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  1. Please, if I had a nickel for every rage thread I saw TODAY alone, I would have enough to buy the Skyrim collector's edition.
  2. Easy now. I'm upset too, but I don't want this turning into another doom thread. And as for the other person who mentioned more races, I agree 110%. I can understand why they may want to take their time with human-like races like the Nautolon and the Togruta, but what baffles me is the exclusion of the definitive alien races like the Mon Cal's and the Rodians. I mean, seeing as there are only so many ways you can change a Rodian, I figured they would be a shoe-in. o-o SWTOR /really/ needs this diversity, because the choices we have right now makes the game feel more like Star Trek than Star Wars.
  3. Well, I'm glad that some people share what I'm feeling. Still, I'm pretty surprised at the lack of overall support customization threads seem to be getting. o-o It may just be a 'me' thing, but I always Considered customization to be a semi-high priority thing, I'd love to hear Bioware and the rest of the community's thoughts on this, good or bad. .-.
  4. Okay, as much as I disagree with it, I can understand WHY Bioware had to put playable alien races on the backburner. I can understand WHY color unification had to be taken away. Heck, I can even understand WHY they they went with presets over sliders. (Again, even if I disagree with it.) But can anyone PLEASE explain to me WHY we have limits on an already limited character creation? I'm not asking them to devote time and precious resources to creating all new humanoid faces. (Time that could be better spent on some of the aliens... *Ahem*) But can anyone explain to me why we can't, at the very least, pick and choose which PART of a preset we want to use? Why can't I pick Preset mouth 3 with Preset eyes 8? Why does every face HAVE to change depending on on the body-type? Why must eyebrows be locked in with makeup and complexion? Seriously, I can't be the only one who feels this way.
  5. Correction: MOST starting areas are short. I can get through Hutta in under an hour, but Tython drags on for about 3.
  6. Welcome to an MMO's public forums. x)
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