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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are there really more empire players than republic?


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The usual bullcrap answer I get is:


"LOL, Sith aren't evil. The Republic is just as bad. Blah blah shades of gray, blah blah.."


Well, thats somewhat true... yeah, the darkside does breed more chaotic evil then the light side, but the Empire isn't out to just be evil for evil's sake. The republic pretty much attempted Genocide against the sith, and now they're back with a vengence. Yeah, they're views on life are a little harsh, survival of the fittest, a lot of power grabbing and backstabbing, but honestly that seems to be mostly confined to the dark side force users. The Empire's regular military folk actually seem fairly fed up with getting caught in the middle of the whole thing.

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I'm not finding the Trooper story bad at all. I definitely like the voice-acting better than the Agent. Don't get me wrong, the Agents voice is pretty cool, but a lot of times it sounds like he's barely even whispering, like he has a sore throat or something.


"Thank goodness Cipher Nine! The empire desperately needs your help!"


"Slow down, and start again." *cough*


"I'm sorry, what was that? Speak up boy, I can barely hear you! Are you even there? Hellooo...?"


The Troopers voice is clearly audible and sounds like a soldier. Just a personal preference of mine, I guess.

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I'm not finding the Trooper story bad at all. I definitely like the voice-acting better than the Agent. Don't get me wrong, the Agents voice is pretty cool, but a lot of times it sounds like he's barely even whispering, like he has a sore throat or something.


"Thank goodness Cipher Nine! The empire desperately needs your help!"


"Slow down, and start again." *cough*


"I'm sorry, what was that? Speak up boy, I can barely hear you! Are you even there? Hellooo...?"


The Troopers voice is clearly audible and sounds like a soldier. Just a personal preference of mine, I guess.


We Brits aren't loud-mouths, we show restraint. ;)

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The usual bullcrap answer I get is:


"LOL, Sith aren't evil. The Republic is just as bad. Blah blah shades of gray, blah blah.."


Haha, yeah - that's the nature of the beast. I am a history major and constantly see people, students and academics, fumbling to apologize for all sorts of morally bankrupt people, institutions, and governments: The Reich, C.S.A., Scrambling for Africa, John Calhoun, the Church, US Imperialism...


Based on aesthetics alone, I strongly favor the Empire, but after reading a bit of lore and realizing the the opening line to the Sith Code clearly speaks to fascism I cannot bring myself to play that faction - it's just too toolish. It's all fiction and in good fun, I reckon, but knowing a bit of history turns me away from a faction like the Empire.

Edited by Shortwave
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The real imbalance is in the PvP ranks where it matters most.

Yes, this is the most important thing to note, with there not being a 50's only bracket. I feel like I've seen more imperial 50's than republic 50's while PvPing, with the slots on the republic side that aren't 50 being filled with much lower ranks.


Makes playing at certain times a real pain in the ***.

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I have a couple of lower level Republic players, and i honestly enjoy playing the goody two shoes approach or the rebel without a cause kind of approach where you go against your teachings...its good fun.


However, i love being a bounty hunter....I grew up in a time where there was nothing cooler than Bobba Fett, so I just think a Bounty Hunter is way cooler than a trooper, etc...just personal opinion.

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People prefer to be evil. What that says about the future of humanity is depressing.
It couldn't be that they would prefer to be a Bounty Hunter, Imperial Agent, Sith Warrior/Inquisitor, nope. They want to be "evil". They can be evil while playing Republic characters too.
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I was so surprised to learn this! I always assumed Alliance in WoW was the larger pop because so many people saw them as the "good guys." I played Horde exclusively and one thing I appreciated about WoW was that if you saw things from the standpoint of the Horde, you could totally see them as the good guys, too.


SWTOR has a much clearer divide in terms of good and evil. Yes, people can mention shades of gray, but the contrast is a lot starker in this game's lore. I really thought more people would play Republic, but this game's population skew has blown my earlier assumptions out of the water.


On a related note, this makes for sad, sad PvP. I was in a couple of Alderaan matches where my fellow Republic players literally gave up at the start of the matches! Everyone would just camp at one side and let the Imperials get the other two. In one match, there was one Jedi who would try to fight the enemy, but I was the ONLY person who would try to help him out, even though the rest of our entire team was only a few meters away :(. That right there was almost enough to make me head over to the Empire.

Edited by Kemmer
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