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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I dont get it?


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Why do people continue to come to these forums to tell everyone why they dont like this game and that they are ending their subs but never leave the forum? Hey I cant speak for everyone but I really enjoy this game and will be playing it for a long time. So I come here looking for tips tricks and more knowledge about all the aspects of this game. If I didnt care for it I would quit, that simple. I have played alot of mmo's over the years and I truly think this is one of the best. It just annoys the crud out of me that so many haters come here and never leave. The worst part is they talk all this crud but most of them play this game prolly alot more than the average guy with a keyboard. Just seems silly to me but what ever.
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Nine days to get out all of the issues we have with the game in hopes they get changed down the road so that we -can- enjoy the game.


I assure you, in nine days, the general aura of the forums will be slightly more "positive."


But that doesn't mean the quality of the game has changed.

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Nine days to get out all of the issues we have with the game in hopes they get changed down the road so that we -can- enjoy the game.


I assure you, in nine days, the general aura of the forums will be slightly more "positive."


But that doesn't mean the quality of the game has changed.


Are there even 1.5 million people posting in this forum? No.. this is not a valid sample of the playerbase.

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Well , some of the complainers actually like the game and want to see it improved.


Shh. Don't let them in on the secret.


OP, someone can complain and still enjoy the game. I've complained about plenty of things, but I love the game. See how it works?

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Nine days to get out all of the issues we have with the game in hopes they get changed down the road so that we -can- enjoy the game.


I assure you, in nine days, the general aura of the forums will be slightly more "positive."


But that doesn't mean the quality of the game has changed.


If you're leaving why does it matter what you're saying? I hope that Bioware will focus on the posts of the people staying here instead.

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The 30 day free sub can not run out fast enough for me. I can't wait till i do not have to see these i quit posts. Also going to be a laugh when i see 90% of these ppl still playing and they lose all credibility. :)


If you think ragequit threads will ever stop, you clearly haven't been on any MMO forums.

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Why do people continue to come to these forums to tell everyone why they dont like this game and that they are ending their subs but never leave the forum? Hey I cant speak for everyone but I really enjoy this game and will be playing it for a long time. So I come here looking for tips tricks and more knowledge about all the aspects of this game. If I didnt care for it I would quit, that simple. I have played alot of mmo's over the years and I truly think this is one of the best. It just annoys the crud out of me that so many haters come here and never leave. The worst part is they talk all this crud but most of them play this game prolly alot more than the average guy with a keyboard. Just seems silly to me but what ever.


Some of us waited a long time.....like nearly 7 years for this game. Is it our own fault we had higher expectations of it? Probably.


But then again when you look at everything that SOE did wrong and everything that Blizzard did wrong then you somehow turn around in a development process on a new Star Wars game, and decide to do everything both companies did wrong because its obvious that even though they did it wrong it made money so thats all that matters, well some of us are just a little offended by that.


Some of us spent an inordinate amount of time in various beta squadrons trying to get the game to turn out better, almost all of us were ignored in favor of internal QA/Testing and Internal QA's jobs basically depend on agreeing with anything that the development leads feel is a good idea. Fastest way to lose your job as an Internal QA Tester is to continually block tackle a lead developer who thinks his ideas are fantastic, even if they're not.


So in all truth, we're upset cause the games not as good as it should have been. Does that mean its awful? Of course not, its more than enough to entertain people who have been continually entertained by the same MMO dynamics for the last decade.


So bad game? No...good game? No, not really. Its somewhere in the middle, its an acceptable game, and will do fine for people that are willing to accept it for what it is. For the people that feel it should have been so much better than that, it will be a passing entertainment and that'll be that.


Simple facts are, as Drakos said post January 20th, you won't have to worry about so much negative feedback, as those of us that have decided that the games not carrying water for us won't be able to post any more unless we resubscribe.


Do I hate TOR? No. I just dislike what it became in an effort to cater to the masses.

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The 30 day free sub can not run out fast enough for me. I can't wait till i do not have to see these i quit posts. Also going to be a laugh when i see 90% of these ppl still playing and they lose all credibility. :)


Don't worry, the 30 free days will be up soon, and only us dudes that love the game will be left, together we can bask in awesomeness and come on the forums to help Bioware improve the game with constructive criticism that does not sound like complaining.

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How does what you just said have anything to do with what I just said?


The "tone" of the forums will become more positive? I don't think so. People who post in game forums are more commonly having a problem with it. (It's why people assume EVERYONE is having performance problems.)

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People that dont want this game to succeed are not coming to this forum offering criticism. they are just quitting and going back to whatever they enjoy. If someone comes into this forum to complain its because they want a matter resolved, or want an official stance on the matter at hand, whether it will be resolved or not so they can decide whether to continue their subscription.


I have played Eve, WAR, WOW, Rift, LTRO, Silk Road, Runescape, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Vindictus, Dragon Nest, and a whole host of other mmos that i can't list off the top of my head and I tell you that their are some problems right now with the game, and all these problems are fixable. The more important thing though, is that people KNOW that bioware knows about them and that they are working on a fix. This is one of the biggest issues I am having right now with bioware, the lack of communication.


The first month is crucial for every MMO and it is always the deal breaker as to whether the game will succeed or not. Bioware needs to start making front page announcements about the upcoming content and honest about the issues they are having and that they are working on fixes.


When I see a blog saying that all the performance issues are coming from under-specd PCs, when I have seen countless posts about people with high end pcs having performance issues, not to mention the rather large bug that prevents you from logging in if you hit a key while the launcher is loading, I get fearful.


I want this game to succeed, but if we continue to stick our heads in the sand and have people saying WELL IF YOU DONT LIKE IT JUST QUIT is just as unhelpful as people who come in here and say THIS GAME SUX K BAI.

Edited by Graveworns
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Some of us waited a long time.....like nearly 7 years for this game. Is it our own fault we had higher expectations of it? Probably.

Do I hate TOR? No. I just dislike what it became in an effort to cater to the masses.


Ive waited just as long, was a beta tester, and yes I am a Star Wars Fan. Im just curious as to what you had built this game up to over the last 7 years that lead you to be disappointed now?

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People that dont want this game to succeed are not coming to this forum offering criticism. they are just quitting and going back to whatever they enjoy. If someone comes into this forum to complain its because they want a matter resolved, or want an official stance on the matter at hand, whether it will be resolved or not so they can decide whether to continue their subscription.


I have played Eve, WAR, WOW, Rift, LTRO, Silk Road, Runescape, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Vindictus, Dragon Nest, and a whole host of other mmos that i can't list off the top of my head and I tell you that their are some problems right now with the game, and all these problems are fixable. The more important thing though, is that people KNOW that bioware knows about them and that they are working on a fix. This is one of the biggest issues I am having right now with bioware, the lack of communication.


The first month is crucial for every MMO and it is always the deal breaker as to whether the game will succeed or not. Bioware needs to start making front page announcements about the upcoming content and honest about the issues they are having and that they are working on fixes.


When I see a blog saying that all the performance issues are coming from under-specd PCs, when I have seen countless posts about people with high end pcs having performance issues, not to mention the rather large bug that prevents you from logging in if you hit a key while the launcher is loading, I get fearful.


I want this game to succeed, but if we continue to stick our heads in the sand and have people saying WELL IF YOU DONT LIKE IT JUST QUIT is just as unhelpful as people who come in here and say THIS GAME SUX K BAI.


Bioware will fix every issue you have ever had with the game, that's all you need to know.

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This is one of the biggest issues I am having right now with bioware, the lack of communication.


There's only so many times you can say "We're working on it", and putting a time frame on a fix only causes a major backlash if that timeline is missed.


I want this game to succeed, but if we continue to stick our heads in the sand and have people saying WELL IF YOU DONT LIKE IT JUST QUIT is just as unhelpful as people who come in here and say THIS GAME SUX K BAI.


No, what's unhelpful is people shouting the same *********** thing over and over when the feedback has been taken. If there's a problem, it'll get looked at, and placed in the budget if it can fit.


Even then, a lot of the complaints are also a result of people not handling their systems properly, either third-party software interfering or hardware failures. There ARE problems with the client, but it's nowhere near as much of a problem as these forums make them out to be. People post in these forums because they're frustrated. People who are happy to be playing aren't posting here, they're online.

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