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I quit WoW to play SWTOR, this is why I am staying!


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Maybe it's just because I didn't spend alot of time gaming WOW, but TOR is to me, a very great game, people getting bored by TOR must be comparing to much with WOW or something, cause i'm having a blast, although the UI still annoys me.


At current time, my highest lvl char is mearly 32, but i'm still enjoying the game, I really don't see why people get so damn bored, the story of the game is to me atleast 45% of the game, and I never spacebar through anything.


What bores me tho, is the amount of topics with people proclaiming they will quit, and all the other silly and useless bashing which floats around in thess forums, that will with out a shadow of a doubt, make the "weak" gamer stay away from this forum.


By "weak" I mean people who might be a bit scared to voice their thought's, due to the whinners, a trolls etx..


I hope this made just a tiny bit sense, it's late here, and i'm tired.

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This part made me laugh, 2 raids is hardly lots of endgame content.


It's a good start. Unlike other MMO's they also kept their entire team on instead of getting rid of the bulk like most do. It looks like a good future for content and updates.

Edited by Meluna
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It's nice to see such small things can keep the OP playing.


How do you feel about the path to getting off a planet and onto another?


1. run to taxi

2. taxi to spaceport

3. run to hanger door

4. loading

5. run to ship

6. loading.

7. run to bridge

8. open map

9. run back to door

10. loading

11. exit ship

12. run out of hanger area

13. run through starport

14. run to taxi


I've probably missed some loading screens out. But if your fast transport is on CD, that's what you have to do. Fun? Good god, no, it's utterly pointless if you know where it is you need to go.

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WoW had MC which was cleared within the first month. Somehow this game didn't launch with any end game content although it actually has more.


Man, I'm getting blasts from the past here.


The other great things about the Molten Core era...


You a fire mage? Go respec frost now, everything in the core is immune to everything you do.


Hunter or rogue? Tough luck. You shouldn't have rolled a solo class.


Druid? Sure you're a hybrid. A hybrid healer, hybridized for more healing.

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It's nice to see such small things can keep the OP playing.


How do you feel about the path to getting off a planet and onto another?


1. run to taxi

2. taxi to spaceport

3. run to hanger door

4. loading

5. run to ship

6. loading.

7. run to bridge

8. open map

9. run back to door

10. loading

11. exit ship

12. run out of hanger area

13. run through starport

14. run to taxi


I've probably missed some loading screens out. But if your fast transport is on CD, that's what you have to do. Fun? Good god, no, it's utterly pointless if you know where it is you need to go.


Yeah that's one thing that need's improvement.


I was thinking Recall should also send you to your own personal hangar? or directly to your ship?


I think it's the small things that make games great and keep people ... Making Recall go anywhere instead of just one fixed location is a small thing, but it's implications for the game are huge.

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When I say it doesn't feel like an MMO, I mean it is missing some of the major grind elements to levelling ... Especially in relation to movement and trade skills.


It is still an MMO, and I can feel that in the many heroic quests, flashpoint runs, pvp, and the guild I am in.

Edited by Meluna
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When I say it doesn't feel like an MMO, I mean it is missing some of the major grind elements to levelling ... Especially in relation to movement and trade skills.


It is still an MMO, and I can feel that in the many heroic quests, flashpoint runs, pvp, and the guild I am in.


I agree with you, i don't get that grind feeling at all. I'm always looking forward to what happens next in the story instead of worrying about what level i am.

Edited by Meluna
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It's a tad bit weird how people(Now mainly in SWTOR I hear this in forums.) claim that in order to have a good MMO experience in this game you must do pvp or have a guild, most say "join a guild."


That's very interesting and it shows an issue, it means SWTOR right now lack consistency.


The last thing I myself complain about in MMOs I play would be the lack of the Massive part in MMO.


My one of my top beefs is that this game lacks it, many of my friends and so on have said the same thing.


Maybe time will change the shards population in [eyesight and experience]...maybe.

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I'm only a level 21 Marauder, but here's what I am impressed with! This is why I'm not going back to WoW!


- Companions


Whose brilliant idea was this? Absolutely love it! I'm never really soloing, and I feel like content isn't locked to me just because I can't grab someone to help. Sure I need to get a group still for things, but there is some freedom here that I really love.



Useless at 50



- Crew Skills


Leave's WoW's grindfest for dead! Love it! Feels like it should in an MMO without being automated and divorced from my character. I have Biochem, Bioanalisys and Diplomacy and I am really enjoying it.


Only one is useful (Biochem)


- Meditation


For something so simple and small this has a huge impact on the game. Instead of forcing me to level something like cooking you just let me heal in my downtime between fights. What a time saver. This is what MMO's should focus on, lower down time so you can get into the fight.


Agreed. Awesome idea.


- Recall


Thank the good Lord you let us recall to anywhere in the current world we have unlocked. I appreciate this to no end. Just like meditation, it's all about lowering the boring down time and I want to see more of this! The once a day fleet recall is also brilliant. I think more can be done, but we'll see how I feel when I hit level 25 and get a speeder.


Thanks Bioware for such a classy MMO at launch! I won't be going back to WoW and I hope more features can be streamlined like the one's above.


Another awesome idea.



2 outta 4 ain't bad?:confused:

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Edited by Meluna
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I'm only a level 21 Marauder, but here's what I am impressed with! This is why I'm not going back to WoW!



- Meditation


For something so simple and small this has a huge impact on the game. Instead of forcing me to level something like cooking you just let me heal in my downtime between fights. What a time saver. This is what MMO's should focus on, lower down time so you can get into the fight.



I mostly agree with what you are saying except this point. You never needed cooking, water was fine. You only took up cooking if you wanted to get the buff food (only ever used at the start of an instance) cheap.

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I mostly agree with what you are saying except this point. You never needed cooking, water was fine. You only took up cooking if you wanted to get the buff food (only ever used at the start of an instance) cheap.


I guess the point I am making is that downtime is removed and isn't a feature.


I know as a Paladin in WoW, I needed to stock up a lot on water or suffer a lot of downtime. This requires planning and an annoyingly small expense which basically wasted my time and prevented me from playing the game.


The fact that Bioware have simply said, yeah just click this button and you can get back into the fight suggest to me they don't subscribe to the "frustration = fun" crowd.

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You might want to face your mage in the correct direction, then. If you're talking about not being able to blink forward because you had to have a perfectly flat surface...then, yeah, that sucked (but you didn't really move backwards).


My personal favorite was (maybe still is for all I know) vanish being broken for 6+ years. :D

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I'm only a level 21 Marauder, but here's what I am impressed with! This is why I'm not going back to WoW!


- Companions The only good idea i seen in the game.


Whose brilliant idea was this? Absolutely love it! I'm never really soloing, and I feel like content isn't locked to me just because I can't grab someone to help. Sure I need to get a group still for things, but there is some freedom here that I really love.


- Crew SkillsCrafting has zero end ghame value and is uselss atm.


Leave's WoW's grindfest for dead! Love it! Feels like it should in an MMO without being automated and divorced from my character. I have Biochem, Bioanalisys and Diplomacy and I am really enjoying it.


- MeditationYou didn't need cooking to buy food, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's the same thing.


For something so simple and small this has a huge impact on the game. Instead of forcing me to level something like cooking you just let me heal in my downtime between fights. What a time saver. This is what MMO's should focus on, lower down time so you can get into the fight.


- RecallYes we need more load screens


Thank the good Lord you let us recall to anywhere in the current world we have unlocked. I appreciate this to no end. Just like meditation, it's all about lowering the boring down time and I want to see more of this! The once a day fleet recall is also brilliant. I think more can be done, but we'll see how I feel when I hit level 25 and get a speeder.


Thanks Bioware for such a classy MMO at launch! I won't be going back to WoW and I hope more features can be streamlined like the one's above.


EDIT: Adding a 5th and 6th, why did I forget this.


- Story


I think this plays a part in removing the feeling of a grind. It helps, it helps a lot. I am enjoying the characters and feel involved in it.

You can't be serious you must of not made it past level 20.

- Quest structure.


I love going into an area and getting a quest automatically. Like the Bonus quests, but also things like Hadra's defeat, I got that simply by finding the area. Really appreciate this model, instead of finding the quest giver.

Really nothing new here.
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The game is story driven and the story is fun to play. I'm a 49 Sith Sorcerer (madness to level 50 then switching to heals). I've been grouped with someone just about the entire time. I've done all my quests and bonus missions, all heroics, all three trade skills are maxed, bought every spell, PvP'd, flash points, and all of my daily space missions. I'm loving it. Two of my companions are wearing @ level gear that I crafted. Khem Val, Ashara, and Andronikos are all @ 9900+ affection. (I've done a few things lately to make Ashara mad)


I bought my 1st level speeder training @ 25 and bought level two @ 40. Though, to be honest, had I realized there wasn't that much of a speed boost I might not have bought my lvl 40 speeder training. I've sold one thing at the auction house, and that was for 800 credits. I didn't buy any gear and just used what I picked up from quests or commendations. I pick up all loot and vendor the greens and grays... you don't even have to go back to a vendor to sell trash. There's no reason to not have enough credits to have your 1st level speeder training @ 25 as well as all of your skills. If you're running everywhere @ 25, it's your fault.

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Really nothing new here.


I'm not sure why when someone is enjoying themselves someone that has a different opinion needs to tell them 'oh you must not have done this or this".


You realize it could simply boil down to having a different opinion? We don't all watch the same movies, we don't all play the same books. Guess what i'm 50 and never felt it was a grind either, it's because i have a different OPINION than you do.

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SWtoR isn't a revolutionary MMO by any means, but it is a welcome successor to WoW and points the evolution of MMOs in the right direction.


When I say "successor to WoW" I don't mean that it's a better game. WoW has had the advantage of bettering itself over many years. There is no way to beat that straight out of the box. However, at the same time, the game has been around for far too long. It's hard to bring freshness to a dated game without a full re-design. It sounds like Blizzard is actually attempting something short of that now, but I highly doubt it will be enough, especially with SWtoR being out now.


I had been bored for the past year or so without a new MMO to reside in. I needed something revolutionary to knock me out of my funk. SWtoR didn't do that for me unfortunately, but it's good enough of a game to keep my interest for a long time to come.


In the past I have always tried new games and came crawling sadly back to WoW. This time it's not the same case. I'm having fun in my new home. :3

Edited by RiOTexe
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I'm not sure why when someone is enjoying themselves someone that has a different opinion needs to tell them 'oh you must not have done this or this".


You realize it could simply boil down to having a different opinion? We don't all watch the same movies, we don't all play the same books. Guess what i'm 50 and never felt it was a grind either, it's because i have a different OPINION than you do.


Careful with logic on these forums! :)


Some people seem unaware or refuse to believe that other people have different opinions and tastes, and that if they dislike something, so does/should everyone else. :rolleyes:

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Careful with logic on these forums! :)


Some people seem unaware or refuse to believe that other people have different opinions and tastes, and that if they dislike something, so does/should everyone else. :rolleyes:


Hey look out, we got a live one over here.

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I'm not sure why when someone is enjoying themselves someone that has a different opinion needs to tell them 'oh you must not have done this or this".


You realize it could simply boil down to having a different opinion? We don't all watch the same movies, we don't all play the same books. Guess what i'm 50 and never felt it was a grind either, it's because i have a different OPINION than you do.


Yes we see that all the time from fanboys... This is an awful way to be treated. Welcome to swtor.

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I love this game and i am staying too.


I had lots of fun playing WoW and have no isues with that game but i just prefer to play TOR now.


I can't say that this game is better or not ,well i think it is but the games are so different in terms of lore and gameplay.


This is star wars and WoW is about trolls,dwarfs and orcs... so i see no point in comparing the two... apples and oranges

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