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overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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straight from an imp. if you play repub you will feel sick at how imba things are. and there is no good explanation other than tin foil hat conspiracies.


Incompetence almost always explains things better than Conspiracy. BW created an overly complex PvP system that is almost impossible to implement in a balanced way. A design document can call for Mirrors, but actually implementing a Mirror is difficult if you’re doing more than changing the name in a database. Anyone who has ever worked on a project team knows that different people implement different parts of the project and it’s a challenge keeping things consistent. Say one guy thinks the turret should be neutral, and another guy thinks one turret should be Rep and the Other Empire, so one guy points it at Imp, and the other does nothing, etc.


No Conspiracy, just Incompetence.

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Indeed. I got 6k crit and knocked down by a smuggler yesterday. Let me tell you how I immediately went to the forums and started several threads about it and am now convinced that Bioware employees wanted to be Han Solo and were all smugglers and all class created afterwards were an after thought and not really tested.


I agree and its FACT iv seen COMMENTS so its TRUE and my GUILD says so as well and they know better than BW. !!!!!!!!!! And DEVS admitted it as well but i cba to link post find it yourself




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Incompetence almost always explains things better than Conspiracy. BW created an overly complex PvP system that is almost impossible to implement in a balanced way. A design document can call for Mirrors, but actually implementing a Mirror is difficult if you’re doing more than changing the name in a database. Anyone who has ever worked on a project team knows that different people implement different parts of the project and it’s a challenge keeping things consistent. Say one guy thinks the turret should be neutral, and another guy thinks one turret should be Rep and the Other Empire, so one guy points it at Imp, and the other does nothing, etc.


No Conspiracy, just Incompetence.


It's also not necessarily incompetence. Accusing Bioware of incompetence is in a way making the arguement all the developers agreed that the factions and classes should all go in the direction that they ended up in.


I would venture that the developers had alot of meetings were they sat around and had alot of the same arguements that the forum-goers are having now. Namely, they were arguing their cases for why one class is OP another is UP or broken and in the absence of both consenus between themselves and the kind of overwhlemingly accurate data trends that can only come with a release and the addition of millions of players to a virtual environment they left it to be worked on at a later date.


Some of the bugs listed here like broken turrets on the republic side and such should have been caught either by them, or by the beta testers and it wasn't. Any programmer will tell you that mistakes happen all the time. After all, the developers are human. They aren't robots.


Certain things absolutely need to be fixed, and soon, but I stress that this game has been released for 24 days. The real test of this company and this game is how this game will look once it hits the 3-month mark and the 6-month mark. At least for me personally, that's how I will judge. Every player has the right to jump down Bioware's throat expecting perfection, but it would be a better reaction to give them a "wait-and-see" label instead of writing them and their product off as worthless.


Time will tell.

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"Overwhelming proof of.......imho"



So in other words, in your opinion, you have proof of something.....



So you don't have proof of anything then? In my opinion.


they have COMMENTS !!! is that not enough, and DEV posts that cannot be found !!!


they must mean something surely

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10.) electrocute ignores resolve bar and even dodge it gets through everything ... force stun DOES NOT!!!


That would, if true, explain why even at 100% resolve I'm still stunned.


I get stunned and use my break free and have 100% resolve (by looks; too busy to mouseover :p ) and I'll get stunned again. The only time this seems to happen the animation of electrical charge all over my body and jittering around...like I'm being electrocuted.


If not for the retarded "clawed boots" of the Juggernaut I would have rolled Imps Day 1; just because the story seems better (made a lvl 20ish Inquis on final beta; was a hoot to be an arse :D )

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That would, if true, explain why even at 100% resolve I'm still stunned.


I get stunned and use my break free and have 100% resolve (by looks; too busy to mouseover :p ) and I'll get stunned again. The only time this seems to happen the animation of electrical charge all over my body and jittering around...like I'm being electrocuted.


If not for the retarded "clawed boots" of the Juggernaut I would have rolled Imps Day 1; just because the story seems better (made a lvl 20ish Inquis on final beta; was a hoot to be an arse :D )


Yes this probally true you have been stunned with a full resolve bar by electrocute but if you look back through thread republic players have all so said that they have stunned people with force stun when they had full resolve. Its a problem with resolve system affecting both sides.



I've had force stun work on someone with full resolve, amongst other CCs, it's a REALLY buggy system in general, not just favouring Electrocute.
Edited by lethal_ghost
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Indeed. I got 6k crit and knocked down by a smuggler yesterday. Let me tell you how I immediately went to the forums and started several threads about it and am now convinced that Bioware employees wanted to be Han Solo and were all smugglers and all class created afterwards were an after thought and not really tested.


Downs is bad, take your meds kiddo...

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Yes this probally true you have been stunned with a full resolve bar by electrocute but if you look back through thread republic players have all so said that they have stunned people with force stun when they had full resolve. Its a problem with resolve system affecting both sides.

Really? I never managed to stun or knock back anyone with full resolve.

Poor me I guess.... :rolleyes::(

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Don't know if it has been mentioned yet, but Operatives' Accomplished Doctor talent is 10%, 20%, 30%. Scoundrels' Accomplished Sawbones talent is 5%, 10%, 15%.


Hi guys,


A little bit of an update on this.


The way it looks is that the 'Accomplished' ability issue is just a typo, the data underlying the abilities is identical. Scoundrel's Accomplished Sawbones is 5/10/15 in the tooltip, the IA's is 10/20/30 (both are actually 10/20/30 behind the scenes). We're obviously fixing the typo.


The flash grenade cooldown being unmirrored is a legitimate bug and rather embarrassing oversight (sorry about that guys) that is going to be fixed.


-- Georg


Tin foil hats off please !!!

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Yes this probally true you have been stunned with a full resolve bar by electrocute but if you look back through thread republic players have all so said that they have stunned people with force stun when they had full resolve. Its a problem with resolve system affecting both sides.


That's why I proposed Resolve be changed to a percentage and that percentage reduce the duration of Snares, Mezz, Stuns.




See here before you all fly off the handle: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=158828

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If what you said is true, then that kind of makes me mad too. Does elemental in fact ignore armor? I thought that a Jedi Sage and Sith Inquisitor were supposed to be a mirror of each other. I'm sure that the lightning spam exploit will probably be addressed, but I wonder about the elemental versus the kinetic.


OK, nevermind. I read later that sith sorcerer is energy, not elemental. Energy does not ignore armor.


please explain the lighting spam exploit, i have not heard this one?

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I've been raging pretty damn hard over this pvp, republic has lost 20 pvp games in a row.. (ones ive been in) and im getting really *********** pissed. I feel like imperials do more damage, and just **** us way harder...it sucks ***.
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please explain the lighting spam exploit, i have not heard this one?


I think that's the talent "Madness", which removes the CD on Force Lightning. Sages (Consulars) also have the same talent [Telekinetic Balance].


The problem is Force Lightning seems to do much more damage. I can't confirm though since I don't have a lvl 32 Sorc (same level as my Sage).

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that was quite a self indulgent post of higher than thou thinking /yuck


learn what probabilty is .... the probabilty of every single one of the imbalances being favor towards empire and against republic is almost nil without human steering


the mathematical odds of that happening randomly are about like winning the lottery just so you might have a frame of reference




or just remember if there is smoke there is fire or as grandmas like to say if it smells like dog turds its prolly dog turds :p


I approve of this.

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Mortar Volley - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhLjqgC_fH8


Death From Above -


The difference is obvious. Trooper stand there channeling for 1.5 seconds before the first round leaves the barrel. BH is instant.




Bioware is really sticking it to Republic in so many ways...


If you pay attention the final shot in that volley did no damage. it was all applied before the annimation finished. BH is rooted the entire animation. and btw that was poor evidence seeing as the BH was not damaging any enemies for us to see when the animation actually applied the damage.

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