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Bobba fett vs Jango fett


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not my logic but Star Wars Canon logic and yes you could make that arguement however it is clear that even in the script it says that Boba Fett is dead.


I understand your argument. However.


"George Lucas retains ultimate creative control over the Star Wars universe. For example, the "death" of central characters and similar changes in the status quo must first pass his screening before authors are given the go-ahead"

-Wookiepedia, http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/EU


Regardless of GL's intentions with Boba, it is clear he allowed his escape to be written about, if not then the books ect would never have been written. Just as i have shown that Lucas origianly intended for ROTJ to be the end of star wars, yet has allowed for EU books to be written anyways.

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I understand your argument. However.


"George Lucas retains ultimate creative control over the Star Wars universe. For example, the "death" of central characters and similar changes in the status quo must first pass his screening before authors are given the go-ahead"

-Wookiepedia, http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/EU


Regardless of GL's intentions with Boba, it is clear he allowed his escape to be written about, if not then the books ect would never have been written. Just as i have shown that Lucas origianly intended for ROTJ to be the end of star wars, yet has allowed for EU books to be written anyways.


this is why there is a canon system set up. Of course he gives aprovel for all of this he wants the money.


He has alllwoed a ton of stuff to happen that is clearly non canon. Look at Star Wars Masters of Teras Kasi. The PS1 fighting game very clearly not canon.


Just because he allows something to happen doesn't make it canon. Thats the entire purpose of the canon system.



EDIT: Also it there are plenty of books that come out now that are still not canon.


What he does need to do is reboot the entire EU and start that from scratch as there is way too much conflicting stories.


Bascily it boils down to if you have the money and a good story you can get an official Star Wars novel published.



EDIT EDIT; Just to be clear so I can prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt that George Lucas will allow the Star Wars liscence to be used for anything I present this





That is a Jar Jar binks tounge lolipop. To eat it you have to make out with JarJar. So if lucas willingly allowed this there should be no doubt he will allow non canon books to be made.

Edited by jarjarloves
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very well then. Boba Fetts escape is noncannon. However given what we have heard from Lucas himself, and buy the same logic you use , nothing past ROTJ happened either


Also, if as you say, boba fetts escape indeeed never happened, are the novels that feature him, even in a minor role, such as the last book of the NJO and the Fate of the Jedi series also noncannnon?


BTW: this is a wonderfully derailed thread dont you think?

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very well then. Boba Fetts escape is noncannon. However given what we have heard from Lucas himself, and buy the same logic you use , nothing past ROTJ happened either


Also, if as you say, boba fetts escape indeeed never happened, are the novels that feature him, even in a minor role, such as the last book of the NJO and the Fate of the Jedi series also noncannnon?


BTW: this is a wonderfully derailed thread dont you think?


I beleive the way that it works (if the story allows for it) is that the part that is non canon just never happens.



So if Boba makes a quick cameo apperence to kill one guy or say one thing then that never happens.


I agree it's a whole can of worms but I didn't come up with it. George Lucas pays people lots of money to try and get this crap straight.

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it's called Star Wars Canon




Anything that is in the movies or that George Lucas says is the absolute truth and applies to both the movies and the EU.


George Lucas has stated many times that Boba Fett is dead therefore even though there are stories after ROTJ about Boba Fett they are all Non canon.


I countered this argument before and I'll do it again. I'm not a fan of boba fett. Don't care about him. However, Lucas wasn't stating "He's dead" outright. He simply stated he'd give him a cooler death if he knew how popular he'd be. This can be taken as "he's dead." but Lucas usually talks from his own specialty (knowledge about the movies.) so his comments often (not always) refer to just the movies. A movie goer that doesn't read the novels would assume Boba Fett died.


Lucas has countered some of his own claims before and people often take him far too literally. What he probably meant to say was.. "If I knew Boba Fett would have become so popular I'd give him a really cool death." as it stands there's nothing contradicting Boba Fett's escape except by an ambiguous statement from Lucas.


Ah, the old "No story" argument. I've countered this one before too and Lucas has went back on this as well.


First of by No Story he was referring to why there'd be no further movies. The movies were about Anakin's rise and fall and then return to light. By becoming Vader and then redeeming himself. It's not about Luke's life. It's not about Leia. It's not about anyone else. Anakin is the main character in all three movies. There's no story for him to tell when it's over.


Don't forget that he was the one who proposed the storyline of Dark Empire.


He also wouldn't allow the writers to kill Han Solo.


He also hired a man who's specific goal is to ensure that continuity meshes.


He takes names, places, and planets from the EU for his own work.


Leland Chee, hired by Lucas, has stated when fans pulled out the above quote that there is only one continuity.


Lucas has, in an interview, mentioned the overall continuity and admitted that he speaks of the movies alone because he knows of very little that goes on outside them. That's not his area of expertise so he allows others to handle it. When he speaks. He speaks about his creation. The movies.

Edited by Rhyltran
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except Boba didn't survive the Sarlac pit so everything that happens after ROTJ involving Boba is non canon.


Jango at least killed 1 jedi and went toe to toe against Obi Wan. Hell he probably would have killed Mace if he hadn't gotten trampled by that rhino beast thing.


Extremely doubtful, at the time, Mace was the best duelist on the Jedi Council. He was better, if not just as powerful as Yoda. and all of the Jedi Jango killed weren't all exactly really noteworthy.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only 'jedi' I ever remember Jango killing was Komari Vosa from 'Bounty Hunter'. Even then, she was kind've a scrub dark jedi to begin with.

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Extremely doubtful, at the time, Mace was the best duelist on the Jedi Council. He was better, if not just as powerful as Yoda. and all of the Jedi Jango killed weren't all exactly really noteworthy.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only 'jedi' I ever remember Jango killing was Komari Vosa from 'Bounty Hunter'. Even then, she was kind've a scrub dark jedi to begin with.


Jango was quite impressive. However.. no. He never stood a chance against Windu. Windu used the force to crush Grievous chest. He could do the same to Jango with no effort. Not to mention in his duel with Sidious Lucas stated he was actually moving in a blur and the novelization even depicts Anakin having trouble following the two's movements. We don't see it like that becaaause.. it'd be hard to tell what's going on and it wouldn't make the fight as enjoyable.


To put it short. Jango would be mincemeat.

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So if these two people met with the exact same weapons, who would win? I understand people saying Jango because Bobba's a clone, but think about it. Bobba's gonna know most if not all of Jango's fighting techniques. They both have the same maximum ability, but most likely Jango didn't hit his maximum ability before he died. I think Bobba fett is closer to his maximum ability because he knows almost everything Jango knows along with some tips he learned and picked up throughout his travels.


Jango has been living more than Boba, didnt have time to teach Boba exactly EVERYTHING he knew becuase Jango died when Boba was a kid, and Jango is a genuine Mandalorian Commando, Boba is a clone that becomes Mandalore further down the road

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only 'jedi' I ever remember Jango killing was Komari Vosa from 'Bounty Hunter'. Even then, she was kind've a scrub dark jedi to begin with.


Technically Tyranus offed her, but Jango did beat her. And she was actually Count Dooku's former apprentice, so she was a pretty powerful Dark Force user.

Some years prior to that Jango managed to kill 6 Jedi unarmed. In Episode 2 we also see him kill a Jedi council member in 5 shots.


and Jango is a genuine Mandalorian Commando, Boba is a clone that becomes Mandalore further down the road


Jango was Mandalore too at one point.

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Jango was Mandalore at one point. The entire Mandalorian population was almost wiped out in an event that convinced Count Dooku to leave the Jedi Order entirely; in this event, Jango Fett slaughtered a dozen Jedi with his BARE HANDS. Now saying the Jedi he killed aren't noteworthy is a moot and ridiculous claim - Jedi have HEIGHTENED REFLEXES, speed and agility etcetera all amplified by the Force. For the amount he kills at once charging him is an exceptional feat - even for a Mandalorian.


Yes, in Melee combat. Only two Mandalorians survived this encounter; Jango and his best friend.


Both Jango and Boba have their own advantages and weaknesses which make them rivalling counterparts of one another. Boba was incredibly tactile and strategic, Jango was on the spot with finesse. Boba, like Jango, ended up becoming the galaxies finest hand-to-hand combatant as well.


We should also note.. Jango was the only Non-force sensitive Warrior to garner Dooku's utmost respect. He outsmarts Dooku during their meeting with one another about the clone army to-be (after the death of Komari Vosa) with a disease native to his homeworld.

Edited by Oonkeh_
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To be honest with you, I would say that Jango would have won. He was much more experienced and much older than Boba when he died. (assuming that we're talking about a timeframe close to 1-0 BBY for what age boba would be)


Although both were Mandalore at one point or another, Jango was a leader of the True Mandalorians.

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Read the first post.


Experience, talent, skills and natural ability are all completely different variables. It's impossible to determine whether someone is at the maximum of the skills they can learn. I would argue that you never stop learning. However your ability to utilise said skills is mitigated by age/physical prowess.


In short while Jango and Boba are genetically the same they are not the same person, they don't have the same skills or experience. Regardless of how much Jango taught Boba, Jango learned them differently so the skills would have different significance or value. And this before you even consider practice. Still, you could argue they have the same potential, potential for talent and natural ability. This is why the Jango clone troopers are proven to vary in ability and what skills to gravitate to but appear to be capable whatever their preference.


We don't know what early experiences Jango had that led him to choose his prefered weapons, his chosen skills. We can't even say that they have the same physical attributes Boba may have had to lift more, run further, eat less during his development from boy to man. It's like two identical twins, on the surface and genetically they may be identical. Scratch the surface and there will be variations.


All things being equal or not I think it comes down to experience and who is more willing to do the dirty on the other. Jango has less emotional ties to Boba (Boba would likely have the whole reverence thing going on) so I think Jango would be more willing to knife him in the back. Just another clone after all...

Edited by OneDon
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I countered this argument before and I'll do it again. I'm not a fan of boba fett. Don't care about him. However, Lucas wasn't stating "He's dead" outright. He simply stated he'd give him a cooler death if he knew how popular he'd be. This can be taken as "he's dead." but Lucas usually talks from his own specialty (knowledge about the movies.) so his comments often (not always) refer to just the movies. A movie goer that doesn't read the novels would assume Boba Fett died.




here is the script for ROTJ


"The impact of the swing causes the rocket pack to ignite. Boba

blasts off, flying over the second skiff like a missile, smashing

against the side of the huge Sail Barge and sliding away into the

pit. He screams as his armored body makes its last flight past

Lando and directly into the mucous mouth of the Sarlacc. The

Sarlacc burps"



notice the key word LAST FLIGHT



can't argue with the script

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here is the script for ROTJ


"The impact of the swing causes the rocket pack to ignite. Boba

blasts off, flying over the second skiff like a missile, smashing

against the side of the huge Sail Barge and sliding away into the

pit. He screams as his armored body makes its last flight past

Lando and directly into the mucous mouth of the Sarlacc. The

Sarlacc burps"



notice the key word LAST FLIGHT



can't argue with the script


Incorrect. The script doesn't matter. What we see in the movies or novelizations matter. You realize according to the original script han shoots first right? The script has never been re-written. He simply changed what you see in the movies. If something changes nothing happens to the script because the script is pointless upon being released. No one is going to use it anymore.


As I said to you in PM's when you PM'd me. G-Canon goes by the movies first and foremost. Fett living doesn't contradict what we "SEE" in the movies. We see him fall into the Sarlaac. We also know the Sarlaac takes 1000 years to digest you. Him surviving does not contradict what we see on film. Note deleted scenes are also considered Canon. Remember, they were originally going to have him escape but didn't have time and it would de-tract from the movie.

Edited by Rhyltran
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Incorrect. The script doesn't matter. What we see in the movies or novelizations matter. You realize according to the original script han shoots first right? The script has never been re-written. He simply changed what you see in the movies. If something changes nothing happens to the script because the script is pointless upon being released. No one is going to use it anymore.


As I said to you in PM's when you PM'd me. G-Canon goes by the movies first and foremost. Fett living doesn't contradict what we "SEE" in the movies. We see him fall into the Sarlaac. We also know the Sarlaac takes 1000 years to digest you. Him surviving does not contradict what we see on film. Note deleted scenes are also considered Canon. Remember, they were originally going to have him escape but didn't have time and it would de-tract from the movie.


ok lets move it out here then ignore my last PM



look again




"G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself. G-canon overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays."


So the movies override the Scripts and Scripts override Novelizations.



So since Greedo Shoots first in the movies it overrides the script there is no need to change it.


So IF GL puts a scene in where Boba Fett crawls out of the sarlac pit then YES it would over ride the script.


However since he hasn't and the scene in the movie is pretty clear and the script is still the most current version. Boba Fett dies.


SCRIPTS ARE STILL VALID and they have priorty over the Novelizations and everything in the EU

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ok lets move it out here then ignore my last PM



look again




"G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself. G-canon overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays."


So the movies override the Scripts and Scripts override Novelizations.



So since Greedo Shoots first in the movies it overrides the script there is no need to change it.


So IF GL puts a scene in where Boba Fett crawls out of the sarlac pit then YES it would over ride the script.


However since he hasn't and the scene in the movie is pretty clear and the script is still the most current version. Boba Fett dies.


SCRIPTS ARE STILL VALID and they have priorty over the Novelizations and everything in the EU


Note deleted scenes are also considered Canon. Remember, they were originally going to have him escape but didn't have time and it would de-tract from the movie.

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Incorrect. The script doesn't matter. What we see in the movies or novelizations matter. You realize according to the original script han shoots first right? The script has never been re-written. He simply changed what you see in the movies. If something changes nothing happens to the script because the script is pointless upon being released. No one is going to use it anymore.


As I said to you in PM's when you PM'd me. G-Canon goes by the movies first and foremost. Fett living doesn't contradict what we "SEE" in the movies. We see him fall into the Sarlaac. We also know the Sarlaac takes 1000 years to digest you. Him surviving does not contradict what we see on film. Note deleted scenes are also considered Canon. Remember, they were originally going to have him escape but didn't have time and it would de-tract from the movie.


I didn't forget it. There was just never a deleted scene of that happening.



Here is a quote of George talking about it on the DVD commentary


""In the case of Boba Fett's death, had I known he was gonna turn into such a popular character, I probably would've made it a little bit more exciting. Boba Fett was just another one of the minions, another one of the bounty hunters and badguys. But, he became such a favorite of everybody's that, for having such a small part, uh he had a very large presence. And now that his history has been told in the first trilogy, y'know, it makes it even more of a misstep that we wouldn't make more out of the event of his defeat, because most people don't believe he died anyway. I'd contemplated putting in that extra shot in where he climbs out of the hole, but y'know I figure that's . . . it doesn't quite fit, in the end." "


He thought about filming a shot of it but he never did so there is no deleted scene to begin with.


It's sort of an urban legend with Fett Fanboys that he shot it and it's hidden in a vault somewhere. Truth is there is no scene.



Look. He dies in the movie, he is dead in the script, and George Lucas says he is dead. I'll have to get check when I get home but I'm willing to bet it says he dies in the Official Novelization as well.


Boba Fett died in the sarlac pitt.

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Jango was quite dangerous, pitting well against Kenobi on the landing pad on Kanimo in episode 2.


Boba was a noob who got himself killed way to easily on Tatooine by semi-jedi Luke (ep 5 I think).


Jango > Boba.

Actually it was Episode 6, and Luke wasn't a "Semi- Jedi", he was a real Jedi who finnished his training.


EDIT: On topic, I would say Jango wins

Edited by Mimirz
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ok lets move it out here then ignore my last PM



look again




"G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself. G-canon overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays."


So the movies override the Scripts and Scripts override Novelizations.



So since Greedo Shoots first in the movies it overrides the script there is no need to change it.


So IF GL puts a scene in where Boba Fett crawls out of the sarlac pit then YES it would over ride the script.


However since he hasn't and the scene in the movie is pretty clear and the script is still the most current version. Boba Fett dies.


SCRIPTS ARE STILL VALID and they have priorty over the Novelizations and everything in the EU


Unfortunately, Novelizations aren't less canon than the movies are. Lucas actually editted and modified the novels HIMSELF (and if you need confirmation on that, simply search it up. The author actually stated that Lucas had the final read-over and edit of the novels).


Boba survived. Case closed.

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Ugh, you just butchered the name of the most awesome Bounty Hunter in the Galaxy.


Some fan you are. ;) He he.


It's Boba... not Bobba.


To answer your original question though... Boba hands down. He walks... no, struts... around with the hair of dead Wookies on his armour. He freezes people in carbonite. He's just bad ***** okay? lol.

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So many Fandalorians...



I, for one, am glad Boba died in the Sarlac. And Jango being decapitated was the best part of Episode 2.


Honestly, the only good thing ever to come out of GL creating Boba was:


"My backpack has Jets, I'm Boba the Fett."

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