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Companions are a part of you , you should roll for gears for them.


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If you roll need on gear for companions without asking, 99% of the people able to run hard modes easily won't group with you.


If you ask to roll need on an item for your companion, 80% of the people who are able to run hard modes easily will say ok, but think you are kinda scrubby.


So, unless you eventually just want to be paired up with scrubs, which are generally the people who need on companion gear, keep at it. If not, ask, and kinda just be made fun of. Or be pro, realize tionese and columni gear drops all the time, keep the group going smoothly and just hit greed on items you don't need yourself for raids.


Follow these rules, and you will be much better off later.

Edited by stickyricky
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As a fun aside to this discussion, has anyone ever considered the possibility that Companions can, in some ways, be better than human players?


(Disclaimer: mostly a fun post)


Think about it for a moment - a Companion will, barring any technical glitches, 100% of the time do what he is programmed to do. He won't mis-click his toolbar, wander off AFK in the middle of a fight, or forget to heal the tank. What's more, the Companion will, 100% of the time, do exactly what you tell him to do!


Genius! Y'know, i think Companion's are severely under-appreciated. I'm going to hug mine as soon as I get home, and buy the furball a nice lollipop. :D

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And yet the way the system is designed completely crushes your logic and opinion. Like the OP said, if Bioware had the intention of making group content loot ONLY for the real life players themselves who are in the FP and not companions, they definitely would have designed it that way.


You are complaining about another design choice by the creators.




When the Tank for that 4 man group needs an upgrade, and you rob him of it in order to give it to one of your many companions which did not participate and will never participate in a Flashpoint......



Don't cry when everyone boycotts you from any future groups. Don't come on the forums complaining you need a group finder either.

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I believe the general rule is 1 need, 1 greed and 1 off roll. I did not use my 1 need for myself I use it for my companion. I need them to be stronger so I can do harder content solo. What is wrong with that? I use my 1 need.


No, the general rule is to roll on items you need, and let other people in the party need on items you don't need.


Flashpoints hardmodes and operations at end level are completely NOT doable by companions. Companions are useless for level 50 raiding, so needing on an item for your companion that another actual player character (not their companion) could use would warrant a guild kick, perma ban and blacklist on our server.


The hardest solo content you'll come across that you can possibly do by yourself is your very last class quest.


General rule: My character needs it> another player's character needs it> my companion needs it > player's companion needs it> greed> disassemble>pass.


There is no, 1 greed 1 need 1 pass. If we were running a FP and you were dps and greeded on an item for yourself that was blue since nobody needed it and you won, and then you needed on the only tank item drop (for me) because your companion needed it, I would kick you and not let you finish the flash point.


Don't be ridiculous to think companions are more important than other players, there not.


I am a Jedi Knight, I have 5 companions. First one wears droid armor, second one wears light, third wears medium, the last 2 wear heavy. This also includes 1 blaster, 1 shotgun, 2 blaster rifles, 1 double bladed lightsaber, one single saber user.


Considering this were the case, if I were you, and wanted to roll for my companions that means I would need every single item ever, because practically everything that would be able to be needed on would be useful for ONE of my 5 companions.

Edited by Evray
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This has NOTHING to do with being greedy or wrong. If I a Sith Inquistor need gears for my companion to help me level easier on the way up. Then so be it, if they DIDN't want me to do that they would have made companion gear drops only. The fact that they gave you companions AND let them wear regular people gears means they want you to roll for your companion gears.


That's a bit of flawed logic there. It's not like gear is "drop only" you could very easily buy gear for your companions or use quest rewards to gear them. It's not like they need top tier gear. I don't think it's fair to roll "need" on something for your companion when someone else REALLY needs it for themselves. Your companion isn't contributing to the group when the gear dropped, so why should you be able to need for them? That's not fair to the rest of the group.


The only case I can see it is if there's definitely nobody in the group who could use it for themselves and they agreed to let you roll need on it.

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And yet the way the system is designed completely crushes your logic and opinion. Like the OP said, if Bioware had the intention of making group content loot ONLY for the real life players themselves who are in the FP and not companions, they definitely would have designed it that way.


You are complaining about another design choice by the creators.


Where am I complaining? If you are a companion roller, get ready to find yourself solo most of the time or getting booted from groups. It's how the community works.

Edited by Parali
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When the Tank for that 4 man group needs an upgrade, and you rob him of it in order to give it to one of your many companions which did not participate and will never participate in a Flashpoint......



Don't cry when everyone boycotts you from any future groups. Don't come on the forums complaining you need a group finder either.


I won't. I will play the game the way it was designed and the way I believe the creators meant it to be played.

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I usually just wait, see if everyone greeds/passes and, if so, ask if anyone minds if I need for companion. Sometimes they do (they also want it for a companion but already clicked greed), sometimes they're cool.


Ideally there'd be a system that went Need for Main > Need for Companion > Greed/Disassemble > Pass with Need for Main greyed out unless it's the primary stats for your class. Long term I hope they implement something like this because loot drama is mind-crushingly predictable and boring. Anything Bioware can do to mitigate it (and also mitigate the impact it has on their Ticket Service Droids or whatever they're called) is surely a good thing.

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I won't. I will play the game the way it was designed and the way I believe the creators meant it to be played.


See the problem with playing the way YOU believe the creator's meant it to be played is really just playing the way YOU want to. You're making an assumption in a way that benefits you. You have no idea if that's the way Bioware intended people to roll for things.

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Is there some misconception going around about the game giving you one need, and one greed roll? This is the third time I've seen this mentioned on the forums.


To make it simple like many before me... Do NOT roll need on your companion. They have no business in any situation where you would be rolling for loot anyway. If no one in the group has a legitimate need, everyone rolls greed/disassemble/pass. If you happen to get lucky on that greed roll great! You just got gear for your companion! Also, you can roll need as often as it is applicable. If your player character needs it, and you are equipping it on the spot, go for it.


Please remove all thoughts about companions from your brain when it comes to loot rules.

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If you need gear for yourself, roll need.


If you need gear for your companion and no one else in the FP can use it (you have asked your group), roll need.


If you roll need on gear for a companion that a group-mate can use for his or her actual character, you are a flaming pile of excrement on the doorstep of the good people in this game.



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You can reason it however you want to make you feel better but regardless to roll need for it when a player can use it themselves is simply lame.


Furthermore, if I see this while in a a group regardless whether the player does it to me or someone else in the group after we are done with our mission that player will be going on ignore and I won't be going in any group they're in. Not gonna waste my time playing with people that are going to possibly take an item I could use for their pet or create unnecessary drama and bickering in the group that I would have to listen to. No thanks.

Edited by GarbonzotheDude
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As Threepio would say: "Here we go again"


You CAN roll need for Companion gear, but...


1. It would be wise to let the other group members know (at the beginning) that you will be doing so. The companion thing is a whole new dynamic in this MMO, so it would be wise to let others know what you'll be doing.


2. Your group-mates have the right to choose to kick and/or not group with you, when you roll NEED for your companions.

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There is something wrong with it if a player in the group can directly use it on their character. Character need -> Companion need -> Greed -> Pass




The real playing characters should always get gear over player controlled companions.


Way to much debate over semantics on this for the sake of being greedy but trying to hide it under something else.



Character need above all else -> Companion need -> Greed (just to sell)-> Pass

Edited by Quraswren
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I'll talk from the standpoint of Flashpoints.


Your companion is playing a role in the group. I don't see a problem with rolling need for him. However, if it's just dps and another dps in the group could use it, I'd just let him have it.


You're in a full group (thus your companion isn't present). Only roll need if no one else in the group doesn't need. There is no exceptions. They are actively participating in the flashpoint, your companion is not. They deserve the loot over your companion. End of story.


If you believe otherwise you're simply new to MMO's or just a greedy kid. Enjoy building yourself a bad reputation on your server and never being invited to groups again.

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This has NOTHING to do with being greedy or wrong. If I a Sith Inquistor need gears for my companion to help me level easier on the way up. Then so be it, if they DIDN't want me to do that they would have made companion gear drops only. The fact that they gave you companions AND let them wear regular people gears means they want you to roll for your companion gears.


It is what it on the way up via grouping and what not, now once at 50 I can see how rolling for companion would be wrong. After all you would no longer need to use them since you would be doing operation only. But on the way up, I believe it is Bioware intention for you to arm your companion to the best of your abilities via, items dropps, buying or even using commendation tokens.


There is nothing wrong with it, unless those other three players I am with plan on being with me every moment I log in, I need a better healer or tank depending on the situation. Nuff said.




This is how Bioware has designed the game, char/companions are one in the same. If they change the loot interface in the future to seperate the two that's cool, but until then there nothing wrong with rolling need for an item one of your companions needs if it goes towards improving your character.

Edited by Vydor_HC
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I always ask if it's fine if i roll for gear for companion for whom it is upgrade but only in case someone doesn't need it for himself. If player needs it i let him take it.


Sometimes i needed lightsaber even tho i use myself double saber. Why? It was orange with mods, i took out 3/4 mods and placed in my own weapon making it better, and 1 mod placed in Khem Vals weapon.

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While it's fair to say the companion system is new, etc the answer is, ultimately, the same as it's been since MMOs began - ask what the loot rules are before you join or make your own group and tell people the loot rules before you start. It's as true now as it ever has been.
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While it's fair to say the companion system is new, etc the answer is, ultimately, the same as it's been since MMOs began - ask what the loot rules are before you join or make your own group and tell people the loot rules before you start. It's as true now as it ever has been.


Yep, this too.

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Just because you can, doesn't mean you should!




If you don't care about being ignored or banned from playing with other people.... then by all means do what you want! Hope you don't live your life that way, but you probably do and that's why you turn to an MMO for social interaction

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