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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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really , to all the people saying this should be put in the pts and tested ...i believe this is the reason "they worked in beta" and not now, because , potentially , there are faaar less people than in live servers, i mean we would have to test all of this on warzones, eternity vault, and such to be absolutley sure that it wont crash the game midbossfight for 90 % of tanks out there...i understand how it can create more problems than it can solve
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People who want high resolution textures know that it will impact the performance of their system greatly. Why not add it and just add a disclaimer instead of spending money (in development time) to try and make high resolution textures have good performance?


Players with 4 card SLI/CrossfireX systems will thank you if you simply add the "ultra" setting. The only downside is someone with integrated or low end graphics trying the Ultra setting would have their PC catch on fire. I know my Radeon 6950 would do that! :D

Edited by XaeroT
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I love this game but seriously....There is no reason for not having the option available. people with lesser pc's can still use the current high setting while people with better pc's use the high rez option. Playing Aion for 2 years has turned me into an aesthetic wh*re. I enjoy the game so much more when i like the way my characters look and move ect ect.


Also how did the UI go from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ar64ly0B-mU&feature=related to what we have now? Seriously that UI looks SO MUCH BETTER than what we have now.

Edited by FoE_Viz
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People who want high resolution textures know that it will impact the performance of their system greatly. Why not add it and just add a disclaimer instead of spending money (in development time) to try and make high resolution textures have good performance?


Players with 4 card SLI/CrossfireX systems will thank you if you simply add the "ultra" setting. The only downside is someone with integrated or low end graphics trying the Ultra setting would have their PC catch on fire. I know my Radeon 6950 would do that! :D


I think your post is both right and wrong at the same time. Absolutely they need to enable high res textures for people to enable at their own risk. I don't want to epeen too much but with a core i7 at 4.5ghz and 2xgtx580's with 2xssd in raid 0 I expect my machine will be pretty much ok with whatever they call performance issues. If not I'll tone it back to high or medium. Just like any other game.


On the other hand they absolutely need to sort this mess out. The fact they didn't bother with dx11 or even dx10 is poor. We are in 2012! There are plenty of games out there that handle this just fine. Either way take a look at Rift in dx9... Amazing!


With a continual flow of complaint about this i am sure they will be compelled to change things quickly. Keep the feedback coming I reakon.

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Saw it in the older thread, I want to contribute something before reading this entire post as well:


Forsaken World (F2P February 2011):



Star Wars: The Old Republic (December 2011):



Spot the mistake!


Funny that I would actually still play Star Wars, than another eastern MMO clone, since they (so called "korean" MMOs) all look absolutely the same and the way they see medieval atmosphere makes you sick after a few minutes of playing, not to mention the grinding part that is 90% of the whole gameplay, heh.


In spite the fact, that I feel like I was fooled and deceived after I bought this last Bioware product, looking at screenshots and in-game footage videos with high-res textures on their official website, and now I am told they had never intended to let customers actually play the game with those textures (seeing those textures during cutscenes just doesn't justify that, as obviously who would've thought after looking at the official screenshots you'd only have that quality in cutscenes?).


In fact, I don't mind bad textures, not that much to make me quit (I still play 2D Ultima Online: Age of Shadows on Pol97 platform), but the fact that Bioware just sold me a game in a marvellous wrap with a fair half of must-have things being either unfinished/bugged or not even implemented (like Anti-Aliasing) is so insulting from a company like Bioware. It's a shame.

Edited by Ceyvel
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Is there any reason each players character (and companions) can not be rendered with hq textures on their own client?


ie, At my end my character would have high rez textures but everyone else on my screen would be low rez, and vice versa to anyone else.


Surely this would keep the total number of calls within an acceptable amount.


While I would like to see everyone and in overabundance of beautiful pixels, this would to me be an acceptable compromise.


Edit: Thanks to SunJammer for extending the idea to companions.

Edited by Aram_Darksun
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Is there any reason each players character can not be rendered with hq textures on their own client?


ie, At my end my character would have high rez textures but everyone else on my screen would be low rez, and vice versa to anyone else.


Surely this would keep the total number of calls within an acceptable amount.


I think this is what Reid meant by listening to our proposals and working on improvements.

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For the texture discussion, enable them in game and let people choose...


Exactly, that is the beauty of the Internet and public forums. It gives the people a voice, enough voice will bring change guaranteed. We almost need to start a chant, "let us choose!"

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People who want high resolution textures know that it will impact the performance of their system greatly. Why not add it and just add a disclaimer instead of spending money (in development time) to try and make high resolution textures have good performance?


Players with 4 card SLI/CrossfireX systems will thank you if you simply add the "ultra" setting. The only downside is someone with integrated or low end graphics trying the Ultra setting would have their PC catch on fire. I know my Radeon 6950 would do that! :D


4 card SLIs and crossfires aren't needed though, not even close and not needed for ANY game currently unless your running 3, 27" monitors. People act like the game is demanding even with the hi-res textures graphically which is not, at all. all the sudden people think hi-res=ubersampling and the game is going to turn into some kind of graphics monster, the graphics even with the hi-res are mediocre at most when considering the amount of graphic resources they require.


I like the style, but to see blotchy textures in what's already a pretty plain game as far as graphics go just throws everything off.

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Why dont the developers take the GW system?


I mean, in GW ur pj looked hq textures mean the other pjs looked medium textures.


U could see them in hq textures when u made party with them or in pvp instanced zones


ps. sorry about my english :p


In games like age of conan they hand a lot of control to the user. You can enable all sorts of modes depending on the scenario you are in. Seems they spent too much money on the damned voice and not enough on the graphics development.

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That screenshot is from a cinematic in-game. As stated, cinematic scenes use high resolution textures because we have control over how many characters are rendered on-screen at once. This is how the game was always intended to look in cinematics. We did not 'remove' high resolution textures - they were always in the game for use in cinematics.


With that said, thank you for all of your responses. We understand everyone's desires around this issue, and although it's not going to be an overnight fix, as mentioned we're working on addressing this. Many of the suggestions you have made are similar to potential changes the development team is investigating.


I rounded up the development team once more and had another discussion, and wanted to update you with a better timeline and some more precise details on what we're doing right now.


The first major changes will be in our next major Game Update, which will have the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement.


Other potential changes are being discussed right now – as I said, many of which are similar to changes suggested by many of you. As usual, you’ll see these sorts of changes on our Public Test Server before they make it into the live game. Right now we cannot commit to a live date for the 1.2 Game Update, but it will be within Q1 2012.


Much better, thank you.


I wasn't looking for a knee jerk reaction that would cause major performance issues on many systems (even if people were silly enough to max detail sliders their systems can't handle) I just wanted something a little better than an excuse.


Which is exactly what I got this second time around, high fidelity on my character and hopefully a few close to me will do just fine for now, many thanks.

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The "high-resolution" textures aren't even high-resolution. So basically, average quality textures caused an enormous problem with performance, so they've been removed, so now we're stuck with low quality ones.


TL;DR, this game was coded poorly from the start.

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it's a payed service , let's see how things work after 20.01.2012 , i guess they wont be so happy if all of us(even the one that plan to pay them in the future , myself included) dont pay them for 3 days, just let the acount suspended for 3 days and pay it after if you want, but atleast this can pull some triggers on Bioware evil masterminds :)




ps:Please allow me the right to free speach and dont delete my post!

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So, I bought a completely new top-of-the-line computer just to play this game and now it looks like a 5 years old game and still eat my graphics card and CPU away?


I don't get how this went unnoticed thru all the time it was being developed and tested...

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Is there any reason each players character can not be rendered with hq textures on their own client?f


I totally agree here ! Even if seeing all other players/characters in High res is a bonus, i wouldn't really care. However, your own character as in any mmo or rpg is about customizing it and having fun looking at it evolving and running around.


In SWTOR, apart from rare occasions you rarely are close enough with the camera to clearly see that players and other stuff are in low res. Seeing your character in high res whenever the area/time will make people focus more on their own avatar rather than the downside of the texture management.


This would increase fun and prevent a major impact on people computers !

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That screenshot is from a cinematic in-game. As stated, cinematic scenes use high resolution textures because we have control over how many characters are rendered on-screen at once. This is how the game was always intended to look in cinematics. We did not 'remove' high resolution textures - they were always in the game for use in cinematics.


With that said, thank you for all of your responses. We understand everyone's desires around this issue, and although it's not going to be an overnight fix, as mentioned we're working on addressing this. Many of the suggestions you have made are similar to potential changes the development team is investigating.


I rounded up the development team once more and had another discussion, and wanted to update you with a better timeline and some more precise details on what we're doing right now.


The first major changes will be in our next major Game Update, which will have the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement.


Other potential changes are being discussed right now – as I said, many of which are similar to changes suggested by many of you. As usual, you’ll see these sorts of changes on our Public Test Server before they make it into the live game. Right now we cannot commit to a live date for the 1.2 Game Update, but it will be within Q1 2012.


Thanks for a more specific response Stephen and for rounding up the dev. team, the more often you round 'em up the better response (rather than the past generic onces) will we receive.

I sincerely hope that there will be some groundbreaking changes in patch 1.2 and not like "you can now increase draw distance of grass by 50%[/b], it's basically textures that we want, if all this fidelity talk isn't about textures then we're back to square 0.

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Anyone with some typing skills and general knowledge of a windows OS can edit your ini file if you really want to ummpf your graphics, thanks to WriterJason at GameFaq's for this.





For this to work, you have to unhide your C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\SWTOR folder!


NOTE: These settings are not my own, this is a copy/paste. Tweak to your own liking. You will then need to save the file, right click it, and set to read-only, as the game will overwrite it when you restart!


Also, texture quality set at 0 is the setting you want! Trust me!







Height = 1200


Width = 1920


WindowX = 0


WindowY = 0


DynamicLightsLimit = 2


MeshLODQuality = 1


TextureAnisotropy = 16


FarClipScale = 3.9371195


PlantDensity = 150


D3DFullScreen = true


NativeHeight = 1200


NativeWidth = 1920


doShadows = true


doBlobShadows = true


UseMinSpecShaders = false


EnableBloom = true


VerticalSyncState = true


FullScreen = true


TextureQuality = 0


AllowDepthOfField = true


GammaRamp = 1.037854


SpeedTreeDistanceScale = 1.25


AntiAliasingLevel = 2


enableadvenvirolighting = true


DebugAdvEnviroLighting = true





MoviesFolder = ....\Movies


SwtorRegKey = SOFTWARE\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic










World (with plan density 100 instead of 150):



Edited by AyrikaStar
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Tried the holoterminal trick myself. And the differencies in quality are just shocking.





Both screenshots taken with texture quality set to "high" and character detail set to "high".

So telling us "it works as intended" is a joke. :mad:

Edited by Jivoi
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This is completely unaceptable. You advertise game with pretty screenshots and after buying it doesn't look much better than ~10yo old WoW. Medium (or new high or whatever) textures are looking terrible and when I think about looking @ them for the rest of my playtime it's depressing.


Game performance is terrible atm and arguments that lowering the texture quality is for our safety are plain wrong.


You failed me now. :/

Edited by Mindwormbified
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Anyone with some typing skills and general knowledge of a windows OS can edit your ini file if you really want to ummpf your graphics, thanks to WriterJason at GameFaq's for this.]


I'd edit your post if I were you, I got a warning from Bioware just for telling someone to open their .ini file. You'll get destroyed.

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Anyone with some typing skills and general knowledge of a windows OS can edit your ini file if you really want to ummpf your graphics, thanks to WriterJason at GameFaq's for this.





For this to work, you have to unhide your C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\SWTOR folder!


NOTE: These settings are not my own, this is a copy/paste. Tweak to your own liking. You will then need to save the file, right click it, and set to read-only, as the game will overwrite it when you restart!


Also, texture quality set at 0 is the setting you want! Trust me!







Height = 1200


Width = 1920


WindowX = 0


WindowY = 0


DynamicLightsLimit = 2


MeshLODQuality = 1


TextureAnisotropy = 16


FarClipScale = 3.9371195


PlantDensity = 150


D3DFullScreen = true


NativeHeight = 1200


NativeWidth = 1920


doShadows = true


doBlobShadows = true


UseMinSpecShaders = false


EnableBloom = true


VerticalSyncState = true


FullScreen = true


TextureQuality = 0


AllowDepthOfField = true


GammaRamp = 1.037854


SpeedTreeDistanceScale = 1.25


AntiAliasingLevel = 2


enableadvenvirolighting = true


DebugAdvEnviroLighting = true





MoviesFolder = ....\Movies


SwtorRegKey = SOFTWARE\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic










World (with plan density 100 instead of 150):




Not trying to be mean but those screenshots look awful, where is the improvement ment to be?

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