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SWTOR: Dying or Prosperous?


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Good marketing strategy to keep people subscribed one more month, unfortunately I wish it wasn't needed already.


Most companies do this.


The way to keep people subscribing is to keep offering them interesting things. With all the competition out there it makes good business sense. This isn't just something that happens in the MMO market, it's normal business practice.


Besides, if people are really set on leaving, they will go, regardless of the new patch. The new patch might be enough to sway those that are undecided into paying for another month. It's smart business.

Edited by Mandrax
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If this was true then the server loads would be much higher and more servers would be created... but overall there are no more queues and overall population is decreasing. Just look at the Server selection during prime time... it's not most FULL or HEAVY anymore...


I find it unlikely that their subscriptions are increasing, at this point they are capping out for this month and will only be declining after the first billing cycle.


I don't know what you see, but when i log in every night around 8pm or later there are over 50 servers at the "heavy" mark with a sizable portion at "very heavy" and about 10 or so at "full"


My server is always veryheavy/full during peak times and has been since release, the only things that changed is no more queue times.

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Most companies do this.


The way to keep people subscribing is to keep offering them interesting things. With all the competition out there it makes good business sense. This isn't just something that happens in the MMO market, it's normal business practice.


If it wasn't necessary for Bioware to strategically date their patch as incentives the original date as announced would have been honored. Instead it was changed to make more profit, while I understand it's a good marketing tactic, I do believe its a sign that revenue is declining, otherwise it wouldn't be necessary to reschedule the patch.

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If it wasn't necessary for Bioware to strategically date their patch as incentives the original date as announced would have been honored. Instead it was changed to make more profit, while I understand it's a good marketing tactic, I do believe its a sign that revenue is declining, otherwise it wouldn't be necessary to reschedule the patch.


no where has anything been said that the patch date was changed as a marketing tactic? in fact if you pay attention to the test server that patch just simply isn't ready. If it is not ready, why push it out and cause more bugs?


All you are doing is speculating around opinions and making assumptions about something you, someone else nor I has any clue about.

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If this was true then the server loads would be much higher and more servers would be created... but overall there are no more queues and overall population is decreasing. Just look at the Server selection during prime time... it's not most FULL or HEAVY anymore...


I find it unlikely that their subscriptions are increasing, at this point they are capping out for this month and will only be declining after the first billing cycle.


Ummm You have no clue how server technology works..do you?


They have increased the max caps of the servers to handle the increasing loads they can actually increase those caps two more times.


Oh and Crowley & Associates really can't lie about subs growing since they have to answer to the FTC.



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No ****?

My point was that I was skeptical until my independent research yielded undeniable evidence of issues I consider to be rather large. Since hard data relating to future prospects of this game is likely to be slanted by Bioware, I rely on the experience and anecdotes of the community, which greatly outweighs my own.


Bioware may be more likely to release good news than bad, but it is unlikely to skew numbers, especially since that would be fraudulent and would open them up to litigation.


That said, reliance on the subjective anecdotes of this community for your information is laughable.

Edited by Gleneagle
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It's so much fun to see how many of you people are just trolling to piss people off :)


I personally am very pleased with the game. I already have one 50 with good gear, and I'm over halfway to 50 with another toon. I love the story content, I love the world designs, the quest designs, the lootsystems, the combat system, the voice acting, pretty much everything.

Yes, I've seen one bug or two, but nothing (quote) "Game breaking".


And I think all of you bug-whiners are overreacting. Of the small and few bugs I've encountered, not ONE of them has given me the urge to start these "omglolzor i are quitz, thiz gaem isnt easynuff" threads.


Point being, stop overreacting. These forums have more dramaqueens than american soaps from the 90's.

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If it wasn't necessary for Bioware to strategically date their patch as incentives the original date as announced would have been honored. Instead it was changed to make more profit, while I understand it's a good marketing tactic, I do believe its a sign that revenue is declining, otherwise it wouldn't be necessary to reschedule the patch.


You seem to be suggesting that they gave us a release date for this patch then pulled it, which isn't true. They never once released a date for 1.1, not until this week in fact.


BioWare would have had this in their minds for months if not years. Any company would do the same thing. As I keep saying, it's smart business.

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If this was true then the server loads would be much higher and more servers would be created... but overall there are no more queues and overall population is decreasing. Just look at the Server selection during prime time... it's not most FULL or HEAVY anymore...


I find it unlikely that their subscriptions are increasing, at this point they are capping out for this month and will only be declining after the first billing cycle.


you do know that christmas break is over for people and they are back at work now. Combine that with increasing server caps and adding more servers and no the server loads would not be heavier.

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For a dying game I find it interesting that sub numbers are still increasing that most game stores in the UK have waiting list for box copies and that the Bioware guys are constantly doing happy dances over how far above their own projections the game has grown.



But yeah

Faaaaiiillllll dooooom f2p by neeeexxttt mooooonth!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


How dare you bring logic and reason into this discussion the internet is no place for that. .

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Well, I'm at level 14 now, and love my character, but am also excited about a few other ACs, so I'm not likely to get bored anytime soon. Sorry if that doesn't meet your expectations.


See, the different between play time for hardcore vs casual is HUGE. Its literally one or more orders of magnitude (x10, x100, etc.). So if you are all decked out in Epics and are bored, just move on to another game, or roll another character. People like you think you are what makes a mainstream MMO successful, but you are just dead wrong on that front. WoW isn't successful because it appeals to hardcore raiders, it is successful because it also appeals to the masses of people that just like to play a game in their free time a few hours a week. Only one MMO has ever succeeded on that front, but SWTOR is poised to be the second - and may well get the content together to attract a lot of hardcores as well.


Having been through the Onyxia pre-reqs for Horde multiple times in Vanilla WoW and help others countless of times, (and still wake up at night screaming "No, not LBRS again!" I am very glad SWTOR doesn't do any crap like that just to make it take longer!




Good Post. :) What I am hoping is..those that are TRULY UNHAPPY (are they really..or just after some much needed attention??) Will do the sane thing..and depart.


I really don't get the why of...they dun like da game..so they are gonna sit on the forums for forever..and gripe, gripe, gripe?


If it were me..and I "have" done this a few times, if it were me and I was THAT greatly displeased, I would just up and cancel my account. Been there done that many times.



If I come to the forums, it's usually for information. Griping isn't information..it's not even constructive criticism.


Those that gripe want changes made. Some in this thread would be quite happy if their wishes were granted and SWTOR was made into a Wow clone.


Then they could sit back ..point fingers and yell...SEE?!?!? It's a Wow clone.



Be careful what you wish for.



As for changes and constructive criticism. Does ANYONE read patch notes??? Anyone???


Patch notes detail exactly what bug fixes...patches, updates (free game updates..who da thunk it?)


Have been implemented. If you don't read..and MANY do not seem to have this skill these days...(what on earth do they teach in school..*shakes head*) then you miss a lot of information. The same stuff you all have been griping about in this thread.


Doomsayers......doomsayers make me laugh, firstly because, the information they spew out on the forums is largely baseless, taken from their own vivid imaginations, and inexperience as gamers.


What more can I say...


Either you're in ..or you're out, quit wasting our time, and quit taking up forum space with all the moaning and groaning.


Don't like the game..got a bug? Report bug. Or leave game. Nobody gonna miss ya...and that's the honest truth.

Edited by Feraele
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You will know in a few months whether or not the game is dying or if it's fine. I don't see them dropping the servers, there will be more than enough maintained subscriptions to ensure EA and BioWare keep the game active, as they have investments to recover.


All you need to ask yourself is whether or not you want to keep playing.






perfectly said sir , and 100% spot on

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So, I'm a young guy. Through work and school (coupled with terrible home internet in my valley) I've only had the chance to experience 3 MMO's, WoW, City of Heroes, and SWTOR. I have enjoyed all three, though far be it from me to call them perfect gaming experiences. Though, to be fair, if I could get high-speed internet where I live, I would play A LOT more.


Now, 3/4 of the threads on the forums are complaints, issues, bugs, and low expectations that predict this game is "dead", "will die", "is broken", "is ruined", and so on. I have seen others praising the game, but nitpicking certain details. And, of course, the WoW comparisons and "back to WoW" comments pop up everywhere.


I want to know, and excuse my ignorance, but is it really that much of an issue? Is this game truly doomed? I'd like to remain skeptical of what I presumed was a vocal minority, but reading through certain threads reveals that there are some serious issues to be had. Are these kind of things normal?


I really like this game and I'm working on learning the mechanics, specifically PvP, so I can enjoy myself even more. But is it all pointless if the game is truly doomed to implode?


This game was designed to appeal to WoW fans. What you are seeing is the WoW community. Full of tears. Pathetic and sad.

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Comments are 100% worthless in this topic without your level and your /played time along with it. I get the idea that the ones who take it on SWTOR are the ones playing casual and not into endgame.


People there clearly is something wrong and BW knows it all too well! I love the game, most of it, but I can agree to most complaints stated here. I did not yet cancel, but I went from the 3 month to 1 month payments, just to let BW know I'm not all happy about how things are going atm.


No this game will not die soon, but subs will decline, fast. This weekend was the lowest membercount online ingame sofar. I do not believe they upped the serverpop as I do not see crowded areas ANYWHERE!


And must be my PC(quadcore) , but my loading times are way to long, way way way tooooo long... But ya as most are casual, they only load when they login and maybe once or twice after it before they go offline. I travel alot!!!! Try traveling from planet to planet and do it 10 times!!!! Sick of it!


So BW pick up the slack and get your facts straight. Stop listening to the fanboys here cause they WILL hold you back and ruin the game longtime. Not saying everything people say should be implemented, but as it is, to little is.


Goodluck cause this is a toughnut to crack in comming months!!! EU server pop is declining and no one here can say otherwise!!!

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Exactly :D One hundred per cent bang on..Kudos to you Sir hehehe


I have grounded hatred for people like you!:mad:


And I wouldn't be suprised if you where the sole reason for SWG not being online anymore. You bash people, you ignore gameimprovements suggested by playerbase and mock them. You and people like you hold back in what is used to move dev's in improving there and our game. If enough of you shout that there is nothing wrong, BW will think that too until they see the decline and wonder where this is comming from. You are a very bad bad person and nothing better then a Troll, sadly theinternetz did't come up with a name for your kind but i'll start it.


You are not a TROLL, you are a RAT!

Edited by Waxmask
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I unsubscribed today as my first month is up tomorrow. I think they are blocking these threads now because I wrote about it in two places, not even trolling, and both threads were shut down and then I got an email from a moderator asking me not to post, heh. And it was just honest feedback. But if BW can't stand feedback, it kind of dashes my hopes that they will fix what's broke so I could return at that point.
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I unsubscribed today as my first month is up tomorrow. I think they are blocking these threads now because I wrote about it in two places, not even trolling, and both threads were shut down and then I got an email from a moderator asking me not to post, heh. And it was just honest feedback. But if BW can't stand feedback, it kind of dashes my hopes that they will fix what's broke so I could return at that point.


Intrestingly, your post is here though you are not. Sounds almost as sad as a Thomas Hardy poem.


But not quite. See ya.

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I unsubscribed today as my first month is up tomorrow. I think they are blocking these threads now because I wrote about it in two places, not even trolling, and both threads were shut down and then I got an email from a moderator asking me not to post, heh. And it was just honest feedback. But if BW can't stand feedback, it kind of dashes my hopes that they will fix what's broke so I could return at that point.



If your threads/posts get removed its a sure sign you are closer to the truth than some people would like, or just too offensive



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I unsubscribed today as my first month is up tomorrow. I think they are blocking these threads now because I wrote about it in two places, not even trolling, and both threads were shut down and then I got an email from a moderator asking me not to post, heh. And it was just honest feedback. But if BW can't stand feedback, it kind of dashes my hopes that they will fix what's broke so I could return at that point.


They give you options for feedback.


Writing on the forums about it like random players #34563463456 matters why he is quitting doesn't mean anything.

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I have grounded hatred for people like you!:mad:


And I wouldn't be suprised if you where the sole reason for SWG not being online anymore. You bash people, you ignore gameimprovements suggested by playerbase and mock them. You and people like you hold back in what is used to move dev's in improving there and our game. If enough of you shout that there is nothing wrong, BW will think that too until they see the decline and wonder where this is comming from. You are a very bad bad person and nothing better then a Troll, sadly theinternetz did't come up with a name for your kind but i'll start it.


You are not a TROLL, you are a RAT!


Tsk tsk..don't get your panties in a twist. First off..you have many unfounded assumptions in the above statement.


Don't like what I have to say? Don't read it.


I haven't bashed a single person..any references I have made have been generic, I have not targetted anyone or called them by name, unlike the trolls that hang out here.


I have not shouted nothing is wrong...I do my constructive criticism to customer service..that little question mark at the top of your screen ingame. I submit bug reports all the time.


I also state when I think something is over the top gameplay wise. But I direct it at the people that can do something about it....and it ain't the forum moderators....go figure huh?


Now as to your name calling perhaps you would like to take that back? :) Or I could help you do that by reporting your tantrummy little behind?



Have your tantrum someplace else...or..don't , its actually kind of entertaining.


*munches popcorn*.


Have a nice day. :)

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Complaints are always louder. People who aren't complaining are busy playing the game.


Well said. I am at work with a little time on my hands and usually lurk here during that time but I did want to say one thing: If you enjoy the game, keep playing. I am having a blast and I'm still a level and a half from 50 on my first character.


I am sure by the time I get to 50 there will be plenty of "noob" comments because I don't know boss fights, not having done them for weeks, but I am smelling the roses with this game.

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Listening to the forums about the future of this game is somewhat irrelevant. People who are posting anonymous faceless opinion have 0 accountability and they tend to over exaggerate and to sensationalize stuff.


If I had a nickel for every post that was just in that OMG QQ I can't sit anywhere I want in game is Game breaking shut the game down now thread I'd be retired and have way more time to play this awesome game!

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