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  1. Bleeds are considered Force attacks. The "Strike" of rupture is considered Melee, but the DoT/Bleed is force.
  2. There isn't much math behind it, that's the hard part at the moment. What is known is Almost all of Carnage damage is mitigated on Hardmode & Nightmare mode Armour. Ataru form Procs included making the overall damage lower dramatically. Where Annihilation is hardly effected by it. Without a combat log to be able to count procs/Crits/midigation. You're not going to get much math sadly. Edit: I've gotten my information from friends in Nerf Dialogue and testing both spec's in Nightmare mode Eternity Vault.
  3. Waste of a GCD for Carnage, for annihilation is part of the main rotation. The reason being, is that you have far more valuable things to be spamming and don't benefit from putting a DoT up. At of the Carnage rotation you have a choice between rupture / Massacre, massacre will always come out on top for more effective DPS increase due to it increasing your chance to proc Ataru form.
  4. Crit will lose it's value over other states due to Annihilation and our "Berserk" ability granting our bleeds 100% Crit It doesn't lose all it's value you though, it just diminished a bit comparative. Surge really starts to shine though, I'd highly suggest reaching your "Hit cap" and stacking power / Surge.
  5. Stay in a group, and make sure have have control of your target (Keep a slow up) As carnage every GCD matters and you need to keep Massacre up as much as possible to keep proc'ing those extra swings. Ravage only if they're really close and you know they've used their "PvP Trinket" - you can force them to use it sometimes if you use force choke. Stack a lot of expertise ^_^ You're playing the underdog spec for PvP, you're going to have some trouble because of your lack of burst. Stick at it though if you love the playstyle.
  6. Currently Annihilation is preforming better then Carnage for a few reasons. Ataru form is very undependable, plus the attacks themselves are mitigated by boss armour by a lot. Annihilation benefits far more from beserk then Carnage does and gains stacks of fury far faster. Surge scales extremely well with annihilation due to this and the bleeds are not reduced by boss armour. The high mobility of Annihilation allows you to get out of HM/NiM mechanics such as Gharj's Frenzy and SOA's Lightning ball and not lose much DPS due to Charge's minimum range no longer a concern (Believe me, get knocked back from a boss + Slowed and get frustrated that you cannot charge and you'll see the benefits of no min. Range.) Due to the High Fury, controlling the use of bloodthirst is far easier and we lose no DPS by "Sitting" on it waiting for the optimal burn phase. (You should be using Frenzy 40 seconds before a pull & on CD to max DPS, so you cannot justify saving it just for Bloodthirst) Force Camo 100% Damage reduction that annihilation provides makes some boss mechanics a large joke. The self-heals are "nice" but not to much to really sway a choice over carnage. The rotation itself is very rage dependant but you're only high rage costing GCD is annihilate and you have plenty of time in-between CD's to gain the Rage back and still have plenty for rupture & Deadly Saber and the occasional Vicious slash.
  7. Hello, would anyone happen to know where the boss voice files are kept or any way to retrieve them so I may use them in video editing? I've fallen in love with the last boss of Eternity vaults voice and dialogue. I'd like to edit it in to a video I'm making. Thanks.
  8. Thank you for the response, I had no idea Ataru form procs were force attacks that does change a lot. =)
  9. I'll test when I get home if it gives any advantages in combat without sprint vs. other classes. If we can get back to a mob faster after a knock back or switch targets faster with the 15% increase. (Even if it only feels like a 2% increase) then it's an amazing investment of talent points.
  10. Exactly, I agree the cloak talents so far are far more useful. I find myself in Hard flash points off-tanking non-elite mobs from time to time so the damage reduction + damage is far more useful. And most OPs boss damage is predictable enough I can use Cloak to reduce some damage and get some fury.
  11. As I posted in the other Carnage post, what is the point of "Malice" in our spec tree if it only benefits force chock due to Force scream having 100% Crit chance with frenzy up? With my current "rotation" as carnage I cannot see a proper fit for force chock at all. My current rotation; Enraging Assault > Force Scream > Gore > ravage > Massacre If I don't need rage Force Scream > Gore > Ravage > Massacre If no Frenzy Gore > Ravage > Force Scream > Massacre Mid Rotation it falls in to a "Hit what comes up First" priority system. The difference is I try my best to keep up Massacre's buff up as long as possible. I'll prioritize Massacre before Ravage if the buff is about to fall off. I never delay Force scream or Enraging assault, and I'll only hit Gore If I have 6+ Fury for the most benefits of it's short buff As you can see though the rotation is rather busy, and I cannot find a need nor a desire to use force chock which makes Malice useless unless it effects other abilities. I'd love to hear any comments on my rotation or any suggestions fellow Marauders have.
  12. What other GCD's are force other then "Force scream" do we use as a carnage spec'd Marauder? If only Force scream is considered force isn't "Malice" in the rage tree as waste of 3 points due to Force scream already having a 100% Crit chance with Frenzy up (Which has a 95% uptime it seems)
  13. I want to list a few suggestions for the game I'd personally think would improve the enjoyment of the game. Improved auction house - Improved Searching function As is right now, the system is very clunky and takes far to long to look up server prices for a single item. It's so clunky my fellow guildies are just listing items for default prices - Increase maximum limit on active auctions, 50 is not enough! For a person who lists many crafting mats, being able to divide the items in to stacks of 5 I still hit that 50 items limit extremely fast Inventory - Auto-Sort button Nothing needs to be explained there - Faster way to split stacks SHIFT-CLICK-DRAG OFF ICON, click box, set stacks, set in inventory. Do three 99 stacks and split them in to 5 stacks, it takes forever. UI Improvements - Target of Target Frame Extremely useful in PVP, and PVE, Tanking and DPSing. An extremely needed frame - UI Scaling Personally I'd like to increase the size of my buffs and enemies debuffs, and decrease the size of my keyslots. I'm sure other people have far more suggestions for that. - Move UI I'd like to be able to move around the UI, such as buffs/debuffs/map. - More Bars! I do not have enough room for my companion and my own skills, 4 bars is not enough Please add your suggestions on how to improve an amazing game already. Thanks for reading. P.S: I know some of the UI functions can be added with MOD support but I'd personally like to see Bioware add these things to the default settings.
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