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DO NOT nerf scoundrels/operatives!


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Incorrect, its not just sub lvl 50's that think that the damage is high.


I run 400 expertise, and 15k life. I get burst down to 3k life or lower regularly by similarly geared and better geared ops.


That is too much.


and your opinion on my suggestion is?

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You are in complete denial if you think biochem/stims are causing this class to be OP. They need to be nerfed into the ground, but the funny part is that they won't.


No, OPs and scoundrels don't need to be nerfed into the ground. Burst needs nerf, healing needs nerf, sustained might need a buff afterwards, and possibly durability.

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ANd you do realize it is the burst part of the damage that is the problem, not the sustained? I mean, are you even understanding the issue here?

There is always a burst dps class.


If you are not playing it, you should expect to be frustrated by the strength of their openers.


While you are scrambling for life you often fail to notice that the follow-ups tend not to be so hot.


But whatever man. You can't actually nerf Kirk Fu. It will always look more awesome than you'll ever be.

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Did you read any posts in this thread or just felt like agreeing with someone who isn't pointing out clear and obvious OPness to OPerative/Scoundrel class?


The issue at hand here is not the damage in or out of the stealth, the issue is damage that is dealt uncontested and results in a knock down while other damage is dealt uncontested.


OPerative/Scoundrel will smack you for 7K and knock you face down. While you are getting up you are sure to eat additional 3K-7K depending on the gear, without ever having a chance to react. All this "CC them", "I heal when I see them", "I throw my hands in the air and pray to gods when I see them" is total and utter BS. If you get opened on you will eat the damage uncontested.


Let me put that in a slightly different perspective for you.


Jedi Shadow has a skill called Spinning Kick that can only be used out of stealth and deals whopping 600-800 damage and knocks you down for 2 seconds. While you are down, Shadow can hit you once with Shadow Strike which will crit for 3K+ white damage on decently geared Shadow. You ate maybe 4K damage from Shadow. Notice also how knock down lasts on 2 seconds, giving you 1 free attack due to GCD being 1.5 seconds.


Compare that to OPerative/Scoundrel that hits you for 3K-6K and then knocks you down for 3 seconds giving them 2 full GCDs to execute whatever attack they nead.


Does it ring any bells now for you? It is the uncontested damage that's being questioned here. Getting smacked for 6K with initial hit followed by 3 seconds of uncontested damage. You are sure to be at 50% health at least after that which is then 100% vs. 50% health fight.


Stop defending obvious OP crap just so you can go around facerolling people.

Also, this.

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No, OPs and scoundrels don't need to be nerfed into the ground. Burst needs nerf, healing needs nerf, sustained might need a buff afterwards, and possibly durability.


Well it doesn't matter. They're not going to get nerfed. So, here comes my FoTM OP.

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Ban Biochem today.


Better living through no chemistry!

Lol it's not only the consumable, it's a certain stat that I will not name with no hard cap that is causing these damage problems. This type of damage can be done by any dps class in the game if they abuse the mechanic that I'm talking about.

Edited by Chaos_Distortion
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Lol it's not only the consumable, it's a certain stat that I will not name with no hard cap that is causing these damage problems. This type of damage can be done by any dps class in the game if they only knew about the mechanic that I was talking about.


No need everyone already knows its power. Itll get capped soon enough

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Lol it's not only the consumable, it's a certain stat that I will not name with no hard cap that is causing these damage problems. This type of damage can be done by any dps class in the game if they only knew about the mechanic that I was talking about.


This is why PvP gear is not modifiable is my guess.


Stack as much as you can and it's still probably not as much as you'd like.


Consumables are a fixable problem, and truly easy: ban them.

Edited by Talkative
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This is why PvP gear is not modifiable is my guess.


Stack as much as you can and it's still probably not as much as you'd like.


Consumables are a fixable problem, and truly easy: ban them.


Oh but it is modable and there in lies the problem and why the stat that shall not be named is so abuseable.

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Wrong, it's not power, rofl.. You're not even close. It's a stat not many use or even know what it does.


One of the Scoundrel vids mentioned it


I quote "surge is ok but i wouldn't gear it too much since it caps at about 99% power does not cap so stack away, alcrity isnt bad to have either since it means you can do more damage over a shorter time"

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Lol it's not only the consumable, it's a certain stat that I will not name with no hard cap that is causing these damage problems. This type of damage can be done by any dps class in the game if they abuse the mechanic that I'm talking about.


You keep talking about stacking this consumable that is available to all classes, yet only 2 classes are having an issue with burst damage.


Hmmm, consumable that is available to everyone is the problem? Or the two classes that everyone is having trouble with is the problem?

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ops and scoundrels are oppertunistic at best.

find your self alone and they will pick you off fast unless you are on your toes and expect it at all times.

if you are in a group setting stay close to your other allies. i know that some classes have decent range, snipers, gunslingers , sages and sorcs but if you are too far behind the rest of your team they may not even realize your getting jacked by a stealther.

you can tell the difference between the stim stackers and the ones that dont simply by the massive difference in dps.

a stim stacker will take the non tanky toons health down 50-60% with the initial burst and maybe 40-50% off a higher mitigation toon.

the non stim stacker will take at the most 30% of my life and usually i dont even pop a single CD to take care of them.

like everyone says, once their initial burst is done they are not even half as dangerous as they may seem.

they are truly more of an annoyance than anything else.

honestly assassins and shadows are 10x worse having more survivability less burst but more rounded dps multiple knobacks/pulls defensive CDs 3 different forms of CC (shadow being lift, stun and spin kick) then we also have multiple stuns.

get jumped by an op/scoundrel and you can possibly get away with them still shooting you in the back for minimal dmg.

get jumped by an assassin/shadow and you better be better than them or have your allies help, trying to run from them is pointless, pop burst speed and pull you right back followed by cc or slow.

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You keep talking about stacking this consumable that is available to all classes, yet only 2 classes are having an issue with burst damage.


Hmmm, consumable that is available to everyone is the problem? Or the two classes that everyone is having trouble with is the problem?


Clearly they're fine.

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You don't want your class nerfed? Lol, take the advice from the hundreds of others that play your class/mirror class, L2P.


how does he have to L2P when you are the ones crying nerf. how bout you L2P. operatives/scoundrels are only problems for bads who try to farm medals instead of winning the warzone

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This is a TEAM game.


The reason everyone is complaining about this class is because either people venture off by themselves and get ganked or when someone is opened on by an operative no one *helps* the victim.


When i hear those blatantly loud knifes go off I immediately target that operative and stun him before he can do more damage. I even throw in a knockback to make that operative's day even worse. This gives the victim plenty of time to run away and more time for me to heal him.


Now that this poor operative has been CC'd to uselessness he no longer can use his big opener and is now a sub-par dps. But wait! He uses his combat stealth except I just removed his stealth with stealth scan....poor poor operative.


Moral of the story: Help your teammates, stop caring about how many medals you get, and go for the win. Operatives/scoundrels are going to start complaining once people start learning how to deal with them.


This topic is rampant... which begs the question of if its a legit problem. Regardless... this will work itself out in the same fashion biochem did. Naturally people are rolling Op's in droves...go to Hutta and see for yourselves.... now either people will figure out its not over powered and quit before they hit 50, or in about a month BW will see their number metric for Op/scoundral go through the roof. If that happens they will get nerfed just like biochem, for the same reason. So no need to argue about it.....


Fact is if throw class numbers rise to high....they will get nerfed. So if you think they are broke roll one and find out...if its not shelf it...if it is by you keeping the Toronto you are helping get it jeered....but by then you wont wannt that will you....

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I respec'd my 46 op to concealment from a healer.


//I'm not all that good and don't claim to be

//I had/have healing gear, so basically alacrity, surge and power

//My crit chance was WELL below what you'd expect to see from a geared spec Conceal - mine was about 20%.

//I'm not biochem

//I wasn't buff stacking because at the time I thought the bonus was a 15% bonus to my current expertise, not a flat +15% (der)


I was purposfully going after 50's with PvP gear. No, I couldn't tell if they had all PvP gear but from the differences in how hard my abilities hit, I'd say they had a fair amount


I was taking 50's down to half health within a stun and if I hit a lucky crit streak, I was nailin them down to about 30-45% health, no problem.


Anything not 50 was pretty much a loljoke.

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How is it possible for either the IO and SS's mirrored standard & weak ability from those skills (flying fists/Collateral Strike) able to effect (the stun) a player in PvP?


The Gunslinger's only usage versus a standard & weak target (cheap shot/head shot) are greyed out and useable versus a stunned player.


I don't an issue with the IO or SS attacks from stealth, I have an issue with the above not being applied equally across all such attacks.

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