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Companions are a part of you , you should roll for gears for them.


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What gear is there to roll for them? I just used the acres of commendations to get orange moddable gear for the companions and continue using commendations to update the gear from mods on each planet. Our group started doing this during Tatooine/Nar Shadaa and outside of a few specific and isolated scenarios where class quest drops worked better for the companion its been easy.


I actually would have preferred a Dragon Age 2 companion inventory management system.

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I always ask if it's fine if i roll for gear for companion for whom it is upgrade but only in case someone doesn't need it for himself. If player needs it i let him take it.


Sometimes i needed lightsaber even tho i use myself double saber. Why? It was orange with mods, i took out 3/4 mods and placed in my own weapon making it better, and 1 mod placed in Khem Vals weapon.


See, this is quite reasonable.


You communicated your intentions to the group and considered their needs. Your common sense and courtesy place you head and shoulders above most everyone else.

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I understand what you are saying but if I don't roll on any gear I should be able to use my 1 need, 1 greed and one offroll however I want. Well i use my 1 need for my companion. Where is the problem with that?


Not if an actual player needs it for their own character. PC first, otherwise it is just bad manners.

Edited by markdienekes
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Rolling for companions is a bad idea solely because it's not a fair model. There are constantly situations where player X will be rolling on items for their companion that player Y needs, but player Y won't be doing the same because his companions don't use what player X does (ex. lightsabers).


Ideally though, each group will sort out it's preferred rules before setting out. I tend to create my own groups and just boot anyone that wants to role for companions - I encourage them to create their own groups ;)

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We just need a companion need button tbh.


No, because:


1. Simply adding an extra button means that people will go on using the regular Need button anyway, and

2. If the system is altered so that BoP cannot be given to Companions, then nobody will ever get FP drops for their Companions.

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If anyone in your group can use the gear you have no business rolling need for a character that isn't currently there.


IF you plan on rolling need on stuff anyways then at least have the courtesy to tell your group that you are going to roll need for your companions so they can act appropriately.


IF you are not willing to do that then you know very well what you are doing is wrong.

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I really don't understand why it is so hard to just....


/party Do you mind if I need that for my companion?


Party says: No, not at all! Go for it!


/party Thanks a lot!


And if someone says in the party, "I could actually use that." Then you click greed.




Do you dislike typing? Do you just feel everyone else isn't worth your courtesy?




And yes, I'm yelling, because I feel like a mother yelling at their kids because they just can't understand, or won't understand after having it explained five times.

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Human beings > pixels


True. But your character is made of pixels just like your companion. I've yet to win a roll for a piece of armor and end up with an actual piece of clothing that I personally wear.


It's all pixels.


Also, why do people here think companions can't go on Flashpoints? Maybe I imagined that Vette was there when fighting Alliance soldiers...

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Character need > Companion Need > Greed > Pass.



It's very simple, if a human controlled character needs the gear, they get to need it.


COMPANIONS are secondary to PLAYERS.



Not hard to understand. You can always ask in chat if you can need an item for a companion too, if they don't need it, most of the time people won't care.

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Human beings > pixels


Bit of a silly comment as your character is pixels too. It's not like you're sitting at home putting the armor on in real life so you can go out saving the galaxy in real life. You're either placing equipment on your character sheet, your ship character sheet, or your companion character sheet. They're all just pixels and they're all just slots on your character sheet panel.


I mentioned this elsewhere but it applies here too. I don't really understand your perspective on this, and I've been playing MMOs for a ridiculously long time now. And in that time the ever-important understanding was this: if you participated in the battle, you're eligible to roll on the loot that drops.


With that in mind, if we're talking about a two-man group (or even three-man) where a companion is present, then that companion has just as much right to the loot as everyone else. They helped make sure the loot dropped in the first place, after all (possibly even more so than some of the players present if you want to be brutally honest). Now, the companion can't roll on their own and depends on the player to do that, so that's exactly what I expect the player to do.


Now, if the companion was back on the ship, or off running an errand, and didn't actually participate in the battle where the loot dropped, then the owner shouldn't be rolling need on their behalf. That's just common sense. It's like rolling need on an item for your friend who is logged off. We just don't do that.


People seem to want to make this issue black and white, by suggesting that companions should never get a need roll under any circumstances, and it's just not that simple. If I'm two-manning + two-companions a boss with someone and the only thing that stood between a wipe and victory were the two companions that assisted with the healing/dps'ing/tanking, you can be darn sure they deserve a hand in the rewards. Them being properly geared up is what help made that victory possible in the first place.

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I understand what you are saying but if I don't roll on any gear I should be able to use my 1 need, 1 greed and one offroll however I want. Well i use my 1 need for my companion. Where is the problem with that?


welcome to /ignore population: YOU.


Sorry, but no. Companion gear was a retarded mechanic that can only cause friction in the community. They should have made companion gear commendation only, and not allow drops to be equipped by companions.

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This has NOTHING to do with being greedy or wrong.


There is nothing wrong with it, unless those other three players I am with plan on being with me every moment I log in, I need a better healer or tank depending on the situation. Nuff said.


It goes this way better:

  • Need if you need it not your companion, your sister, your mother or your father
  • Greed if you don't really need it or if your companion needs it or you want to sell it
  • Break it if no need or greed really and it's possible.
  • Pass if no room for some thing


And if you want to roll need on Companion gear, ask if it's ok to others. Or state at the start

that you will be needing gear for your companion. I bet that others will disagree on that.

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I really don't understand why it is so hard to just....


/party Do you mind if I need that for my companion?


Party says: No, not at all! Go for it!


/party Thanks a lot!


And if someone says in the party, "I could actually use that." Then you click greed.




Do you dislike typing? Do you just feel everyone else isn't worth your courtesy?




And yes, I'm yelling, because I feel like a mother yelling at their kids because they just can't understand, or won't understand after having it explained five times.


It's not difficult.

Most of these post are a veiled attempt to placate the behavior of just needing without even asking.

And most likely these individuals don't want to ask, they just want it and that's that.



You are absolutely correct, communication is the key.


Personally, I use PVP gear to gear up my Wookie.

Edited by Fraxture
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All I ask is that if you are going to...need... For your companions then just be upfront in the beginning so the whole group is on the same page.




I can't make anyone not NEED for their companions, but out of fairness, everyone in the group should be playing by the same "rules."


If you're rolling NEED on an item I can use, then I can NEED on the item you can use.

Edited by HanzoV
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this kind of beligerent entitlement is gonne lead to them actually designating all instance loot player only. or some other dynamic.



and then you'll have f00ked yourself out of any chance at loot for companions.



how hard is it to... take the 2 prong approach of. see what drops. if an in-group player who could use it passes/greeds ...then piping in with "mind if i need for a companion?"



problem with the "companion is part of me" argument is... everyone has companions. and eventually everyone has companions for every role. tank/dps/heals ...so it becomes a thin line/weak argument to say. my companion is important such that i deserve gear for it... when everyone is equally setup.



it's ultimately poor deployment from bioware. i tend to cut them some slack. as loot dynamics always evolve in games. one would hope. we as players could police ourselves with basic common sense.


but it seems like lots of people have an overly developed sense of entitlement to shiny. and use that to justify petty greed.

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Actually, according to BioWare over in the JK forums, they did not intend players to keep all their companions geared at all times.


They also said on the general forum to "..make sure your companion is properly equipped..". While I haven't seen the specific comment you're mentioning, I imagine what Bioware was trying to say is that players only need to focus on keeping their active companions (the ones they frequently use) up to date on their gear. And that's just common sense, because keeping all your companions geared up all the time would be a stressful undertaking (not to mention unnecessary unless you're swapping through every companion in any given level).

Edited by Apax
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True. But your character is made of pixels just like your companion. I've yet to win a roll for a piece of armor and end up with an actual piece of clothing that I personally wear.


It's all pixels.


Also, why do people here think companions can't go on Flashpoints? Maybe I imagined that Vette was there when fighting Alliance soldiers...


Yeah, I am also very curious to find out why many seem to place no value on Companions.


Bioware have designed the system so that Companions are an integral part of both solo and group play. They are so much like player-driven characters that the only thing they lack, is the ability to type, adn the human capacity for adaption. And seeing as how dungeons, Flashpoints and raids are formulaic anyway, one can easily argue that a Companion does not need to have adaptability; which therefore means they can be just as valuable as a player-driven character in the field.


Example: Myself, my companion, one other player.


Everyone, including the Companion performs to basic expectations throughout the Flashpoint. I am providing DPS, my Companion provides solid, reliable tanking, but right on the end boss, the second player misses a crucial heal, and my Companion dies. Poop happens.


The drop is a piece of gear both the other player and my Companion can use.


Who has more right to that piece of gear?

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Maybe I imagined that Vette was there when fighting Alliance soldiers...


My favorite line so far in this thread.


BTW, needing for companions without asking is just a bad idea. Let the group know and everything will be fine. Assume people can read your mind, and you'll get a few words tossed at you for sure.

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I believe it is Bioware intention for you to arm your companion to the best of your abilities via, items dropps, buying or even using commendation tokens.


I agree with all three of those reasons. But, not rolling NEED for your companion. If you believe that, you probably believe a player should roll NEED for there alt's also. You roll GREED for your companions and alts, and if you get it, win. If you don't, the other player wins. Since everyone could use it for their companions/alts.


You do not click NEED for your companions (unless you ask for it). Ever. I don't care if your companion helped in the encounter.


Why, because I could use the money that comes from that equipment (to equip myself) just as much as your companion could use it. Simple as that.


NEED for yourself (ie. your main character only). Companions and alts are GREED only (unless asked). This is the assumption most people are going off of, I'm sure. But, there are always those who have their own set of rules one way or the other. If you don't abide by those rules, you need to let the group know beforehand.

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