Not to mention I was a horrible horder, so having the ability to almost keep EVERYTHING I came across was wonderful. TOR storage is way to small for my taste and is a bit expensive to expand at early levels.

-Player Cities:

-Space: I miss being able to just go up and roam at will in my ship and for the larger vessels, being able to decorate them. (dont get me wrong, the interior of the TOR ships are pretty nice! just wish I could personalize them)

-Crafting: Loved SWG crafting system

-Early speeder access: Im still figuring out what will be my main toon so I have several mid-teen to mid 20's level toons and travel time is killing me.

-ENTERTAINERS!: Id give anything to run to a cantina and get my hair changed or an Ent Buff.

-Camps: as an early Ranger/CH and then TKM/CH I always kept camps on me. Some of the best in-game times I ever had where in the middle of no where sitting around a camp.

-ACCOUNT STORAGE ACESS! This ones a biggy for me. I miss being able to craft with one toon and leave the item for another one of my toons no matter what their alignment.




-Story: Bioware did an amazing job with the story lines no matter your class. And to top that off, it FEELS like the star wars universe. SWG was more of an open play world with star wars themes. You really get immersed in TOR and feel like you have a job.

-Graphics: I do wish there were a few more character cusomization options, but the worlds are beautiful.

-Solo play: Of course there are times when you will need or want others along, but if its just you, you feel like the game revolves around you.

-Companions: goes back to solo play.

-Light / Dark side choices: not sure how this plays out later in the game but I like that there are options and consequences.

-Coruscant: How cool is that?


Again, it still early but as a story game I'm really enjoying TOR and am anxious to see what later levels hold. There is alot of freedom I do miss from SWG though, but we'll see what the future holds.

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Depends on which SWG we are talking about....pre Combat Upgrade/NGE SWG was the by far the most fun I ever had playing an MMO, although it was lacking in the pvp/instance department (however SWG world pvp was a blast)


post CU/NGE SWG was about the WORST mmo I have ever played and there is NOTHING about the travesty that I like better than SWTOR...Smedley should be kneecapped with a .22 imho....:mad::mad::mad:



I loved the sandbox environment and player cities. Use to love logging in to defend/attack bases and also enjoyed just chillin in cantinas with friends waiting for an invasion lol. The crafting/harvesting was also great and innovative...

Edited by Delltron
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Geezz what a can of warms....



For one, SWG's so called player controlled economy was way out of control with way over inflated prices.


Useless classes AKA entertainer


Combat system where no one could do normal PVE or PVP without 3 rows of buffs.... FAIL.


A 9 year old MMO that would make a new PC lag. At which point one realizes it is not the computer it is the game.


Rebels and Imps doing quests together with no real division in factions but only in PVP


content you are forced to skip because one cannot get a large enough group


With all of the praise about SWG's space combat and every time you go out you barely see anyone out there


Too many bugs that went without fixes


Over powered class "Commando"


At best SWG was everquest with a Star Wars flavor.


Honestly I could never be happier with SWTOR flaws and all.

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SWG was a great game. I liked the character customization and choice in the game. If you wanted to be you could be a shop owner who tended heavy miners and cared nothing about the War. I also liked the open world PvP at Restus and the bases.


TOR should be a great game but its still in it infancy. It has a lot of things right and I hope in time it gets the rest right.

Edited by Izorii
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SWG was a special game, gave me the best memories I've ever had in a video game, and created some friendships that are now going on 8 years.


I stumbled across this website that has some stories of personal experiences and feelings of the game, and I could not stop reading until there was no more to read.





I shared many of the feelings written in the diary linked above, and unfortunately (for me) those kind of experiences and joy will never be felt in this game.



I've never been sucked into a game as much as SWG, might never happen again. Although ToR isn't a bad game, it just doesn't have the elements to keep me interested. I'm having the exact same feelings playing this game as I had playing the single player KOTOR and KOTOR2.


I am always completely humbled when someone goes out of their way to link people to that blog. Thanks for your kind words, I have another 60 or so entries to post!


This thread is fantastic for many reasons.


For me, pre-cu SWG was my first MMO love. It was broken as we all know, and I did care, but I cared for the community far more. The people were pronominal. It didn't matter that pvp was imbalanced, or that it took forever to get high end combat implemented.


The bottom line is this: the game was robust. Say what you want, but player run cities, mounts, vehicles, amazing crafting, a FULL space game... I mean JTL itself kept me subscribed after the NGE wrecked the game, because space was untouched. And over time, they made that better, too.


Pre-cu SWG was a bigtime attempt to bring gamers the star wars universe in a sandbox. Yeah they failed over time. IMO it should have been shut down way sooner considering what a mess the NGE made of things.


But all that said, i can respect the attempt to bring us something amazing. In a lot of ways, the devs delivered, no matter what anyone says about it now.


That game brought a lot of people together, and many of those friendships remain almost 10 years later. That alone is how I define the success of SWG.

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Excellent responses guys. This is exactly the sort of constructive discussion I was after. I realized I forgot to add my opinion on the two.


Things I liked better from SWG:


Free World Roaming (I'm not really a keep on the path kinda person)

Early Speeder Availability (I have limited play time each day. Running is a waste of my efforts).

Just About the Best Damn Crafting Model of Any Game (Tell me I'm wrong)

Player Driven Economy (Made it enjoyable to play a crafter)

Player Owned Housing/Ships (I can only hold so much swag in my inventory)


Things I like better in SWTOR:


Immersive Storylines with a True Star Wars Feel (this is one thing that was missing from SWG)

Obviously, Graphics/Detail (wonderful)

Different PVP options/war-zones (Although they need to work on some banding - new characters shouldn't be fighting fully-kitted 50's)



Just my humble opinions. This game is great though, and I am sure it will only continue to get better.




One other thing I'd say about SWG, though; I know the graphics are better in SWTOR, but I have yet to see a single screen in SWTOR that gives me that "WOW" moment. In SWG, I would pretty consistently, even after nearly two years of playing, climb up the side of a mountain simply so I could look over the landscape and just marvel at the sheer scale of the game and the beauty of some of the locations. Looking out over the waterfalls of Naboo comes instantly to mind, as do some of the mountaintops on Endor, that palace in the middle of the lake (I think on Naboo?), etc. It was big, majestic, and beautiful.


SWTOR feels almost claustrophobic by comparison.


One thing I absolutely hated about SWG, though, was having to grind out Master Dancer to get Jedi (which I never did get). The Village, too; uggh. CU was terrible, of course (and caused me to quit)



EDIT: can't believe I forgot to mention this; the one thing I absolutely ADORED about SWG was the skill system. Give me skill-based gaming over level-based gaming any day of the week. This leveling BS is annoying.

Edited by georgemattson
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