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So my subscription expires in 6 days...


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I don't think I'll be renewing - but then I was given this game with 60 days pre-paid so it's a while yet. The biggest problem I have with it so far is that only a few weeks in and I'm already bored. The story is somewhat interesting but hampered by too much voice acting which reduces my overall interest in the story. If voice acting had just been reserved for story quests I think that would have been better as side quests always boil down to:


1. Accept the quest graciously.

2. Accept the quest but in the process allude to the quest givers mother being a Bantha.

3. Reject the quest. Although that's as much a quest option as alt+f4 in my opinion.


I'm at the point now where I'm not interested in the story any more (I'm currently going through chapter 2 of the trooper) because the side quests have completely saturated my interest by overloading me with pointless dialogue.


Personally I find that the most important aspect of an MMO is the gameplay, and in that respect Star Wars just doesn't deliver - all the quests are go here and fetch x, kill y or click on some panels. MMO's have come a long way since the early days of Everquest, yet Star Wars seems to ignore that and just stick to basics. The only type of quest in the game I actually enjoy are the area ones because they somewhat encourage exploration, but they're still always kill, fetch or panels.


Can't comment on end game as I'm not there yet; I just don't have an urge to play this game as I did with other MMO's - which is a shame because I've been MMO deprived ever since WoW went from tolerably bad (aka Wrath) to being insultingly bad ala Cataclysm.


I'm just wondering what mmo have you ever played that had quests that weren't kill this grab that? Runescape is the ONLY game that delivers this to my knowledge. If only there was an awesome graphics version of runescape....

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I will continue to play.. I love the game. One thing I'm looking forward to though is the people who say they cancel and just come here and troll


I really hope the whining on these forums drops drastically in 6 days


Not referring to you, but the other 30 or so people I've seen who non stop complain.

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I took out 6 months as I consider that to be a good enough length of time to iron out the launch bugs and for the devs to have put together a road map for the next six months.


However, I am finding this to the most un-userfriendly game I've come across. The Social panel is ridiculously buggy and off line friends don't exist! No chat bubbles and other vital tools for RPers in what is supposed to be a game aimed at immersion and RP make it very hard to build a community. No wonder many view this as a single player game with co-op elements.


I hope that by the time my sub is due for renewal, these things will be either fixed or on the list to be fixed within the first year. I feel I'd have given the game a fair chance by then.

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I just now cancelled because of yet another frustrating night trying to find a Foundry group. Fifth night in a row that I've wasted hours sitting in fleet, spamming for a group to run Foundry. That makes it about 10 hours of wasted time just trying to run 1 damned flashpoint! And still no group!


Tonight was just the last straw for me; until they implement a working dungeon finder system, they wont get any more of my money. And NO, a working dungeon finder system doesn't ruin the game, NOT having one does, it drives players away. <---Case in point.

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Yes, because:


1) I like the story.


2) I enjoy traditional MMO mechanics.


3) I like the Star Wars IP.


4) The bugs I've encountered are annoying, but not game breaking.


5) I play with a social gaming guild of about 100 members, who almost all are thoroughly enjoying the game.



No, because:


1) I don't like the story.


2) This game has no traditional MMO mechanics.


3) I don't really like the Star Wars IP.


4) The bugs I've encountered are annoying and mostly game breaking.


5) I play with nobody, I have no in game friends.

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I will continue to play.. I love the game. One thing I'm looking forward to though is the people who say they cancel and just come here and troll


I really hope the whining on these forums drops drastically in 6 days


Not referring to you, but the other 30 or so people I've seen who non stop complain.


they are the main reason i wish people who cancel would get some sort of tracking on their posts or not be able to post period. because alot of bad things can happen if the voice thats listened to is not even for the game (Hello 4.1 patch for Cata in WoW)

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I just now cancelled because of yet another frustrating night trying to find a Foundry group. Fifth night in a row that I've wasted hours sitting in fleet, spamming for a group to run Foundry. That makes it about 10 hours of wasted time just trying to run 1 damned flashpoint! And still no group!


Tonight was just the last straw for me; until they implement a working dungeon finder system, they wont get any more of my money. And NO, a working dungeon finder system doesn't ruin the game, NOT having one does, it drives players away. <---Case in point.


It drives a player away, you. You'll be back so it's not really even doing that. If you couldn't find a group typing it in chat what makes you think the tool would have found you one? If people aren't looking to do it they're just not...

Edited by Serpenttt
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I just now cancelled because of yet another frustrating night trying to find a Foundry group. Fifth night in a row that I've wasted hours sitting in fleet, spamming for a group to run Foundry. That makes it about 10 hours of wasted time just trying to run 1 damned flashpoint! And still no group!


Tonight was just the last straw for me; until they implement a working dungeon finder system, they wont get any more of my money. And NO, a working dungeon finder system doesn't ruin the game, NOT having one does, it drives players away. <---Case in point.




Isn't Foundry level 37+ ? Bioware themselves admitted that most of the player base is late 20's Mid-30's right now. Of course you are going to have problems finding people when the levels just aren't there. Or find a good guild perhaps?



People say they have problems finding other players but I've not had any problems. If I want to play with other people, I find them easy enough.



I'm staying subscribed. I just now hit level 40 on my Shadow and I am having a blast. Nowhere near geared, only done a few flashpoints... Looking for a good guild to do the operations and PvP with. The bugs I've encountered aren't game breaking at all for me.

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I just now cancelled because of yet another frustrating night trying to find a Foundry group. Fifth night in a row that I've wasted hours sitting in fleet, spamming for a group to run Foundry. That makes it about 10 hours of wasted time just trying to run 1 damned flashpoint! And still no group!


Tonight was just the last straw for me; until they implement a working dungeon finder system, they wont get any more of my money. And NO, a working dungeon finder system doesn't ruin the game, NOT having one does, it drives players away. <---Case in point.


I guess us really old school mmo players have an advantage over this then needing a dungeon finder.. level up make friends, don't be a douche.. help out players when you have nothing else to do etc..etc.. you'd be surprised how setting up a network for yourself can change your entire gaming experience.


I"ll use this for example on my particular server there is a character named "amnesty" who does nothing but afk in warzones every single day all day.. everyone on the server knows who she is, and without a dungeon finder this player will never be able to find a group because of the reputation she built for herself.


add a dungeon finder to the game and community goes out the window and now lil ole amnesty who costs everyone a win in pvp on a regular basis because she's taking up a slot can now get a group with people who do not know she's a douchebag.

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Yes! Yes it is! (If you can look past the outdated graphics it has now.)


After all those years, I still reminisce about my HK-47 unit fondly... QQ


Surely since A jedi makes an appearance in this game...*Coughs* I surely hope they will give him some sort of reference or inclusion to the game....cuz i totally miss him calling people meat bags....

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You ask why people want to keep playing, or why not...


But you yourself write entirely generic posts... WHAT is bothering you exactly? Maybe the "problem" is on your side and not Biowares... We'll never know until you tell what exactly is the problem...

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It drives a player away, you. You'll be back so it's not really even doing that. If you couldn't find a group typing it in chat what makes you think the tool would have found you one? If people aren't looking to do it they're just not...


Because a legitimate looking for group tool would be server-wide. As it is now, to find a flashpoint group, I have to stay in fleet and spam chat for 1. With a bona-fide LFG tool, I would be free to quest, pvp, gather crafting resources, etc.

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Because a legitimate looking for group tool would be server-wide. As it is now, to find a flashpoint group, I have to stay in fleet and spam chat for 1. With a bona-fide LFG tool, I would be free to quest, pvp, gather crafting resources, etc.


Which promotes standing around doing nothing until the group is ready and teleports you to the "dungeon" correct? No thank you. You can already see who is looking for a group in the player list for that particular zone.

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I guess us really old school mmo players have an advantage over this then needing a dungeon finder.. level up make friends, don't be a douche.. help out players when you have nothing else to do etc..etc.. you'd be surprised how setting up a network for yourself can change your entire gaming experience.


I"ll use this for example on my particular server there is a character named "amnesty" who does nothing but afk in warzones every single day all day.. everyone on the server knows who she is, and without a dungeon finder this player will never be able to find a group because of the reputation she built for herself.


add a dungeon finder to the game and community goes out the window and now lil ole amnesty who costs everyone a win in pvp on a regular basis because she's taking up a slot can now get a group with people who do not know she's a douchebag.


What are you implying? My 1st mmo was Dark Age of Camelot on midgard/merlin. The fact of the matter is, I no longer have the time to waste away trying to find a group to experience group content like I did in my youth. A LFG tool would alleviate the situation and may enable me and others like me to experience the content they want to in a reasonable amount of time.

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Game overall is very good and personally i'll continue playing but i'm not entirely happy with how it turned out.

It's for sure unfinished.

It was also told and written that it would be for all the computers the weak and the extra stong. In a 2 year gaming pc it lags like hell, in extra strong pcs while it doesn't lag (i'm talking about graphic lag not connection) it doesn't provide a reason for having one. I mean i remember people posting their specs of the pcs they bought prior release and i laugh my *** off. Did spending 2k on a pc provide u with a better swtor experience? Don't think so, and ofc it's not players fault, but company's.

Bugs are there and as many said before, these are EXACTLY the same bugs that were on beta the last 8 months or so. Check DarthHaters posts for this matter if u don't want to believe me.


The excuse that some ppl bring up that wow had same issues when it came out (i'm NOT a wow fan 2 years now) is kinda idiotic SINCE wow was released at 2004. HELLO it's 2011 now and it SHOULD be in a much better state than this of Live.

And ofc before all the defensive ppl start replying "it's an mmo dude it will tkane time to be freed of bugs and polished" i DO have an example of a game being almost perfect at launch. RIFT. Yes, R I F T. I do not care about it being a wow clone or anything else said here and there. The thing is when it went live it was like 95% ready. I started from the first day it went live, NO bugs, no lags no issues with items missing, doing dungeons and NOT being able to loot, 1-2 sec skill lag (omg) or anything else.


I AM going to continue paying and playing cause i do have trust in Bioware and i'm in love with SW franchise in general, but let's face it, they had a chance to make it be the game of the decade and they instead blew it.

They should have released it like 8 months from now.

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To me, the game feels unfinished in a sense that it was shipped with "Here's what we got. Tell us what you think before we actually start selling it."


That is how it feels. To me, at the very least, and I'm not going to be as arrogant as to speak for everyone.


Like I said in the opening post, there are many, many small things which annoy me which - when added together - makes for a less than pleasant gaming experience. I don't see what I stand to lose by not paying for an extra month, and then returning in a few months when the game has stabilized a bit.


Do you?


I'll tell you the same thing I tell everyone who decides that they will leave, don't let the door hit you on the way out. ;)

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I am loving the game and my guild is working out better than I ever could have expected. The result of this is that I have spent as much time managing the guild as playing so I am still a couple of weeks from level cap, and don’t feel I’m anywhere close to being sick of it.


Yes, it is a little unfinished in places, the end game content isn’t there yet. I don’t care. This game is awesome and it will be developed for years to come, the amount of lower level stuff is superb and I don’t feel the need to fast level because there is just so much to do before you get to 50.


I can see how anyone who rushed to 50 might be getting a bit bored but hey, that’s your own fault for doing it wrong :)

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Which promotes standing around doing nothing until the group is ready and teleports you to the "dungeon" correct? No thank you. You can already see who is looking for a group in the player list for that particular zone.


Ok so I think your missing something here. A server wide LFG would free me up to do other things rather than camping fleet for hours, making the wait for a group somewhat bearable. Who said anything about being "teleported" to a dungeon ala Wow? I'm sure the devs can come up with a tool that doesn't completely do everything for you.


Btw, what do you have against people grouping up in a reasonable amount of time via a tool? No one would force you to use it and it would be a nice option for players like myself. I'm getting a mean-spirited vibe from your replies, why all the vitriol?

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I've re-subbed for 6 months and have to admit I'm loving this game even with the bugs.


One or two need fixing pretty sharpish (health frames not updating properly for one).


From experience running guilds in Eve and WoW I can tell you that you've pretty much made your mind up already that you won't re-sub, but you've come here to ease those little doubts you have.


To make this game work for you get into a guild of medium size at least, so that frienship's can be built. MMO's only really keep your interest if your doing stuff with other people. Don't be affraid to change guilds a couple of times until you find one that suits you.


There is nothing worse than playing solo to make a game run its course rapidly. This one is very similar to a single player game called Mass Effect. Great game but you wouldn't play it more than a couple of times. The social interaction of this is what will give it longevity.


Advice I'd offer is give it 6 months, interact with fellow players, be helpful and it might lead to a journey that lasts a long time.

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I'm afraid the game is failing. Several people from my guild quit, others are considering going too. People are upset, in game and on the forums. Bugs, balance issues and broken features everywhere you look, hardly things you should see in a game with a huge budget and titan-companies behind it like EA, BW and Lucasarts. I'm afraid 30 days after launch the game will take a huge blow and it will never recover from it and is's such a goddamn shame.
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