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Graphics look dated and lacking in detail


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Is there something up with the graphics or graphics engine in this game, it just appears to be lacking in detail even with the graphics turned to maximum - that said I don't see much difference when switching graphics from minimum to maximum.


I have a Radeon 6770, I'm not expecting Skyrim HD levels of graphics here but even compared to Rift or Star Trek Online the graphics and detail in this game seem dated.

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This is pure speculation on my part, but I believe they turned a lot of stuff "off" for launch. Take the forum search feature, or the required fields in the auction house, or in this case the limited graphics options. All of them point to one thing, limiting the amount of issues that could go wrong in launch. I imagine a lot of people would not agree with this philosophy, but if I'm correct I think it's a pretty smart move.


Or maybe it's not a matter of "off" so much as a matter of not yet ready. :)

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This seems like the answer they give for everything, it was a bug that gave people the impression there was a medium settings for textures, bug with AA, one of their customer service reps came down with a bug and that's why you were not responded too, a bug for FPS, a bug for your machine overheating, a bug with the loading screens with each world, a bug with currency exploits, a bug, a bug, a bug. You don;t have to ask anymore questions because the answer will be associated with a bug.
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Is there something up with the graphics or graphics engine in this game, it just appears to be lacking in detail even with the graphics turned to maximum - that said I don't see much difference when switching graphics from minimum to maximum.


I have a Radeon 6770, I'm not expecting Skyrim HD levels of graphics here but even compared to Rift or Star Trek Online the graphics and detail in this game seem dated.


Their community rep, Stephen Reid, has recently told everyone that they disabled high res textures and most lighting affects becasue it caused big performance hits on some people's computers.


That's right - he's claiming that instead of putting options in the UI for us to select different graphics levels, they've made all of the textures low res and blurry.


100+ million budget and I'm assuming a big chunk to graphics and the game looks like it was released in 1999.


Some people have some great side by side screenshots of how the graphics looked in beta when they had high res textures enabled and how they look now. It really COULD be a lovely game...

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Just force anti-aliasing if your comp can handle it. Some have said it causes frame rate issues but I've not noticed any since doing it - NVIDIA card so needs to to be forced through the .ini file; if you have an AMD Card you can force it through Catalyst. It makes a difference (though not huge).


That said I still notice some jagged edges on shadows so there is room for improvement, which I'm sure after some further testing they will implement.

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