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Nerf Sentinel/Marauder RIGHT NOW


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You talking about if you pop guarded by the force (95% damage reduction for SIX seconds and lose 1/2 life...), 25% damage reduction has a longish cool down and is used constantly so is on CD more often than not. 20% damage reduction isn't as amazing as it sounds and is on CD very often. Seeing as melee is constantly AOE'd that 20% is off the top out of the gate in most fights as rarely if ever on Voidstar or Alderaan am I not damaged quite a bit BEFORE I get to my target. As to the debuff, well I find that is resisted alot, its dang helpful 1v1 but that's not where my problem lies. Its with all the AOE CC and AOE damage.


Without heals like seemingly every class has(except shadows/assassins?) and medium armor all that AOE is insanity. 1v1 I do well unless its vs a geared sorc or sniper, snipers own 1v1 so I would submit that if you can't beat a marauder or sent 1v1 you got unlucky (their CC breaker was up) or you don't know how to play YOUR class.


Almost every time I fight a sniper I lose. They do the knock back slow from behind cover, drop the big cover (no interrupts) and...it's over, pew pew and that's it. So, I suggest you use a CC you don't care about to trigger the CC breaker then do the knockback slow from behind cover, drop your big cover and win. If you don't win you aren't playing the sniper right. Seriously, snipers are death to sentinels easily the worst thing to fight against unless by some miracle my CC breaker isn't on CD and I'm at full health when I fight one (maybe 1/20 WZ encounters).


Yea you confirmed that you suck.......LOL


Sniper 1v1, you pop transcendence and sprint to his face, if he knocks you back then force camo and get right back on him, if he is still in cover then statis him out of the cover, then just **** his face while interupting, if he trys to get away use your leap that u saved. I 1v1 snipers all the time without even losing 20% of my health


the worst thing for sents is high geared tanks and bountyhunter healers.....

Edited by Vegathegreat
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oh the high and mighty "if played correctly" egotism. I dont buy it for a second. Maybe you just dont fight any opponents who play their class correctly. You can be kept out of range and facing in a snap. Then your correct playing is worthless.


Maybe...just maybe...you DO need to learn to play and the class is fine?


Crazy notion, I know.

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Honestly it sounds to me like you're struggling to play your class properly. Sentinels are glass cannons that can do LOTS of damage if played correctly. You have 1 ability that hits for 2k? I've been hit with back to back 4k's by a sentinel.


Honestly not trying to sound mean but you really need to learn to play your class better before you come QQing on the forums.

Sentinels are NOT GLASS CANNONS. They're by far THE hardest class to kill in the game. Proper chaining of cooldowns can easily result in a Sentinel tanking 4-5 people for 30+ seconds.

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In a 1v1 situation I melt players. In a team fight situation, you gotta mind what classes you're going against and think about what abilities you use. If you think the enemy will kite you, immediately apply leg slash, when you know you're about to be bursted, apply pacify. If you're being focused, you can always Awe, Camo and enter the battle from a better angle. Trans helps for not only reaching objectives quickly, but to counter people that kite you with slows.


Not to mention our ability to destroy healers. As Watchman my low CD on kick, close range force leap, healing debuff renders them useless. Once Juyo is stacked to 5 and overload saber is fully stacked, damage skyrockets and with constant interrupts they drop like a rock.


Our defensive CDs are pretty amazing as well. It does take getting used to, but once you remember to use ALL keybinds it becomes much easier. If you happen to run into a good healer that keeps you alive... just too good.


I will say the one issue I have with the class is the annoying as hell stuttering animation. GCD is gone, and yet having to wait 2 seconds to use an instant ability because your character derps it up is not fun. My fingers hurt enough from going all over the place with so many keybinds, and having to press those multiple times just to get it off is frustrating.


Sentinels are NOT GLASS CANNONS. They're by far THE hardest class to kill in the game. Proper chaining of cooldowns can easily result in a Sentinel tanking 4-5 people for 30+ seconds.


Also, this. After getting used to the class, it takes VERY long for a group of players to kill me. Plenty of times I've held nodes long enough for my teammates to respawn and return to help.

Edited by Acanti
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Yea you confirmed that you suck.......LOL


Sniper 1v1, you pop transcendence and sprint to his face, if he knocks you back then force camo and get right back on him, if he is still in cover then statis him out of the cover, then just **** his face while interupting, if he trys to get away use your leap that u saved. I 1v1 snipers all the time without even losing 20% of my health


the worst thing for sents is high geared tanks and bountyhunter healers.....


Does transcendence and center ability (name escapes) overcome the slow? Also if he CC's you first (they always do) and then you break it (have to if you want to get him) then how do you deal with the knockback. BTW, I will get better, but your you suck response shows you are jerk, that's much harder to recover from. I blow up BH all day, rarely a problem and I'm completely ungeared 50 so not sure what you are talking about. They are my favorite class to fight. Now a geared sorc...well there we can agree.


Also to all who are saying all is right as rain then why are Sentinels and marauders so rare that I'm usually the only one out of 16 in a WZ? Also why have I only been in about 10 matches out of several hundred where a Sent/Marauder topped the damage charts? I was 3 of those. If they are so dominant as so many claim then why so few, and why are they so rarely at the top of the damage charts? I'm guessing you guys are seeing totally geared out Battlemasters beating down teen level opposition.


The class needs a boost and apparently even bioware agrees if they are boosting melee damage by TWENTY FIVE PERCENT. That says that we were EGREGIOUSLY under powered.


Thanks to those with reasonable response without insults. To those feeling the need to be insulting without adding any information whatsoever just grow the F up. God forums are so filled with hateful trolls its pathetic. The quoted poster at least added some info even if he felt the need to be rude as well (not sure why you needed to do that man).

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Does transcendence and center ability (name escapes) overcome the slow? Also if he CC's you first (they always do) and then you break it (have to if you want to get him) then how do you deal with the knockback. BTW, I will get better, but your you suck response shows you are jerk, that's much harder to recover from. I blow up BH all day, rarely a problem and I'm completely ungeared 50 so not sure what you are talking about. They are my favorite class to fight. Now a geared sorc...well there we can agree.



Expect the CC. If anything, do not open up with Force Leap. Pop Rebuke to deal with the initial CC instead of using your CC breaker. After breaking, force leap and open up. If you feel the need, apply leg slash. Transcendence can be used to close the gap, and if you are not slowed and still have a gap, use force camo to get closer.

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Does transcendence and center ability (name escapes) overcome the slow? Also if he CC's you first (they always do) and then you break it (have to if you want to get him) then how do you deal with the knockback. BTW, I will get better, but your you suck response shows you are jerk, that's much harder to recover from. I blow up BH all day, rarely a problem and I'm completely ungeared 50 so not sure what you are talking about. They are my favorite class to fight. Now a geared sorc...well there we can agree.


Also to all who are saying all is right as rain then why are Sentinels and marauders so rare that I'm usually the only one out of 16 in a WZ? Also why have I only been in about 10 matches out of several hundred where a Sent/Marauder topped the damage charts? I was 3 of those. If they are so dominant as so many claim then why so few, and why are they so rarely at the top of the damage charts? I'm guessing you guys are seeing totally geared out Battlemasters beating down teen level opposition.


The class needs a boost and apparently even bioware agrees if they are boosting melee damage by TWENTY FIVE PERCENT. That says that we were EGREGIOUSLY under powered.


Thanks to those with reasonable response without insults. To those feeling the need to be insulting without adding any information whatsoever just grow the F up. God forums are so filled with hateful trolls its pathetic. The quoted poster at least added some info even if he felt the need to be rude as well (not sure why you needed to do that man).


I was only rude cuz I get tired of people complaining and complaining when they havent even taken the time to master the class themselves. This forum is filled with crybabies its insane. Its not so much directly at the person i was saying "you suck" to as much as i meant to say it to about 99% of mmo players.


But none the less this class is in a really good spot right now, it could use a bit more burst but its not gamebreaking, what is game breaking is the ability delays and misfires, that is unacceptable in my view.

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Does transcendence and center ability (name escapes) overcome the slow? Also if he CC's you first (they always do) and then you break it (have to if you want to get him) then how do you deal with the knockback. BTW, I will get better, but your you suck response shows you are jerk, that's much harder to recover from. I blow up BH all day, rarely a problem and I'm completely ungeared 50 so not sure what you are talking about. They are my favorite class to fight. Now a geared sorc...well there we can agree.


Also to all who are saying all is right as rain then why are Sentinels and marauders so rare that I'm usually the only one out of 16 in a WZ? Also why have I only been in about 10 matches out of several hundred where a Sent/Marauder topped the damage charts? I was 3 of those. If they are so dominant as so many claim then why so few, and why are they so rarely at the top of the damage charts? I'm guessing you guys are seeing totally geared out Battlemasters beating down teen level opposition.


The class needs a boost and apparently even bioware agrees if they are boosting melee damage by TWENTY FIVE PERCENT. That says that we were EGREGIOUSLY under powered.


Thanks to those with reasonable response without insults. To those feeling the need to be insulting without adding any information whatsoever just grow the F up. God forums are so filled with hateful trolls its pathetic. The quoted poster at least added some info even if he felt the need to be rude as well (not sure why you needed to do that man).


Not sure what server you play on, but on Iron Citadel, there's at least 2 Marauders in every game, and last night I got into a game where there were 6 (they lost, but still.)

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They are a skill sensitive class and easily one of the most powerful classes in the right hands with team support.


When rated warzones come out you're going to see a lot of PVP centric guilds clamoring to level up some marauders/sentinels or trying to recruit skilled players in these classes.


They are like a hybrid of a warrior and a rogue (for the ex-wow'ers). Trust me on this.

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For the moorons who talk and do not have lv 50 marauder and i say marauder, cause actually jedis has less log animations - this class is broken and rly sux. Why is that? Cause the main instant strikes animations feel like 2 seconds cast time. I will give you a simple example cause i play rage right now and i need to use Smash a lot and Smash is like a 2 seconds cast skill!


Let's talk about CC - rofl i got less than anyone and no push or pull ( i think it's the only class), But w8 sith jugg has 5 types of CC and 2 of them a stuns (lol)


I can care less cause i am building an assassin and you know what? He has no animation problems so far.

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If someone thinks that maras/sents suck then its when who sucks. Maras are The PvP Machines, they have survivability (with nice CDs), roots, snare, aoe mezz, charge, combat stealth and good damage on top of that. If you cant win with that then reroll a merc.

Sentinels are more then fine if played correctly.

Most probably the best class overall at the moment, without being extremely OP.



Edited by Vesperr
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i play guardian and i dont have a problem with my class, i dont know the problems sentinels have. If you want some defense then maybe you should reroll a guardian.


I also have noticed on my server that the fotm class jedi is a sentinel. Its so bad that people didnt realize what a guardian could do until i made a decent level to show someone.


The last thing that is makeing this funnie is how everyone that picked sentinel has a problem. Well thats not my fault you picked that profession. I also remember these were the same people trying to tell me sentinel was a good jedi class profession to play before launch. But i guess they learned the hard way and the victor is (GUARDIAN).

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While I agree some Sentinels need to L2P (myself included), perhaps instead of just saying learn to play *****, offer some helpful tips and recommended skill rotations that work for you. I have noticed my DPS and killing go up when I purchased better gear and got my Endurance up. I do have to pick my fights at level 31, I probably should have picked a Guardian because I like to charge in, don't think a Sentinel is a class that should that, but oh well. I would like someone to suggest a good skill rotation or perhaps point those of us who would actually like to "LEARN TO PLAY ******E" in the right direction to research it. So I agree, the L2P jack asses should **** if they can't offer some helpful advice and tips.
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As many people have said, and as you are realizing - GEAR UP. The PVP gear is key, not only increasing your other gear by strength, end, power, surge, and armor, but adding about +39 expertise giving you ~1% expertise with every item you get.


Here is a video (not of me or anyone i know) of a marauder wrecking, but is also facing quite a few lowbies that do not have expertise. The marauder is carnage speced with great gear.


Also for that other youtube video Klinda I think the name was, if you google "Sith Marauder pvp Talent spec" and you should be able to find Klinda's spec. I am using something very similar to that spec but will be respecing this week just a tad but staying in rage. If I find it later I will edit this post and post it at the bottom. I use the same spec.


Here is also another thread on here that talks about rage spec. Best pvp spec in my opinion and smash is your friend in it. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=47978


Before I hit 50 I hated pvp, I was annihilation til lvl 40, then came to the forums and found out the great things in rage and how they worked in pvp. did a little better but still got owned. After a few Champ bags and some loots in them I noticed the difference. Now I rank in the top 3 of my team (can't help if your team sucks and just get owned) in damage.


Medals you can get:

Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal - there are medpacs you can buy for 2500+ heal, pop undying rage at the start of the game once the game actually starts and pop this just so you dont forget. Also if you enter a fight, there will be an armor reduction so you have to wait till that goes away if you want to use this when actually playing. great way to ensure you get at least 1 medal if its that bad of a game :)


Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack - at first I had a very hard time getting this, now with pvp armor I'm able to get this every game and can reach much higher numbers.


???????? - 5k Damage from a single attack


Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal

This one is a bit harder to obtain for non-BioChem then the Medic one, if you are BioChem just use the BOP re-usable stimpack if you are not you could always buy the Stimpacks that are not re-usable even if that is not very economic. I am currently in the process of getting this now.

Rataka Medpack (BOP) - http://www.torhead.com/schematic/fPfMQdp


Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player


Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points - Maybe someone can shed light on what the 1k comes from because its not based on damage...

***Alderaan: Standing near a node which you own.

***Voidstar: Standing near a door if you are the defenders.

***Huttball: Being near and attack the opposing team’s ball carrier. Make good use of your Charge here.


Warden – Earning 3k Defender Points

????? - 5k-10k defender points? I think i saw it a few times and it was 10k defender


Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight


Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players



Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

?????????? - Dealing 300k damage



All that being said I usually get about 150k-175k a game. I get about 7 medals a game - on a good game 9. I am just missing a few trinkets, relics, gloves and belt of champ gear. I know I am not the best but my server is filled with hardcore pvp guilds. I'm not the best player as a marauder, nor am I the worst. But I do have to agree, that marauders need a boost or some extra skills because its become quite pathetic most games.

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I am not sure if this guy is trolling or not, but Marauders are fine. With the amount of cd's we have, how can you say our class needs a look at? We have blind,undying rage,saber ward, CLOAK OF PAIN, force camo, predation, 5min cd +15% healin and damage, A HEALING DEBUFF THAT NO ONE EVER USES LOL dont know why and the list goes on. The class is fine and if they dnt get focused/peeled off, they wreck everything they come across including tanky classes ie. jugs/guardians and even Bounty Hunters.
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Anyone who said that marauder has survivability doesn't have a clue. Staying alive for 20 seconds is not survivability.


I am not sure if this guy is trolling or not, but Marauders are fine. With the amount of cd's we have, how can you say our class needs a look at? We have blind,undying rage,saber ward, CLOAK OF PAIN, force camo, predation, 5min cd +15% healin and damage, A HEALING DEBUFF THAT NO ONE EVER USES LOL dont know why and the list goes on. The class is fine and if they dnt get focused/peeled off, they wreck everything they come across including tanky classes ie. jugs/guardians and even Bounty Hunters.


Blind: works on 1 guy at a time. How many times do you get to duel in a WZ?

Undying Rage: makes you live an extra 5 seconds. If you're 1vs1, that's your chance to win the fight. If you're against more, that's your chance to kill one and then die. Pretty lol if you pop it and then someone CCs you.

Saber Ward: you'll use it 5 times at most.

Cloak of Pain: it's actually the Marauder's main defense.

Camo: saves you only if you need to get out of a cluster ****. 80% of the time if I see another marauder camouflage, I already know where he's going to be when he becomes visible again.

Predation: lol, you don't pop it to stay alive yourself.

Healing debuff: it's not defensive.


Anything else?

Edited by Vetril
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Anyone who said that marauder has survivability doesn't have a clue. Staying alive for 20 seconds is not survivability.


LOL yes being able to tank an entire team for 20+ seconds with no outside help isn't survivability. Tell me more, oh great clicking one.

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LOL yes being able to tank an entire team for 20+ seconds with no outside help isn't survivability. Tell me more, oh great clicking one.


lol Chris pull your head out of your ***. You'll tank an entire team (you won't but let's pretend for a sec) for 20+ seconds maybe twice during a warzone. Then you'll die, and even while you'll tank, you'll still be susceptible to anything the other classes can do to shut you down. Clearly you don't have a clue. Go back to your sage XD


PS. oh and QFT. will be a pleasure to rub it in your face when the combat log comes and you'll be mathematically proven wrong.

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