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Everything posted by barecat

  1. Is there some misconception going around about the game giving you one need, and one greed roll? This is the third time I've seen this mentioned on the forums. To make it simple like many before me... Do NOT roll need on your companion. They have no business in any situation where you would be rolling for loot anyway. If no one in the group has a legitimate need, everyone rolls greed/disassemble/pass. If you happen to get lucky on that greed roll great! You just got gear for your companion! Also, you can roll need as often as it is applicable. If your player character needs it, and you are equipping it on the spot, go for it. Please remove all thoughts about companions from your brain when it comes to loot rules.
  2. I have 2 gtx560's and yes this happens to me... only when I don't load a custom fan profile using 3rd party software ( Afterburner, works great for the gtx line: http://event.msi.com/vga/afterburner/download.htm ) For me this is necessary because the default fan rates are too low, you're getting those artifacts and glitches (bloom everywhere, textures in the wrong place) because of overheating. Installing afterburner will allow you to use a custom profile to control fan speed, or just set it to 100% while playing swtor. Cool down the gpus a bit and those issues will go away.
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