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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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The cut scene analogy is ambiguous at best, because I still have lower rez textures in those as well, I can tell because the armor and clothing for NPCS and characters are blurry and washed out just like in game. I believe this whole cutscene thing is more nonesense, because even though i have the game completely maxed out with a custom ini file, the cutscenes still show crap textures like the rest of the game.

Only time the textures show in high rez is when clicking on the holo terminal for that brief second.


That doesn't make any sense. The reason the holoterminal trick works is because for a half a second, it's trying to transition you into a non-existent cut-scene. So for you to see high res textures there and not in actual cut-scenes seems a bit wonky. I definitely get high res textures in cut-scenes. I take screen shots of them and plaster them all over my PC desktop. It's the only time I feel like I get to actually see the character I so lovingly created. The rest of the time I just try my best to ignore the blurry mess that's taking up the center of my screen.

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That doesn't make any sense. The reason the holoterminal trick works is because for a half a second, it's trying to transition you into a non-existent cut-scene. So for you to see high res textures there and not in actual cut-scenes seems a bit wonky. I definitely get high res textures in cut-scenes. I take screen shots of them and plaster them all over my PC desktop. It's the only time I feel like I get to actually see the character I so lovingly created. The rest of the time I just try my best to ignore the blurry mess that's taking up the center of my screen.


You can also see high res textures if you preview items. If you CRTL+ right click on a piece of armor the preview window opens up. Now under your characters preview the item is low to medium res but if you click on the companion preview window you will get to see the armor piece in full high res.

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That doesn't make any sense. The reason the holoterminal trick works is because for a half a second, it's trying to transition you into a non-existent cut-scene. So for you to see high res textures there and not in actual cut-scenes seems a bit wonky. I definitely get high res textures in cut-scenes. I take screen shots of them and plaster them all over my PC desktop. It's the only time I feel like I get to actually see the character I so lovingly created. The rest of the time I just try my best to ignore the blurry mess that's taking up the center of my screen.


How much do you want to bet the holoterminal high res gets labeled a "Holoterminal bug" and gets fixed before the textures?

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You can also see high res textures if you preview items. If you CRTL+ right click on a piece of armor the preview window opens up. Now under your characters preview the item is low to medium res but if you click on the companion preview window you will get to see the armor piece in full high res.



Yes that's true. I do that all the time when "trying on" new armor. I use my companion as my model to see how it looks, since it looks like a finger painting by a four year old on my toon in the preview pane.

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Again Bioware, as I've posted in previous versions of this thread and I'll post in whatever versions continue to get remade.



The biggest disappointment is you deciding for us that we couldn't even get the option.


If my machine couldn't handle it, I'd lower the settings until it could. As it is, my machine could handle it and isn't being given the option to.


One of those two options are fixable by me. The other is something I can't fix, only you can through a patch.


Let me melt my videocard if I want to. Don't withhold the game's beauty and then continue to use it in screenshots of upcoming patches.

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Bioware has asked that I move this information to this thread, so here goes. Feel free to disseminate this information to those who can make use of it.



First: Refund Information



Many people are happy with the game and do not wish for a refund because of the high res texture situation. I wish them well. However, some people feel cheated. This information is for them.


I recently got off the line with EA customer service, and got my refund from Origin (it should take effect within 5-10 business days). I calmly explained that the textures used to advertise the game are denied to users during their play experience. The guy on the phone agreed that that could be considered false advertising, and gave me my refund. Took about 20 minutes. Very nice customer service!


I love Bioware, but I won't stand for being deceived. Even if they had the best intentions, the fact that they advertised a game with graphics they deny their users is unacceptable. For those who don't care, I hope you continue to enjoy your play experience. For those who do care, let EA/Bioware know by calmly and reasonably requesting a refund. You'll get it!



Second: Suggestions about how Bioware could deal with high-res situation



I believe Bioware should make it clear to potential purchasers that the level of texture quality used to advertise the game is not available in game. Specifically, I think they should put a disclaimer by all screenshots and videos of gameplay (not cinematics), so potential customers understand they will not be able to have a similar graphical experience when playing the game. They should also contact gaming media outlets who covered SWTOR, and ask them to make clear that the screenshots and videos on which they based their reports do not represent the actual in game experience. I do not expect this process to happen instantly. However, it would go a long way toward showing their integrity if they at least issued a statement that they intend to rectify the situation.


Graphic quality is not a big deal to all gamers. However, there are some who would not purchase the game if they realized what the actual in game texture quality is (or would not spend money on upgrading their computer). Bioware should make sure no one is deceived by their advertisements, and purchases the game based on a false idea of what to expect.

Edited by Roflmaow
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That doesn't make any sense. The reason the holoterminal trick works is because for a half a second, it's trying to transition you into a non-existent cut-scene. So for you to see high res textures there and not in actual cut-scenes seems a bit wonky. I definitely get high res textures in cut-scenes. I take screen shots of them and plaster them all over my PC desktop. It's the only time I feel like I get to actually see the character I so lovingly created. The rest of the time I just try my best to ignore the blurry mess that's taking up the center of my screen.


Perhaps when I downloaded the game it didn't download the supposed "high res cutscene textures" I don't know, all i know is that it seems the textures are just as bad as when playing in game. When I click on the holo terminal and see those sharp and detailed textures, then go into a cutscene where my char is talking to an NPC through the holo terminal, the textures sure as heck do NOT look like that in those cutscenes so it seems that for me, they do not convert over.

It also seems that for SOME cutscenes the textures will look crisp and sharp, but in others, they look washed out and muddy. So not sure what that is all about, but its what I noticed since early access.

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Well we'll see what happens. I filled with the FTC and BBB - requesting my money back with the BBB.


Likewise. I saw in another thread (which got locked almost immediately) that Origin reps were refunding the game if you called, based on this. I have not tried so I cannot state that as a fact. I purchased through Gamestop, and requested that they denote that the screenshots are not of actual gameplay on their site. I am in the process of requesting a refund from them.

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This isn't worth demanding a refund over IMO. MMO engines are constantly in flux and this could be fixed within a few months. I don't want to lose my level 30+ characters over that.


^This.... I have no plans to rage quit over this, however it is an issue, and I'd hate to see it get pushed to the way-side.

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wait wait wait.


Someone as EA - a support guy; SAID; it was false advertising? Or said something to the effect that he agreed?


Wow - that is either one hell of a lie - OR that is one SR that won't have a job for much longer.

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How much do you want to bet the holoterminal high res gets labeled a "Holoterminal bug" and gets fixed before the textures?


This is truth right there. The real issue that the hero engine they have modified cannot take updates. its not seen a engine upgrade from the dev since 2008. get ready for a massive snow job i was in beta i saw high res full time in game for about half a day it was glorious and made a huge difference in the game play expierence

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This isn't worth demanding a refund over IMO. MMO engines are constantly in flux and this could be fixed within a few months. I don't want to lose my level 30+ characters over that.


Its a moral standpoint for me. If I show that I am willing to tolerate accepting a product that is completely not delivered upon as marketed, whats next?


If you bought a blue ray dvd and the quality of the movie on it was VHS, even though the TV advertisements were high quality, would you take it back and demand a refund? What if the original screening of that movie that you enjoyed was high quality in the theatre (beta) but the blue ray was not?


If you saw a fancy HDTV displayed at Best Buy and brought it home only to discover that HD resolution wasn't available (except on the vendor only floor model) on it for an unknown (if ever) period of time, would you be outraged and take the TV back?


Showing that you are willing to tolerate this sets a precident for it to continue. If you don't speak with your refund dollars and FTC false advertisement complaints, this will become the new standard.

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This isn't worth demanding a refund over IMO. MMO engines are constantly in flux and this could be fixed within a few months. I don't want to lose my level 30+ characters over that.


It is moral standpoint. If everyone does this, it will be bad for business and games in general.

Besides that in my country there are laws for it.


I want to play swtor very much, but not under these circumstances.


So, i unsubbed already and probably gonna get my money back, too.

Edited by Ommm
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Its a moral standpoint for me. If I show that I am willing to tolerate accepting a product that is completely not delivered upon as marketed, whats next?


If you bought a blue ray dvd and the quality of the movie on it was VHS, even though the TV advertisements were high quality, would you take it back and demand a refund? What if the original screening of that movie that you enjoyed was high quality in the theatre (beta) but the blue ray was not?


If you saw a fancy HDTV displayed at Best Buy and brought it home only to discover that HD resolution wasn't available (except on the vendor only floor model) on it for an unknown (if ever) period of time, would you be outraged and take the TV back?


Showing that you are willing to tolerate this sets a precident for it to continue. If you don't speak with your refund dollars and FTC false advertisement complaints, this will become the new standard.


This post above sums it up for me perfectly. I feel ripped off.

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It is moral standpoint. If everyone does this, it will be bad for business and games in general.

Besides that in my country there are laws for it.


I want to play swtor very much, but not under these circumstances.




The game is there...available to you to play. I would love to see you try to buy a PS3 game, play it, then try to return it to gamestop for full purchase price because you didn't enjoy it.


What a load of skubalon.

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The game is there...available to you to play. I would love to see you try to buy a PS3 game, play it, then try to return it to gamestop for full purchase price because you didn't enjoy it.


What a load of skubalon.



He'd be well within his rights if the game offered was different than the one presented.

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This isn't worth demanding a refund over IMO. MMO engines are constantly in flux and this could be fixed within a few months. I don't want to lose my level 30+ characters over that.


lol, 30+, big dog. Anyways, point against that is, I've pretty much 'purped' out my 50, and its just unbearable to look at now, the high end gear looks amazing with the correct textures and shadowing/shading.

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Using misleading advertisment like this breaks the law in my country im quite sure.


I would LOVE to see that argument that anything in the advertisement is 'misleading.' I can tell you that I've seen movies that aren't as advertised. If you see a crappy movie, you don't get your ticket price back...just don't go see the movie again. Suck it up, cupcake.

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I would LOVE to see that argument that anything in the advertisement is 'misleading.' I can tell you that I've seen movies that aren't as advertised. If you see a crappy movie, you don't get your ticket price back...just don't go see the movie again. Suck it up, cupcake.
They advertise with highres textures, which dont work ingame except during cinematic mode and this is very misleading. Edited by Ommm
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