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Vicious throw range 10meters , reaaaally???


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and your benefit is using it at 10M range.


Which is crap compare to the sniper getting to use it at 30 meters at 30% health. Go rally for your own class instead of jumping into a thread without the whole picture.

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Which is crap compare to the sniper getting to use it at 30 meters at 30% health. Go rally for your own class instead of jumping into a thread without the whole picture.


well maybe you should play a sniper then.

idk what the mara get for there pvp set bonus but they could add a +5m range to one the set bonus for it any more then that would be to much.

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i have to agree .. just adding some range to the vicious throw would do soo much for us..


and its not really about balancing it or anything because you could still slow and charge people who runs away with the right specc


it just feels that it makes so much more sense

the only thing usable beyond 10 meters is force charge so it would hurt to add one more ability to that list

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One of the most iconic moves in the entire star wars universe totally ruined for Sentinels and Marauders.



We do not get Saber Throw(30meters range) , so our next best thing is this spell along with deadly throw(another saber throw) and they both have the ridiculous range of 10meters!!



Now seriously , lorewise , gameplaywise AND balance wise those moves and especially AND without doublt the vicious throw (the finisher) should definitely have a range of at least 20 meters...



Yours truly,

-Mad Sentinel.



P.S. lorewise the saber throw move is rare because it makes you let your guard down , it makes zero sense that a dual wielding saber user with a second weapon to guard himself has the lesser version of it....


MIRROR: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1507793#post1507793


Pvp isn't based around lore. You can spec into an immoblize for Deadly Throw, or get a second closer in the Rage tree. Anni tree offers more speed while Predation is active, an innate slow on rupture, and a shorter min distance for Force Charge to keep people from dead zoning you. All three trees offer ways to avoid being kited.


Of all the changes I think Marauder/sentinel need, 20 more meters on our ranged attacks are not in that list.

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Pvp isn't based around lore. You can spec into an immoblize for Deadly Throw, or get a second closer in the Rage tree. Anni tree offers more speed while Predation is active, an innate slow on rupture, and a shorter min distance for Force Charge to keep people from dead zoning you. All three trees offer ways to avoid being kited.


Of all the changes I think Marauder/sentinel need, 20 more meters on our ranged attacks are not in that list.


10-20 meters.


Okay my dear friend and i disagree with you and i tell that this IS one of the changes we need.


On vicious throw/dispatch that is.


And yes i agree that balance wise the deadly throw/crippling throw wouldn't be good to get more range as it is like you said a root for the combat tree, but i still hold my opinion for dispatch and vicious throw.

Edited by John_Locke
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sayc i'll just say one thing, you obviously never looked up the rage spec, obliviate, the second 'charge' has a range of 10m so it is NOT a gap closer except in very specific cases


In those cases where you're getting kited by someone closer than 10meters so you can't force charge at them, but they're outside of melee range. If they get >10m, then you force charge.

Edited by Sayc
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  • 4 weeks later...
Lmao I thought this skill was bugged, 10m range is ridiculous! It should have the same range as saber throw I would think. That would definitely help with jugg dps. This skill is pretty much garbage without more range. >20% and a 10m... thats just a huge let down.
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Balance wise, its just fine. If you let a target that you burned down to <20% get more than 10meters away from you, you did something wrong 90% of the time. Otherwise....force charge -> whatever.


don't tell the guy he did something wrong if someone gets away lol. Maybe his CC just came off CD and he CC'ed you and ran... Crap happens ffs.

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Why are you wanting an already good move to be buffed while the Marauder/Sentinel has so many flaws that need to be addressed instead?


When on EARTH are you going to need a 20-30m Vicious Throw? This is so uncommon it's not even worth arguing for.



- How about we fix the middle tree (Carnage for Maras, no idea for Sents)

- How about we make Ravage/Choke actually work the way they should and not glitch out?

- How about Cloak of Pain becomes a more reliable move that can't be countered by anyone with a brain?

- How about we get some REAL set bonuses... You know, unlike the one that gives Vicious Throw a useless 5 meters?



That last one's a real kicker. I have that set bonus. I've never needed it. 5m is pathetic, and sure it probably should be built-in, but that's a pathetic set bonus if I ever saw one.

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10-20 meters.


Okay my dear friend and i disagree with you and i tell that this IS one of the changes we need.


On vicious throw/dispatch that is.


And yes i agree that balance wise the deadly throw/crippling throw wouldn't be good to get more range as it is like you said a root for the combat tree, but i still hold my opinion for dispatch and vicious throw.


LOL. Wow. Of all the issues with Marauders THIS is the one you and your dear friend choose to argue for? Come on.

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LOL. Wow. Of all the issues with Marauders THIS is the one you and your dear friend choose to argue for? Come on.

Serious. Btw, OP, do you even realize how far 10 meters is? It's just under 33 feet. Realistically, that's a decent distance to throw a 4 foot long spinning blade that can theoretically cut through almost anything... and then force pull it BACK to you. Be thankful it doesn't need to be channeled.

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I would be happy if the 4 piece set bonus allowed us to throw both sabers instead of just primary...even with reduced off-hand damage, it would make for an almost certain finishing blow. Not to mendion it *could* potentially be a really cool animation.
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