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Ah haaaaaaa, misunderstood, fair enough. Bugs can, of course, be fixed, and content will be added. So, it's a win/win situation, really! It'll just take a little bit of ...


*All together now!*




Content will be added yes, but most of the bugs in the game have been reported over and over from beta til gold. I have little patience to give a company money and have their product be bug ridden, especially when the issues have been identified for a long time. My patience is MUCH less for that.

Edited by Vydor_HC
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what i want to know is where are all these people getting this "biggest MMO budget EVAR!" data from?..... its never been officially posted, and it is all speculation. ****, all of you


Well, I personally quoted from PC Gamer's TOR cover-special edition, and their interview with Daniel Erickson (Lead writer at BW) - would you like any more sources? I'm quite happy to provide you with back-up for anything I've said thus far.

Edited by Hebrind
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Well, I personally quoted from PC Gamer's TOR cover-special edition, and their interview with Daniel Erickson (Lead writer at BW) - would you like any more sources? I'm quite happy to provide you with back-up for anything I've said thus far.


i would absolutley love direct links with sources. thanks

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Patience? They blatantly lied about their engine via advertisment showing highres textures that dont work on modern machines which run bf3 and the like. What patience are you writing about? They broke the law. Edited by Ommm
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Patience? They blatantly lied about their engine via advertisment showing highres textures that dont work on modern machines which run bf3 and the like. What patience are you writing about? They broke the law.


Come on, man. Name one game that advertises with the in-game engine. Every developer is guilty of the same "lie."


I'm not saying that your complaint is ridiculous, and I hope they add the high-end textures - I'm sure they will when they iron out the memory leak issues and other system problems. But the "Bioware lied!" response is a little crazy.

Edited by TrifKaylon
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You don't get it do you? There is no patience. The game is either great or it's doomed. WoW did not have to suffer this trial-through-fire because at the moment it came out there was nothing else better, no place people could fall back to and that was WoW's greatest advantage.


If SWTOR does not keep it's players after the 30 days expire then it's lost. This was their biggest chance to get people hooked and I'm afraid they missed it. This IS exactly like the Warhammer Online Launch...




I feel as if this is pretty accurate. WoW did have EQ to compete with, but WoW was far enough ahead that it could retain subs as it built itself up into what it became.


The game isn't far enough ahead of WoW in several critical areas to be able to afford itself a cushion. That doesn't mean it isn't better in several areas or even the majority of the areas. It just means that if there are critical flaws in vital aspects of the game play that are done better by other competitors on the market, the game won't last.


I don't want this game to fail.

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Come on, man. Name one game that advertises with the in-game engine. Every developer is guilty of the same lie.


I'm not saying that your complaint is ridiculous, and I hope they add the high-end textures - I'm sure they will when they iron out the memory leak issues and other system problems. But the "Bioware lied!" response is a little crazy.

Cmon ???? This is fraud as per definition we are talking about here!

Edited by Ommm
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It is not remotely fraud by any definition of the word.


It falls under decieving advertisment in my country. And not every developer does this. Name me one that fails like this for that price and such a big studio with so much money! Are you joking? It is basic graphical features we are talking about here, that are missing from the game, which they advertised with and still do so. Completly muddy textures im starring at on their "highest" setting, which only use textures with half size.

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I hate PVP. PVP gets my PVE skills nerfed.



Yea well both pvp and pve get crafting screwed. I guess I was fooled into believing this.



The best stuff is always going to come from other players, and then be made by other players. There will be stuff that you can craft that is among the best stuff in the entire game. So very close to the top tier that you could get for anything.




Edited by Chromiie
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I feel as if this is pretty accurate. WoW did have EQ to compete with, but WoW was far enough ahead that it could retain subs as it built itself up into what it became.


The game isn't far enough ahead of WoW in several critical areas to be able to afford itself a cushion. That doesn't mean it isn't better in several areas or even the majority of the areas. It just means that if there are critical flaws in vital aspects of the game play that are done better by other competitors on the market, the game won't last.


I don't want this game to fail.


And that is why I made this forum thread. That is the exact reason we should have patience and not write the game off mere weeks after release. That's the exact reason we should support the game and acknowledge it's triumphs as well as it's defeats.


I'm not saying the game's perfect. It's not, anyone can see that - but it's certainly not the travesty that people are claiming it to be. And over what? Some high-res textures?


If you ask me - and you've come this far, so I guess you kind of are - that's really petty.

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perhaps if people read the Dev tackers, like they should, theyd see taht high res textures are ebing worked on, and they are rolling out a fix to have high res textures displaye don characters close to you......PEOPLE NEED TO READ Edited by Jackama
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I have plenty of patience.


I will patiently wait, unsubbed, until the product meets my expectations. Then, I will re-subscribe.


What I will not do, is pay $x/mo for a product that does not impress me.


bye bye, do us a favor and unregister from the site too. so we dont have more of filth like you clogging the forums

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Well, I personally quoted from PC Gamer's TOR cover-special edition, and their interview with Daniel Erickson (Lead writer at BW) - would you like any more sources? I'm quite happy to provide you with back-up for anything I've said thus far.


any day now.....




closest thing ive found to any budget info is this statement, from a review site, "with a budget rumored to be around $135 million dollars"



still way outside the 300mil people claim

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Ladies and gentlemen of the forums, and of BioWare,


May I take a moment to say thankyou for this game, it's fantastic. I'm not going to go into specifics just yet, but I would like to make some things clear to anyone who happens to read my post. Let me just say that I don't understand anything to do with programming and coding, and nor will I pretend to. However, being a rational human being and being an agreeable sort of guy (so long as I've got a couple of cups of tea inside me), I would like to just give my point of view on one of the matters at hand.


I simply wonder why people are upset about SW:TOR's bugginess; it's a pretty polished game compared to many releases on the market (Skyrim to name but one) and it works well. It's enjoyable, there's enough content to keep me happy for at least a few months - I think anyone who has multiple level 50 characters at the moment need to slow down, stop trying to "beat" the game, and smell the roses a bit. Perhaps see some sunlight every so often.


A lot of people on the forums complain that TOR doesn't have as much content as other MMO's, World of Warcraft of course being the main competitor. Well, of course it doesn't. It's a new release, WoW has had about 11 years of collective development time and 7 years of being live. Of course it has more content. But is the quality of late up to BioWare's standard? Personally, I don't think so.


Games - especially games of this scope - take time. Lots and lots of time. To quote Daniel Erickson, TOR's Lead Writer,


"We calculated it. We've got about 20 credited writers on TOR, and they produced 60 man-years of writing. If one person sat down to write our game, they'd be 60 before they finished. It's larger than every other BioWare RPG put together."


This is just the start of the journey, dear forum-ites, and we can bet (or at least hope) that BioWare will learn from Blizzard's mistakes. The quality of the quest delivery is already stellar. The game itself, graphically, looks far better than WoW ever will - and that's not my opinion, it's technical fact. Couple these traits with the pedigree of BioWare's past endeavours, along with the game system itself (which is tighter than me - and I'm a Yorkshireman), and you've got something truly special. So why try to skip to the end of the journey?


There are additions I feel BioWare could certainly make, specifically when it comes to the UI's feedback and responsiveness: A threat meter and custom UI support come to mind. But I know that, 6 months down the line, TOR will be sleeker. It'll be faster. It'll be more fun. And I'll still be playing it because I won't have over-indulged myself by trying to beat the game.


Enjoy the ride. Treat it like a game - something to be enjoyed and to be immersed in. Don't treat it like a gadget and complain until you're blue in the face because "WoW haz moar stuf!". That's like saying "Oblivion is better than Skyrim, because Oblivion's got mods and more time behind it". And it just doesn't work like that - does it?


And for those of you who has got three level 50 characters and feel the game is "lacking", please remember not to treat this like a job, and treat it more like a game - unless of course, TOR is your job, and you work for BioWare, in which case you have my undying envy.


Thankyou for reading this, thankyou for your consideration, and please leave "troll" comments at the door.






+1 to OP

- 10 to WoWheads and MMO newbs

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any day now.....




closest thing ive found to any budget info is this statement, from a review site, "with a budget rumored to be around $135 million dollars"



still way outside the 300mil people claim




Over $300million, says here. First link when you google "The Old Republic Budget".

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Hi Everyone,


Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and compliments about the game. As this generally is a thread discussing the community and asking for patience as Bioware continues to improve the game, we will be closing this thread.


We appreciate the kind words, however we ask that on the forums you discuss specific topics of the game as this will help to create a constructive community.


Thank You!

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