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SWTOR: Dying or Prosperous?


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Well said. I am at work with a little time on my hands and usually lurk here during that time but I did want to say one thing: If you enjoy the game, keep playing. I am having a blast and I'm still a level and a half from 50 on my first character.


I am sure by the time I get to 50 there will be plenty of "noob" comments because I don't know boss fights, not having done them for weeks, but I am smelling the roses with this game.


Grats when you get there, I just got 50 yesterday, and am working on an alt. :) Enjoying the game, some folks were having problems with the launcher in our guild, one guy that was on vent in particular. He looked at his logs and figured out how to remedy it himself, and got ingame after many hours of being stuck on the download screen.


Trying time to be sure, at the same time..he still really wants to play. :) I would say that anyone with problems like that should be contacting customer service for more advice, or attempting to read the HELPFUL areas on this forum, not the "beeching sections". :p hehe


This too shall pass. :)

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SW:ToR will prosper, but it will never get as many subscribers as WoW ever had, SW:ToR simply does not have anything to draw in players with imo, they have the same thing as WoW has, PvP Warzones and Operations, even Daily quests.


I am actually disapointed in SW:ToR, i thaught that a game released in 2011 (almost 2012) would have something new and refreshing for the MMORPG players, but it only has the same mechanics that has been seen even before WoW came along.


This is the main point.

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When they announce server mergers you will know for sure that they've lost a lot of subscriptions. I don't think it will ever get as low as Warhammer with 4(?) servers. But it wouldn't surprise me to see them cut back to 20'ish servers over the next year or so
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When they announce server mergers you will know for sure that they've lost a lot of subscriptions. I don't think it will ever get as low as Warhammer with 4(?) servers. But it wouldn't surprise me to see them cut back to 20'ish servers over the next year or so


Or they'll just be able to house more people/server. Still though, 20 servers != dead game. A number of very successful long-term mmo's barely broke 10 servers. I mean heck, FFXIV has 18 servers and it is the worst big mmo ever.

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*rolls eyes*


I still don't see why 85 threads/day need to be made on this topic as the answer won't change how much fun you have in the game *now*. And people have seriously skewed views of what 'success' means in the MMO world.

Edited by talligan
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The storyline stuff only lasts so far. I finished the class story on my main, an Imperial Agent, at level 47 and a half. Hearing what people said about the lack of things to do at 50, I stopped levelling and rolled a couple of alts...


Once you get beyond the starter areas, getting groups is a chore, so it basically plays like a solo game. Fun for a while but it hasn't got staying power. My mind is now pretty made up not to continue beyond the included 30 days.


This is sort of how I am feeling. I am getting close to 50 and it really feels/sounds like there isn't going to be much to do. It almost feels like how WoW has felt for the last 2 years, just a simple grind for PvP gear and sitting around in the main city waiting for instances and PvP.

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I played WoW religiously ever since Cataclysm came out.


WoW sucks. The only reason behind its success is that it's easily accessible. Mediocre, but accessible by everyone. I can't express how glad I am for SWTOR.


Finally, an MMO that can be enjoyed as a GAME in its own right, not as a mindless chore or alternative to social life.


Check out the thread in my sig.

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People are funny. They post something in righteous indignation thinking that it proves some argument of theirs but in reality it proves nothing. EAs stock went back up 2% on friday when another group of investors speculated against that ******* in your post. Welcome to wall street. Will not and does not determine the fate of swtor.

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Archeron's Call, a group based game... Now I seriously lol'ed. Early EQ a group based game... Righty-o!


The only "group" based game would've been Ultima Online, and even the group system had more hickups than a well fed baby.


EQ was entirely group based. You couldn't solo effectively as most classes.

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I played WoW religiously ever since Cataclysm came out.


WoW sucks. The only reason behind its success is that it's easily accessible. Mediocre, but accessible by everyone. I can't express how glad I am for SWTOR.


Finally, an MMO that can be enjoyed as a GAME in its own right, not as a mindless chore or alternative to social life.


Check out the thread in my sig.



Since Cataclysm.....? The game has pretty much gone down hill ever since Wrath came out (the one before Cata). MMO with subscriptions sort of need to have that carrot that people want to go after and this game doesn't seem to have it.


That is one of the reasons WoW is losing subscribers. It got to the point to where everything is so streamlined that it doesn't take much effort or time, so the player base gets bored and eventually realize it isn't worth the $15 a month.

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Since Cataclysm.....? The game has pretty much gone down hill ever since Wrath came out (the one before Cata). MMO with subscriptions sort of need to have that carrot that people want to go after and this game doesn't seem to have it.


That is one of the reasons WoW is losing subscribers. It got to the point to where everything is so streamlined that it doesn't take much effort or time, so the player base gets bored and eventually realize it isn't worth the $15 a month.


It's also the simple fact that people are getting less content for their money. 6 months in between patches now. DS is out and they've got like another 7-8 months of farming that till the next expansion. LoL pulled more people away from WoW then SWTOR did mind you, but SWTOR made a dent I think.

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WoW's forum has always been like this, so it can't be all THAT bad..


What's worse is when a forum starts to die down and actively is low. Like Vanguard:SoH & Age of Conan's forums a month or two after launch.. People just stopped caring. If people are fighting about the game that just means they're passionate about it.

Edited by AislingKerrigan
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people will always dub new mmo's wow killers/clones or state that insert name of mmo is dying or dead. But, I truly think that for swtor not to share a fate similar to its cousin star wars galaxies; bioware needs to make a better attempt to fix some of the issues with its game. If you are even slighty pretaking in any of the content you realise that there are several bugs in everything. Ever die to invisible flames in cademiru, how bout facing an endless stream of cyborgs in Directive 7, Killing the last boss of Taral V hardmode and looting lvl 37-40 prototypes, and these are only examples of bugs found in the flashpoint not to mention bugs that exist in the world (looking at you belsavis dailys). I have given Swtor the benefit of the doubt being a "new" mmo. But, I can see where people are getting fed up with it. Look at it like this: If you had the choice to play a game virtually free of bugs thats tried and true or play a game with several bugs that become quite old quite fast which would you choose.
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