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Roots need to be Added to Resolve.


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I was just in a Huttball and got force jumped like non-stop and died from it, its like how did this slip through the beta? (I know many things have made their way into the release) I mean like really? Just get a team filed with jedi sents and guardians and force jump the ball handler so he/she can't move and gets burst down with relative ease with the sents non-stop slows. Or with bounty hunters who can jet charge and root them in place and do the same if they're speced into powertech and have neural overload as well as jet charge.
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I think it is becuase roots don't cause you to lose control of your character, but in things such as huttball, they can serverly inconvience you.



I imagine if roots are added to resolve, then the resolve system will have to be reworked nad it won't be on average, 2 CC and full resolve, but 3 or 4, which is bad.


I've learned that when a Sent has the ball and is looking to gain alot of ground LOS or jump down and get your after burners on.

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Running the ball in Huttball:

Sorc stun (trinketed this)

Force Leap root

Sorc DoT root

Force Leap root

Sorc DoT root

Operative stun



I mean... really? REALLY? I spent literally 15 seconds unable to move, and a good portion of that time I was either stunned or interrupted. But it's ok guys, I had a full resolve bar... when I respawned back in my base. :rolleyes:


- Using your CC break ability should give you CC immunity for 5 seconds.

- Roots should be added to the Resolve system, obviously.

- INTERRUPTS should be added to the Resolve system, although they should not fill up the bar nearly as much as a Stun or KB.


Those 3 changes alone would make PvP in this game SO much less frustrating.

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Running the ball in Huttball:

Sorc stun (trinketed this)

Force Leap root

Sorc DoT root

Force Leap root

Sorc DoT root

Operative stun




Hudraulic Overrides

score :)


And about root... that's why there is a passing) I comletely understand why people who just unskilled in huttball whine about roots. If ur score-team is just tank+healer and u're trying to reach the line it's obviously u will fail againts good opponents. Mb u want don't get slow effect while carrying ball too?


Just another topic for noobz and whiners. And noob whiners, yes.

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doesnt the root for a sorc/sage come from their force wave? i know the wave fills the resolve bar and quite a bit actually which it doesnt really casue loss of control just a position change maybe a whole second of your time you cant do anything but they have a gcd right after they use it as well.

same goes for tank specced shadow/assassin with their force pull it fills the resolve bar a lot and only a second maybe they cant react while they move to you.

i agree that they shouldnt get resolve for the root, well maybe a very little bit but at the same time i think that i shouldnt fill their resolve with 1cc and 1 force pull as well.

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