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carnage spec - lvl 50 hellllllppp please


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morning all ,

just a quick one looking for advice -

currently fully specced into carnage - enjoying it i have to say - however i am noticing that when i look at my warzone record i am generally mid table - my highest ever damage output is 136 k .


my current rotation is charge - battered assault - massacre - gore - scream - rinse and repeat -spamming massacre until scream is off c/d same with gore . use obfuscate when possible.

relegated ravage to stopping people running away same with choke as they seem to miss more then hit.


i have champ offhander / belt - nada else .

i find alot of my attacks seem to spaz out when applied and the abilty delay is a nightmare- hit key wait a second and oh look it popped.


now before the usual ltp crap i know i am at best a below average player and i dont care - i just want to be able to contribute and hold my own but i find that even lower levels can give me hassle and there is always a good chance i will loose.


i love the class but the lack of cc protection can and is a nightmare.


so i am just looking for pointers and hope that rather then usual abuse that people receive that i will get help.


Edited by excaliburhc
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Stay in a group, and make sure have have control of your target (Keep a slow up)

As carnage every GCD matters and you need to keep Massacre up as much as possible to keep proc'ing those extra swings.


Ravage only if they're really close and you know they've used their "PvP Trinket" - you can force them to use it sometimes if you use force choke.


Stack a lot of expertise ^_^


You're playing the underdog spec for PvP, you're going to have some trouble because of your lack of burst. Stick at it though if you love the playstyle.

Edited by Basek
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morning all ,

just a quick one looking for advice -

currently fully specced into carnage - enjoying it i have to say - however i am noticing that when i look at my warzone record i am generally mid table - my highest ever damage output is 136 k .


my current rotation is charge - battered assault - massacre - gore - scream - rinse and repeat -spamming massacre until scream is off c/d same with gore . use obfuscate when possible.

relegated ravage to stopping people running away same with choke as they seem to miss more then hit.


i have champ offhander / belt - nada else .

i find alot of my attacks seem to spaz out when applied and the abilty delay is a nightmare- hit key wait a second and oh look it popped.


now before the usual ltp crap i know i am at best a below average player and i dont care - i just want to be able to contribute and hold my own but i find that even lower levels can give me hassle and there is always a good chance i will loose.


i love the class but the lack of cc protection can and is a nightmare.


so i am just looking for pointers and hope that rather then usual abuse that people receive that i will get help.



More expertise is a big help. without it, i remember pulling the numbers you said you had. I now pull upwards of 200k, but thats largely due to my increased survivability with the Expertise. Your rotation is sound. I Use Forcescream every chance i get, you shouldnt see it crit for less than 2k, if you do, you may want to invest in more Surge. I currently use a Power Trinket and a Crit/Surge Trinket and use them either during a Beserk or during a Blood frenzy right before i use Force scream. Ive seen my Screams crit for 3.7k at times.


Also, im sure you know this already, but avoid Jugg and Bounty Hunters, it takes to long to try and kill them, focus on the Snipers and Sorc, they are the easier targets and we are made to take them down with all the interupts we can do and Gore.

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Would definitely recommend charge>force choke>wait for them to use CC breaker>straight into ravage with its snare. After that get your slows/gore on them and start spamming. Throw in a force camo to make life hard for them>then get the force screams and vicious throw ready.


I'm 50, with only 1 champ piece. Life is hard right now. We're just going to be VERY patient until we get the expertise built up.

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I beg to differ.


I also beg to differ. I have been Carnage since creation. I have tried the other two specs and hated them. I do quite well 1v1 and in Warzones BUT the problems with the marauder is not a specific talent tree it is the AC design. Its lacking in a few places IE: Knock back and stuns and a slight damage tweek and we will be just fine no matter what spec you choose.


Try all specs pick the one that you enjoy and slice some republic up. :eek:

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Rotations aren't terribly useful, as pvp is a fluid enviornment. That said, some thoughts on your post:


1) Berserk -> Gore -> Massacre Spam is incredibly high damage. Try it out. Weaving this into whatever rotation you're doing for a specific opponent/situation becomes much easier if you're sub-specced Ahni for what is essentially 1 Rage Massacres during Berserk.


2) Generally, Force Scream -> Gore -> Massacre Spam/Ravage -> Force Choke (even if it's just a tick) lets you Force Scream again. You're undergeared, so I have no idea how much damage this will do for you, but if anyone is stupid enough to let me do this, they are going to die in another GCD or two. If someone else was hitting them, then they will have died before this chain finished. If Berserk was available, lulz.


3) Use your Relics/Stims. These provide very noticeable spikes in your burst damage. I start off Huttball grabbing a Red Powerup, and combined with +Power on use Relic and an Expertise Stim, the first person I attack generally dies very fast.


4) Make sure all your nameplates are on, and switch to the lowest health target on the fly. Don't be myopic and don't tunnel vision yourself into beating on just one person. More importantly, this lets you see who is casting heals on the battlefield, so you should never be the person on your team incapable of knowing who the high priority target should be. To a lesser extent, it increases your awareness of what your own teammates are doing as well.


This option being on by default would likely vastly improve the average PUGers gameplay.


5) Get very used to waiting a half second after stopping to use a channeled ability. Until you get into this natural rhythm, you are going to find yourself stuck in animations that you can't escape from, which is bad. Yes, Bioware should fix this, but until they do, it's up to you to work around it.


6) Ignore the idiots who think Carnage is the worst pvp spec. Ahni has better survivability, but Carnage is the only tree that makes us essentially un-kitable, with high mobility and utility. The single target damage is enough to kill, and as more and more of us become 50, running around flashing high aoe numbers every 9-12 seconds as Rage starts to lose a lot of luster in favor of being able to burn one person down.


7) Keep your head down and pray for the Weapons in your bags. I was lucky enough to get the MH weapon on day two of reaching level 50, and all my Champ pieces cept boots and offhand weapon (popped out mods from another Chest piece and put them in my existing boots and use a Centurion OH weapon for now), by day three of reaching level 50, which is probably above the average. Yes, RNG is a stupid way of doing this, and it is changing in the near future whenever patch 1.2 finally decides to come along. Until then, just grin and hope for the RNG gods to smile on you. On the flipside, due to getting most of my gear so fast, it's been painfully boring as I've essentially sat unchanged gear-wise for the last two-three weeks. These days I'm actually playing my alts more anyways, as I have no wish to go through the really insane RNG on Battlemaster gear, and am waiting for 1.2 before playing my 50 more than just doing dailies and the occasional pve encounter.


8) Gear makes a big difference. While undergeared, concentrate on assisting other people on your team and help kill who they are killing. And, to reiterate, make sure your nameplates are on so you can swap targets as need be. It irks me to no end watching an enemy run around with 10% health that no one on my team bothers to finish off and I'm half the map away so unable to do it myself for another 5-10 seconds. :p

Edited by revial
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i been pvping at 50 for few day's now, and got a few piece's of PvP gear.

all i can say, game is a bit to much depanding on gear, kind of sad to see all MMO's so freaking gear depanding.


only thing you need to inprove is the usefullness of you'r rage.

I read you use Gore, sounds good but use it only when you fight heavy armor guy's, save you a little bit of rage

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one thing with carnage is i never had an issue with rage generation .


switched over to try anni last night - higher numbers instantly but seems to be harder to use then carnage .


oh and the 15 % speed inc from carnage - never realised how nice it was till it was gone. :)


thanks for the feedback .


last night was poor after the patch - what ever they did abilty delay was a nightmare -


will give anni 1 more night then back to carnage me thinks .


lower damage but far more mobility :).


also mr Kibaken - your quides are my goto for rotation and class information .

thank you very much sir .

without them i would still be using just assault and hoping for the best :).

Edited by excaliburhc
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i been pvping at 50 for few day's now, and got a few piece's of PvP gear.

all i can say, game is a bit to much depanding on gear, kind of sad to see all MMO's so freaking gear depanding.


only thing you need to inprove is the usefullness of you'r rage.

I read you use Gore, sounds good but use it only when you fight heavy armor guy's, save you a little bit of rage


Use it on any targets, it has the same additional damage value if you were hitting either armor types.

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Use it on any targets, it has the same additional damage value if you were hitting either armor types.


Well surely if someone has 50% damage reduction from armour and you pop gore, your Damage will increase by 50% (pure numbers not taking into account blocks miss parry) Where as if they only have 20% reduction your damage will increase by 20%.

My understanding is that gore DOES NOT ADD damage, it simply removes the armour modifier, thus the bigger the modifier, the bigger the increase.

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Well surely if someone has 50% damage reduction from armour and you pop gore, your Damage will increase by 50% (pure numbers not taking into account blocks miss parry) Where as if they only have 20% reduction your damage will increase by 20%.

My understanding is that gore DOES NOT ADD damage, it simply removes the armour modifier, thus the bigger the modifier, the bigger the increase.


By damage i mean the bonus you get from hitting a target with reduced armor. Not sure how this is calculated, i just know i tend to get the same incremental increase in damage if i hit a heavy target or a light target after gore. I always thought gore is more beneficial against a heavy armored target but this doesnt seem to be the case.

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