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many people have been complaining about your lack of use of the high res textures first seen in trailers, cinematics and even beta gameplay. the developers response was:


In comparison to single player games and other genres of multiplayer online games, MMOs have much higher variability in the number of characters that can be potentially rendered on-screen at the same time. In MMOs, even though most of the time you'll see a relatively small number of characters on screen, there are certain situations in which many more characters will be seen. Some examples of these situations include popular gathering places in-game (in our case, the two fleets), Operations with large teams, and Warzones. In those scenarios the client (and your PC) has to work hard to show off a lot of characters on-screen.


This is completely understandable as I have noticed myself that while I can run smoothly at max settings in game, in a pvp situation i lag up even when latency is decent and even when switched to the lowest graphical settings the same thing happens which means that it is actually the time taken to render frm reading the hard disk and extrapolating the data. I see two solutions to the individual user: buy a SSD to speed up read rates, have the game installed on a large enough flash media device OR the developer recodes the game to store more of these testures in the RAM. However the main problem for this is that even though some users may have powerful systems with multiple drives, latency optimised RAM and multi GPUs, it is not realiztic to change the entire engine to cater to these few and as a result make the game unplayable by the many, ie gamebreaking lag or increased RAM requirements.


So here is a simple suggestion. The one thing that is constant in the game no matter where you go and what i believe most people will end up caring about the most is: their own character being played. It would not be that hard at all to modify the engine code so that ONLY the players character is rendered in high resolution textures. since the character is always loaded it will not affect loading times or gameplay and will drastically improve the gameplay expectations being met for all those complaining. Bioware, why dont you simply incorporate a setting to use high res textures for the players character..? It seems to melike this would be a very simple solution that does not affect the existing player base negatively, addressing the concerns of those complaining and keeping the game playable and enjoyable for all.


Please leave your comments so that Bioware takes notice. This is a great game with alot of potential and will get better if we give actual gameplay based advice instead of just complaining all the time.:cool:

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I agree. It's a simple solution and one that Guild Wars 1 had back in 2005. I.e your own char was in hi res, everyone else's was is medium unless you were in an mission or raid


You don't need hi res on everything all of the time, and it could quite easily be enabled for everyone in heroics, flash points and other instance based activities.


There's no point in hi res in pvp, as no one stands still long enough to be admired :).

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What about dynamic high rez/medium rez/low rez switching depending on your framerate? You choose between 30/45/60/75 FPS, and the whole system can be turned off.


I am sure something like this has been thought of before and is not implemented for a reason. 5 points as to who can explain to me why.

Edited by Anti_Bodies
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This is what I suggested in the official thread.


In fact, I went one further. Two things they could do and prevent people from crashing:


1) Make your character and party members/companions high res when enabled.


2) Make the first 20-ish models to be rendered on the screen be high res.



There is absolutely no reason they couldn't do this. Option 2 would take more work than option 1, but option 1 could be implemented into tonight's patch (that's how little time and effort it would take).

Edited by Kashaan
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must suck being a loser who always settles down for mediocrity


you are a paying customer. stand up for your rights and demand what you've paid for


all or nothing. occupy EAware.



We're not saying we don't want them to fully fix it. We're just saying they could do this in the meantime while they fix whatever optimization or bug problem they have.



P.S. At the OP. You should change your thread title to have the word [suggestion @BW] or something in the title. Right now, the wording suggests you've found a way to fix the high res textures and make them work.

Edited by Kashaan
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This is what I suggested in the official thread.


In fact, I went one further. Two things they could do and prevent people from crashing:


1) Make your character and party members/companions high res when enabled.


2) Make the first 20-ish models to be rendered on the screen be high res.


You know, a game named Dark Age of Camelot had this setting available back in 2002.

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You know, a game named Dark Age of Camelot had this setting available back in 2002.



Yup. Lots of MMOs do. :p


Unfortunately, this is BW's first MMO and they apparently didn't think of it. Hopefully someone with some sort of connection to power in BW will see these suggestions and do something about it.

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No, because I want it fixed not a temporary workaround that will inevitably become permanent.



That's a completely illogical assumption to make. You have no basis for assuming that it would become the permanent fix. Especially considering they're already planning to have the first stage of the permanent fix in by patch 1.2.

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That's a completely illogical assumption to make. You have no basis for assuming that it would become the permanent fix. Especially considering they're already planning to have the first stage of the permanent fix in by patch 1.2.


Good thing to know they'll have the graphics already within the game working 3 months after release eh..?


Sorry, they'll have slightly improved versions of the medium graphics available, but labeled as high. Not the actual high as those apparently break the game.

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That's a completely illogical assumption to make. You have no basis for assuming that it would become the permanent fix. Especially considering they're already planning to have the first stage of the permanent fix in by patch 1.2.


No I can't assume it would become permanent, I can't tell the future, can I bet good money it would, absolutely. TBH my money right now is no fix at all, not for hi res, not in the next 60 days.

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Good thing to know they'll have the graphics already within the game working 3 months after release eh..?


Sorry, they'll have slightly improved versions of the medium graphics available, but labeled as high. Not the actual high as those apparently break the game.



Hence why we're suggesting that they implement the full high-res textures in a Limited fashion as a temporary fix while they work on fixing whatever optimization/bugs are causing the processing issues. :rolleyes:


Or you just want them to keep the high-res textures out for possibly months in the meantime? :confused:

Edited by Kashaan
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I can accept a small fix like that (allow you to play your char and companion hi-res, limited hi-res numbers, etc)... for the moment


But like Arnie said "I'll be back"


Meaning I want hi-res FULL-enabled during Q1, first weeks of Q2 maximum (april)

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This is what I suggested in the official thread.


In fact, I went one further. Two things they could do and prevent people from crashing:


1) Make your character and party members/companions high res when enabled.


2) Make the first 20-ish models to be rendered on the screen be high res.



There is absolutely no reason they couldn't do this. Option 2 would take more work than option 1, but option 1 could be implemented into tonight's patch (that's how little time and effort it would take).


+1 support for this proposal ... shouldn´t be as hard to implement (just guessing here) as a complete new solution.

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If it worked they would implement it. BioWare knows far better than anybody here does what works and what won't so people just need to chill and stop whining about the graphics. BioWare already responded. That's all folks need to know. ************ about it constantly isn't going to change anything.
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