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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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After 6000 replies and countles views in this forum, there are already more than 100 news article about this issue all over the big gaming sites. Let's not forget most of game related forums have a thread about it too.


Bioware better do something about it quickly because it already started to hurt SWTOR's rep pretty bad.

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For me this is last thing i could tolerate.

It started with uncustomizable and ugly (imo) UI. Alright, they need time to make it better and give some options to change scale and move parts.


Around level 20 i've got mask and i could see my char's neck clip through it behind. All the time. Also cloak from chest piece was clipping through my butt. Kay, that's minor issues, they'll fix major ones and get to that eventually.


Then finishing act 1 I've got to sit for 5 min staring how my companion and invincible quest target, that i already defeated, shooting each other. I've had to wait until comp's health reach zero so I could talk to mission target and twas around 5 min. Well happens, I'll just report it, and it's not like i will do this mission again anyway.


Then on Alderaan several times half of my char's face did disappear during cutscenes. Huh, interesting glitch, but i can live with that.


Off to Taris...you should already know what was happening on Taris (some claim it still happens). It was a little bit over the top, but they did release fix straight away, and it made situation a little bit better.


Around Hoth i found that most of time background and sky were just plain black, and it showed me actual texture only if I'd hold my camera in one direction. Still not game breaking, but already hurts more.


That's major ones (for me). There also were minor like UI bugs, pvp bugs, not clear tooltip description for skills, green goo all over character until you relog. I did find ways to fix them or avoid them myself.


So level 50, finally. Epic quest. Except that i must pick light choice even though i was dark during my playthrough and don't really want to kill that Darth guy. Dammit, hope that's last time I have to break rules of character due to bug. (fat chance)


I've finished main quest, w00t. Let's do dailies on Belsavis and Ilum. Yep, couple bugged and you can't either pick (Belsavis) or do it (Ilum)... Actually i miss alot of commendations there, but well, sh*t happens.


And then comes hardcore pve. Black Talon - bugged trash packs before droid boss lock possibility to complete bonsu obj. Boarding Party - bugged jedi knight, he may respawn his healers every time you kill one, bugged last boss chest, no loot. False Emperor - bugged Jindo Krey, bugged conversation may not spawn HK47, due to design flaw i missed my columni chest from Malgus. Foundry - bugged HK47 core empower mechanic, bugged Revan lightning/Power of Force mechanic. Directive 7 - bugged with permament immunity Assassin Droid, bugged with permament immunity Mentor Core. Battle for Ilum... Oh wait, no bugs there. 1/6 HM flashpoints don't have any bugs, yay! And everyday i do 3-4 of HMs and must avoid all that to get any profit.


So now you are telling me feature I heard of and saw, and that was promised, and that would smooth up my disappointment won't get into game? Why? Am i bad customer? What did I do to deserve such a treatment? Please, do tell, I'll do anything i can to make up for that so you, developers, won't hold any grudges and befriend me again.

Edited by AnotherJaggens
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You know... a thought just dawned on me. Maybe the reason why BW keeps fixing the small and random bugs/issues, is because they have had their real coders and trouble shooters attempting to fix the mass of excrement that they call the engine and all the performance issues.


God I hope so.... /sigh...


If they did though it's gonna be one helluva a patch, hell screw a patch, probably something like when we had to download the new beta clients each build :rolleyes:


LoL would be interesting to see what kind of bandwidth they'd be pulling if everyone had to re-download their client...


actually no.. !@#%@#$ that.



P.S. Please for the love of god BW.. tell us something thats not pure fabrication! and fix our ****!

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that's what my game currently looks like with Nvidia forced AA and anisotropic filters 16x etc.

the armor itself looks like crap, regardless of the texture setting, it simply lacks detail, I can post a pic with my sith warrior as well with those settings. looks less blurry and muddy than before

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i always pictured ea as a bunch of executives in suits slapping each other with handfuls of hundred dollar bills during their board room meetings.




/me throws away money on EA/Bioware game.


Aww I lose.

Edited by Morcova
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that's what my game currently looks like with Nvidia forced AA and anisotropic filters 16x etc.

the armor itself looks like crap, regardless of the texture setting, it simply lacks detail, I can post a pic with my sith warrior as well with those settings. looks less blurry and muddy than before


Well... you got cool fire.. eh? eh? EH?!..



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Well... you got cool fire.. eh? eh? EH?!..




it's about the armor and not about the fire, if you didn#t notice the light it produces changes the details on your bunch of blurry textures, now at least, didn't happen before, the textures still suck but they aren't as fugly as bioware would force us to play this way

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it's about the armor and not about the fire, if you didn#t notice the light it produces changes the details on your bunch of blurry textures, now at least, didn't happen before, the textures still suck but they aren't as fugly as bioware would force us to play this way


lol of course it's about the armor, just making light of it... heh... light of it..




but in all seriousness, I've found a bunch of different things that have improved my performance with nvidia cards. I have two 560 ti's in SLI and was having a bear of a problem trying to get any decent improvement from just one card


I came across a fella who talked about changing a few things in the game profile using nVidia Inspector. he said by changing these settings:

  • "Anti Aliasing Compatibility" = 0x0000F0C1 (S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Call of Pripyat, S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Clear Sky, S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Shadow of Chernobyl)
  • "Anti Aliasing Behavior Flag" to = "None"
  • "Anti Aliasing mode" = "Overide Application Setting"
  • "Anti Aliasing setting" = "32x CSAA 8 color 24 cv"


you would see an improvement after you disabled any kind of ini AA added. And guess what? it worked. I also further found a few things like reducing the LOD bias to -2.00, toggling on maximum performance for the power management mode, forcing on vertical sync, thread optimization on, and most importantly force alternate frame rendering 2 for SLI rendering mode. Some armors are pretty awesome, but you see a lot of amazing graphics mixed with what I would assume was once pea soup as textures for half of it.


I now sit with pretty sweet graphics (shadows are still ****) and I'm lucky if i get 15 FPS on the fleet station, 25-35 in any pvp arena, and about 45-50+ when running around questing.


edited for comment about armors.

Edited by Celestialdonut
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I run on 60fps even in dense areas with those settings


yeah.. I'm aware i'm getting crappy performance :\.. but honestly I have a sneaking suspicion that my q6700 kentsfield is bottle-necking me for this game. granted though it's not the reason why it's so crappy, it just adds to the fact that the game is about as optimized as military issued humvee.

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And whose fault would that be ?


Many games come to market with high end settings the vast majority of pc gamers have trouble with. Many deal with them or upgrade their PCs.


I have never once seen a company actually remove settings because they want their "high" to fit everyone.


This isn't Soviet Russia one plan fits all.



Theres still a few games now bring my laptop to a standstill


Arma 2 maxed I struggle to get 10 fps on the laptop do I wish they removed high options because I cant NO as I can run it maxed to the hilt with 3000 man bot war sims running on it on my desktop.


Metro 2033 is another example that thing when you max everything is just absolutely brutal regardless of system even my desktop drops unbelievably low fps for the spec again I dont want those options removed though as a couple of tweaks that bareley make a graphical difference and it runs a dream.

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One more voice to get high resolution textures on charaters.


Maybe they could check if your hardware is capable enough and allow it for the high rings (and don't forget SLI rings please) but at least I'd rather have the choice than none.



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i didnt get the chance to compare any screenshots from my session last night but after changing the LOD bias to -3.00 using nvidia inspector as a guy in on of the closed copy's of this thread suggested the improvement is quite amazing, going to try out what was suggested a few posts up and see what I get, when I finish work today that is :(
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Theres still a few games now bring my laptop to a standstill


Arma 2 maxed I struggle to get 10 fps on the laptop do I wish they removed high options because I cant NO as I can run it maxed to the hilt with 3000 man bot war sims running on it on my desktop.


Metro 2033 is another example that thing when you max everything is just absolutely brutal regardless of system even my desktop drops unbelievably low fps for the spec again I dont want those options removed though as a couple of tweaks that bareley make a graphical difference and it runs a dream.


Yep its just odd. I do think it might just be though that the engine is so poorly optimized that certain aspects of the game become unplayable regardless of hardware because of that engine. Then my next question is how on earth did you release this game in the current condition ?


There are studios out there that simply will not put out their product to market till they feel 100% comfortable it is extensively polished and offers a near error free experience to the customer. They care little of release dates and some don't even give them out till they get the product to standard. Bioware doesn't seem to be one of them.

Edited by Jigss
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When is Anti-allising being put backin game, anyone know?


that isn't the answer anyway, I forced AA and anisotropic filtering with my nvidia, and the game still looks like sh*t compared to high res textures, it's better, but a steaming pile of dung or a cold pile of dung: it's still crap either way

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Yep its just odd. I do think it might just be though that the engine is so poorly optimized that certain aspects of the game become unplayable regardless of hardware because of that engine. Then my next question is how on earth did you release this game in the current condition ?


There are studios out there that simply will not put out their product to market till the feel 100% comfortable it is extensively polished and offers a near error free experience to the customer. They care little of release dates and some don't even give them out till they get the product to standard. Bioware doesn't seem to be one of them.


I can udnerstand the release, as big pile of money is involved. It is not just BW, there is also EA... And moving release date in the way of Duke Nukem is not the best practice as well :-). But I agree with you that it seems to be serious engine issue. If they had to release the game with such problem, they should find better way to communicate it.

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