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So my subscription expires in 6 days...


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Think I'm going to sub for 1 month, then take a break for a bit. I'm busy, have unopened games to play that don't cost any more money. But then I'll come back in a few months and things will be even better then they are now. Can't wait to see what this game will look like in 6 months, a year, 2 years, 5 years. They got a lot of cool stuff going on.


I also wanna check out the now F2P STO. Played it at launch, eventually got bored. Love that F2P model.


....Same here, gonna subscribe for 1 month only. TBH there's not a great deal left to do in the game now ive hit level 50 anyway...those first time level 50'ers piping up a couple of weeks ago were right in what they were saying...once you hit level 50 it becomes a bit limited.

IMO the level should not be capped, it should just be made a lot harder to gain level/exp...especially @ lvl 50.


For me all I've got left to do now is Flashpoints in HM from dailies...I think I speak for most on that.


Really nice game BW...beautiful visuals/graphics/gameplay etc & probably one of the best MMO's in that respect for me, however, it has reached it's pinnacle point much much to quickly.

Seems illogical to continue paying for a monthly subscription just to repeat flashpoints over & over again. Yes there is openworld PvP as well, but even that becomes much of the same.


I'll be back when the expansions land:)

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YOU are the one who's wrong, the game is in a very poor state, a beta state.


You can claim the game only has minor bugs till you're blue in the face, but that doesn't make it so. The gameplay delay is horrid, and anyone who says otherwise is either naive to MMO gameplay mechanics or just trolling.


The game is a lemon, and subscription numbers will reflect that. Regardless of how far you choose to ride the denial train.


This x 99999999999. Its not an 'opinion' that the game is unfinished.


People saying unfinished have played PLENTY of MMO's, and games that were released in the last 5 years with MUCH MUCH MUCH more polish than this one have failed miserably. Thats all we are saying.


I friggin love this game, but you CANNOT DENY THIS FACT. I really won't be surprised if this MMO goes the way of every other more-polished game that came before it.

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As you say PvP is probebly not this games best start. But i hate people like you that talk about you're FPS issue i can tell you that i play this game with a computer that is about probebly 2 years old now and i play this game with 80 - 90 FPS even in the bigger towns and warzones. So buy a new computer instead of whining at their engine. Ofcourse it could be abit better made but most likely you are running with a bad computer thats it.


You've never stepped in a warzone. FANBOI ALERT!!!!!!!!!

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As you say PvP is probebly not this games best start. But i hate people like you that talk about you're FPS issue i can tell you that i play this game with a computer that is about probebly 2 years old now and i play this game with 80 - 90 FPS even in the bigger towns and warzones. So buy a new computer instead of whining at their engine. Ofcourse it could be abit better made but most likely you are running with a bad computer thats it.


Please don't bring your unintelligent dribble into this conversation. I have a computer that is only a year and a half old. I play Skyrim in max graphics, Battlefield 3 in max graphics, World of Warcraft in high graphics, you get the point. This game is not optimized properly. There are memory leaks that severely hurt anyone with 4 gigs of ram or less. There is delay in abilities, delay in movement, delay in everything... with 56ms ping to the server.


I'm going to stop going on because I could honestly write a good four or five pages in 11 font on just the bugs and lag. Then another five on everything else.


Suffice to say; this game is not complete. They didn't finish it on time and were rushed to push it out.


I would have loved for this game to be great, but I don't understand how other people can not see that this game is in beta at the moment. Why are we paying for a beta? Also, unless you have hit 50 and run all the flash points and raids as well as the PvP, don't comment about low bugs or bad gameplay. You have limited knowledge in the game.




So, if you hadn't already gathered, I will not be going for another month. I have read some of their future goals, their recent patches and bug fixes, and have come to the conclusion that their priorities are not where they should be.


I will be waiting and watching the patches to see if they fix the issues. The overall game play is slightly lack luster to what I thought it was going to be (read: epic), but it definitely has potential. If I find the patches heading in the right direction, even slowly, I will be one of the first to come back.


Until then, please stop defending an extremely buggy game that should still be in beta.

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I'm gone after the free trial. I'm level 38 and I just can't stand the down time with "strong" mobs. The most annoying thing in the game is having to deal with "strong" mobs. That's the only reason why I'm not 50. Every time I have to kill a few of these suckers I want to log out and stare at the wall. I swear there is no point in "strong" mobs.


Can't stand this game.

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I'm gone after the free trial. I'm level 38 and I just can't stand the down time with "strong" mobs. The most annoying thing in the game is having to deal with "strong" mobs. That's the only reason why I'm not 50. Every time I have to kill a few of these suckers I want to log out and stare at the wall. I swear there is no point in "strong" mobs.


Can't stand this game.


Can't tell if this is a troll or what.

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One thing you guys are missing here...


Bioware started development on this project long before EA bought them. They did not "miss the deadline". They were putting their hearts and souls into this game and EA simply didn't care.


They dropped the hammer and wanted the game on the market before Bioware was ready. Period.


Will I continue? I don't know. I'm taking a break. I'm 50 on my JK Guardian and to be honest, the last 15 levels were the worst MMO experience of my life. I'm very disappointed in the problems with that class, from the story-crippling Kira bug to a broken final encounter with a one-shot fight.


I just..I don't know.

Edited by freakuancy
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Did I mention what my rotation is?


Rail Shot


Explosive Dart

Sonic Missile


Rocket Punch

Flame Burst

Missile Blast

Rapid Shots x 3


15 seconds later I repeat and the "strong" mob is dead after Missile Blast. ***!!! You have to be kidding me that it takes all those abilities and time to kill one guy and you have to face them all the time. I'm not a fan of downtime and that literally annoys me from leveling up.

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Sub Cancelled a few days ago. 5 days left.


Too many bugs, pvp is a mess, and its not 2004 (when wow opened) its 2011 and many things we are used to in other games should already be implemented into swtor imo.


Maybe come back in a few months, content patch 2 (march) looks not bad, new planet, warzone etc.

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I'm in two minds as to paying for another month right now. Don't get me wrong, I like the game and love SW but I kind of feel I'd be better off coming back in 6 months maybe and picking up then.


I've noticed over the last week my gametime has moved from SW > Wow to Wow > SW.


Now, I'm sure that one line will get the usual flames, but I'm not some kiddie wow fanboy. I like wow, and have played it for 6 years and invested a lot into it, and my wife continues to play wow with our great, mostly over age 30, couples-based social guild.


What it's coming down to for me is a choice between enjoying the story of SWTOR as a primary factor in playing vs my wow social life. Right now, the thought of "rebuilding" that level of interaction with a new game that outside of the story aspect just doesn't feel that different, feels like duplicated effort.


So, I don't know. I may pay an extra month just to get to 50 (I've been in no rush) but I can't see SW being a must have no-brainer monthly sub for me unless some of the bigger problems change.

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Truly? I'm looking through my preferences right now, and I can not find it.


Granted, I just woke up and am still sipping my morning tea, but perhaps you could enlighten me further?


There's a toggle that allows target switching or something like that.


There's no true ToT window functionality.

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Please don't bring your unintelligent dribble into this conversation. I have a computer that is only a year and a half old. I play Skyrim in max graphics, Battlefield 3 in max graphics, World of Warcraft in high graphics, you get the point. This game is not optimized properly. There are memory leaks that severely hurt anyone with 4 gigs of ram or less. There is delay in abilities, delay in movement, delay in everything... with 56ms ping to the server.


I'm going to stop going on because I could honestly write a good four or five pages in 11 font on just the bugs and lag. Then another five on everything else.


Suffice to say; this game is not complete. They didn't finish it on time and were rushed to push it out.


I would have loved for this game to be great, but I don't understand how other people can not see that this game is in beta at the moment. Why are we paying for a beta? Also, unless you have hit 50 and run all the flash points and raids as well as the PvP, don't comment about low bugs or bad gameplay. You have limited knowledge in the game.




So, if you hadn't already gathered, I will not be going for another month. I have read some of their future goals, their recent patches and bug fixes, and have come to the conclusion that their priorities are not where they should be.


I will be waiting and watching the patches to see if they fix the issues. The overall game play is slightly lack luster to what I thought it was going to be (read: epic), but it definitely has potential. If I find the patches heading in the right direction, even slowly, I will be one of the first to come back.


Until then, please stop defending an extremely buggy game that should still be in beta.


Just curious if you play BF3 and Skyrim on max graphics... why cant your system handle wow's outdated graphics on ultra? i can play the above games with the same settings with wow on ultra, and i get 100+ frames per second in this game no issue. I will say there seems to be some indoor issue still cause my fps do drop to around 40-50 fps on certain parts of the fleet.

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Did I mention what my rotation is?


Rail Shot


Explosive Dart

Sonic Missile


Rocket Punch

Flame Burst

Missile Blast

Rapid Shots x 3


15 seconds later I repeat and the "strong" mob is dead after Missile Blast. ***!!! You have to be kidding me that it takes all those abilities and time to kill one guy and you have to face them all the time. I'm not a fan of downtime and that literally annoys me from leveling up.


I think some strong mobs have been wrongly coded tbh, I came across this jedi in ilum and he was stronger than the boss in the quest, he just kept self healing, even interupts were not helping lol.

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Did I mention what my rotation is?


Rail Shot


Explosive Dart

Sonic Missile


Rocket Punch

Flame Burst

Missile Blast

Rapid Shots x 3


15 seconds later I repeat and the "strong" mob is dead after Missile Blast. ***!!! You have to be kidding me that it takes all those abilities and time to kill one guy and you have to face them all the time. I'm not a fan of downtime and that literally annoys me from leveling up.


I *hate* strongs. I'll go out of my way to avoid them as best as I can, not because they'll kill me, but because they'll take a disproportionately long time to kill. I'll fight an elite before I'll want to fight a strong. At least elites have better candy.

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I signed up for 4 months when I bought the game. That was largely because I knew I needed to give the game a fair try. From experience, I know that it can take a few months to get into the game and become part of the community in the game. Especially if you are introverted like me.


I played Wow and EQ2 for a couple of months. Both games were not much of an imporvement over EQ1, which I had played for a year and really liked until I got tired of it. So, after only a couple of months I quit EQ2 and Wow. I had some pretty major complaints with both of them. I figured that it was obvious that they were leaving out a lot of really important features and that MMORPGs were starting to pop up everywhere. I figured it would be no more than a year before something better came out. Well, the rest is history. Nothing came out better... ever. It seems like that was 10 years ago.


I also played SW Galaxies for a couple of months and quit. I hardly managed to get off Tatooine and quit long before space combat was in the game (although I actually went back several years later for about 1 month, but it was too late because the only players left were the one's that had already achieved everything in the game and there was really no one low level to hang out with).


My big complaint with SWG was that it didn't feel like "Star Wars". It was Everquest with SW characters. The lack of ability to be a Jedi, the fact that it was set in a time period where the movies told you that there wasn't room for any new epic heros, and the fact that you went around doing very un-starwars like things - such as killing monsters all the time, really ruined it for me. (There is the occasional monster killing in the SW movies, but it's more of the exception than the rule. Running around killing monsters is not what SW is about.) Still, in retrospect, it was probably the best MMORPG ever. I think I regret not having stuck it out during that first year. That's another MMORPG where I said "obviously something better will come along in a year or so" and it never did.


Personally, I think the graphics have been improved, but otherwise MMORPGs have gotten worse and worse every since Everquest and the original MUDs. SWTOR is the first MMORPG that actually offers some hope. I'm concerned there isn't much of a game once you complete the story line (my highest lv character is 16th although I'm active with 7 characters). But so far, it's the first MMORPG that has at least offered some hope and kept me as entertained as the original Everquest. It may lack some of the features of the original EQ. It may have only improved in a hand full of areas over an MMORPG from 10 years ago. But, it offers some of it's own unique and worthwhile features. And the bottom line is I've been entertained and haven't felt like I'm just grinding so far.


In short, I say this to encourage you to give it at least 4 months. If you don't like it by then, you probably never will, but give it some time. Sometimes it takes a little while to get into a new MMORPG, especially if you haven't gotten high enough level to have seen the majority of the content in the game.

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Glad some people agree with me. Yes, most strong mobs take longer to kill then bosses which are elite. They're not hard at all. It's the time it takes to kill them that pushes me away from this game. Bioware really sucks at making an MMORPG.
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I signed up for 4 months when I bought the game. That was largely because I knew I needed to give the game a fair try. From experience, I know that it can take a few months to get into the game and become part of the community in the game. Especially if you are introverted like me.


I played Wow and EQ2 for a couple of months. Both games were not much of an imporvement over EQ1, which I had played for a year and really liked until I got tired of it. So, after only a couple of months I quit EQ2 and Wow. I had some pretty major complaints with both of them. I figured that it was obvious that they were leaving out a lot of really important features and that MMORPGs were starting to pop up everywhere. I figured it would be no more than a year before something better came out. Well, the rest is history. Nothing came out better... ever. It seems like that was 10 years ago.


I also played SW Galaxies for a couple of months and quit. I hardly managed to get off Tatooine and quit long before space combat was in the game (although I actually went back several years later for about 1 month, but it was too late because the only players left were the one's that had already achieved everything in the game and there was really no one low level to hang out with).


My big complaint with SWG was that it didn't feel like "Star Wars". It was Everquest with SW characters. The lack of ability to be a Jedi, the fact that it was set in a time period where the movies told you that there wasn't room for any new epic heros, and the fact that you went around doing very un-starwars like things - such as killing monsters all the time, really ruined it for me. (There is the occasional monster killing in the SW movies, but it's more of the exception than the rule. Running around killing monsters is not what SW is about.) Still, in retrospect, it was probably the best MMORPG ever. I think I regret not having stuck it out during that first year. That's another MMORPG where I said "obviously something better will come along in a year or so" and it never did.


Personally, I think the graphics have been improved, but otherwise MMORPGs have gotten worse and worse every since Everquest and the original MUDs. SWTOR is the first MMORPG that actually offers some hope. I'm concerned there isn't much of a game once you complete the story line (my highest lv character is 16th although I'm active with 7 characters). But so far, it's the first MMORPG that has at least offered some hope and kept me as entertained as the original Everquest. It may lack some of the features of the original EQ. It may have only improved in a hand full of areas over an MMORPG from 10 years ago. But, it offers some of it's own unique and worthwhile features. And the bottom line is I've been entertained and haven't felt like I'm just grinding so far.


In short, I say this to encourage you to give it at least 4 months. If you don't like it by then, you probably never will, but give it some time. Sometimes it takes a little while to get into a new MMORPG, especially if you haven't gotten high enough level to have seen the majority of the content in the game.


I see where your coming from GID, but after my debacle with Warhammer online i refuse to pay money into a game that has optimised the engine so badly as to see PvP go out of the window (as well as a wall of text's worth of other stuff i could type).

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Just curious if you play BF3 and Skyrim on max graphics... why cant your system handle wow's outdated graphics on ultra? i can play the above games with the same settings with wow on ultra, and i get 100+ frames per second in this game no issue. I will say there seems to be some indoor issue still cause my fps do drop to around 40-50 fps on certain parts of the fleet.


Has something to do with WoW's engine, much like this game's. Some raid fights I even have to drop my graphics to medium or low just to get around 30 (though I still keep on particles and such).


I have a quad-duo core i7, yet in older games I run at low frames when junk hits the fan. Diablo 2, some old FPS games and WoW/Swotr come to mind.


Most people who report high FPS are usually people with duo cores with high speeds instead of more with slower speeds.


Also seems to be a problem with some of the Radeon graphic cards, and of course the problem other people have with 4 gigs or less of ram having mad memory leaks and FPS drops after playing the game for a certain amount of time (or random, I didn't really look to much into it, it was my friend that is/was having the problem).

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Glad some people agree with me. Yes, most strong mobs take longer to kill then bosses which are elite. They're not hard at all. It's the time it takes to kill them that pushes me away from this game. Bioware really sucks at making an MMORPG.


I wonder how the tune would have played if the mobs where too easy for you :cool:

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