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I am a SORC saying Operatives are FINE


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Of course he has to run and this is his chance to kill the op, thats what you do with other classes aswell in certain situation. Take the Shadow, he can use force speed as tactic. The powertech runs to kite opponents...Do you think you can tank as a light armor weare, yeah I know your bubble gives you better tank stats than acutally a tank for a certain amount of damage, but you cant expect to go tow to tow like a warrior, except you are one of these almost undestructable healers.


Ya ******* then they restealth and hit you again before you can heal up. You can't kite because his stealth will pop. AND YES I throw weaken mind dot with a slow as soon as I can after trinket and stun and sprint. And yes I always look for range against melee classes. I've seen an OP take on 3 people, sure he was probably using consumables we know need nerfed, but still it goes to show there a bit much.

Edited by Sgt_shades
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I dont know what classed did you play or only watching TV series like "World of Roguecraft"...


You are obviously clueless about vanilla WoW if you say that warlocks would kill a decent rogue, stunlock was op in vanilla wow and even with the nerfs over time after TBC it is still to be feared, but in Vanilla WoW you could do 0 to stop a rogue from stunlocking you even if you trinket out of 1 stun, if you dont know *** you are talking about then you shouldent comment on it.


And "World of Roguecraft" is actually a vid on Youtube that shows how easy it was for rogues in Vanilla wow to kill any class without any effort at all.

Edited by Miothan
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So basically your saying the Operative should be able to solo every class 1 on 1, like he can now, even when out geared.


That is actually what a rogue type of class is designed to do.


That is what it's soul purpose is, and that purpose is to take down a target as fast as they can and get outta dodge.




Cause if a OP or Scoundrel stays in the wide open, is seen by others, gets teamed up on, if the other players are better equipped to deal with it, guess what happens?




Here is some more truth for ya,


All classes, all, can beat any class 1vs1.


Here is some more truth,


Not all people are good enough to realize that.


Why do you say that Caeliux?


Cause there is "those" that need to L2P.


^ Yep.

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Ya ******* then they restealth and hit you again before you can heal up. You can't kite because his stealth will pop. AND YES I throw weaken mind dot with a slow as soon as I can after trinket and stun and sprint.


It depends if the player has its cooldown up or not...

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That is actually what a rogue type of class is designed to do.


That is what it's soul purpose is, and that purpose is to take down a target as fast as they can and get outta dodge.




Cause if a OP or Scoundrel stays in the wide open, is seen by others, gets teamed up on, if the other players are better equipped to deal with it, guess what happens?




Here is some more truth for ya,


All classes, all, can beat any class 1vs1.


Here is some more truth,


Not all people are good enough to realize that.


Why do you say that Caeliux?


Cause there is "those" that need to L2P.


^ Yep.


This isn't WoW, we dont have rogues and if healers cant heal worth a crap. Sure we can put up useless WZ spam numbers but not heal where needed, OPs shouldnt be rogues here.


I don't want to see a huge nerf, just a tweak. Even beta testers said the OP was the best pvp class, before the game even opened up.

Edited by Sgt_shades
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I will follow my previous post with this one comment. All the talk is 1 v 1 examples. But, in organized PvP especially huttball and Voidstar my position on the map is important. The one thing I don't like is I often have to give up a serious lane for passing or undefined a node in huttball. The trade off is in lost time that in those particular games with the way the objectives are laid out can not be regained.


The choice is to escape and lose time or die and lose more time.

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Yea we all know that warlocks facerolled all the UD rogues in vanilla......


Actually any Rogue in vanilla could kill warlocks, i dont know what game you played during vanilla WoW, but it certainly was not World of Warcraft, go watch "World of Roguecraft" should still be up on Youtube.


OT: To say that Scoundrels are fine just because players has a chance due to a 2 min cd ability is just wrong, and even with the stun breaker you still die sometimes, its not like they stop doing damage just because you break out of a stun.


I did write if he was caught in the open without his cooldowns and btw WotF wasnt my problem since I was Horde myself. At this time there was a problem with diminishing returns and you could play rollercoaster forever almost, dotting him up and gg. Later in 2006 they got deathcoil and it was better, but rogues were a counterclass... I did eat rogues for breakfast with my BM at this time. Back then Rogues had big problems aswell without Shadowstep fighting Warlocks with the Sucubus, not everyone was a "World of Roguecraft" player....there were a lot more patch versions and btw at this time the whining in the rogue forums about the class was huge, Roguecraft was special and showed the masses a way how to succeed.

Edited by BobaFurz
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This isn't WoW, we dont have rogues and if healers cant heal worth a crap.


Are you going to sit here and tell me there isn't any good healing in this game?


Are you going to sit here and say that a OP Concealment, a Scoundrel Sawbones, a Sith Assassin, and a Jedi Shadow, isn't a rogue type of class?


I think you have no clue what you are talking about.



Even beta testers said the OP was the best pvp class, before the game even opened up.


I think you listen to other people, if you don't know from personal experience then don't ever post ever again.


Matter fact next time you think you know, don't.


If you have a question ask, don't assume.

Edited by Caeliux
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Are you going to sit here and tell me there isn't any good healing in this game?


Are you going to sit here and say that a OP Concealment, a Scoundrel Sawbones, a Sith Assassin, and a Jedi Shadow, isn't a rogue type of class?


I think you have no clue what you are talking about.





I think you listen to other people, if you don't know from personal experience then don't ever post ever again.


Matter fact next time you think you know, don't.


If you have a question ask, don't assume.


I do know from personal experience. No class should be able to take out another that fast and without risk. They can kill someone from 100 to zero, even when healps arrives. Sure they may die, but they still got a kill 1 on 3. Its because it happens so fast, the target is too close to dead before he can trinket or help assists. I'm just saying lower initial burst, raise regular damage if needed.


Healing is what it is. Its terrible if compared to wow healers like he was comparing OPs to rogues.

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Are you going to sit here and tell me there isn't any good healing in this game?


Are you going to sit here and say that a OP Concealment, a Scoundrel Sawbones, a Sith Assassin, and a Jedi Shadow, isn't a rogue type of class?


I think you have no clue what you are talking about.





I think you listen to other people, if you don't know from personal experience then don't ever post ever again.


Matter fact next time you think you know, don't.


If you have a question ask, don't assume.


How's this for personal experience.


I was 46 op, speced and geared for healing. I wanted to see what was up so I respeced into conceal. I purposfully targetted 50's and not only was I taking more than 50% of their life away within a HS knockdown but I was almost 70-75% successful in killing them. If things went wrong, I was about 80% successful in getting away.


So, to recap, a non-50 with no PvP gear and not even geared properly for the spec, downing 7 out of every 10 targets with an 80% escape rate?



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I do know from personal experience. No class should be able to take out another that fast and without risk.


Here is a level 50 champ gear OP telling you that I face 50's that beat my *** daily, and I have days where I know my class isn't as good as others.


Here is a 50 champ gear OP telling you vs pre-mades and good players that chances are slim to none if your not a dam good player to deal with good players.


Here is a 50 champ gear OP telling you if your a low level, if your not 50, if you are a pug, if you think your good, 9-10 I and others will burst steamroll you.


Has nothing to do with being TOO OVERPOWERED, has to do with being level 50, picking the right person to kill, hoping noone is around to disrupt the kill, and lets see what happens.



Its terrible if compared to wow healers like he was comparing OPs to rogues.


Here is something you need to think about before talking about this game, and healing, or anything else,


1. This is not Warcraft.


2. Number 1#


3. Healers in this game are great, and with the right combo, gear, and practice, is really fun to play with.


4. Number 1#


5. Repeat



Edited by Caeliux
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I'm talking 1 vs 1, premades are a given players are usually better equipped and experienced. but even 1 vs 1, The OP should not be able to take an equally geared opponent below half health on first move. And that s if opponent trinkets, if not hes dead. Maybe its the animation delay getting up. I dont know, but there is know way to be over half health using a trinket- stun-run-dot. Thats most of a sages cc right there. the OP can still restealth and do over before a sage can use his slow heals. Edited by Sgt_shades
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So, to recap, a non-50 with no PvP gear and not even geared properly for the spec, downing 7 out of every 10 targets with an 80% escape rate?




I put it too you like this, your not doing that on a regular basis, and even if you owned that match, there will be 100's more where teams know how to deal with you.


You ever face a team of a few healers, a tank, and like 4 Commando's playing a OP?


You ever face a few tanks, a healer, and like 4 snipers?


Don't make me splash all in this thread and say there is a counter to everything in this game..


People are the ones that have to figure it out, pre-mades are built to destroy any combo in the game.


I do this in my pre-mades, I don't care what you think your team is doing, my pre-made has a 80% win ratio or better, and it's because of teamwork, not level 50, not gear, not class.


Yes it helps that we are 50, and some players are not, point is people think a OP/Scond can steamroll full groups no matter what, and is making it the Jesus of all classes.


I am here to tell you that I am a skilled level 50 OP, and I know for a fact a Sentinel or Marauder, a Bounty Hunter Merc, and a Trooper Commando are better than me at 50 with same gear I got on.

Edited by Caeliux
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The OP should not be able to take an equally geared opponent below half health on first move.


Get 50, get some health, then talk about what a OP can do vs you.


Don't come in here and tell me that a 50 OP should not be able to destroy someone else that isn't 50, and that isn't prepared to deal with it.


I told you it's a rogue class, meaning it a 1vs1 killer, its main job is to take a target down.


Deal with it, find people and pre-made to counter it.


Pick a class that can deal with it.


Get to 50.


Get geared.





Edited by Caeliux
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Here is a level 50 champ gear OP telling you that I face 50's that beat my *** daily, and I have days where I know my class isn't as good as others.


Here is a 50 champ gear OP telling you vs pre-mades and good players that chances are slim to none if your not a dam good player to deal with good players.


Here is a 50 champ gear OP telling you if your a low level, if your not 50, if you are a pug, if you think your good, 9-10 I and others will burst steamroll you.


Has nothing to do with being TOO OVERPOWERED, has to do with being level 50, picking the right person to kill, hoping noone is around to disrupt the kill, and lets see what happens.





Here is something you need to think about before talking about this game, and healing, or anything else,


1. This is not Warcraft.


2. Number 1#


3. Healers in this game are great, and with the right combo, gear, and practice, is really fun to play with.


4. Number 1#


5. Repeat




You just lost all credability saying healers in this game are fun. They could be if the UI was workable.


The guy arguing for OPs was the one that started bringing up WoW, so you can drop that. And stop referring to everyone like they are not 50 and champ geared. You have no clue on that, your just blindly defending your fav class. Again I don't want to see an over nerf like you do in so many games, just the opener/knockdown tweaked. And should not be able to restealth with a dot. Somehow Ops are getting around this.

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You just lost all credability saying healers in this game are fun.


Who are you to say it isn't or is, point is it does not suck


UI is not a class problem, and people post 300k to 600k healing in Warzones just fine.


The guy arguing for OPs was the one that started bringing up WoW, so you can drop that. And stop referring to everyone like they are not 50 and champ geared. You have no clue on that, your just blindly defending your fav class. Again I don't want to see an over nerf like you do in so many games, just the opener/knockdown tweaked. And should not be able to restealth with a dot. Somehow Ops are getting around this.


1. It's not my fav class, my BH is.


2. I have more clues about this game than most people, I played beta 5 months, and also have 2 50's, and 3 level 20's.


3. I think you are kinda butt hurt or something, all I'm geting outta this is "Nerf please Bioware, help me"



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people putting up 600k numbers are just throwing around AE heals. Sure there nice but not meaningful. Half of them are usually when the fight is over.


UI may be an overall problem but healers do the most party member/enemy target switching so the UI issues effect them the most, but yes it is an all class problem.


And whatever. This is my last post in this topic. Obviously your one sided and nobody is going to say anything to convince you their opener is a bit too strong, they can restealth and repeat even when dotted so if you do survive initial opener with trinket, you wont survive the next.

Edited by Sgt_shades
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people putting up 600k numbers are just throwing around AE heals. Sure there nice but not meaningful.


I can't talk to you anymore, why do you keep on talking nonsense?


Not meaningful, you think gaming is a soap opera or something?


You think Healing is suppose to be meaningful, or needed to succeed?


You know what has no meaning?


Your post atm.

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I can't talk to you anymore, why do you keep on talking nonsense?


Not meaningful, you think gaming is a soap opera or something?


You think Healing is suppose to be meaningful, or needed to succeed?


You know what has no meaning?


Your post atm.


Good job, you trolled me into 1 more post with your half quote of me. Didn't bother putting in I said half the AE heals are after the fight is over and smart players use thier meditation anyway. Why don't you play a sage to 50 then and tell me nothing at all is wrong? Sure every class is fun overall, but every class has things that can be improved. Stop acting like a Fanboy and help improve the game.

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Sorcs are actually the #1 tank class in the game for PvP.


As we have been discovering, tank shields only deflect weapon damage -- not "internal", "external", "elemental" or "kinetic" damage. Ditto for Defense stats. And armor does not help against "elemental" or "internal" damage.


The Sorc absorb shield is the only thing in the game that actually seems to tank all forms of damage.



So OP being a sorc saying operatives are fine is perfectly expected. He's probably the only class in the game that CAN say this.


um sorry i couldnt read anything past that


r u out of ur mind dude?


im sure u dont play a sorc.. we ARE the squishiest class in this game hands down, our ONLY defensive cooldown is to RUN AWAY


we're the tanks? im pretty sure i see juggernauts and powertechs slowwwwwly walking thru the hazards in huttball taking almost no dmg, all while tanking 5 people as they stroll across the goal line


rly dont talk or post anymore because calling sorc's a tank is ridiculous

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I put it too you like this, your not doing that on a regular basis, and even if you owned that match, there will be 100's more where teams know how to deal with you.


You ever face a team of a few healers, a tank, and like 4 Commando's playing a OP?


You ever face a few tanks, a healer, and like 4 snipers?


Don't make me splash all in this thread and say there is a counter to everything in this game..


People are the ones that have to figure it out, pre-mades are built to destroy any combo in the game.


I do this in my pre-mades, I don't care what you think your team is doing, my pre-made has a 80% win ratio or better, and it's because of teamwork, not level 50, not gear, not class.


Yes it helps that we are 50, and some players are not, point is people think a OP/Scond can steamroll full groups no matter what, and is making it the Jesus of all classes.


I am here to tell you that I am a skilled level 50 OP, and I know for a fact a Sentinel or Marauder, a Bounty Hunter Merc, and a Trooper Commando are better than me at 50 with same gear I got on.


You ever think about getting a few leet ops together and make your own pre-made? Then you can insta gib 2 of your opponents, stealth and repeat instead of trying to lone wolf them. Every other class trying to solo a good team of 4 other players has zero chance of success also.

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um sorry i couldnt read anything past that


r u out of ur mind dude?


im sure u dont play a sorc.. we ARE the squishiest class in this game hands down, our ONLY defensive cooldown is to RUN AWAY


we're the tanks? im pretty sure i see juggernauts and powertechs slowwwwwly walking thru the hazards in huttball taking almost no dmg, all while tanking 5 people as they stroll across the goal line


rly dont talk or post anymore because calling sorc's a tank is ridiculous


If you had bothered to read and then comprehend his post, you might have found that he makes more sense than you do.

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