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Everything posted by Krissen

  1. I used to like it until the game started forcing smoke effects that kills my computer...
  2. Im finding it very difficult to do my trademark "teabagging" on corpses since they release instantly, im finding myself in the position wheras I have to stun them right before they die and jump my crotch up into their face. And it does get the same effect on my part, but Im not sure my oponent is very clear on whats going on ... That is all.
  3. It's like I always say, you can't have a party without blood of the innocent.
  4. Abit oftopic and ontopic at the same time.. I had these "memory leaks" for a month and have tried everything to fix it. It was 2 days ago that I upgraded from Vista to Windows 7 and have had clean 50 fps increas and not having to restart swtor client every 2 hours because the lag made the game unplayable. Also I heard some rumours about it being Vista and not biowares fault that the "memory leaks" occur. If someone on windows 7 is experiencing it aswell, then I guess I am just very lucky. Good Luck chaps.
  5. Would be nice with some feedback if or when they will solve this.
  6. You lost me Also, trolling people who don't care when they get into the servers, with trying to convince them is later then it really is, is bound to fail. You are not the first and I bet you won't be the last to try though.
  7. Noones gonna mess with you, they know you got serious backup, when we eventually get there...
  8. Does it sadden you to see people who are capable of rising above their own selfish needs for something, and who are able to see enjoyment in something instead of always grinding on about something we cannot change. I am pretty sure most of us would have liked to play on the 13th, but that is not the case, don't come at us for trying to make the best of it, we don't need that sort of attitude in this thread nor do we want it. Here have a /hug /signed Decemberite
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyjEAVrUv70 Not sure if people will enjoy this but...
  10. We will be playing on a recently fresh if not entirely fresh server so there won't be any lvl 40's with us.
  11. Where can I , uhm, play this game? I mean, I want to help them get back on their feet, not exploit their young firm bodies for cheap sexual thrills or anything like that! HONEST!
  12. Yeah, lets do it later, I got a pillow that could use a hug.
  13. Honestly, can't wait to play with you guys. /awesomesauce =)
  14. In a smug british James Bond Accent. Hi, my name is Time, Game Time.
  15. Will be playing a Bounty Hunter Mercenary, or so I am told anyway.
  16. Only chance for this to happen is through one of them Bonus waves i reckon. Feel free to hope for the best.
  17. Someone will eventually welcome you into our midst.
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