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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

My Verdict on SWTOR


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Except that those 26 minutes can be done simultaneously resulting in 14 material output in 26 minutes, and those 2 nodes you ll have to do one by one. Did I mention you can queue up 5 missions simultaneously? So yea 26 min = 35 durasteel not 7, not to mention all the epic returns you can get from them.


You can't get epic returns from gathering missions such as Scavenging. You can't even get blues. You get your specialty crafting white or your standard crafting greens. Those two nodes I have to do one by one are 10 feet from each other on Ilum costing me a grand total of 3 minutes (if there's mobs, 30 seconds if there aren't).



1. Because you could not get anything with resilience for entry gear in wow other than to pvp for it, which is why blue pvp crafted gear was on demand there. As far as I know there are no expertise items from crafting in this game, unless I am wrong?


2. I personally got a purple beam thruster or whatever they r called from completing one of the space missions so you are completely wrong with that statement.


You get ONE purple from space missions and it is the ONLY purple that Cybertechs cannot craft.


3. So sounds like you are making a whole lot of money, 20k per hour was it?


20-35k per ITEM. So if I sell 24 items in a day then 20k an hour is a fair estimate. If you were to base it off of time actually spent playing/crafting it's easily 100k/hr +.


4. You should try slicing out you ll get about as much money if not more per hour from it, 10 missions complete = 10 lockboxes, plus plenty of purple missions to sell on ah to people like you who try to make 20k an hour from buying them lol


I have no intention of going Slicing since Underworld Trading provides me with a surplus of the mats that I need for selling Cybertech stuff on the GTN. I like the crafting aspect and I make a lot of credits from it already so there's really no real reason for me to switch.



You're proving my point over and over for me in that the only people complaining that there is no economy and no crafting system are the ones not actively using it. Everything that you can say negative about the ToR crafting system in terms of items' usefulness can be equally applied to WoW AND THEN SOME. Again, it's not the best crafting system out there but claiming that it's even below average is FACTUALLY baseless.

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You can't get epic returns from gathering missions such as Scavenging. You can't even get blues. You get your specialty crafting white or your standard crafting greens. Those two nodes I have to do one by one are 10 feet from each other on Ilum costing me a grand total of 3 minutes (if there's mobs, 30 seconds if there aren't).

But you can from such gathering things as slicing may be you should go slicing and get purples instead? lol. So you are saying that there are 2 nodes that respawn one after another as you gather them nonstop? Proving my point of limitless supply once again. My point still stands.


You get ONE purple from space missions and it is the ONLY purple that Cybertechs cannot craft.

Which still proves your statement wrong since you said specifically that only cybertechs can get best space ship items. And you did not respond to my other statement, don't even know why you quoted it.


20-35k per ITEM. So if I sell 24 items in a day then 20k an hour is a fair estimate. If you were to base it off of time actually spent playing/crafting it's easily 100k/hr +.

It takes 50 min just to craft a purple item from biochem, I would imagine it is the same for cybertech purples, meaning that if you have 24 items on you that they are not selling all that well since you spent 24 hours just crafting them lol. And I really like that "if" in your post as well, "if I get lucky and someone buys my 185 space ship mods I can make 2 million a day because of how profitable it is" yea right.


I have no intention of going Slicing since Underworld Trading provides me with a surplus of the mats that I need for selling Cybertech stuff on the GTN. I like the crafting aspect and I make a lot of credits from it already so there's really no real reason for me to switch.

I am happy that you are content with your money gains, which you still haven't mentioned how much you are making anyway.


You're proving my point over and over for me in that the only people complaining that there is no economy and no crafting system are the ones not actively using it. Everything that you can say negative about the ToR crafting system in terms of items' usefulness can be equally applied to WoW AND THEN SOME. Again, it's not the best crafting system out there but claiming that it's even below average is FACTUALLY baseless.

What happen with providing me a statement of your previous claim that companion affection does not improve mission returns? By not responding to crucial points of my argument in my post you are proving my point over and over yourself. Oh and I can say those empty statements as well like you do check this.


Everything that you can say negative about the ToR crafting system in terms of items' usefulness can be equally applied to WoW AND THEN SOME. Again, it's not the best crafting system out there but claiming that it's even below average is FACTUALLY baseless.

Everything that you can say positive about the ToR crafting system in terms of items' usefulness can be equally applied WoW AND THEN SOME. But since I can also state a lot of negative aspects of it is clearly worse than WOW system and claiming that it's even as good as average is FACTUALLY baseless.


See what I did there?

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My 11 year old daughter was complaining about the same thing and I would suggest visiting your optomotrist and getting an eye exam. Things were blurring together and it was tough for her to read things beyond a single paragraph. This way, you don't need colors and spacing as much. Believe me, as you get older, you will thank me.


It really worries me greatly that the younger generation is having so many problems reading something on the computer screen. Just concerned for your eyesight.


Oh...oh god, I think he's on fire, he's burning right up xDDD


Good post, OP, I think some of your ratings are too generous and some should have hit 10/10 but overall for what it's worth the game is definitely an 8.5/10 on the "Doing things right" scale.


Frankly, I wondered how they'd keep me away from WoW after I invested so heavily in that game with 5 85's, every profession, etc etc. Making everything a cake-walk was the RIGHT decision if they wanted to keep me, and they did. Apparently, my kind are important to them =P

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I like to read other people's reviews but there is one thing that frustrates me the most. The OP states he has several lvl 50s. Now, I have been playing the game since release casually and at a slower pace to enjoy the content. I am sitting around lvl 30 atm, but the OP must have been doing marathons to have a few lvl 50s.


So who's fault is it that you do marathon gaming sessions and reach the cap lvl and then complain about no end content?


I've been playing since early access, so yes i do hav 3 Lvl 50s. I wasn't doing marathons, plaing sess were 3 or 4 hours max. Its just that i know how to lvl more effciently. Yet, I still feel that end game needs work in tor.

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To all the people debating about crafting, IMO crafting in TOR is very fun. I mean, come on, if you like others doing your dirty work and chance involved, then it has to be fun. For those of you that dislike TOR's crafting, then that is your opinion. Simple as that
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Oh...oh god, I think he's on fire, he's burning right up xDDD


Good post, OP, I think some of your ratings are too generous and some should have hit 10/10 but overall for what it's worth the game is definitely an 8.5/10 on the "Doing things right" scale.


Frankly, I wondered how they'd keep me away from WoW after I invested so heavily in that game with 5 85's, every profession, etc etc. Making everything a cake-walk was the RIGHT decision if they wanted to keep me, and they did. Apparently, my kind are important to them =P


Which ones do you think are too generous?

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yea I loved watching my char bend over for hours at a time, watching that bar go up, over and over while listening to that retarded noise when i could have been doing something better with my time.


You MUST bea talking about EQ2's crafting - the WORST.

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My 11 year old daughter was complaining about the same thing and I would suggest visiting your optomotrist and getting an eye exam. Things were blurring together and it was tough for her to read things beyond a single paragraph. This way, you don't need colors and spacing as much. Believe me, as you get older, you will thank me.


It really worries me greatly that the younger generation is having so many problems reading something on the computer screen. Just concerned for your eyesight.


That, or he failed paragraphs in school.

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School program has 5 grades, F D C B A


F = 1/5 2/10

D = 2/5 4/10

C = 3/5 6/10

B = 4/5 8/10

A = 5/5 10/10


3/5 is average, the middle


you are talking about test grading where it is expected from the student to know well over 50% of the course material to pass the exam, it is considered average to know 75% of the material.


When I was in school an F was 59/100 on down.


A D was 60/100-69/100


A C was 70/100-79/100


A B was 80/100-89/100


And an A was 90/100 on up.


Have things changed that much?

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Best I've seen in an MMO. Before I would craft out of necessity and grinded endlessly to get the mats. Also, I would only craft at endgame. Thus, I feel that Bioware exceeded on crafting. 9/10


You never played SWG then, if you think that this is the best crafting system ever conjured up in a MMO.

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I love the people that say they have multiple 50's and have played ALL the missions possible, I love you guys, you make me feel so much better about lying. Go level some pandas and don't come back. LOL


hahaha - sure they did. I play every day sometimes all day and I'm sorry but there's NO WAY anyone has 3 level 50 characters who didn't power level past all of the cut scene content.

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You never played SWG then, if you think that this is the best crafting system ever conjured up in a MMO.


SWG had the best crafting system for a game ever invented...EVER. I was really hoping that SOE would change that game to F2P....I would have loved to pick up my crafting empire again on Shadowfire.

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hahaha - sure they did. I play every day sometimes all day and I'm sorry but there's NO WAY anyone has 3 level 50 characters who didn't power level past all of the cut scene content.


The only way to do it, is too pay goldfarmers to power level you while you are asleep and at work.

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