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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stressful crafting, bring back 12 hrs missions.


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I really hope there is someone else out there that can see what I mean by this post. It is hard to remember, but this is a game. Money is not real. The problems are not real. People get all caught up in the economy, and gear and such and start feeling like they "have" to do something to "keep up" with the others. You don't have to constantly log into the game to check on it, unless you want to.


That is what ruined wow for me. Everyone rushing and making the game like a job. Sitting in one town, never going outside because they just queue for this and queue for that. This game is new. We actually walk around. When you are on your travels, its refreshing to see another player throw a hello heal at you as he goes along his way. Or meeting up to do a group quest. Not everyone cooped up in one town standing next to the mailbox. Clicking on queues.


Don't get me wrong. I am not telling anyone how to play. Everyone has their own style. But, please don't do this to Star Wars, man. Please don't take the fun out of the game for the rest of us with your economy how-to's, damage meters, add-ons and such. Pretty soon, someone will nerd it out and we will be "told" what to wear and how to play.


Why can't we just play?

Edited by Bethivus
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Well that can be said about any aspect of the game. e.g. Pvp balance is broken -> then dont pvp.


For some people, enjoyable crafting is every little bit as important as balanced competative pvp is for others.

I enjoy crafting a lot, and it seems that you do to… but you don’t enjoy to swapping alts every 5 min to send out on constant missions. Trust me then I say it is not needed. And it is also only yourself that force you to play like that. Take time to enjoy what you are doing instead of playing the game in a way you obviously do not like.


In case you wonder... I have an alt for every professions, but I don’t rush them or their crafting since I fully expect this MMO to exist for some time. So whilst I might spend 3-4 hours occasionally just sending companions on missions (real missions no slicing junk), I also take time to enjoy the game and make sure to have a fun time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I totaly agree with you, some mats are hard to get and I cant be in front of my computer all the time so we should be able to have longer mission and then wehen I get back from work I'd have something to do with it. And for the those who don't agree don't forget that its you frist who benefit from the crafting maniacs, it is them who craft better items that you can buy and use in the game if we would not do it those items would be pretty rare since I realized that its a minority who craft many purple items.
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Maybe at some point in the future they will add some additional long-duration missions with better returns? It would be perfect for those times you are going to be offline and so forth.


As a side note, during testing I always made the suggestion that the crafting missions materials should also be available in the world as either boss loot drops or in heroic treasure chests. Maybe it's just me but I think it's a little strange that prototype and artifact crafting materials are only available through crew skills missions (except of course the BOP stuff).

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