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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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I want high quality textures as well. My PC can handle it. I can't say the same for this lousy engine you decided to go with. I have an Intel 3930k, 16GBs of RAM and 2 GTX 580s in SLi so I know my machine is capable of running anything you could reasonably throw at it. So, for the love of the maker, upgrade the texture quality and get anti aliasing support thrown in.


And while you're at it, fix the terrible performance of the client. This game shouldn't have been launched in this state. (for these and many other reasons...)

Edited by ZapperWeisman
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What gets me about this issue is the sheer fact that Bioware has left out the option entirely to be used at our own discretion.


Even if there were an option to scale texture quality to within a certain distance from the player, or limit high res textures to the individual player. That would be preferable than rather having muddy textures, even in conversations... (I’m looking at you, the bomber from the start of Operation Firestar).


I’m sure within time Bioware will deliver the goods. I guess for the time being we’ll just have to not zoom in.

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What gets me about this issue is the sheer fact that Bioware has left out the option entirely to be used at our own discretion.


Even if there were an option to scale texture quality to within a certain distance from the player, or limit high res textures to the individual player. That would be preferable than rather having muddy textures, even in conversations... (I’m looking at you, the bomber from the start of Operation Firestar).


I’m sure within time Bioware will deliver the goods. I guess for the time being we’ll just have to not zoom in.


^ This. I understand the technical aspects of BioWare's argument, but why leave out the option entirely? It seems ridiculous you'd advertise your game in high-resolution textures and then release the game without the option to have our own versions look just as impressive. Will I cancel my subscription? No, but it's ******** nonetheless. Fix it BioWare.

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^ This. I understand the technical aspects of BioWare's argument, but why leave out the option entirely? It seems ridiculous you'd advertise your game in high-resolution textures and then release the game without the option to have our own versions look just as impressive. Will I cancel my subscription? No, but it's ******** nonetheless. Fix it BioWare.


I think you should cancel your subscription until they can lower themselves to work on this issue. If that's the only way they feel the pressure and put some real effort into solving it, then so be it.

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this thread is gonna live forever, this is the 4th genreation i think, if anything is to be done it needs to be kept at the top of the forum. Its good that game sites are now doing bits on the missing high res textures, maybe someone high up will get to hear that the news is getting around the internet and lots of ppl aint happy
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BLEH! well thanks I thought it was this week (Anti-Aliasing)


This is of no importance at all AA works perfectly well whether they have a check box for it or not. Save your blehs for something you cant fix ... e.g High res textures.


Echoing (or repeating perhaps) other sentiments. BW put a "Warning advanced settings may cause system instability and severe performance loss" on the options and perhaps a safe mode restart in the event of a crash and let us decide. The explanation you gave regarding removing HD was absurd.

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I can perfectly understand the technical reasoning behind the lack of hi-res textures, but what I cant understand is why ppl cant use them at their own descretion e.g. - force it using ini files.


In Poland we call that pouring out the bath with the baby still in it :D Cant find a good solution so just clumsily remove the option altogether and pretend the problem is nonexistant... If that option was at one point in time present, then just put it back in but dont officially support it. Problem solved.

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Frankly, I am disgusted. There was no mention of scaling back the graphical quality during the beta phase and BW have been disingenuous at best.


I am also extremely disappointed. I have a couple of GTX 570s in SLI and I should be able to decide whether my system can handle the load, not BW.


If RIFT can sort this out, there is NO excuse for you, BW. This problem has gone viral and it is only a matter of time before it hits the mainstream press. I really rather wonder what George Lucas will think when his product's first foray into MMO-land is being badmouthed across the net and the mainstream media.


Lets face it. Star Wars is largely a visual pleasure, and that should be carried across into the game. Whoever was the idiot that decided that we would be happy with 2007 graphics (and that's being generous) in 2012 needs to be joining the queue at their nearest unemployment office. If it's due to the fact an engine has been chosen that cannot be scaled then that's even worse.


BW had better sort this and quick or come GW2, SWTOR will be populated by tumbleweed rather than happy players. Stop releasing videos that show wonderful high resolution imagery to attract new players and raising our hopes with this really rather unpleasant bait-and-switch operation.


BTW BW, don't bulls**t us as it just makes us more annoyed. We are not stupid. Reducing the resolution is one thing, but using poorer quality textures too? FFS. :mad:

Edited by CloudKills
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"I really rather wonder what George Lucas will think when his product's first foray into MMO-land is being badmouthed across the net and the mainstream media."


Its not his first foray into mmos and its certainly not the first time his products have has been badmouthed across the net and mainstream media. I dont think he'll lose any sleep over it.


Its much less of a big deal than previous issues imo, its just annoying and should be rectified.


I think the game looks excellent as it is though I would just like a little more detail.

EDIT: and to get rid of the blocky shadows.

Edited by jadel
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Incidently, this is apparently how rift have done it... (posted there by RIFT staff)


" Gamebryo + Trion Magic

Rift uses a custom engine, derived from Gamebryo. We began development with Gamebryo, which provided an awesome head-start, and we were able to get up and running quickly. Over time we customized or replaced most of the major pieces, providing our own solutions for lighting, animation, shaders, model streaming, and other components. We have talented in-house staff that develops our custom engine, so we control our own rendering destiny instead of waiting for someone else to provide features or support.


As was stated elsewhere, the Rift engine uses DX9 for best compatibility, with great visuals. It's a deferred renderering architecture, which allows for some cool effects, and makes it cheaper to render scenes with large numbers of point lights like you see in the video trailers. Night time looks especially awesome in Rift, with every fire, lamp, and spell casting a flickering glow on the world around it. Nothing is pre-baked: all of the lighting is dynamic, which of course is necessary for a game based around dynamic content.


Although I'm a Trion gear-head, my hat's off to the team's art staff, who have created some truly amazing stuff. At the end of the day, no amount of whiz-bang rendering technology will turn a dull, flat environment into a compelling one. Look at Gloamwood, or Darkening Deeps, or Silverwood. Look at the quality of the character models, the NPCs, and the animations. The art team has created some incredible content while working within the box the programmers have provided. They've developed custom shaders for everything from horse hair to tree bark. Go read through the developer intro thread again to see some of the artists who have helped created one stunning-looking game."


Link: http://forums.riftgame.com/rift-general-discussions/general-discussion/420-game-using-cryengine-2.html#post74120

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Its much less of a big deal than previous issues imo.


I would suggest the volume of responses voicing discontent means you are very much in the minority.


Still, you are entitled to your opinion. Enjoy. :D

Edited by CloudKills
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has anyone figured out a way to force the high detail models from what i remember from my 4 months in beta the high detail settings worked great and i still had 60 fps or more in most areas


no way of doing it as of yet, we can sort out a few reflections with nvidia insepector, (forcing LOD to -3.000) or in CCC for ATI users and an ini tweak to insert AA and AF (i think i cant rem lol)


i too was in the beta and the high res textures worked fine, no differnece in performance, the engine is **** regardless!

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I would suggest the volume of responses voicing discontent means you are very much in the minority.


Still, you are entitled to your opinion. Enjoy. :D


LOL .. I think you are either blissfully unaware or have blocked out the memory of SWG's CU and NGE. This is a minor blip compared to those, particularly CU.


Im fully aware that SWG has nothing to do with our issues here and now, I was responding to your suggestion that Mr. Lucas would be horrified to learn that for the first time ever the intrawebs and media was awash with bad sentiment toward one of his licensed products.


It is my suggestion that the only time that might have been the case was the day before the release of Jedi and that by now he would be more than well used to it.


EDIT: Oh and incidently there are more than 2 million people playing SWTOR so everyone posting in this thread (including me) is very much in the minority.


Please dont misunderstand, I really want them to fix this properly too. I just dont think its quite the soul ravaging end of the world scenario that you and many others here paint it as.

Edited by jadel
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That trees looks like shiat!http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r277/UnruheEndlos/TORWOWComparison.jpg


I have said it before and I will tell you the same thing. We are talking here about armor textures! High resolution armor textures that are missing outside of cut scenes!


I do not care about a tree, tree is not representing "me", I don`t control the tree, I do not grind branches and leafs, I grind uber armor to equip my mighty hero in that "2D surroundings", but armor look worse than that "2D tree, like I got it from charity, not from epic, amazing, encouters".

Edited by Arkulin
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I thought I should post here, if my reply goes towards making this game better than go for it :)


I'm loving the game but this, among other things (ability delay/stealth glitch/class mirrors being broken etc) is stuff that should've been sorted in the beta.


I've tried to ignore the blatant haters but a lot of what I'm seeing is that every bug/problem the game has had been reported a long time ago in the beta. I'm assuming this isn't BioWare's fault and is more EA pushing them for a deadline.


I have full faith in BioWare as they are the best game developer on the market.

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LOL .. I think you are either blissfully unaware or have blocked out the memory of SWG's CU and NGE. This is a minor blip compared to those, particularly CU.


Never played them, so I am only interested in the issues with this game.


Im fully aware that SWG has nothing to do with our issues here and now, I was responding to your suggestion that Mr. Lucas would be horrified to learn that for the first time ever the intrawebs and media was awash with bad sentiment toward one of his licensed products.


It is my suggestion that the only time that might have been the case was the day before the release of Jedi and that by now he would be more than well used to it.


This is THE flagship product of all SW products so far and has received the most publicity and build up. How it looks is THE most critical part of such a game, not the nuances of game play that most people will not even notice - especially those new to MMO's.


EDIT: Oh and incidently there are more than 2 million people playing SWTOR so everyone posting in this thread (including me) is very much in the minority.


Please dont misunderstand, I really want them to fix this properly too. I just dont think its quite the soul ravaging end of the world scenario that you and many others here paint it as.


Firstly, I am talking about the posters - you are in the minority of posters on this topic. I assumed that was clear, so I hope it is now.


Secondly, you are putting up an aunt sally that its "the soul ravaging end of the world scenario" when clearly no one has said such. We are merely p*ssed that we have been misled and have to play unnecessarily in a sub-optimal graphical environment.

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