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I feel a bit sexist for saying this, but there are too damn many female leaders.


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I already said that the statement itself is sexist, but I'm sure it was not your intent to be sexist. Read my original post, thank you.


So is it right to get offended by it or not? Is it right to take an entirely common expression (panties in a twist) that, while originated as sexist, really isn't considered that anymore? Or should you instead try to focus on what they're saying rather than what the words are. This isn't Literature Analysis class people..


I predict this thread is going to be closed for being ridiculously off-topic.

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So is it right to get offended by it or not? Is it right to take an entirely common expression (panties in a twist) that, while originated as sexist, really isn't considered that anymore? Or should you instead try to focus on what they're saying rather than what the words are. This isn't Literature Analysis class people..


I predict this thread is going to be closed for being ridiculously off-topic.


I was not personally offended by the fact that he used that statement. I was merely pointing out that people can say sexist things (including a sexist idiom) without intending to be sexist.


And, since the content of what they're saying is sexist, it is offensive to some people. Thus I can understand why people are upset. Thus I think it is not fair to marginalize them.


You see, my intent was also pretty innocuous. I intended to point out that people were saying sexist things unintentionally, but to some people it came across differently. They reacted to what I said with offense without actually seeing the intent.


It goes both ways.


And man, I actually do hope they close this thread soon. It's really off-topic!

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After reading a few more replies, I've come to realize this is just a giant "wahhh!" thread.


Sorry if your precious little feelings were hurt that there are a few women in positions of power in this fictional game universe, boys. Too bad it doesn't cater to your fervent desire for Manly Men to be in charge of every segment of life. :rolleyes:


A bunch of whiny little boys complaining because "men are marginalized" by all of THREE women in charge of things in a pretend universe. Wow.


That's just sad. But by all means, keep sulking about it. I'll be off playing my FEMALE trooper, blowing the crap out of things and laughing it up with Garza about how we've finally accomplished our goal of turning men into househusbands.

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After reading a few more replies, I've come to realize this is just a giant "wahhh!" thread.


Sorry if your precious little feelings were hurt that there are a few women in positions of power in this fictional game universe, boys. Too bad it doesn't cater to your fervent desire for Manly Men to be in charge of every segment of life. :rolleyes:


A bunch of whiny little boys complaining because "men are marginalized" by all of THREE women in charge of things in a pretend universe. Wow.


That's just sad. But by all means, keep sulking about it. I'll be off playing my FEMALE trooper, blowing the crap out of things and laughing it up with Garza about how we've finally accomplished our goal of turning men into househusbands.


I'm a male, and I endorse this response! ^


Really, it's pretty sad to see males so insecure about women in power.

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in the org starwars you could count on one hand maybe two if you are really trying the number of women in the entire 3 movies 2 of which are leia and mon mothma others are the the twilike that gets eaten by the rancor and i one in the first canteena plus a dancer in jabbas palace org cut not remade version oh and aunt buru so all in all maybe 6 women total in the whole galaxy


so ya im liking that fact that theres more women running round now lol


i also enjoy staring at my female bounty hunters butt so up yours person complaning about to many women in game


oh and women in power are hot

Edited by TWRapter
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After reading a few more replies, I've come to realize this is just a giant "wahhh!" thread.


Sorry if your precious little feelings were hurt that there are a few women in positions of power in this fictional game universe, boys. Too bad it doesn't cater to your fervent desire for Manly Men to be in charge of every segment of life. :rolleyes:


A bunch of whiny little boys complaining because "men are marginalized" by all of THREE women in charge of things in a pretend universe. Wow.


That's just sad. But by all means, keep sulking about it. I'll be off playing my FEMALE trooper, blowing the crap out of things and laughing it up with Garza about how we've finally accomplished our goal of turning men into househusbands.





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After reading a few more replies, I've come to realize this is just a giant "wahhh!" thread.


Sorry if your precious little feelings were hurt that there are a few women in positions of power in this fictional game universe, boys. Too bad it doesn't cater to your fervent desire for Manly Men to be in charge of every segment of life. :rolleyes:


A bunch of whiny little boys complaining because "men are marginalized" by all of THREE women in charge of things in a pretend universe. Wow.


That's just sad. But by all means, keep sulking about it. I'll be off playing my FEMALE trooper, blowing the crap out of things and laughing it up with Garza about how we've finally accomplished our goal of turning men into househusbands.


Well, i can't speak for anyone else, but I'll be off playing my MALE Jedi Knight running around with Kira in a slave girl outfit and trying not to get blasted because i'm ogling her entirely too much.......and she's supposed to be my padawan....for shame.


On a serious note, while your statement was obviously meant to be inflammatory it does have a ring of truth to it. I couldn't care less if all the leaders are female....it won't ever matter right up until the day Satele tells me i can't be a Knight anymore because i'm male....and since i don't see that ever happening, we're all good.

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Just because you're not TRYING to be sexist doesn't mean you aren't, though. That's what I've been trying to explain and that's what a lot of people aren't getting.


The thread name itself is sexist. "Too damn many female leaders". Just think about that for a second. Can there ever be too many female leaders? In what situations? People sensitive to that statement probably read that and came into the thread with the expectation that it was going to be sexist regardless of what the OP said.


What he's really saying is that the Empire/Republic gender ratios are imbalanced. Important Republic leaders are all women according to him, and important Empire leaders are all men, and he would've liked to see a woman on the Empire side and a male on the Republic side. That's perfectly fine and I see nothing wrong or sexist about that.


But then he also says "Are you trying to say something about the masculinity of the Republic, Bioware?" And that's the statement I (and I'm assuming others, I cannot speak for them) have a problem with.


I also have a problem with the people who are screaming "There are NO male Republic leaders!!" To them, I say...So? And? What's your point?


And yes, I will agree about the double-standard of equal treatment between men and women but that's another issue entirely and I think this thread has been derailed enough.


I do wish Satele were less bland, though. I don't know much about her yet, I guess, so time will tell. the Empire guys just seem so much cooler!



Again this is where you as well as others are being reactionary instead of taking what he was really getting at into context. He was looking at the dichotomy between the Empire (very male centric) and its heavy handed iron fist ruling and comparing it to the Republics (more female centric in this case) and its more effeminate touch with leading in the government. He simply asked if Bioware was trying to play on the mostly accepted "women are more docile" effeminate role in the galaxy.


Instead people, mostly women, decided to turn it into a chance to chastise and castrate him and others who understands what he meant for it. Hell I said "don't get your panties in a bunch" and I got a dissertation on what I meant by someone who does not speak for me. Instead of assuming that what I said was or was intended to be sexist, you could ask my intent or ask me to clarify why I use a term like panties when reffering to women's underwear if it wasn't clear enough.


Then this goes back to what I was saying about people being to caught up in being politically correct to even try and have an open and honest discussion.

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After reading a few more replies, I've come to realize this is just a giant "wahhh!" thread.


Sorry if your precious little feelings were hurt that there are a few women in positions of power in this fictional game universe, boys. Too bad it doesn't cater to your fervent desire for Manly Men to be in charge of every segment of life. :rolleyes:


A bunch of whiny little boys complaining because "men are marginalized" by all of THREE women in charge of things in a pretend universe. Wow.


That's just sad. But by all means, keep sulking about it. I'll be off playing my FEMALE trooper, blowing the crap out of things and laughing it up with Garza about how we've finally accomplished our goal of turning men into househusbands.


I love it when people can't beat arguments against them so they just ignore them


This thread started off fine, with a few good responses, and just devolved to


I don't want it to die though, all these stupid arguments provide great entertainment for work.

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You're going to like Guild Wars 2. :)


Well Bioware did say they are looking into adding same sex relationship choices for those with said affinity. Not necessarily leaders but it does open up the door, do to speak.

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Again this is where you as well as others are being reactionary instead of taking what he was really getting at into context. He was looking at the dichotomy between the Empire (very male centric) and its heavy handed iron fist ruling and comparing it to the Republics (more female centric in this case) and its more effeminate touch with leading in the government. He simply asked if Bioware was trying to play on the mostly accepted "women are more docile" effeminate role in the galaxy.


Instead people, mostly women, decided to turn it into a chance to chastise and castrate him and others who understands what he meant for it. Hell I said "don't get your panties in a bunch" and I got a dissertation on what I meant by someone who does not speak for me. Instead of assuming that what I said was or was intended to be sexist, you could ask my intent or ask me to clarify why I use a term like panties when reffering to women's underwear if it wasn't clear enough.


Then this goes back to what I was saying about people being to caught up in being politically correct to even try and have an open and honest discussion.


You're putting words in people's mouths, just like you claim they're putting words in your mouth.


I already said that I didn't think the OP's point about the Republic being all female and the Empire being all male was sexist. I thought that was a good point.


And I said that you didn't have sexist intentions. I know you didn't MEAN to be sexist when you said it. Probably just like how the OP didn't MEAN to be sexist when he said the thing about masculinity. But the idiom you used IS sexist. It has a sexist implication IN and OF ITSELF, even if YOU personally did not intend to convey THAT particular meaning.


I seriously don't know how many times I can reiterate this. No wonder men don't have positions of power in the Republic - none of you have reading comprehension! :(

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To be honest it doesnt matter what gender you are if you have a gun to your head does it? Its not like if your a man your going to be able to survive that vise versa.


Anyway to fact of haveing female/male Republic/Imperial leaders define leaders in the sense of sith/jedi Imperial or republic you know, but in any case it doesnt matter does it?


When a war or something major happens i don't think people will be going round saying women or men can't fight for something then belive in, humans have a way of coming over everything nearly, when there children or people they love or family etc are in danger human endurance not gender. Even if the man can stand more hits per say and females can't or men can't multitask and women do much better if you can hold a weapon what will kill your most likely not gonna run that threw your mind.


Anyway thats my random word mubbled mixed up opinon cause thats what this is really, opinions.:)

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I got about three pages into this before I decided I couldn't take anymore of purple text's hyper-defensiveness.




Yes, it is weird that there are so many women in positions of high power. It suggests that men are somehow lacking in that capability, or that there is a "glass wall" for men among the Republic. Neither of those seem particularly plausible, so... weird.

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You're putting words in people's mouths, just like you claim they're putting words in your mouth.


I already said that I didn't think the OP's point about the Republic being all female and the Empire being all male was sexist. I thought that was a good point.


And I said that you didn't have sexist intentions. I know you didn't MEAN to be sexist when you said it. Probably just like how the OP didn't MEAN to be sexist when he said the thing about masculinity. But the idiom you used IS sexist. It has a sexist implication IN and OF ITSELF, even if YOU personally did not intend to convey THAT particular meaning.


I seriously don't know how many times I can reiterate this. No wonder men don't have positions of power in the Republic - none of you have reading comprehension! :(


I'm not putting words into anyone's mouth, I was going off of the original person I quoted and the statements that she had made. As for my idiom, I wasn't trying to be sexist nor was I actually sexist. She is a female, panties refers to the fact that she is female. Had it been a guy I would've said boxers, whether they wear boxers or not is of no consequence. But since you feel compelled to throw out insults, I do not have a reading comprehension issue sweetheart.


You however, have again completely missed the point that nothing that I have seen here has or ever will be sexist in nature, but people like you are exactly why there are so many frivolous BS lawsuits in the workplace. Because you are too strung up on taking everything as a sleight against you. I had a female purchaser in our shop at one time and I literally had to defend my job against her because I was ordering pipe ******s (Since Bioware decide to censor what is a real thing the censored part also refers to the area of the human body on the chest that is often used for the feeding of small newborn children), petcocks, and male and female adapters. She was a reactionary and immediately went to HR because I was being a sexist pig! No in fact I was ordering the parts by their correct name. No different then my saying she had her panties in a bunch. I was being accurate and even still you can not get over yourself long enough to realize that it is NOT sexist! Not implied or otherwise.



Edit: Oh for the love of god Bioware, not everything about the anatomy is necessarily a bad connotation :mad:

Edited by Hyfy
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What part of "women are BIOLOGICALLY incapable to reach the same MAXIMUM strength level of men" eludes you? That's fact, not opinion.



Despite the fact this topic has gotten way off-topic, I had to post to tell you you're wrong. This statement couldn't be more incorrect. Everything about it is false.


You might want to do some research before making blatantly false statements.

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Despite the fact this topic has gotten way off-topic, I had to post to tell you you're wrong. This statement couldn't be more incorrect. Everything about it is false.


You might want to do some research before making blatantly false statements.


Really? Would you happen to have some sort of link or book title handy?

I'm not doubting you; I'm just always interested in developments on the subject, and last I knew, that *was*, in fact, the accepted standard. Science is a nebulous thing, however. :rolleyes:


And really, this topic is no longer salvageable. It's only a matter of time before it gets locked.

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I guess I don't know why it matters that there are female leaders? Kinda refreshing for me as a girl actually.Scifi fandom can be very sexist at times and thankfully Bioware tends to make female characters more than just sex objects.


I guess I don't see it as unusual really since this is civilization is vastly more advanced than ours. Maybe culturally , men and women are seen as pretty equal?


If you have force-sensitivity, it doesn't really matter that you are male or female, you are still more powerful than any force-blind person. Gender seems to be pretty irrelevant in terms of how powerful a Jedi or Sith can be. There are lots of powerful female force users in the EU , like Darth Zannah, Darth Cognus, Asajj Ventress, Bastila Shan, etc who are equal or more powerful than some a lot of the male characters. I fail to see how this is an issue.


As for physical strength, well, I'd assume that genetic modification and biotechnology could make men and women equal in physical strength as well.


Maybe they'll introduce some male Republic leaders. I'd like to see more female Darth's

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