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SWTOR: Dying or Prosperous?


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2 million box sales in under a month = tanking? Rofl...


People do realize that they've increased server caps several times since the official launch date, right? bioWare dev's have posted on this; this is why the population list has read off differently than before, you may of been on a full/queued server at first and it now reads heavy or standard but in reality you probably have twice the amount of people on the server than you did when it read as a higher server load, and many servers have a heavy faction imbalance, if you only see 20 or 30 people in your phase on your fleet than maybe check out the other faction on your server, I'm willing to bet it's FAR more populated. The game is still growing quite rapidly, if you notice the new servers they opened up have reached standard and even heavy load status, even in off-peak gaming hours.


One thing I read on MMORPG.com; they said they're surprised at the lack of promotion BioWare/EA are giving SW:TOR. They're just going off the hype and word of mouth, wheras most companies tend to plaster their game all over the place in advertising. I'm sure BioWare avoided this for the start as they were extremely careful about throttling the servers, and I think they were a bit TOO careful. I think they could hit the promotion circuit, and they need to move quick on releasing updates to fix bugs as well as adding content to keep people going and I was sort of hoping that they would have had the next part of the personal stories post-50 in the game for launch... Overall, though this game is FAR from doomed or dying, it's enormously successful. Keep in mind that there have been many people who were skeptical about trying out the new "greatly hyped" game, this was evident a long time ago and is something we'll probably see in future MMO's as well.


People are so used to being greatly disappointed in this genre that they seem to have become far more cautious of it. And one last point I want to make, the game came out right at the holiday season so people were off and playing through the game for crazy amounts of time in one sitting. I think that was actually a bad move on BioWare's behalf as it gave them a far more limited opportunity to impress people with updates and such. As long as BioWare handles their game well, the game will continue to snowball into a major success. WoW started out with around 300k players, which seems to be about the average launch population of these games. They snowball into greater successes until people get bored and move on to the next MMO if there is one. There's no *real* competition for SW:TOR at this time. GW2 is far from ready, and D3 is a very temporary case.

Edited by Jesira
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Small % uses forums, out of those a small % will leave, and out of those a small % will stay away.


look at WoW forums, it's been dead for 7 years now.

Same with every other game out there, but yet they are still here, thriving.


Do not worry about SWTOR, in any way shape or form. We haven't seen anything yet. Trust me.


WoW started dying (aka getting old) after Lych King. That was when they jumped the shark, and not because of lack of content, its mostly because of age.

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WoW started dying (aka getting old) after Lych King. That was when they jumped the shark, and not because of lack of content, its mostly because of age.


No, it was because the idea behind 80% of the content Cataclysm was "Level an Alt!" and everyone was like "Uhm, no thanks, I like the class I play."


So, you know, possible concerning parallel...

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My server seems to be growing as I see more and more people.


Mine as well. It used to be full and queued all the time until the last cap increase they gave, but even though it basically remains "Heavy" during the week or "very heavy" on weekends, there seems to be far more people. I kind of wonder if the count they give us for people in an area is inaccurate. Hell, they probably should remove that because I think that's what freaks people out and makes them question stuff all the time. I don't really even understand why it's there to begin with because if you didn't have it the game would feel like a crowded MMO.

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Yeah, there are some people who don't like this game, but there are many, many more who do. I number in the latter. I haven't had this much fun playing an MMO in... well, ever. I do know some folks who rushed to 50 and valor rank 60, and they've definitely toned down the number of warzones they enter, but I can't think of a single member of my guild (130 characters, probably half as many unique players) who has stopped playing the game. As it's been stated several times in this thread alone, a few very vocal, very unhappy people post on these forums, trying to drown out everyone else.
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Games being there is a LOT different from those games thriving. You go ahead and make a case that AoC, WAR, STO, etc etc are "thriving". Go ahead. I dare ya.


AOC has over 300,000 active premium subs, STO goes f2p on I think the 17th after Cryptic was purchased by PWI. So yeah both of those 2 are doing just fine. Can't comment on WAR since I haven't played in a long time.

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AOC has over 300,000 active premium subs, STO goes f2p on I think the 17th after Cryptic was purchased by PWI. So yeah both of those 2 are doing just fine. Can't comment on WAR since I haven't played in a long time.


This is entirely off topic, but I saw this name and thought "Ooooh, I remember that name." and was pleasantly surprised to see someone from 2008.


Also, this post is full of truth.

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2 million box sales in under a month = tanking? Rofl...


People do realize that they've increased server caps several times since the official launch date, right? bioWare dev's have posted on this; this is why the population list has read off differently than before, you may of been on a full/queued server at first and it now reads heavy or standard but in reality you probably have twice the amount of people on the server than you did when it read as a higher server load, and many servers have a heavy faction imbalance, if you only see 20 or 30 people in your phase on your fleet than maybe check out the other faction on your server, I'm willing to bet it's FAR more populated. The game is still growing quite rapidly, if you notice the new servers they opened up have reached standard and even heavy load status, even in off-peak gaming hours.


One thing I read on MMORPG.com; they said they're surprised at the lack of promotion BioWare/EA are giving SW:TOR. They're just going off the hype and word of mouth, wheras most companies tend to plaster their game all over the place in advertising. I'm sure BioWare avoided this for the start as they were extremely careful about throttling the servers, and I think they were a bit TOO careful. I think they could hit the promotion circuit, and they need to move quick on releasing updates to fix bugs as well as adding content to keep people going and I was sort of hoping that they would have had the next part of the personal stories post-50 in the game for launch... Overall, though this game is FAR from doomed or dying, it's enormously successful. Keep in mind that there have been many people who were skeptical about trying out the new "greatly hyped" game, this was evident a long time ago and is something we'll probably see in future MMO's as well.


People are so used to being greatly disappointed in this genre that they seem to have become far more cautious of it. And one last point I want to make, the game came out right at the holiday season so people were off and playing through the game for crazy amounts of time in one sitting. I think that was actually a bad move on BioWare's behalf as it gave them a far more limited opportunity to impress people with updates and such. As long as BioWare handles their game well, the game will continue to snowball into a major success. WoW started out with around 300k players, which seems to be about the average launch population of these games. They snowball into greater successes until people get bored and move on to the next MMO if there is one. There's no *real* competition for SW:TOR at this time. GW2 is far from ready, and D3 is a very temporary case.


You really put a lot of effort into a post that starts right off with bad data.


2 million sales? Where are you getting that from? VGCHartz, the same entity that said TOR had sold 1 million preorders in the U.S. alone, not including Europe and digital downloads?


People who believed VGChartz thought TOR had 2 million sales before the game even released, and then felt stupid when Bioware announced just over 1 million total members on December 22nd. So now people are going to buy into the nonsense AGAIN?

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In it's current state people wont stick around for long. 2-3 months tops.



I mean, people still play star trek online and it has a community so the game will never die, but right now as a next gen mmo. This game is not living up to the hype.

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AOC has over 300,000 active premium subs, STO goes f2p on I think the 17th after Cryptic was purchased by PWI. So yeah both of those 2 are doing just fine. Can't comment on WAR since I haven't played in a long time.


Didn't AOC lie about its sales / subs when the game was released? (I recall my brother telling me that after he bought it at release and found out how ridiculous of a pc it needed for the time)


If so, whats to stop them from doing that now?

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Is this game truly doomed? I'd like to remain skeptical of what I presumed was a vocal minority, but reading through certain threads reveals that there are some serious issues to be had. Are these kind of things normal?


Some of those "serious" issues are only serious to people that consider online gaming serious business.


The game is not doomed for two reasons.


Financially, this game cost a lot to make. Bioware will expend a lot of effort, time and more money to make sure it works. Technical issues will be resolved, bugs will be fixed, features will be added, and content will be created.


Playability wise, with somewhere between 1.5 and 2.0 million players (from what I understand), 75% to 80% of the players could leave and there would still be enough players left to have a perfectly playable MMO.


If you are happy playing the game don't worry about the vocal complainers who want to make it seem like this game is doomed to satisfy some bizarre personal agenda...play the game, enjoy yourself, and know that there will be plenty of people with you.

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People just expect too much from an MMO before it launches.


Kids who's never set foot in an mmo, playing from release day will always cry when it doesn't live up to their expectations.


These are the same kids that usually find their way back to the game after a few months and a few bugs have been fixed. Those are not the real fans nor the real supporters.


The true fans and supporters, stick with it from day 1 and refrains from whining on the forums.


True fans and supporters offer constructive feedback and suggestions rather than wasting their time whining about insignificant stuff.


I'd say the vocal minority that does nothing but whine on these forums are like, what 0.1% of the total player base. Not even that...?


99% of these whining threads are all created/maintained by the same people who started the first whining thread. Pretty sure the BW staff who're working on TOR is laughing at some of the stupidity those people are showing on their forums with their whining.


Play the game and enjoy it for what it is. Bugs -will- get fixed, sooner or later. They do have a priority list. I'd say this game will prosper, for sure. As long as the devs doesn't bend over to the whining ***** on these forums.

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Theres been roughly 1.167 million posts on this forum (across the board) since december 12th.


Even at the average of say 20 posts a person its around 58 thousand people posting.

(weigh the balance of some people posting a ton, and others posting maybe once or twice and leaving)


On average how many of those people would you say are complaining or saying they are unsubscribing?


50%? Atleast imo.


Thats roughly 440 thousand dollars per monthly subscription intake they are effectively losing, or 5.25 Million dollars a year.


But don't worry, just ignore them.

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People just expect too much from an MMO before it launches.


Kids who's never set foot in an mmo, playing from release day will always cry when it doesn't live up to their expectations.


These are the same kids that usually find their way back to the game after a few months and a few bugs have been fixed. Those are not the real fans nor the real supporters.


The true fans and supporters, stick with it from day 1 and refrains from whining on the forums.


True fans and supporters offer constructive feedback and suggestions rather than wasting their time whining about insignificant stuff.


I'd say the vocal minority that does nothing but whine on these forums are like, what 0.1% of the total player base. Not even that...?


99% of these whining threads are all created/maintained by the same people who started the first whining thread. Pretty sure the BW staff who're working on TOR is laughing at some of the stupidity those people are showing on their forums with their whining.


Play the game and enjoy it for what it is. Bugs -will- get fixed, sooner or later. They do have a priority list. I'd say this game will prosper, for sure. As long as the devs doesn't bend over to the whining ***** on these forums.





We wanted to much?



A decent end game is asking for too much?

Better LFG tools is asking for too much?

Hard mode content that is hard? Is asking too much?

Macros and being able to scale UI is asking too much?



Most of the people are upset that features day 1 should have had in does not. We are not talking about class balance here. We are talking about things that could have easily been added to the game before release if they would have listen to player feed back.

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Didn't AOC lie about its sales / subs when the game was released? (I recall my brother telling me that after he bought it at release and found out how ridiculous of a pc it needed for the time)


If so, whats to stop them from doing that now?


Funcom lied about everything, and they're actually one of the first companies I can honestly say has blatantly LIED about things to the community. Using "lie" is a strong word, but they definitely earned it. Heh.

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I don't think the game is anywhere near dying.


But I don't think it has the healthiest DNA it could have had and its long term life span is questionable because of it.


They needed some new ideas, they didn't have any.


If theres one thing I can say for WoW is that when WoW came to the table in 2004/2005, it was bringing new and more approachable and fun game dynamics with it. Its why Blizzard kicked SOE off the MMO Mountain and became the new king.


TOR did not bring a single new idea with it. Cinematic story line/vo worked quests are all well and good but its not like this hasn't been done before, maybe not at this scale, but its been done.


Everything else from the quest hub linear leveling progression, to the end game gear grind is pretty much been done just the same everywhere else.


They needed one new idea, just one, they ended up with none.


So its an MMO with an unimpressive genetic pedigree and whether it can excel above its projected expectations given its foundational building blocks is something we'll have to see.


Had TOR come to the table with at least one new idea, I might feel a little better.


Dead, dying? No, not at all. Healthy enough to be a championship contender some day? I have heavy doubts.










We wanted to much?



A decent end game is asking for too much?

Better LFG tools is asking for too much?

Hard mode content that is hard? Is asking too much?

Macros and being able to scale UI is asking too much?



Most of the people are upset that features day 1 should have had in does not. We are not talking about class balance here. We are talking about things that could have easily been added to the game before release if they would have listen to player feed back.


VERY well said!! I almost cried for the truth these words hold. You Sir, you speak from the heart and the soul, and that is rare nowadays. I salute you with the highest respect!!




Definately NO >>---arrow---> to the knee for you!!!!

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I don't think the game is anywhere near dying.


But I don't think it has the healthiest DNA it could have had and its long term life span is questionable because of it.


They needed some new ideas, they didn't have any.


If theres one thing I can say for WoW is that when WoW came to the table in 2004/2005, it was bringing new and more approachable and fun game dynamics with it. Its why Blizzard kicked SOE off the MMO Mountain and became the new king.


TOR did not bring a single new idea with it. Cinematic story line/vo worked quests are all well and good but its not like this hasn't been done before, maybe not at this scale, but its been done.


Everything else from the quest hub linear leveling progression, to the end game gear grind is pretty much been done just the same everywhere else.


They needed one new idea, just one, they ended up with none.


So its an MMO with an unimpressive genetic pedigree and whether it can excel above its projected expectations given its foundational building blocks is something we'll have to see.


Had TOR come to the table with at least one new idea, I might feel a little better.


Dead, dying? No, not at all. Healthy enough to be a championship contender some day? I have heavy doubts.

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Bioware dropped the ball bigtime and essentially we're playing a worse version of WoW with no endgame, linear gameworld full of bugs and an unresponsive interface. Given this and WoW both cost $15, which are you gonna choose.



I don't have much faith in Bioware to fix the issues which all stem from their lack of vision and attention to detail. Just look at the gameworld, much of it is bland and undetailed. NPCs you can't talk to let alone click, mobs just sit around lifelessly, no critters or small wildlife wandering about, the same oak tree model on nearly every planet (seriously where is the alien plantlife?! who plays a space mmo to see oak trees?!). no bodies of water or swimming, no day/night cycles, barely any music...



I mean any one of those things on their own isn't too noticeable, but when they're ALL missing... this game is an obvious money grab. You don't put out a game to compete with WoW and have it be worse in quality than WoW in nearly every facet save story. I mean it's 2012, how could they not get their interface to work with 100% reliability, something Blizzard achieved in 2004 with less funding...

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