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This que is horrible


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I'm going to tell you what I told my friend who didn't read his email and forgot to register his preorder code until yesterday. They said up to 5 days. Anything before that is extra gravy. If you didn't pre order and register until December that's no one's fault but your own. Suck it up and go play something else until you get that email. Until then your opinion about the game and or launch is null and void because, honestly, you aren't playing and nobody promised you 7 day early access.


Smoothest launch ever by a mmo. No queues, no mass rush to nodes and or mobs.

Edited by Meluna
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Anyone else ever been at the launch of a game and not been able to play for two days?


Are you stuck at the loading screen? Or stuck in a queue? Is the game frozen up?


Lots of people are playing in this free-game-time early access gift that was given by Bioware to those that preordered.


Not sure what you're whining about. Oh wait, I got it. Entitlement. Whiney, its-not-fair-even-though-it-was-shown-to-me-in-simple-English Entitlement.

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Worst launch in recent history. If people believe this to be the best ever they are speaking without experience, or with Fanboy prejudice that causes in an illogical emotional attachment that leads to blind defence of something that is incapable of loving them back.


Maybe a good launch compared to games launched 5+ years ago. For a MMO made 2010+ this has been a terrible launch. You can see by the number of threads dedicated to how bad its been.

Edited by Arutassin
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This is my third launch of a MMO and I must say it is by far the worst that I have experienced. I do not like the mushroom treatment I feel we are being given. They should have given us some clue of when to expect to get invited rather then have us sit in limbo for seven days possibly. This is a terrible way to treat customers.



Thank you for the bump but unless you have some thing relevant to add to this discussion please refrain from posting in this thread.


No one is making you sit at your computer and wait!! Go outside and stop complaining. The game is not officially released till the 20th so you should feel privileged that they are even letting people that per-ordered get in a little earlier!!

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Could everyone that cries in this tread please post what server you're going to play on? I would like to avoid even playing on the same servers as you guys. Don't want another MMO experince ruined.



Hmm, you write on the forum about something you see as a problem because it might ruin your mmo experience..


Are you serious?


People need to get of their high horses and get something through their thick skulls, people have different opinions about how something should be done and by god do they have the right to vent their frustration if something doesn't go to their liking and even though i don't get why people do it because it won't change anything, people like you are the worst type of player on the mmo scene, "The selfrightous twatcicle".


Kisses, <3

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This game launched!? I had no idea! I thought that the launch was supposed to be on the 20th of December! What the hell is going on? Why can't I play? OMGWTFBBQ!


Yeah... Early Access is by date of pre-order, suck it up. The game hasn't even launched officially yet.


"official launch" means nothing. When you can play and keep your character into the normal game-time...the game has launched.

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imo all this is just a beta still. You cant say its a smooth launch when the game has not officially launched yet. Also they are taking down the severs right before launch so when they come back up they are just going to get flooded again. To me this looks like a way were they can test their sever's out some more before the big day hits.


Also it probably is not the smoothest way to start a game. By making a lot of people angry. Now, if something else happens it just adds to the fire.

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I have been in multiple launches and this is by far the smoothest.

If you're part of the ~15% who has gotten to play already, you're part of a negligible minority.


Imagine if it wasn't staggered access that was preventing 85% of players from playing the game. Imagine if server instability, massive lag, unplayable bugs, or some combination thereof made it impossible for all but 10% of the population to play the game. Would you call that a smooth launch?

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Still not getting how this will prevent server merges, if they wan't to let all people play without Queuing. There Servers will have a max capacity, so if you let 2 million players in on one day or over 7 in the end the number of Servers will be the same. The only way they can circumvent Server merging is if they don't have a drop off after the free month. Thats what causes server merges dwindling subscriber numbers. there will probably 3+ million players after the 20th and they need enough servers to play. If now only half will pay after 30 days server merges will occur, no matter if you open the Gates at launch or like SWTOR with waves.


Very simple answer. If you let everyone in at once you have to estimate how many servers that will be needed to hold the load. If you overestimate the load you will have more servers than you need if you underestimate you will have massive queues until you get more online. Both of these scenarios are not good for the company. This is the best way to proceed. I want to play like everyone else but i also want a healthy server to play on.

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You need to cancel your preorder like I did. Put your money where your mouth is.... and not only that.... ask that they do the right thing here and allow EQUAL ACCESS for everyone... reset ALL SERVERS on the 19th at 2359.


Uh neverEVER happen...













did i say never?

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You need to cancel your preorder like I did. Put your money where your mouth is.... and not only that.... ask that they do the right thing here and allow EQUAL ACCESS for everyone... reset ALL SERVERS on the 19th at 2359.


Yeah, that will happen.

Edited by Akaen
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The argument: The game "launched" yesterday. Not December 20th. Everyone should be in.


My question: When you pre-ordered they had ONE date defined: December 20th... and if you pre-order you could get up to 5 days of Early Access. So when you pre-ordered what did you think Early Access was? I mean your logic is as soon as someone gets in, *thats* the official launch. So when they called it Early Access back when you pre-ordered a month or two or more ago... what were you thinking it was? Clearly you thought it was something different than a launch yes? What were you thinking December 20th was? When they said Early Access was going to be based on when you pre-ordered and not everyone was going to get in at the same time... what were you thinking was going to change that once Early Access starts?


Please, explain to me what you were thinking when you pre-ordered that made you think anything going on presently would be different?

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Ive been in WoW FFXIV Rift launch (Was there for FFXI but it had been out before hand in japan) and out of the 3 i listed this is by far the worst launch tactic ive seen....high five trion biowares makin your launch look perfect


you obviously forgot about the wow servers that went down for 3 days then



the simple fact that BW have invited more people in the last 2 days to early access than wow had in its first 6 months should be a wake up call.

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Not gunna lie, the more people that cancel their preorder, the quicker i get in, so if you dont like that fact that they are letting people in early even 2 days before originally stated, then dont play, save it for people that are actually happy to wait for a couple of days
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The argument: The game "launched" yesterday. Not December 20th. Everyone should be in.


My question: When you pre-ordered they had ONE date defined: December 20th... and if you pre-order you could get up to 5 days of Early Access. So when you pre-ordered what did you think Early Access was? I mean your logic is as soon as someone gets in, *thats* the official launch. So when they called it Early Access back when you pre-ordered a month or two or more ago... what were you thinking it was? Clearly you thought it was something different than a launch yes? What were you thinking December 20th was? When they said Early Access was going to be based on when you pre-ordered and not everyone was going to get in at the same time... what were you thinking was going to change that once Early Access starts?


Please, explain to me what you were thinking when you pre-ordered that made you think anything going on presently would be different?


I will bold, exclamation point, and acclaim this statement from the roof tops.


What were you THINKING? the day before yesterday, when you knew what was going to happen, PRECISELY, and yet, you seemingly weren't p.o.'ed about it at all but considered it a bonus .. and today, TODAY, you're raising Cain!?!!

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I've been in multiple launches and never have I sat for over 24 hours in a queue before.


You've been in multiple launches? Then you realize this isn't even launch for SWTOR? Then again, reading comprehension must be tough if you were unable to read and figure out how they were letting people into early access. Then again, they didn't even let it be known they would even allow people access on the 13th til last week. So, in all honesty you should not have even expected to play til the 15th. So, what is your complaint again?


I bet you are under the age 22? Cause people born in the 80's, 70's, and before don't have these entitlement issues.

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Not gunna lie, the more people that cancel their preorder, the quicker i get in, so if you dont like that fact that they are letting people in early even 2 days before originally stated, then dont play, save it for people that are actually happy to wait for a couple of days


This is not the case. I know a couple people that canceled the preorder but are still allowed early access...

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