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This que is horrible


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Great. Please link me to where BW provided a rough schedule of when people would get early access. I (and a lot of other people) have been asking for one.


Their rough schedule was, and is, "Up to five days" and based upon "time of preorder." You've had one for a while. What you're asking for is a very specific schedule of when each individual should expect to gain access to the servers. They've given you an estimate. Giving you exact dates would only make any unexpected problems worse as you would say "but you PROMISED this date." Promises are never good for a company to make, which is why they keep them broad.

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I take it you have not read this




From the words of the co-owners


Ah I see what you did there. He may have called it "Launch" but it's not. This is Early Game Access, a special program for those who went ahead and put their money and faith into BW and their game.


Officially, for the WORLD, Launch is December 20th. That is the official, "HOLD ON TIGHT!" time.

Edited by Aisar
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And why would you expect this?


Other MMOs that have done a staggered launch? Pretty sure there hasn't been any.

Something BW stated that they would be continuing to send out waves 24/7 during Early Access? Pretty sure that was never stated.


So where did the expectation come from other than a (poor) assumption you made based on nothing but a hunch?


If you'd read my post as a whole instead of quoting one line out of context and baiting me, I really don't think I need to expand on the point I presented in that previous post.

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You need to cancel your preorder like I did. Put your money where your mouth is.... and not only that.... ask that they do the right thing here and allow EQUAL ACCESS for everyone... reset ALL SERVERS on the 19th at 2359.


Awesome post dude!!! Made my day and put a smile on my face as I was leaving the office to go play some SWTOR... hit Coruscant last night so time to pick up where I left off.


Enjoy the rest of your day and go get yourself a good dinner with the money you saved by canceling.

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I can't wait till I get to play, so I can leave these forums forever. And not because of the QQ'ers, because of you fan boys that talk down to anyone that thinks anything is wrong with your precious god.


Have fun kissing each others rears when we all get to play.

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i could have sworn that the LAUNCH date was the 20th??? this being the 14th, it hasn't officially launched yet. With that said, I pre-ordered the game and I could care less if I don't get in till the 20th. who cares who gets in the game first or not. The game is going to be around for years to come people are complaining....pathetic. and someone said they should restart the servers on the 20th to make everyone the same level??? that's like saying if someone bought the game next year "whaaaaaa I cant believe everyone is lvl 50 and im only lvl 1 whaaaaaaaa, i want my money back whaaaaaaa" give it a rest already..geez


I pre-ordered for the sole reason of early access, like most others. I very much enjoyed the Early Access system Rift had and wanted to be part of the same. This however is not, I assumed, and that only makes an *** out of myself.

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Ah I see what you did there. He may have called it "Launch" but it's not. This is Early Game Access, a special program for those who went ahead and put their money and faith into BW and their game.


Officially, for the WORLD, Launch is December 20th. That is the official, "HOLD ON TIGHT!" time.


LOL so the people that started the company that make this game know less about it then you do? delusional much?

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This is my third launch of a MMO and I must say it is by far the worst that I have experienced. I do not like the mushroom treatment I feel we are being given. They should have given us some clue of when to expect to get invited rather then have us sit in limbo for seven days possibly. This is a terrible way to treat customers.



Thank you for the bump but unless you have some thing relevant to add to this discussion please refrain from posting in this thread.


Here is something relevant.........


Sorry, but you have been informed to what will happen if you Pre-ordered. You chose not to read it all.


They stated that you MAY have UP TO 5 days...NOT GUARANTEED 5 days Head Start access.

Learn to read please before you click buttons. It is YOUR fault, NOT theirs!


Also from their site......


Customers who pre-order Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ will be able to play the game before the official launch. “Early Game Access” is the period of time before the official game launch when pre-order customers may access the game. Early Game Access may begin as early as December 13, 2011, 7:00AM EST (Pacific: December 13th, 4:00AM PST; European: December 13th, 12:00PM GMT, 1:00PM CET). The length of your Early Game Access depends on the date and order in which you redeemed your Pre-Order Code at the Code Redemption Center. See the FAQ for more details.


YOU are the reason many threads like yours are showing up!


No reply needed from OP, because he now knows better.


PS. I am finally able to post and inform the Un-informed and Ignorant.


Good day. :rolleyes:


Edit: For Bold and Underlined text for the reading and Understanding Impaired.

Edited by Jessina
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Incredibly smooth pre-release launch so far.


Keep them waves of invites going! Staggering the player base is making a very smooth experience. This way Bioware can see each server slowly grow and add more when warranted.


I am sure that by Friday a huge majority of the pre-orders will be in.

Edited by Tamanous
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The co-founders of Bioware say otherwise friend. Read the first sentence.




then why is it you cant put in you "registration code" in till the 20th??? and the code that people already used is called the "pre-order code" in other words EARLY ACCESS CODE. the official launch date is, and has always been the 20th..period they are just trying to be nice and reward people early access that have pre-ordered the game. to get in the game early is a privilege, not a right.

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Just because servers don't show full at this point, you forgot that yesterday, they were completely full to the brim. I'm thinking somewhere along the line, that you also forgot that those people are probably working and waiting to get home.


They may have been full yesterday, but just because they aren't full now, doesn't mean they'll be logging in later. I still think this is a smart move because now they get to see how it handles during over a set period of time. How people log in and out.


Not everyone gets to stay home all day and wait for their e-mail and log in right away. It's just the way the world works.


BW controlls population caps. In the Early Access phase ,they do not want everyone heading over to the most popular server on the forums and leave the rest empty. They stagger the invites and control popullation caps so the servers are evenly spread out. The 'Full' you see was done by BW. If they are showing Full now, what the heck do you think is gonna happen in 3 or 4 days when all 2.5million of us are in?

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LOL so the people that started the company that make this game know less about it then you do? delusional much?


Nah just been playing MMOs for 12 years, played pretty much every MMO in existance and Beta Tested quite a few (im not too lucky in the Beta selection process apparantly lol).


And yes, I do know what LAUNCH means. I also know what a Launch Date is, and what Retail Sales mean. Im quite knowledgable about these things actually, seeing as 90% of my life is based on these things.


but hey, whatever.

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Ah I see what you did there. He may have called it "Launch" but it's not. This is Early Game Access, a special program for those who went ahead and put their money and faith into BW and their game.


Officially, for the WORLD, Launch is December 20th. That is the official, "HOLD ON TIGHT!" time.


Nowhere does it say Welcome to the Pre Order special program launch.They say Launch if they don't know what there doing then god help us.

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Ah I see what you did there. He may have called it "Launch" but it's not. This is Early Game Access, a special program for those who went ahead and put their money and faith into BW and their game.


Officially, for the WORLD, Launch is December 20th. That is the official, "HOLD ON TIGHT!" time.


You see what I did? You mean you saw what the devs did. That is a DEV post. Last time a checked, the developers were the people making the game. One would assume they know the most about it.


Unless your saying the Devs were wrong... which means nothing they said can be trusted right? Meaning the makers of this game are untrustworthy = we have legitimate complaints.

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Game doesn't launch until the 20th, you're being rewarded for preordering by getting in the game early, and you're still whining? Fine, remove your preorder and launch on the 20th with everyone else. There is your static start time, now stop crying.


Thats funny, the package i paid for said that I would get some Early Game Access, it said nothing about it being a privledge that comes later. It was stated, its part of what I purchased. A bottle of Shampoo that says it now has 25% more free, is lying. You bought the whole friggin' bottle of shampoo, you paid for all 100% of it at the register. I was not promised full EGA time, i was promised 1-5 days. This isn't a reward, its what I payed for =)

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You see what I did? You mean you saw what the devs did. That is a DEV post. Last time a checked, the developers were the people making the game. One would assume they know the most about it.


Unless your saying the Devs were wrong... which means nothing they said can be trusted right? Meaning the makers of this game are untrustworthy = we have legitimate complaints.


Im saying the Launch Date is December 20th, therefore it could not have happened yet. Im not going to get into a big silly debate over something this trvial hehe

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I just expected semi-frequent, ongoing waves of invites until everyone was either playing, or they needed time to get more servers spun up.


What I don't understand is doing invites until 1:30pm or 11am then "turning off the lights and going home" until the next day.


As someone else said, it gives the impression that they aren't doing any work, regardless of how hard they actually are or aren't working. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth.


If they spread their 4-5 sad little waves out over 24 hour periods, it gives the impression of the "gradual buildup" that they keep talking about. As it is, it's just like, eh, let X people in, tell the rest to come back tomorrow, now let's go do some shots.


Until there is evidence that their "Wait and see how it goes then let in more people in" strategy is actually their plan and not just a smoke screen by letting more people in on the same day a 'final' wave was invited, then it just feels like they aren't doing everything they can to keep their customers happy and, more importantly, playing their game.


This "check your lottery ticket" business before it's even noon, and if you aren't a winner you have to wait 'til tomorrow's drawing really, really blows.


A lot of us feel we are being led on. I feel your sentiments exactly. Would have been nice to know beforehand that EGA meant 4 waves a day in a 4 hour period with 20hrs of downtime. We all have schedules, i would just like to fit this into mine, not have to black out huge sections hoping its finally time. lol

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This is my third launch of a MMO and I must say it is by far the worst that I have experienced. I do not like the mushroom treatment I feel we are being given. They should have given us some clue of when to expect to get invited rather then have us sit in limbo for seven days possibly. This is a terrible way to treat customers.



Thank you for the bump but unless you have some thing relevant to add to this discussion please refrain from posting in this thread.



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Wow! Who needs politics when you've got forums! All this back and forth makes me want to nail my doors shut!


Can someone at least say where they are in the queue? What servers? Anything else informative for those of us who haven't been given access yet can learn from? Just curious, is all.

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