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Is the game failing? :(


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Ok I get your point, but it's not exactly that much different during peak hours and if you read my entire post you will notice I'm not only talking about the amount of people on the various servers.


As I asked in my OP, try not to troll for no reason even though I can see it's hard for some of you.


Yawn, could we close this thread and the other ones that keep saying the same tiring stuff over and over please......


I walked outside today and there was no one around the world must be failing.....


See how stupid it sounds?


And the try not to troll is just hilarious considering you knew what this post was gonna bring your the one that started trolling first.....


Pot meet Kettle.....

Edited by Kittypryde
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Wait until Friday, or Saturday evening, at 8:30 PM CST. Take a peek at the fleet station kiosk. Also, look at the server condtion (light, standard, heavy, full). The real test will be Friday, January 20th, at the times indicated above. As far as I know most players will not be able to play without a subscription on that date, because the 30 days of free time will run out. Edited by Chiricahua
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Yawn, could we close this thread and the other ones that keep saying the same tiring stuff over and over please......


I walked outside today and there was no one around the world must be failing.....


See how stupid it sounds?


And the try not to troll is just hilarious considering you knew what this post was gonna bring your the one that started trolling first.....


/shakes head. When there are not enough subs to support additional content you'll see why people are worried.

I just logged off because it's simply boring, buggy, and unplayable and there were 63 people on the fleet. Belsavis had 19. Hmmmmm

Enjoy your disney wars.

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It's funny how people never post the follow up stuff on that article.


I guess they are mad all their raider buddies are leaving wow.


What, this followup that prophet EA LOUSE preached ?


This is the 5th post about this issue:


1st post (117 pages long): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=140954

2nd post (112 pages long): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=151787[/i]

3rd post (125 pages long): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=162569

4th post (148 pages long): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=164481


*New Update 11/01/2012*


So here we go. The answer we wanted, and also probably the answer nobody wanted:




So no, we won't have high resolution textures in a 2012 AAA game anytime soon.


Thanks all for the support on this subject guys.


New Update 09/01/2012


We finally got a first response by Stephen Reid. I'll just quote it:




I'll update this post as soon as we get that info.



Original 1st post with 117 pages: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=140954


I want to thank EVERYBODY for the support we are all giving to this post. Many good opinions here. More than 50 pages in 1 day clearly shows one thing: as customers paying for a 50$ product and worth 15$ a month, we deserve an answer.




Ok, since this has become the "official" post for the High Resolution Textures issue, I'm going to update this post for newcomers with the information we have at the moment. So, here are the facts we know:


1- The game had high resolution textures during beta. But they disappeared before releasing the live client.


2- You are NOT playing in high settings, no matter what your preferences window says. At this moment, medium=high, and there is no high, so you are all playing viewing your char's textures in medium quality.


3- This was expected to be fixed in the PTS. However, at this moment the issue hasn't been fixed for 1.1. What is more, they deleted the "Medium" quality option, and now there are only two options. Low and High. And yes, you are right: High is just the new Medium, as you can see in this screenshot:




More info on this, by MaxWham:




4- Somehow, the high resolution textures are already in the game. But they are not being used while playing with your character. You can see em during dialog cutscenes. You can see them on your companions wardrobe preview window. And you can see them for 0,5 secs after clicking on your holo terminal in your ship. Here are some examples:


Medium: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/59/screenshot2012010419385.jpg/

High: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/851/screenshot2012010419390.jpg/


Medium: http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/8974/screenshot2012010710454.jpg

High: http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/553/hirez.png


Medium: http://imgur.com/NqI7j

High: http://imgur.com/M7Geg


ToonPhil shared with us this one: http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/3646/swtorhightextures1.png


Another one from Adamant:


Medium: http://i.imgur.com/PsqBo.jpg

High: http://i.imgur.com/U1RMk.jpg


And yet another one: http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r277/UnruheEndlos/The%20Old%20Republic/TORTextureComparison.jpg


One of the best high/med comparison photosets I've seen in this forum, by Rhykker: http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/5493/hirez.jpg


Gif showing the difference between both: http://m.uploadedit.com/bac/1325903803236.gif


and another gif: http://i40.tinypic.com/ip8wmb.gif


And a video:


And a WoW vs SWTOR comparison: http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r277/UnruheEndlos/TORWOWComparison.jpg


Also, I'm getting this technical information from the user Lemon_King. It's really impressive what some users like him are finding inside the code:




It is important to note that after 200+ pages, Bioware still hasn't said anything about this.


I'm also quoting this very well written post:






So, this is what the official known bugs forums says:


If you installed prior to 5:00AM CST on January 4th, 2012, your graphics will display as "Low" even if actual in-game settings are higher due to automatic preference detection.

Workaround: Your graphics setting will display properly once modified and saved.


Workaround: Individual preferences will display properly once modified and saved.


Also, it was stated on 1.0.2 patch that:


Upon a new installation and first launch of the game, settings files and in-game graphics preferences are now consistent with each other.


So, please Bioware, can we get a clarification on this? Does this mean that if we reinstall the game using the online installer, we will get high resolution textures everytime and not only during dialog cutscenes?


If not, any ETA on when the high resolution textures bug will be fixed?


Thanks in advance for answering this confusive situation.

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I'm overwhelmed by the massive amount of sarcastic responses.


You people didn't even read my post did you?


I said IS THE GAME FAILING? (this is a question, you see there's a question mark at the end there)


I didn't say "THIS GAME IS FAILING" I asked the community a question and listed a bunch of stuff that has already been discussed over and over as major nuisances for MANY people playing this game, I shouldn't have to list a bunch of bugs and nuisances in detail just because I want to have a discussion. Why don't you grow up abit and stop going into "auto defense or I-think-im-so-intelligent-that-I'm-gonna-post-this-subtle-but-extremely-sarcastic response" mode and make a constructive comment to my thread our just keep your opinion away from it?


I LOVE the whole idea of this game, but you cannot deny that it's obvious it has some major issues and what if they don't intend to fix many of them?


I'm curious and want to discuss I'm not into the whole flaming wars thing alot of you people seem to love.


Do you also treat strangers you meet in the real world like you this? Cuz then I just feel sad for everyone around you.


Actually people did respond to your question, you just didn't like the answers. And now I'll respond, no its not failing, I live in Japan playing on a US server and its always standard/full when I play during off peak hours for the US.


No they will not over hall this game engine because it doesn't need it.


Bugs are and will get fixed, recoding and adjusting/fixing bugs in a massive game requires time and testing, you "fix" one bug and rush it into release without proper testing you most likely will break one or many things in the process.


Sorry you don't like the graphics engine, tough luck for you.

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Christmas holidays are over. So people will not be able to spend 2 weeks straight playing the game.


I live in Australia so my prime time is when all the US are asleep. However I have logged on during my days off and seen the servers on medium and high.


So no the game is not failing. You are.

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Yes, OP, you are right, but I don't think you fully understand the degree to which the game is failing. Last night about 8 PM CST most of the US servers were at standard to very heavy capacity. When I logged on this morning, those SAME servers were at light to standard capacity. This tells me that over night, hundreds of thousands of people cancelled their subscriptions. At this rate, the servers will be EMPTY by tomorrow morning.


It's a good thing I cancelled on 1/4 so I am not impacted by this.

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Noone can know yet but considering the following two facts i have a hunch where this game might be heading.


- Level char from lvl. 1 to lvl. 2---> you have now experienced every single quest up to level 50. Kill 10 xxx, rightclick 6 xxx, Bonus! kill 25 xxx.


- Every single talent and skill my class has is a 1:1 copy of another old MMO. Yes i bought a new mmo and did not get one single new ability.

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Server population was way higher accros all server couple weeks ago, On its peak there where only 4 standard populated servers. Now there is allot more of them. Soon it will drop even more when peoples subcriptions will run out.


You mean when everyone was off work and school for the Holidays? Can't, for the life of me, imagine how that might have affected numbers.


Anyhoo, my thoughts are thus; You don't like the game, well fine, unsub and bugger off, leave the vast majority of us that are loving the game to enjoy it.


Good day.

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i just logged in and took an overall look on the servers... I see maybe 1 server with a high population and 30-40 servers with light/standard)


are people leaving this game? Is it failing?


I'm kind of a fanboy when it comes to star wars and i truly want to love this game. So far i'm loving the awesome voiceovers and the combat system (even though many complain about it cuz of sucky pvp).


But the graphics engine is just... Horrendous, the feel of the game is so bad... The world doesn't feel stable and working but glitchy and static, the audio bugs omg i can't run my speeder for 2 mins without the hovering sound dissapearing all the time replaced by other environment sounds etc. Cuz they are poorly programmed they overlap each other i think?


Is serious fixing coming to this game? Do you think it will get the overhaul that it needs?


I'm really worried that the ea budget money making machine, has saved resources on this game in places where they really shouldn't have.


I'm never going back to wow or anything like that, but seriously i'm praying for a golden overhaul for this game cuz i just don't see myself sticking around for anything other than the storylines so far.


I'm sorry if some of you people who can easily ignore all these issue are offended, call me a troll all you want. But i really hope we can get enough attention on these matters, so that one day they will take it serioulsy and throw the resources needed into the game.


No amount of talking about how good it is, can obscure the truth, that this game needs a major overhaul to compete properly.


please at least try to hold back the trolling monster inside you if you wanna comment on this thread.


thank you but this is my honest 10 cents and it has nothing to do with trying to bring the game down or promote other mmo's, i want this game to be all it can be and imo it has long way to go.





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Oh, BTW does anyone remember EA LOUSE from 2010 ?!


EA Louse explained why the blog was started: "I found out recently that I will be dismissed from Bioware Mythic during the next round of layoffs EA coming this November. I'm sick of seeing EA outsource their art and find every excuse to get rid of us and still not achieve anything. Mythic is dying, and its not us who killed him but we're taking the fall."


Of the different claims EA Louse asserts in the blog, perhaps the most noteworthy is the status of Star Wars: The Old Republic. According to Louse, more than $300 million has been spent on the game so far.


"And you know what they're most proud of? This is the kicker," the blog reads. "They are most proud of the sound. No seriously. Something like a 20Gig installation, and most of it is voiceover work. That's the best they have. The rest of the game is a joke. EA knows it and so does George Lucas, they're panicking, and so most of Mythic has already been cannibalized to work in Austin on it because they can't keep pushing back launch."


Louse then predicts, "Old Republic will be one of the greatest failures in the history of MMOs from EA. Probably at the level of the Sims Online. We all know it too ..."


Enjoy the rest of the read


Reminds me of a 'The World is Ending - Repent!' flyer I found rubber banded to my front doorknob last weekend. Edited by GalacticKegger
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So I just read through every single page of this thread, since I saw it had grown quite alot since I posted it and posted in it.


I found at around page 15-20ish a few minor text walls with a few extremely well informed and very reasonable responses, those were actually enlightening, most of the time I was reading comments on me being wrong about what time a day it is... about that...

While I realise some people might be impatient and stop reading before they are done with my entire OP? I would like to point out that my comment on the servers, was only the first 2 (that's right 2) lines of my post, the rest was listing alot of the other known issues this game has. About 80ish % of this thread is actually people saying something like "unknown geek language too hardcore for my understanding" or "duh ppl are @ work" and even some who seems to think the US is the only place in the world and all call me crazy cuz I'm posting at 9 in the morning in their country, when it's during the afternoon in my own country. Followed by alot of accusations of your typical "no YOUR the troll!" type.


Anyways I laughed I cried and I realised by the sheer size of the thread that alot of people are sharing the same concerns as I am, even though they might hate to admit it. As I know how it feels to be overprotective when someone is trying to take a shot at something you want to love/love, I can forgive every negative thing said in this thread. Yes even you creepy basement guy in the corner, with your ingenius sarcastic comments, even you.


Peace :D

Edited by Blackweb
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Angry or not, he undoubtly knows more on the subject than you, so I'll take his biased over your biased words. Especially based on what I've seen in game thus far. :cool:

What I find interesting is that other people were laid off and didn't say anything at all.


It's almost as if he's pissed off about it and says a buncha negative crap to make the company look bad.

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Read the forums.

Forums are always a vocal minority of any given group. And usually the most negative ones. What I can say is that, while, tons of people come on here and complain about this game, among people I know, the game is becoming more popular.


I don't know ONE single person who has quit yet, and the group of people I know who are playing has gone from 5 to over 20 due to word of mouth or seeing someone playing it or trying it out on their friend's account.


By no means is my experience the one true experience... But that goes to show that the forums are not, either.

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It's "prime time" in EU right now and all servers are above standard, with what appears to be half of them are heavy and a couple at heavy+.


But it's the wrong day to check this out. You really need to check it after the 20th, preferably the 21th even. At that point you'll get some interesting readings. The majority of players playing from the 20th and onwards are real subscribers.


<edit> Many trolls will be gone in other words. Unless they fancy to pay $15 just to troll the forum/game. But that just makes them regular subscribers in my book.

Edited by hulduet
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