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I quit WoW to play SWTOR, this is why I am staying!


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...because the game didn't launch 7 years ago?


Seriously, how does ANYONE think it's at all sensible to compare this game to launch WoW rather than Cataclysm?


Don't worry guys, Homefront is amazing. I mean, compare it to DOOM, its a new IP, you can't expect it to be as smooth and have all the features of Battlefield 3.




The fact that people complain that SWTOR doesn't have the same amount of content at launch that WoW had after 7 years of working and adding things.

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It has a narrative...which all good games have. WoW kind of did at one stage then it got so obsessed in pumping out content that it forgot that people want to engage with teh content rather than blow buy it at 100mph.


really? I thought WoW stopped worrying about story when they realized a majority of their players were idiots with the attention span of a gnat who would blindly chase any nonsensical shiny carrot they were aimed at despite knowing it was pointless and would shortly be replaced with a new one which was really the same as the last one just a different color

Edited by Liquidacid
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The fact that people complain that SWTOR doesn't have the same amount of content at launch that WoW had after 7 years of working and adding things.



There is a difference betwen say WoW(2004) at launch didn't have ability delays.




SWTOR(2011) is very more polished than anygame when they launched. Same goes for having more content and what not.



If you don't see the differences then oh well, but I hope you do.


Oh and want to get into high res textures, shards, non static worlds and what not?

Edited by Ryzerion
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...because the game didn't launch 7 years ago?


Seriously, how does ANYONE think it's at all sensible to compare this game to launch WoW rather than Cataclysm?


Don't worry guys, Homefront is amazing. I mean, compare it to DOOM, its a new IP, you can't expect it to be as smooth and have all the features of Battlefield 3.




you act like their have been 50 mmo's come out in the last 7 years.. this isnt an FPS shooter that we see a rehash every 2 years. its an MMO thats designed from the ground up with the thought of 10,000 ish or so players per server.. now go find any other type of game that allows this many players on the same servers.. oh .. it doesnt exsist only MMO's.


every mmo especially new companies who have never designed an mmo has to go through the learning process. even blizzard who has released multiple content patchs and 3 expansions cant get it right. as they have constant issues for a week or more after any major patch let along expansion.


your being over critical to a company thats new to the mmo genre the area's they have expertise in.. RPG/ STORY they have surprassed anyone else on the market. now its time to give them a chance to learn from thier mistakes and improve the game for us all. i for one cant wait and am as excited to play this game as i was wow 7 years ago.

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SWTOR actually has been around a long time.


They took SWG and just remade it. They basically gave us the same professions that SWG used just throwing in Sith for fun.


Missions terminals....I mean a ton of this game is SWG.


So they did not have to reinvent the wheel.


Remember that Lucas Partnered with Sony to create SWG....he then partnered with Bioware to bring us SWTOR while SWG ended in December and SWTOR picked up the story.


There is tons of SWG in SWTOR....Star Wars has been around a long time.

Edited by Daawg
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I agree with you on all points except crew skills and recall. Recall seemed awesome at first until I realized that getting from planet to planet is a royal pain in the butt. I'll take WoW's hearthstone over single-planet only recall any day of the week. Crew skills in this game are only good for the people who normally don't like doing tradeskills. I don't think that makes them good.


The unfortunate thing is the list of reasons to play WoW over SWTOR are a million times longer than the list to play SWTOR over WoW.


edit: Also, anyone who says you shouldn't compare SWTOR to WoW because WoW was made 7 years ago are idiots. So if some new car manufacturer opened up business you'd buy their car even though it's inferior because they haven't had as long to improve their cars? Give me a break. Your option is to play current WoW or current SWTOR. So they absolutely should be directly compared. WoW became successful because out of the gate it was better than its competitors even though they had been around for 7 years already. (Ultima Online, Everquest and some that weren't 7 years old like DAoC)

Edited by Shillen
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I enjoyed this game tons more than WoW. I was a WotLK draenei pally, I had 4 or 5 bosses from the first wing of IC down, when I quit playing due to the countless hours it took to play and craft. I always said I'd never play an mmo again because of the crazy grind. Then I saw this game was coming out. Man Kotor was a time pit for me years ago. I had to give it a shot and so far (I'm a level 34 Jedi Sentinel) I've really enjoyed it.


I'm hoping for a buff to Sentinel, either making the Ataru form proc a bit more, or upping the damage in Combat.


At level 80 in WoW I had leveled blacksmithing/mining all the way up, and it sucked. Took me forever and had to sell everything to get there, meaning I had to farm for days and weeks and months. Then, Jewel crafting became a must have, so I leveled a DK to get in on that. I didn't level fast enough, because before I could get high enough, the 24/7 players had flooded the market.


My point is I agree, crafting sucks in WoW, and I'm glad SWTOR came along. Thank you Bioware!!



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This game has some good things going for it, but like most people (Even the ones that say they are not just to be cool) Panda monks is going to be funnn.




Like wow or hate it. Still the best MMO to date. Not as huge as it use to be, but still has the numbers beating other mmos, and still going strong.



I'm so amazed at how easy people can hate wow, The game gave us amazing years of play. You might not like where it went, but the memories the fun, the loot. The things they did for mmos, and the fun I had. I could never hate wow.



Wow also had a story, and some quests told a story better (phase zones adding spice to questing). Voice acting is fancy, but it's only really been good for the class quests and a few planet quests. Now that I've done the planet ones. I don't care to hear them again.

Edited by Teladis
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Personally I have never played WoW. I even own a copy and it never got installed on my computer. Why may you ask. Its reputation of being filled with ..... Well I will leave that to your imagination.


KOTOR happened for me.. I loved that game and too this day I even have a copy and replayed it after the beta just to get a SW fix. KOTOR 2... was a poor imitation on the story front of KOTOR being that it was made by Obsidian and not BioWare.


Then a few years back I hear rumors of a Old Republic game from BioWare. At first I got excited I thought yay they are making KOTOR 3.. Then as more news surfaced I found out it was to be an MMO.. I thought to myself I would never play it. I am not one to play with others... I don't know.. Just the way I am. So dismayed I steered clear of any news about this MMO.. Until I was talked into trying the beta by someone very close to me.


I was hooked well and truly. The fact that it's a well acted RPG in an MMO universe was mind blowing to me. I now have seven chars the highest being a level 34 Jedi Shadow and I enjoy every single place I visit. I find myself doing all the quests I am able too and when I ask for help with quests I get it.. Just from random people. Not even in guild.


Crew crafting etc I am still getting to grips with but I have never struggled for credits. My only bug is getting the datacrons.. I am just not good at jumping in this game. I don't know if my timing is off or what but nine times outta ten I fall.. but is that a game breaker for me.. no.


For all of you at level 50 and find nothing to do. You can play flashpoints and different area's on harder difficulties. You can change it somewhere on your mission log. I have not looked into it deep enough to figure out how yet but you can do Hardcore modes etc. So it might be worth looking into.


This game has a lot to offer and well I look forward to playing it for many years to come.

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Personally I have never played WoW. I even own a copy and it never got installed on my computer. Why may you ask. Its reputation of being filled with ..... Well I will leave that to your imagination.


KOTOR happened for me.. I loved that game and too this day I even have a copy and replayed it after the beta just to get a SW fix. KOTOR 2... was a poor imitation on the story front of KOTOR being that it was made by Obsidian and not BioWare.


Then a few years back I hear rumors of a Old Republic game from BioWare. At first I got excited I thought yay they are making KOTOR 3.. Then as more news surfaced I found out it was to be an MMO.. I thought to myself I would never play it. I am not one to play with others... I don't know.. Just the way I am. So dismayed I steered clear of any news about this MMO.. Until I was talked into trying the beta by someone very close to me.


I was hooked well and truly. The fact that it's a well acted RPG in an MMO universe was mind blowing to me. I now have seven chars the highest being a level 34 Jedi Shadow and I enjoy every single place I visit. I find myself doing all the quests I am able too and when I ask for help with quests I get it.. Just from random people. Not even in guild.


Crew crafting etc I am still getting to grips with but I have never struggled for credits. My only bug is getting the datacrons.. I am just not good at jumping in this game. I don't know if my timing is off or what but nine times outta ten I fall.. but is that a game breaker for me.. no.


For all of you at level 50 and find nothing to do. You can play flashpoints and different area's on harder difficulties. You can change it somewhere on your mission log. I have not looked into it deep enough to figure out how yet but you can do Hardcore modes etc. So it might be worth looking into.


This game has a lot to offer and well I look forward to playing it for many years to come.


You missed out on a great game sadly by not playing wow. The community here is just like wows.

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Apart from not having a speeder, why do poeple get bored at 25?


I remember grinding level 40 in Vanilla WoW... I had done every quest I could and I was still too low to move to the next area. So I farmed in Tanaris or something like that for hours. I got so bored I quit for a month before coming back when a mate was around the same level.



lol. So? I've played other new release MMOs. You know what, lots of them are/were just like this...


The 2004/2005 grind-fests are over. Just like 2004 and 2005 have passed... Heck, even Sony got the message and the straight-up grinding in EQ2 is minimal. Even a lot of the Korean MMOs have lowered their grinding. Aion. Lineage II. Mabinogi.


All much easier to play now.


And it was WoW that did it. WoW lead the way. Blizzard figured it out years ago.



Too bad BioWare didn't get some of the other messages... Such as you need robust community tools and occupations to keep people playing once the story was done...


Because, while I'm enjoying the story... There's nothing that interests me about this game. Raiding is a joke. PvP is a joke. Guilds are a joke. Crafting is a joke. And none of those jokes are in the least bit funny...

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- Meditation


For something so simple and small this has a huge impact on the game. Instead of forcing me to level something like cooking you just let me heal in my downtime between fights. What a time saver. This is what MMO's should focus on, lower down time so you can get into the fight.



I got sick of WoW too and left for other MMOs, but the same problem will probably surface in this game as well.


In regards to eating / cooking, I believe it is to stimulate the a certain level of immersion. Most traditional/fantasy MMOs had back then.


UO, WoW, SW: Galaxies.

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I don't think back to the few years I played WOW as fun. There was just *nothing* memorable about it. I played because there was Nothing else out, or the other games got old.


I have fonder memories of original Everquest, and that game sucked people's lives away. Same thing with Meridian 59 which I've played for 10+ years.


I will admit of course, World of Warcraft was a well made game. I wouldn't blame the designers because I lost enjoyment in it.

Edited by Jswizzle
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I'm only a level 21 Marauder, but here's what I am impressed with! This is why I'm not going back to WoW!


- Companions


Whose brilliant idea was this? Absolutely love it! I'm never really soloing, and I feel like content isn't locked to me just because I can't grab someone to help. Sure I need to get a group still for things, but there is some freedom here that I really love.


- Crew Skills


Leave's WoW's grindfest for dead! Love it! Feels like it should in an MMO without being automated and divorced from my character. I have Biochem, Bioanalisys and Diplomacy and I am really enjoying it.


- Meditation


For something so simple and small this has a huge impact on the game. Instead of forcing me to level something like cooking you just let me heal in my downtime between fights. What a time saver. This is what MMO's should focus on, lower down time so you can get into the fight.


- Recall


Thank the good Lord you let us recall to anywhere in the current world we have unlocked. I appreciate this to no end. Just like meditation, it's all about lowering the boring down time and I want to see more of this! The once a day fleet recall is also brilliant. I think more can be done, but we'll see how I feel when I hit level 25 and get a speeder.


Thanks Bioware for such a classy MMO at launch! I won't be going back to WoW and I hope more features can be streamlined like the one's above.


EDIT: Adding a 5th and 6th, why did I forget this.


- Story


I think this plays a part in removing the feeling of a grind. It helps, it helps a lot. I am enjoying the characters and feel involved in it.


- Quest structure.


I love going into an area and getting a quest automatically. Like the Bonus quests, but also things like Hadra's defeat, I got that simply by finding the area. Really appreciate this model, instead of finding the quest giver.


I have played Guild Wars, Aion, WoW, Warhammer, STO, LOTRO, and probably a few others. Never has simple questing been any easier. Leveling up in other games is a chore but in this game its so fun and grindfree. I never made it to max level on any of those, (so I can't comment on endgame which I realize is currently an issue), but ive never made it farther to max level then in SWTOR. I'll get there eventually :) just I dont have as much time as I want to play.

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mh, its without any doubt the most enjoyable game i played for a long time... the solo part as well as the flashpoints and operation(the other one is bugged =[).


Still after ~10 days at level 50 im slowly getting bored... making hardmode flashpoints, pvp and operations is fun but im not sure if it will stay fun for much longer.

In a week ill have completed my pvp/hardmode gear(3 parts remaining) and then all i can do is play endlessy for rakate/t2 pvp eqip mh... dont think i will do that.


So all that remains and really interests me is playing the Republic Storyline... starting a twink and going through all that again for 20 Story-Missions is also not that much fun at least for me.

Edited by overdreaddy
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